Another for the Twisted Hiccstrid collection. Because, well, you'll see.

Sex Ed is sort of part of a matching set - both this and 'Adoptive' (up next) contain Astrid and Hiccup in parental roles to Hiccup and Astrid respectively. Until the sexy times.

This one contains Astrid/Hiccup with ages of 17/6 to begin with. They don't get it on until Hiccup is 18, so I guess that makes Astrid 28/29.


Astrid looked at her... it felt strange to call Hiccup her son, despite the fact she had raised him for near twelve years. Her dads best friend had sort of dumped the six year old on her when she was seventeen, unable to cope after his wife had died.

Henry, or Hiccup as everyone called him, had been so scared and confused. He went from two parents to no parents and Astrid had had to be mom, dad and best friend comforting a mentally overwhelmed six year old.

It had been tough. Almost impossible. She had to quit college, had to learn things like school holidays and convince people she was his guardian now - difficult when nobody could find Stoick Haddock to sign him over. Eventually, they started to ease along.

Until Hiccup hit his teenage years. Built up emotional issues he never quite dealt with burst free, abandonment issues coming out as teenage rebellion. He stayed out late and got drunk, truanted school and came home after two days of Astrid frantic with worry off his face on drugs. There were svreaming arguments and several times, Astrid considered the possibility she just wasn't cut out to deal with this boy.

Nothing she did got through to him, three years of absolute nightmarish times that had them both at the end of their ropes. Astrid was barely holding on, solely sticking it out at that point because her abandoning him would never help. She brought up going to therapy; Hiccup refused and vanished for four days. Astrid reported him missing and the police brought 15 year old Hiccup back with trashed clothes and barely able to string a sentence together, so out of it he was.

Even so, giving up and sending him away to be sorted out was looking more and more likely to be her only option.

Then something awful happened.

Hiccup, drunk and stupid, was riding a motorcycle out with a group of other idiot teen boy rebels. He crashed, and gods if he hadn't been wearing a helmet he would be dead. Even so, he had a broken collarbone, broken arm and lost the lower half of his left leg - it had been shattered beyond repair. He probably busted some ribs too. He was just so lucky to be alive.

Astrid waited three days for him to wake up. Every single one of their problems seemed to stop mattering when she saw him looking frail and impossibly small in that hospital bed, with bandages and a cast covering what seemed like most of his body.

Finally, his eyes opened.


He hadn't even seen her yet, but his name was the first from his dry, raspy mouth.

"Hiccup! Gods Hiccup. I thought you were never gonna wake up."

The hand of his unbroken arm clutched at hers, green eyes fluttering open and closed.

"Sorry. For everything. I'll be better."

"I'm just glad you're alive. Muttonhead."

Hiccup's mouth tilted up in a shadow of a smile for a second, then he fell back to sleep. Astrid settled in for the duration, and after another couple of days Hiccup was awake for longer and longer stretches. There were some tough conversations to be had.

Astrid had to break it to a 16 year old boy he had lost his leg. Her boy really... they had been living together ten years by then. Hiccup apologised for every shitty thing he did and promised that when he was physically recovered, he was going to get some help for his head.

"I thought I was dead. It's cliche but... my life flashed before my eyes and I realised something. Mom would be so mad at me for how awful I have been to you. I don't know how you've stuck out these last few years, but... I'll be better. I swear."

Too relieved he was still breathing, Astrid didn't expect a miraculous turn around from him.

It was a while before he could leave the hospital, broken bones healing and then he was back constantly for gruelling physio, learning to walk on a prosthetic leg to replace the limb he had lost. Those days wers obviously worse for Hiccup, but Astrid didn't love it either.

"I'm too tired! And this damn thing doesn't even work!"

The physiotherapist was the most patient woman in the world. Far more so than Hiccup or Astrid.

"One more back and forth, then you'll be done for today."

"Fuck you!"


Hiccup scowled, but dragged himself back up. He probably would have quit, but Hiccup abhorred being trapped by his wheelchair. He could limp around the house on the new appendage, but out and about was still on wheels.

"That's you all done Henry. See you next time."

He glared, stumbling adamantly rather than use the chair. By the time they were back in the car, he had mellowed out a little and apologised for losing his temper.

Once he was back on his feet (figuratively) and no longer on powerful pain relief, Hiccup brought up therapy again. That was a long process, but the angry teenage rebel slowly started to wash away and reveal the quiet, gentle artist with a wicked sense of humour and a happy smile buried underneath. They got along again.

