Seek: Their kids never stood a chance playing hide-and-seek; after all, their mother and father each held world class recognition for their work in their respective fields, one of which was detective and police work.

Past: She worries, every single day, that he would suddenly decide he couldn't look past her sins and the blood that would never wash from her hands.

Short: He grumbles under his breath that he was definitely the one to get the short end of the stick in this whole marriage venture; he grumbles that exact line every time he swipes his card at any of the various no-name exclusive foreign designer stores, you know, the kind that gets offended if you ask where the price tags are.

Reflection: Shinichi looked at Shiho's reflection in the mirror and marveled at how good happy looks on her; he vowed to guard her happiness with everything in him.

Coffee: The next morning, the scientist and detective shared a simple pot of coffee, wordlessly wrapped around each other, content to just watch the sun climb up and take its place among the rolling clouds.

Sun: He is like the sun, she thinks, for her day starts and ends with him.

Breathtaking: He is breathtaking, not because he was devilishly handsome or anything (even though he is), but because his ability to believe in justice and truth and righteousness so unconditionally is the most admirable thing she's ever witnessed.

Movie: No one likes watching movies with them anymore... they had developed a nasty habit of (correctly) guessing the big plot points five minutes into the exposition and inadvertently, inevitably, spoiling the whole story for the rest of them.

Hands: She slaps his hands away from the chicken, scolding, "You'll wait for dinner like everyone else."

Laugh: She remembers his laugh, bright and clear and open, when she's having a particularly hard day; chained to a dirty wall in a dark cell with numerous weeping wounds and blueing bruises, she loses herself in his memory, only allowed this small inadequate comfort because it is decidedly better than focusing on his corpse beside her.


Stand: He stands beside her at the trial, never leaving her side except for when he was called to the stand as a character witness; his testimony is airtight, leaves little room for the prosecution distort, and cinches the verdict in her favor.

Horizon: Ai Haibara looks at the horizon over Japan from the airplane window and thinks of all the countless people the light is currently touching, all people that she has resolved to never see again… for their safety; she allows herself this one plane ride to mourn their loss - his loss.

Energy: Sometimes, when his cases drain him of all energy and hope for humanity, he seeks comfort from her body; there are days he just needs to feel her connected to him, skin on skin, their twin hearts racing, straining to encompass the other.

Hero: On her darkest days she wishes he could have been the classic fairytale hero, brazen and incapable of failure; she wishes he could have saved her sister.

Vision: Just outside of her vision, she feels rather than sees him approach and lean down to kiss her temple; she easily accepts the intrusion of her personal space, unbothered and accustomed by now, to his penchant for public displays of affection.

Collect: Little does he know, she collects newspaper clippings of every case he's been involved in; little does she know, he also collects newspaper clippings - his are about her breakthrough discoveries in biomedical research - and when they find out about the others' hoard, they are both too embarrassed to voice out loud just how proud they are of each other.

Story: Shiho went over their cover story again in her head; Shinichi reached over and squeezed her hand in encouragement, assuring her, "they loved Ai so they'll definitely love you too!"

Leaves: She is meticulously careful and leaves behind no clues for him; he needs to forget her and move on with his life.

Target: They never have kids; even fifty years later, she is still the B.O.'s number one target and they could never risk that.

Photograph: He likes to keep a photograph of them in his wallet; he likes to show off his "brilliant witty sexy helluva-cook beautiful wife" to anyone who will listen.