A/N: This is just something I was day dreaming about in my head today. I've been wanting to do a funnier fic for awhile now. For future reference, this is going to be a Harry-Potter inspired magical school situation, but it's going to be a university, and this world has many types of magical people, not just witches and wizards. See my notes at the end for the different types of magical people and characters I plan to have.


"Are you excited, Little Brother?"

Pointedly ignoring his older half-brother, Emil turned the spellbook over in his hand, wondering why something that looked older than their great-great-grandmother was so god forsakenly expensive. He just sighed, and put it on his small cart, already littered with a couple other textbooks that were required.

"Little Brother," Lukas almost singsonged, coming up uncomfortably close to his ear, causing Emil to turn around suddenly and nearly slapping him in the face, only to have Lukas quickly straighten up and only get slapped on the shoulder.

"What the fuck, Lukas?" Emil hissed, shoving his brother back. "Quit being such a creep." Lukas just gave him his signature cold smile, which Emil just rolled his eyes to and turned back to the shelf in front of him, picking up the list of textbooks and other supplies from his cart. Some were marked off that Lukas could provide copies of, but most were different books due to new professors or the difference in classes Emil would be taking his first year from Lukas.

Emil could sense his creepy-ass brother slowly making his way towards him. "I just want to spend quality time with you," He said airily, picking up Emil's most recent addition to the cart, and following it when Emil started wheeling it towards another section, the squeaky wheels bumping noisily on the uneven wood flooring. "In a week you'll be too busy with classes to hang out with your favorite brother."

Scowling at the back cover of another textbook, Emil had to bite back a retort that would remind his favorite brother that he never spent much time with him anyways, ever since him and that fucking annoying Danish weapon summoner started canoodling, not that Emil really complained.

Mathias Densen, with his huge hair and typically huge weapon summonings made him a strange but perfect opposites-attract partner for Lukas, who was a mythical creature summoner, their magical abilities both complementing and conflicting with each other, much like their normal relationship. Emil couldn't even begin to count how many times they went from nearly gouging each other's eyes out to making out, or vice versa. It was sickening.

Trying to bleach his mind's eye of the overzealous Dane, Emil tossed the last book into the basket and looked up at Lukas, who had his face buried in a book about fairies. Pushing his cart past his brother, Emil flicked the back of his hand, ducking out of the way when the hand came back at him half-heartedly.

"I remember when you were just a toddler," Lukas started in his trademark mocking but dry voice, following Emil to the register up front. "You were never so cruel, especially not to your Big Brother."

Getting in line behind an elderly couple who had plants growing out of their hats and jacket shoulders, Emil turned to his brother, eyebrow raised. "Yeah, because I didn't realize how insane you were then. Now I suffer frequently because of my awareness." The elderly couple was paying now, the lone cashier looking bored out of her mind, not seeming too entertained by the couple's lighthearted conversation.

Emil took a deep breath to sigh in boredom, but instead inhaled a ridiculous amount of dust from the old bookshop and failed to restrain a sneeze that nearly made him fall onto a tispy stack of magical architecture books on his right. He likely would have knocked into it if it wasn't for a translucent troll twice the size of Emil that had caught him just in time. Once he got his footing again, the creature faded away in a swoosh of light, Lukas grinning eerily.

"Dear Little Brother," He said in mock seriousness, laying a hand on Emil's shoulder and ignoring the fascinated stares of the elderly plant couple and the cashier. "We must really get those allergies checked." Emil just scowled and brushed his brother's hand away, face flushing from embarrassment.

"It's been many years since I've seen a mythical creature summoner," Cooed the elderly woman as her husband finished counting out the bills for their purchase. She fawned over Lukas for a bit longer until her eyes drifted to Emil. "Are you a creature summoner too? I heard it runs in families."

The blush that had faded slightly when the attention was on Lukas came back as the attention shifted to him. "N-no...I-"

He was interrupted by Lukas ruffling his hair, which Lukas knew he hated. "My dear little brother is an ice sorcerer. Matches his cold exterior." At that, Emil batted away the hand and hurriedly smoothed down his hair to its usual messiness.

The woman nodded, smiling at Emil who just fiddled with a book in his cart. He hated talking to people, whereas Lukas enjoyed subtly mocking and teasing with his dry humor and strange quirks.

Soon, she was coaxed away from the brothers by her husband, and they left the store. Lukas paid for Emil's textbooks and lead him back out to the shopping district, sorcerers and various other magical creatures walking (or floating in some cases) past them in the late-afternoon light. Emil had half of his textbooks, Lukas the other half.

"Where to next?" He asked wearily. It was only their first stop, and he was already exhausted. Being around his brother for extended periods of time was often too much for Emil.

Not saying anything, Lukas started down the street, easily avoiding other pedestrians, trusting Emil to keep up. By the time they stopped outside a cafe, it was fully dark, the covered magical torches along the building fronts and walls flickering to life. Emil tried to subtly catch his breath, following his brother inside.

It was crowded and exactly the type of place Emil didn't want to spend time in; loud music and laughing teenagers, adults, and elderly alike eating and making too much noise. Emil nearly ran into Lukas when he stopped in the middle of the main dining room, looking like he was searching for somebody. It better not be…

To Emil's utter horror, an obnoxious voice called out over the noise of the cafe, "Yo, Lukas!"

"Oh fuck no," Emil hissed under his breath, and caught his brother's arm as he started towards Mathias in a back corner of the cafe. "I'm, uh, not hungry." At Lukas's raised eyebrow, he straightened up and continued, "I'll just wait outside."

Lukas just kept giving him a disbelieving stare, then said, "They have breakfast all day."

To Emil's utmost disgust, his stomach rumbled involuntarily, and Lukas gave a triumphant grin, yanking him along towards one of the many banes of Emil's existence.

A/N: Admittedly I haven't actually read or watched any canon Hetalia material in years, so I don't know how OOC Norway is, but I always imagine him as a passive-agressive, kinda creepy dude with a dry humor. Anyways, onto the different types of magic I plan to have in the story:

Summoners - various types, most common are weapon summoners, animal summoners, and demon summoners. Mystic creature summoners are fairly rare and only a couple families seem to inherit the abilities.

Sorcerers - mainly deal with basic element manipulation, like ice, water, lightning, air, earth, etc. Each sorcerer often has different ways of manipulating their element. In rare cases a sorcerer is born with the ability to manipulate magical energy, using it to enhance others' magic or heal...

Wizards - wizards have fairly powerful magic that can only be tamed and used properly when expelled by wands or other magical tools and incantations.

Witches - skills include potion making and the basic enchantment of objects (think basic curses and good luck charms).

Enchanters - enchant and create magical objects and tools, like wands and spell books.

Soothsayers - see the past, present, and/or future with varying levels of success and clarity.

Charmers - varying types of mental manipulation, from seduction to total mind control.

If any of you can think of any cool ones to add or something you'd like to see in the story let me know. Variety is always fun. Any guesses as to what future characters might be? I already have a few ideas!

Thank you for reading, and please drop a review if you're feeling so inclined!