Hiccup even started dating. He had been too angry and drunk to notice girls. Or boys. Astrid hadn't been sure. So the now eighteen year old was basically starting where most thirteen year olds had, after five years of rebellion, an accident, physiotherapy and counselling. And Cami seemed... interesting.

Blonde and blue-eyed, fiercely independent and ever so slightly homicidal when fired up. She made Hiccup laugh, didn't give the slightest shit about his metal leg and accepted that after his bad years, Hiccup wasn't big on getting drunk or partying. All in all, Astrid was hopeful he was on the right path at last, just in time for adulthood.

Until she got back from work, and found Hiccup slumped over on the sofa, batting away his rescue cat Toothless who was attempting to get his attention.

"I got you that cat because he always wants to cuddle you. Why are you rejecting him?"

"Not in the mood."

Astrid kicked off her shoes, pouring herself a glass of juice and heading over to her favourite armchair.

"What's wrong?"

Hiccup sighed, turning away from both she and Toothless.

"Cami dumped me."

Oh gods, no wonder he was looking maudlin.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Hiccup."

He shrugged as best he could where he was laying on the sofa, ignoring the black cat pawing at his back and shoulder for attention.

"You wanna talk avout what happened?"

Hiccup shook his head violently, burying his head in a cushion. His frame was tense and he was radiating negative emotions like an aura of sadness. After so much progress, it made Astrid ache to see him so low.

"You sure?"

He mumbled something unintelligible, which Astrid obviously didn't catch.

"What was that?"

Hiccup growled, pulling his head out from the cushion and repeating it.

"She dumped me because I was shit in bed."

For a minute, Astrid couldn't quite believe what she heard.

"She what?"

"You heard me. She knew I was... you know, a virgin. But she said I was so bad she had no hope for me to get better. And she couldn't stay with someone like that."

Astrid had a fleeting compulsion to hunt Cami down and inflict serious pain.

Hiccup was just getting back to himself... did she have to break his pride as well as his heart?

"Now Hiccup, I want you to listen to me. She's wrong. The only people with no hope of improvement are people who don't care about their partners. I know you, so I know that isn't possible. You care too much."

He shrugged, hiding his face away again and Astrid ached to find a way to cheer him up. Sipping her juice, Astrid had a think.

"Want to make pancakes?"


"Well, I'm not going to leave you alone until you do something other than mope on the sofa. So pancakes? Movie? We could go out and get pizza? Just... something. I'm not going to watch you slip back again."

Hiccup sighed, rolling onto his back.

"Fine. We'll watch a movie and then you can chill out and leave me alone."

Astrid nudged and cajoled until Hiccup picked the movie, then made him shift up so she could sit on the sofa with him. Hiccup was tactile, had been a hugger as a boy but then with the distance of his teen years, that had died. To have the ultimate in intimate, tactile contact be belittled by the first person Hiccup had felt close enough to do that with... it was no wonder he shrank away.

She persisted, needing to see Cami hadn't totally broken his enjoyment of contact. Astrid thought she was getting somewhere until he physically nudged her away.

"I'm getting too old for cuddles."

At eighteen, he might have had a point but Astrid didn't care. He needed comfort regardless of his age.

"You're never too old for cuddles. Come on."

Eventually, Hiccup came over and let Astrid hug him. He had shot up nearly a foot in height since he was sixteen - he had needed to replace his prosthetic leg to account for his height twice already. His thin arms clutched around her tightly and it became quickly apparent he had desperately needed the contact. Seventeen years old with a six year old boy at the beginning, Astrid was nearing thirty now and Hiccup was a grown man, but he clearly still needed her.

She petted his hair, making soothing noises as she would when he was a boy. Hiccup eventually pulled his arms away, but turned and curled up with his head pillowed on her leg. Astrid let him, his actively seeking comfort well worth the slight discomfort of his bony jaw digging into her leg. The movie continued on, The Two Towers Hiccup's favourite Lord Of The Rings movie that was his usual go-to.



"You've had boyfriends right?"

"Yeah, I have."

Granted, she didn't date as much as she probably would have - many guys were put off by her raising Hiccup, a boy who wasn't her son but still came before any partner in priority. Then with his tumultuous teen years, Astrid hadn't really had time to date. She'd had a couple since he got himself sorted out, though nothing serious.

"Were any of them... you know, bad at it?"

He wouldn't look at her, and Astrid knew he was embarrassed to be asking but obviously he had nobody else he trusted enough to ask.

"Some were, at first yeah. Generally your first time with someone isn't great, even if you've had sex before."

