Well here we are, the promised Prequel to Kiss me at Midnight, Love me Forevermore!

This will NOT be a fluffy story. We are dealing with four people with PTSD, with prejudice and grieving lost loves or in general, hating each other. They won't immediately fall in love and they won't immediately start having sex either. This relationship starts off tangled and complicated, they have to fight it out before they can become happy. That being said, there WILL be sex, strong language and other factors such as mildly abusive tones. I really appreciate you reading and I hope you enjoy!

I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to the HP Universe, I am simply playing in Mrs. Rowling's playground.

Chapter 1: A Purpose

Ministry of Magic


Hermione Granger walked with a determined purpose down the long hallways of the Ministry of Magic. Her sensible heeled shoes made a clicking sound with each irritated step that she came closer to the Minister's office. Her ire was increasing with each breath she took, even her appearance took on an overly agitated stance. She was not happy, three files had entered her office earlier and all three people in those files had been arrested and put into Azkaban; without a trial, without any evidence at all to support incarnation.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt!" The young witch nearly screamed, barging headfirst into his office.

He visibly winced when he saw her barging into his office; hair crackling and frizzy from unspent magic and holding files.

"Bloody hell! This is not going to be good." He inwardly groaned. He had seen his fair share of Hermione being angry, this, however, was irate.

"This is a travesty, all three of these men should be hailed as heroes, not prisoner's locked up in that horrible place!" She threw the files she had been carrying on top of his desk as he raised an eyebrow at her.

Kingsley picked up the nearly scattered files and thumbed through each of them. All three had become spies for the Order of the Phoenix, one had been a spy longer than twenty years. She was right, at least two of these three men deserved freedom the other was iffy, but still, his hands were tied without proof.

"Hermione, what exactly would you have me do? All three of these men bare the Dark Mark, all three have confessed to being Death Eaters, I can't just pardon them!"

"Release them of course! They were all members of the Order, Kingsley!"

A great sigh escaped his mouth and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Yes, they were all spies, all passing information on the inside of Voldemort's inner circle at great personal cost, the problem being, all of the people they passed information too were dead. By some stroke of luck, Remus Lupin was being fed information from Severus Snape, a fete many are still surprised about considering the mutual dislike they felt for one another, especially after Albus Dumbledore died.

Fred Weasley had been getting information from Draco Malfoy, who knew that Draco had such a great respect for the twins; turns out he had been friends with Fred all along.

Nymphadora Tonks, Lucius Malfoy's niece, had been his contact even after the mocking Lucius and the rest of the Malfoy's endured because of her love for a werewolf. All three handlers died at the Battle of Hogwarts. But, what could he do to prove their innocence? How was he going to get them released without the general masses revolting?

"Have you ever found a way to procure proof of their spy status in order to get the charges dropped?"

He already knew the answer; if she had she would have already brought it to him. Hermione fidgeted a moment before hardening her resolve.

"No, but if I could go to Azkaban with a bottle of Veritaserum and perform legitimacy and get these memories to view in a pensieve I could, the sooner you can make that happen, Kingsley, the quicker I will stop harping in it."

She was right of course, that really was the only way to get the required memories from these men, all of them have refused to do so before which made him doubt she would actually get any of them to cooperate; then again this was Hermione and not an Auror with an agenda. Kingsley gave her an amused smile, did she really believe she was going to get them to agree so easily, he had to at least let her try.

"Alright, Hermione. I will grant you access to Azkaban and you can bring everything you need to get what you require. Make sure to take Harry with you, I am not concerned you can't defend yourself, I am concerned they can't defend themselves against you." He gave an overly amused smile.

She should feel indigent but somehow she didn't. Hermione smiled brilliantly at this little triumph, even if she did have to take Harry she was going to get those memories! She turned to walk out the door, all the while listening to Kingsley's booming laughter.

"It was nice to see you again, Herms." He admitted still laughing.

"I hate that nickname, Kingsley." She growled in response.

