Revival of the Six Legendary Clans

Chap 1

Summary: after being hit by the Goduo fuin, Naruto wakes up in his mind, and meets not only Kyuubi, but Hagaromo, Homura, Ashura, Indra, and the founders of the Uzumaki and Kaguya clans. Now what will happen that Naruto has awoke his ultimate power, and how will it change everything.

Extremely powerful/intelligent/cunning/kekkei genkai/fuinjutsu/kenjutsu Naruto

Slightly dark Naruto

Pairings: Naruto/harem Shikamaru/Ino Jiraiya/Tsunade Genma/Shizune among others

"" Speaking

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or anything referenced


Naruto Uzumaki wasn't having a very good day. He and his so-called team were fighting Orochimaru of the sannin, and had been soundly beaten, and to make matters worse, Naruto had been hit with a strange seal cutting him from his chakra temporarily. As he fell to the forest floor, Naruto just made out Sakura escaping with Sasuke. "If I survive this" Naruto growled, before hitting something soft before blissful sleep took over.


Naruto groaned, as he awoke in front of a massive cell. "Oh my aching head" Naruto muttered, before remembering what happened. "When I get back to those two traitors, I'll beat them so bad" Naruto said. "Do give the Uchiha a beat down for me when you do kit" a Feminine voice said. Naruto snapped around to see a pair of orange-slitted eyes looking at him in amusement. "Kyuubi I presume" Naruto asked, as said creature walked into the light, revealing a massive kitsune with red fur, and nine flowing tails? "Why kit, I'm flattered" Kyuubi said, before a flash of light illuminated the area. When the light faded, it revealed a young woman looking to be in her late teens to early twenties. She wore a crimson kimono with a purple sash tied around her waist, giving way to her hourglass figure. Her red hair was all the way to her lower back, and her purple-slitted eyes held warmth. "My name is Kiyone, or Kyuubi" she said, before turning to the darkness. "You six can come out and meet Naruto" Kiyone said. On cue, four men and two women emerged into the light.

"I am Hagaromo Otsutsuki, and your direct descendant" the now identified Hagaromo said.

"Homura Otsutsuki, another ancestor of yours, as well as being Hagaromo's brother, and decendant to the Hyuuga clan."

"Indra Otsutsuki, as well as Hagaromo's eldest son, founder of the Uchiha clan, and I most humbly apologize for the actions of my former reincarnation" Indra said, as he knelt to the ground.

"Ashura Otsutsuki, Hagaromo's youngest son, founder of the Senju clan, and your former reincarnation" Ashura said.

"Ryoshin Uzumaki, the founder of the Uzumaki clan" Ryoshin said.

"Jin Kaguya, and founder of the Kaguya clan" Jin said.

Once the introductions were over, Hagaromo spoke. "Naruto, we have all called you here to discuss a few things." "First and foremost, you have been chosen to save the ninja world from a great threat that will reveal itself in due time." ""Why me" Naruto asked? "You are the one foretold to connect with my children: the biju, like Kiyone" Hagaromo said. "Originally, Sasuke Uchiha was to assist in the quest, but due to his actions, Indra has cut all ties with him, including his Sharingan" Hagaromo said. "We would like to help you along with some new abilities, which you can now unlock" Hagaromo said, as seven orbs of light were absorbed into Naruto's body. "Naruto, please don't leave us disappointed" the six spirits said, as they faded away. "Kit, you should know everything you knew up to now was false" Kiyone said seriously, showing him a memory.


A 7-year old Naruto was asleep in a hospital room, after a mob of civilians found him near the Uchiha district. Off to the side, the door opened, revealing a shadowy figure who silently crept up to Naruto. "If Hiruzen won't allow me to have the boy, then I'll persuade him to see it my way" the voice said, as he made a loyalty fuin, mixed with a memory blocking fuin, and a deadman fuin. After the work was done, the figure slowly crept away, not knowing a thin trail of moonlight illuminated the room, showing white hair and a headband that was metallic, but if one were to look one would see three tomoes spinning rapidly in the man's eye.