"Really? How come?"

Astrid thanked the gods she wasn't shy about talking about this stuff, else they would both be mortified.

"Because some people like different things. Some people need a lot of foreplay, some are nervous and that doesn't really make you feel sexy."

"What's foreplay?"

Astrid frowned. They hadn't really discussed sex, granted, beyond Astrid buying him condoms and making Hiccup swear not to make stupid mistakes.

"Ok, I'm sorry to ask but what did you and Cami do? It wasn't just kissing and then throwing it in there was it?"

Hiccup still wouldn't meet her eye, but he sat up to continue the conversation.

"Uh... kinda. Yeah. Is that wrong?"

"Well... it's no wonder it wasn't spectacular but Hiccup, that wasn't your fault. Foreplay is... it's stuff you do between the kissing and the sex to make sure everyone's having a good time."

He frowned in return.

"Like what?"

"Ok, you watch porn yes?"

Hiccup shook his head.

"No. I tried but it felt so impersonal, I just didn't get it."

"Ok. Stay there a second."

Astrid stood up and headed to her room, wondering how Cami could know Hiccup was as green as they got when it came to sex and still expected sexual prowess. Rooting through her 'womens magazines', she found one that covered how to have better foreplay. It was aimed at women, but the physicality was the same and Hiccup could take all the time he wanted to read it by himself.

"Here. If you want to talk about it, I'm happy to help but I thought this would spare some of your blushes."

Hiccup took the magazine like she was handing him a live bomb, staring at the cover with wide eyes.

"What is this? Porn?"

"Not quite. It's about sex and women, but... you'll learn something, I'm sure."

He flipped it open, the page that fell open one with a drawing of a naked woman that he immediately slammed closed.

"Right. I'm just going to... put that down."

Trembling hands placed it on the table, Hiccup picking up his cup and clutching it like it would alleviate his confusion.

"Not all girls will be like Cami. So long as you tell them you're happy to learn, it will get better."

"I feel so pathetic for this."

"Hey, I don't wanna hear that. Hiccup, you're not the first virgin to go through a bad first time and you certainly won't be the last. It's all up from here."

"Are you giving me the things can only get better speech?"

"Yes. Cliche but happens to suit the situation. Shut up and drink your coke."

Finally, she saw a smile ghost across his face. It was an improvement.

Astrid had to force herself not to comment on how Hiccup barely left his room for the next week or so. He barely surfaced for meals, and Astrid suspected he spent the entire time she was out at work in his room reading and re-reading the magazine. Possibly enjoying it a little too much, judging by his increased use of the washing machine.

Poor Toothless was often found draped along the floor near Hiccup's bedroom door, yowling for attention.

It was probably good they didn't see much of each other, Astrid mused.

Because his questions about sex had raised the point of how she hadn't had any herself for a while. Astrid's body was beginning to tire of her own hand, and even of the vibrator she had that always got the job done. She needed to get laid, and she knew it.

That wasn't her real problem.

A fleeting joke made by Heather, Astrid's best friend, had thrown her. Slightly drunk after work with Heather, Astrid had confided in her about Hiccup's 'problem'.

"He's not really your son. If you don't teach him, I will!"

"I'll be sure to pass that on to your boyfriend Justin."

They had laughed it off and no more was said about it, both women getting considerably more drunk. Astrid wished that thought had faded with much of her memory of that night.

Could she?


She had raised Hiccup since he was a child. Not once had she ever looked at him and thought like that. She was his guardian, his carer. Astrid had helped with his homework and treated skinned knees, scared away nightmares and almost lost her mind when he was in that hospital bed.

So why was Astrid thinking this way all of a sudden? It was wrong, and Hiccup didn't need the only consistent adult figure in his life basically molesting him.

That didn't seem to shake the thoughts. Especially when Astrid looked at a picture of Cami, and found herself counting the similarities between the girl and herself. Did that make her Hiccup's type?

Gods Astrid, stop it!

Astrid fucked herself stupid with her fingers, her sex toys. She picked up a hot, muscly (unlike Hiccup's lean frame) guy in a club and fucked him back at his place. Nothing seemed to work for her. Nothing shook the terrible, awful compulsion budding in her brain to throw Hiccup's door open and offer to teach him everything about sex.

Accepting her feelings as temporary insanity, Astrid quashed them, ignored them and got on with her day to day normality. If she ignored them, they would go away right?