He smirked at her; he was such a handsome man. Hermione felt her heart flutter a moment in response to his teasing.

"I know."

Hermione shook her head and returned his smirk.

"You had a better stop, Minister, or I will think you are flirting with me."

Kingsley winked at her and she shook her head, laughter escaping at his antics.

"Bye Kings"

Hermione walked out of the Minister's office and directly to Harry Potter's five doors down from Kingsley's office. They had been friends for over a decade, a decade that had been fraught with danger at every turn. She simply could not wrap her logical brain around the fact they had survived the second wizarding war but somehow they had, by the skin of their teeth and more luck than they deserved.

"Harry?" She knocked lightly and peeked through the cracked doorway.

"Come on in, Mione."

"What is it with everyone and these ridiculous nicknames today?" She grumbled.

Harry chuckled much like Kingsley had and walked around his desk to embrace her.

"Good Morning, what brings you to my humble office?"

Hermione flashed him a brilliant smile, hugging him a bit harder than normal. Harry shook his head; he knew there was something going on immediately. He also knew he would help her regardless, she was family; perhaps not by blood but family nonetheless.

"You look determined, Hermione what cause am I helping you champion today? "

Hermione gave him another brilliant smile.

"I need you to go to Azkaban with me, I have to gather evidence."

" Need I even ask?" He raised an eyebrow and assessed his best friend.

"Probably not, but it concerns our least favorite Malfoy's and one surly Potions Master."

Harry chuckled again, giving her a squeeze and releasing her.

"Of course I will go with you, Hermione, when are we leaving?"

"Within the next hour, I suspect. Kingsley is writing the forms to allow us our wands and Veritaserum."

Harry nodded, he knew exactly what she was championing for, as well as understanding her reasoning behind doing so. None of these men deserved to be in Azkaban; well perhaps Lucius did but he could not ignore how invaluable he had been the last year of the war.

"Send me a Patronus when you are ready to leave, yeah? I am going to go get lunch, I know how long these interrogations can last."

"Do you still have a stock if Veritaserum?"

"Of course." He nodded and walked to his cabinet to grab her a bottle.

Hermione nodded her approval and gave him a quick hug, taking the shiny colorless liquid from his hand.

"Thanks, Harry." She smiled before leaving his office.

"Anytime, Mione."


The North Sea

Two hours later found her and Harry standing on top of a large rock in the North Sea. The cold, salty, sea spray had them both drenched within moments. Still, they walked up to the gate of the imposing prison. The need for resolve was burning in the back of Hermione's brain, she had to get them released somehow.

A bored looking portly guard briefly glanced at them as they passed through the wards; the sudden stifling drying spell threw her off-kilter, but she regained her balance almost immediately.

"Name, purpose and wands." The guard spoke almost in a bored tone, not really registering who had passed through the gate.

"Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, investigation and we both have a pass to keep our wands from the Minister."

The guard jerked his head up staring hard at both of the newcomers, his face drained of color and he visibly swallowed hard.

"Mr. Potter! It is so nice to finally meet you, sir! Miss Granger, you as well! Please come right this way, we have several rooms you can use."

The portly man moved swiftly across the courtyard to usher them into the dimly lit prison.

The smell of mold and decay permeated the ancient stone walls, it was just as strong of a stench as the unwashed bodies and urine that burned their eyes. Loud screams of people driven into madness echoed off the walls; Dementors may not be guarding the prison any longer but the madness the dark creatures had inflicted upon the inhabitants, left still lingered years later.

Hermione saw red, even if these people were criminals they deserved to at least live in clean conditions, she had this thought just a rat ran across her foot and she jumped back in alarm. That was another infraction she was going to bring up to Kingsley.

The guard led them into a small room no bigger than a cell, the most significant thing in there was a table and chairs, and even that was decrepit. The rest of the room was simple gray stone walls and a tiny window that let a sliver of light pour in.

"Who do I need to bring to you?" The guard asked looking back and forth between Hermione to Harry.