Naruto stood there for several seconds, before a cry of fury was heard from behind him, making him leap into Kiyone's arms. "THAT FOOL, DOES HE HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HE'S DONE!" Kiyone promptly released Naruto, making him land on his rear, and the two looked to see a man that looked to be a carbon copy of Naruto, and a woman with red hair. "Hello, Shina-chan, Yomdaime-sama" Kiyone said smirking. "Wait, no Yomdaime, you did this to me and so on" Minato asked surprised? "Most cases I would, however I do believe we can get along with one another, considering we have a common enemy, and we all want what's best for Naruto" Kiyone said, giving a sly smile. "Naruto, those are your parents: Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki" Kiyone said, scooting Naruto forward. "Hello son" Minato said tentatively. "Y-Your my old man" Naruto asked, making Minato nod, before a sense of realization hit him, and a tic mark formed over his head. "I'm not that old you know" Minato grumbled, while Kushina and Kiyone snicker in the background. "Anyway, that man was Danzo Shimura, and he probably placed those seals on you to keep you loyal and weak" Minato said. "I'm going to give you all my knowledge on fuinjutsu, and the kunai for my signature Hirashin technique" Minato said. "Make your old man proud Naruto" Minato said, stepping back, as Kushina moved forward. "Sochi, I'm so sorry I can't be there for you" Kushina said, as tears flowed freely down her face. "I'll give you access to Uzu's feared taijutsu and kenjutsu styles" she said, as both she and Minato tapped Naruto's forehead, pulsing their chakra into him. "Kiyone, please take care of our sochi" Minato said. "You both have my word, as the Queen of Demons, and as a true friend" Kiyone said as she bowed respectfully. Minato and Kushina nodded, as they faded away into the afterlife. "Well kit, I'd say its payback time" Kiyone said, slamming her palm into her open hand. "Kiyone-hime, you're talking my language" Naruto said, as he too faded from his mindscape.


Naruto awoke to find himself in a strange cave. "I see you're awake" a feminine voice said, as a girl his age entered. The girl had long pointed ears, and silver hair. "I'm Ayumi" the girl introduced. "Naruto Uzumaki" Naruto said, as he blushed at Ayumi's appearance. "If you must know, I'm an inu hanyou, and a member of a once powerful tribe of Yajuu senshi" Ayumi said. "You see we were once allied with Konoha, due to a pact made with the ones named Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki" she said. "During the Kyuubi attack, we were forced to flee here, because people began to fear we may have had something to do with the attack." "How many of you are left" Naruto asked? "Besides myself, only three others, and all ladies" Ayumi said. "I may have something" Naruto said as he grinned. "I'm Minato and Kushina's heir, and if I prove you were innocent during the entire Kyuubi attack, you will gain recognition back, but I'll place you under my clans' protection" Naruto offered? "We accept your offer Namikaze-sama" an older female's voice said. "Takumi-sempai" Ayumi said in surprise! Takumi was a slender woman with silky smooth black hair and wild green eyes. "I'm an akami Hanyou, while the others are a kitsune hanyou and hebi hanyou respectively." "You are free to leave when you are ready" Takumi said. "Thank you Takumi-san for everything, and next time we meet, please no formalities" Naruto said bowing. "As you wish" Takumi said, leading him to the exit.


Naruto was racing through the trees, when he finally came across Sakura, who was preparing to fight the Oto genin. "Is this a private party or can anybody join" he shouted, as he launched himself into a spear, and slammed into the two males, knocking precious air from their bodies, as well as what they had recently eaten.

"NARUTO-BAKA" Sakura screeched, before finding Naruto's fist buried in her stomach.





"YOU TRASH" Naruto roared in anger, as he looked at the frightened pinkette. "You abandoned me to die against a freakin' sannin" Naruto shouted in fury. "SHE DID WHAT" the Oto kunoichi screamed? (Though Kin is a villain at this point, she's the more redeemable, and even I doubt she'd leave her teammates.) Naruto then told the kunoichi what happened, and the kunoichi promptly proceeded to lay a smack down on the pink-haired girl. (Yes, in gives Sakura the Rock Bottom.) "Naruto-san, can I come with you" the now identified Kin asked? "My teammates were going to kill the Uchiha, however I have a sneaking suspicion Orochimaru was setting us up" Kin said. "You'd be right" Naruto said, as he showed Kin the Juin no Ten on the unconscious Sasuke. "I don't see anything wrong with the reason, and you did do me that little favor, so my answer is yes" Naruto said, making a kage bunshin, that begrudgingly lifted Sasuke up. Kin then proceeded to place Sakura in ropes, binding her arms and legs, but not before stabbing several of her senbon into pressure points on the pinkette's body, and joined Naruto as the duo headed to the tower.

End Chap 1


All right guys before this goes any further, I will say this now. Naruto will be slightly darker to fit his more vindictive personality.


No harem list this time because I have some surprises in store for the next few chapters.


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