"Who first, Mione?"

"Draco Malfoy."

The guard nodded and left them to go grab the prisoner.

"I hope he cooperates." She muttered, sitting down at the table. Harry grunted his response and propped himself against the wall, arms folded and waited. He would be very surprised if any of them cooperated, but then again, what would one do to gain freedom?

Five minutes past before Draco was forcibly led into the little room; his arms and legs were shackled, and he was dressed in the standard issued gray uniform. He smelled; he smelled vile in all sense of the word. He was pale and he had the look of someone who had not eaten in quite a while. Even Harry had a frown when he looked at the once pristine Slytherin Prince.

"Remove these shackles," Hermione said through gritted teeth.


That was all he managed to say before Harry walked up to Draco and with a flick, released them.

"If I can defeat Voldemort, what do you think he is going to do to us without a wand?" Harry's eyes flashed to the guard, the man sensing Harry's are backed away.

"We will also be requiring Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape. I expect both of them to be clean when they walk in here, and Draco will receive a bath afterward. There is no excuse as to why they are not afforded a bath."

The guard muttered his acceptance and backed out of the room.

"Draco." Hermione began but the anger in his eyes made her pause.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing here!? Come to mock me have you? Well, I have heard worse, do your best Scar-head and Mudblood!" His voice was scratchy from not being unused for so long, and he was more than just a little suspicious as to why two- thirds of the golden trio was here to 'visit'.

Harry let out a frustrated sigh.

"Are you sure, Hermione? Even being a damn spy he is still a bloody git. Can you imagine what the other two will be like?"

Hermione shot a wary look at Harry and glanced back at Draco.

"I have come to gather evidence, Draco that you worked with us so we can get you released! You don't deserve to be here any more than Harry or I do, so stop with the damn name calling, it is beneath you and the name Malfoy."

To say Draco was confused was an understatement, why in the name of Merlin would these two help him?

"Why would you bother, Granger? It isn't like we are friends; we have never been friends even if we were on the same side!"

"Call it what it is, Draco; we are enemies who worked for the same side. We have never gotten along but even so, you are innocent and I will not let you sit here and rot because of it. All I need is for you to accept that I am going to help and what help I can give is free; there are no strings attached. Then we can move on from there."

Draco eyed her wearily, with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger working to get him released how could he refuse?

"Alright, say I believe you; I really don't but anything is preferable to this place. What do you need me to do?"

"I just need your memories and I have to get them while you are under the effect of Veritaserum."

Draco nodded, still suspicious but compliant. Hermione walked towards Draco with the bottle of Veritaserum and without much resistance stuck out his tongue. The euphoric look associated with this certain potion took immediate effect; she could tell he was half starved by how quickly it took to work.

"State your name please." Hermione was holding a clear vial in one hand and her wand in the other.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"Who is in this room with you, Draco?"

"Hermione Granger and Harry Potter."

Hermione nodded.

"Good, now I am going to ask you a series of questions and as soon as you answer I am going to extract the memory, do you agree?"

"Yes," Draco stated.

Twenty minutes and ten vials later, Draco was once again shackled and led out of the interrogation room.

"Remember what I said about him getting a bath," Harry said to the guard.

Hermione was rubbing her temples, a blooming cluster headache not far from surfacing.

"By the God's not now, I have to finish this!"

Hermione was rubbing her temples to ease the pain when Lucius Malfoy was led in much the same way Draco had been; the only difference is he was halfway clean. The surprised look on his face almost seemed comical compared to the disdainful look Draco had given them. He was gaunt, his once luxurious hair was limp and oily and the dark circles she had seen during the Battle of Hogwarts were much worse. Lucius had the look of a man who had aged twenty years in a very short amount of time.

Once again, Harry released the bindings, Lucius looked at him suspiciously but nodded in Harry's direction as a thank you even if he had no idea why. Lucius sat down at the table and crossed his legs; Hermione looked at the once magnificent man and sighed.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of having the Savior of the Wizarding world and the Brightest Witch of the Age come to visit me? Perhaps you would like to stay for dinner, the food here is rather disgusting but I am sure they would roll out the red carpet and let you both have a piece of bread."

Harry chuckled and went back to stand against the wall; even though the sarcasm Hermione braved a smile, he still held his arrogance even when he was faced with a lifetime in Azkaban.

"I have come to Azkaban to gather evidence, Mr. Malfoy. I am trying to get you, Draco and Professor Snape released."

Lucius raised an eyebrow and stared at Hermione intensively.

The muggle-born and the Savior are championing our cause? Interesting.

"How to pray tell, are you going to do such a thing when the ones we were passing information to are deceased?"

"Memories and Veritaserum." Hermione

simply smiled, pointing to the clear shimmering vial laying on the table and the empty bottle in which to store the memories.

" I will tell you the same thing I told, Draco. I am aware we are not friends and we likely never will be; I can't in good conscience allow you to rot away in this place knowing you were helping us and you should be free. Apart from the very taxing brief stay at Malfoy Manor, I harbor no ill will towards you, Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius folded his arms across his chest and regarded her; he didn't know whether she was lying, he had never heard anything about her being one before. He did, however, know of her damned Gryffindor bleeding heart and her need to champion those she saw as mistreated; Severus had spent many nights ranting about the blasted Golden Trio over an expensive bottle of Scotch in his home.Perhaps he should play along, for now, it seemed the most logical course of action, if she could get them released he would pay her handsomely for it.

"What is your price, Miss Granger?"

"Price" she looked much too confused by the question and he paused staring at her point blank.

"Yes, price." He drawled.

"I do not require your money, Mr. Malfoy I have enough of my own." He had hit a sore spot, even more interesting.

"Alright, Miss Granger, I assume you are still a Miss. I will agree on one condition."

"You are getting a 'get out of jail free card' and you have conditions!?" Harry snorted. "What the bloody hell am I saying, you are Lucius Malfoy, of course, you have conditions! It isn't enough Hermione is doing this for free, that she will likely be demonized because of this or because you deserve it, you simply have to put your conditions in there."

"Harry." Hermione shook her head and he scowled at her.

Lucius turned his head to look at Harry and sneered.

"What conditions, Mr. Malfoy?" Hermione spoke tiredly, her headache was increasing with each dulcet tone of Harry's rant and she subconsciously began to rub her temples to ease the pressure.

"I was going to say call me, Lucius." He scoffed; even in drab prison garb, the man had an aristocratic air about him.

"Alright, I accept, as long as you call me, Hermione."

With a titled nod of his head, he accepted and she extracted the memories. An hour went by before they were done, Lucius having more memories than Draco and Hermione began to realize they would need more than a few bottles for Snape.

"Harry, I need more bottles, help me transfigure something would you."

The door opened once again as they were trying to find something they could you to transfigure into bottles when Severus Snape was brought in.

His scowling continence like a beam directed at the two dunderheads he had taught.

"Here," Harry spoke, handing her a handkerchief.

"Thanks." She muttered and quickly tore the piece of cloth the transfigure into small bottles.

"I wouldn't unlock this one if I was you, Mr. Potter. Damn near took off my nose trying to get him in here!" The guard had his hand across his nose as he pushed Severus Snape further into the small room.

Harry eyed Snape, and Hermione just looked too exhausted to care.

"I can handle him, you can leave now."

The guard bowed, actually bowed, and left him in the room with Hermione and Harry.

"If I release you will you just sit down and listen?" Harry asked the pissed of Potions Master.

"Probably not, Mr. Potter, especially since I would rather be anywhere else in the world than in this room with the two of you."

Hermione chuckled this time, same old Snape.

"Well, at least you are honest, although Draco and Lucius did not seem to mind very much after they realized I am here to help, not harm."

He eyed her again, she had matured over the last three years, that was certain. Severus cocked his head to the side and stared at her.

"What is it you are trying to do, Miss Granger? It is still Miss Granger or is it Mrs. Weasley, have you succumb to the whims of the other dunderhead and married the Weasel?"

Hermione chuckled again, definitely same Professor Snape.

"I am still Miss Granger, Ronald and I did not work out and we are no longer together."

"It is about time you realized he was no good for you." He muttered.

"We are still friends and we still maintain contact, but that isn't why I am here. I am trying to gather evidence so that I can get you, Draco and Lucius released."


"What?" she asked very confused by his sudden answer.

"Are you deaf? I said NO!"


"I am no longer your professor, and I do not wish to be called such. Call me Mr. Snape or nothing at all. I do not wish to be beholden to you, Miss Granger. I would rather spend the rest of my life in this prison eating muck and be talking to rats than ever have another master."

Hermione stood up placing her hands on the table and leaned over to stare him directly in the eyes.

"You already owe me, Mr. Snape. I saved your damn life and now I am calling in that life debt you seem to have so suddenly forgotten. You will give me those bloody memories, with the Veritaserum, or I will simply pour it down your ungrateful throat and take them myself!" She was seething as they both stared daggers at each other.

Harry coughed to stop the laugh that was threatening to break through. He had been at the end of several of Hermione's rants but it was quite obvious Snape had not as his eyebrows shot up nearly to his hairline and he was no longer scowling. He looked impressed, as much as Severus Snape could look impressed that was.

"Which will it be, Mr. Snape, the easy way or the hard way? Because, from where I stand, you refusing to be unshackled, have little choice in the matter."

Severus swore under his breath, the little chit well and truly had him.

"Fine, Miss Granger, I concede, do your worst."

An hour and a half and fifty vials later, Hermione collapsed into the seat; Severus was left panting and Harry was labeling the last of the files to transport back to the Ministry. It had been a long day for all of them.

"Just to be clear, I do not expect this to bear fruit, you will be lucky if they even look at them." Snape had finally regained his breath and was looking thoughtfully at Hermione.

"When has that ever stopped me, Mr. Snape? You know as well as I do, I am not going to cease until I have accomplished my goal." She smiled at him.

He gave her a small smile, nodded and stood from the chair.

"You should have been a Slytherin." Snape acknowledged.

"I damn near was, Mr. Snape. I will be in contact soon."

Harry knocked on the door and another guard walked in to retrieve Snape.

"Well, all things considering, that was much too easy to accomplish."

"Yes, it was, however, I would want to get away from this place too, regardless of the means," Hermione muttered.

Harry nodded, he hated this place as much as anyone else did.

" Are you ready to go look these through?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I suppose."

She had already begun the process of shrinking the boxes when her vision went blurry and she clutched her head in agony.

On second thought, I have a massive headache so I will save it until in the morning. I am not sure I could process much of it anyway."

Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her away from Azkaban.


Hermione had just enough energy left to make it back to her flat in London before collapsing on her sofa; the day had been grueling but at least she had what she need to start working on their cases.

Hermione lay on her sofa recounting all that occurred at Azkaban. Draco had been nearly hostile, that really didn't surprise her much; they had never had a nice word between them.

Lucius, while being suspicious had been a little to amicable towards them. She had no idea what his angle was but at the moment she would not worry about it.

Severus Snape was the one who took her into shock, he had actually smiled at her; not a smirk just a smile.

"He looks quite handsome when his face isn't all screwed up." she thought as darkness claimed her.


"Father, did you speak to the mudblood and Potter?"

Lucius hissed his displeasure at his son for using that word.

"Call her Hermione or Granger, Draco or call her nothing but never use that word in front of me again."

Draco looked confused, he had heard that word fall out of his father's mouth more often than any other word in the human language.

"Yes, I saw them. I don't expect much to come of it but if anyone can get us released it will be her. I suggest if we are cleared that you will show her proper respect, after all, she has absolutely no reason to want to help us."

"I don't want her help!" Draco spat viciously.

Lucius grabbed Draco's grimy gray shirt and pulled him towards his chest, their faces just inches from apart.

"You will accept this, Draco. You will play by the rules or you will find yourself at the end of my displeasure in more ways than one." Lucius had spoken conversationally but Draco knew when he spoke that way he was angry. Draco nodded.

Severus chuckled at them. He had just come from the room with Hermione and Harry and had a good indication of what the two in front of him were discussing; if that is what you could call it with Lucius threatening the pants off of his son.

"Draco, look at the logical side of this if she succeeds you can sleep in your own bed, eat as much as you wish and take a proper bath. If that isn't incentive enough, just think of being able to walk outside, or flying and especially having your wand back. I don't know about you two, but I want to be able to have a drink."

Lucius nodded his head, he wanted all of those things and then some. The then some would have to come later but he knew the Malfoy charm would work on procuring what he wanted eventually.

Draco hung his head, as much as he hated being beholden to Granger, she at least was willing to help; he would have to accept that.

"Do you think she can actually do anything?"

"Miss Granger has always been cunning and resourceful, she is how we finally won this bloody war, Draco. I do not know if she will succeed but you can guarantee whomever she is pestering about it will either hex her or give in." Severus said thoughtfully.

"I am immensely pleased it is not I, Miss Granger is pestering." Lucius and Draco both chuckled at Severus.

Severus stood there contemplating how they could assist this process, she was a clever girl but four heads were better than one, even if the one was brilliant enough.

"I don't think they will release us on testimony alone, there has to be some way to help her."

"An oath?" Draco asked.

"No, an oath can be broken," Lucius muttered, he too was now thinking of the best course of action.

"An unbreakable vow would work but highly unlikely if they chose to bind the three of us to Miss Granger," Severus said contemplating the possible repercussions of such a vow.

For a moment no one spoke until Lucius jerked his head up and stared at Severus, Severus had already come to the most obvious conclusion as well.

"They are going to make her marry us." They said in unison.

Draco's face lost all color; marriage, to Granger!?

"No! No! No!" Draco vehemently shook his head backing away from the two older wizards.

He could not marry Granger! It was preposterous and so wrong on so many levels; they hated each other, just the sight of her made him angry. He wanted to punch something or someone, this would never work. They Wizengamot couldn't be stupid enough to propose such a ridiculous solution, could they?

"Calm down!" Severus shouted

Draco looked up at his godfather, the surly man looked livid.

"If this is the only option they give her, will you accept it, Severus? I won't!"

"You will!" You will and when we are free we can work on how to annul it." Lucius sounded deadly.


"No, Draco, you will listen for once in your life. If this is the only solution, you will abide by it, not only that you will find some gratefulness inside that head of yours, you will treat her with respect or you will be in the receiving end of my wand."

Draco had seen Lucius threaten many people and very few ever threatened back simply because he never threatened without making good on his promises.

"You need to stop acting like you are at Hogwarts fighting over house rivalries! You are a grown man, and a Malfoy now start acting like one!"

Draco sneered and walked to the narrow window; he knew he needed to put the past behind him but it wasn't always that simple. He had watched Granger for years, she had blossomed from the buck-toothed, frizzy-haired, mudblood friend of Harry Potter into a beautiful witch with immense power. He couldn't deny to himself how much she had affected him today, he would never admit it to her or anyone else just how much she had impressed him. It was a dangerous thought to be sure simply because of who she was and who he was. He had no doubt the Wizengamot would do something as ridiculous as making her bind herself to them in marriage.

"Fine, I will play nice as long as she does. I will not try to resist whatever foolishness they throw at us. I would, however, like to know how either of you is going to consummate this."

"We may be older, Draco but we are not ancient, neither are we dead," Severus answered him blandly.

Lucius chuckled at his son's question, no he certainly was not ancient or dead and just thinking back on his conversation with the witch earlier had his realizing he wasn't unaffected by her either.