If anything, it got worse. When he walked around shirtless - as he had always done - Astrid felt heat spark. He was slim, but all the physiotherapy he had undergone meant Hiccup had ropy muscles wrapped around his upper body. The muscles rolled under his skin littered with scars from the accident that cost him his leg and almost his life, and Astrid felt terrifying urges to kiss each scar in a way far different to when he was little and she kissed bruises and paper cuts better.

She continued to ignore it, but Astrid knew that probably wouldn't hold out forever.

Something had to give.


"Yes Hiccup?"

He shuffled nervously, not quite meeting her eye.

"I wondered if you would help me with something."

"Uh. Depends what it is but probably."

"I was reading that book you gave me" book was a strong word for the magazine "and it mentions you need to be relaxed. And I know massage helps relax and I wondered if you would let me try it on you before I try it on a girl and ok I'm gonna leave now."

The words rushed out of him in practically one breath, face pointed at the ground the whole time. Astrid should say no. Letting him touch her was a bad idea when she was having some very confused feelings, but Hiccup didn't know that and he was asking so genuinely. Taking a deep breath, Astrid smiled tightly.

"If you want to rub my shoulders, I'm not gonna say no."


Hiccup looked up at her, hope writ across his face. Astrid nodded, watching as he came over toward her somewhat awkwardly.

"How do you wanna sit?"

Astrid twisted sideways, allowing the room for Hiccup to sit behind her lengthways along the sofa. He took a minute to get comfortable, arranging his half-metal leg and his organic one in the way that suited him best.

His hands were a little shaky when they laid themselves on her shoulders, but Astrid had to suppress the urge to shiver under his touch anyway. Astrid knew he had to rub and massage his leg stump to keep the scar tissue from tightening, so she wasn't surprised that he had an idea what he was doing.

What she wasn't prepared for was just how rapidly he turned her muscles to butter. The way his fingers dug into her, the way his thumbs loosened the knots in her neck and shoulders, it sent lazy heat rolling down her spine and Astrid was dangerously close to melting at his touch. Hiccup moved his hands, placing them below her arms to rub at the muscles of her back despite her specifying her shoulders only.

The danger with how he moved his hands lower was that now Astrid could feel the tips of his fingers brushing over the sides of her breasts, and she couldn't suppress the shudder that rolled through her even through the material of her t-shirt. Astrid wished she was still wearing her bra, as Hiccup could easily notice the way her nipples were swollen against the fabric.

Astrid couldn't resist melting into his hands when Hiccup dug his thumbs into her lower back, fingers sinking into the dip of her waist. Something pressed into her back as Hiccup caught her, hands moving around her hips to hold her. Astrid realised with a twisted thrill what was digging into her; Hiccup was aroused.

Before Astrid could try to process, Hiccup leant down and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. Her body quivered and Astrid gasped, realising a second too late how noticeable her response was. A hand pushed up into her hair, slowly guiding her head to expose her throat before he kissed the skin he had exposed. Astrid couldn't bring herself to question it, arousal tingling in her belly as he continued. Only when Hiccup boldly reached for her breast did Astrid realise what she was letting happen. She pulled away, Hiccups hands dropping immediately as she turned around.

"What... what was that about?"

Her heart was pounding and the throb between her thighs was constant, heat growing when faced with the obvious tent of Hiccup's lounge bottoms. He wasn't looking at her, eyes downcast and ashamed.

"I'm sorry."

Astrid reached for his chin, curling her fingers around the sharp angle of his face. She forced him to look up at her.

"I'm not angry. Just... looking for an explanation."

Hiccup drew in a deep sigh, still trying to avoid her gaze before an answer spilled from his mouth.

"You're gorgeous and sexy and if there was anybody I wanted to spend time with learning to be good it would be you. Gods, I'm awful. I'm just gonna go "

Astrid placed a hand on his chest, firmly pushing him to stay. She should stop. She really should.

"I'll teach you some things. If that's what you want. But... as a one off, and you can never tell anybody."

Hiccup looked up at her, eyes full of confusion and surprise.


"I mean it. Never tell a soul. I could get in trouble."

Somehow, Astrid doubted this was what Stoick had hoped for when he asked Astrid to take care of his son. But Hiccup needed experience, and he wanted her. They could both get something out of their systems, and nobody ever had to know.

"Ok. I promise."

Given the green light, Hiccup leant up hesitantly to kiss her. Astrid touched his cheek, tipping his head to the side for a more comfortable angle but Hiccup had little trouble kissing her soundly. It made sense - he and Cami probably had done a lot of kissing before she took his virginity. She wound up on top of him, half-sat up leant against the arm of the sofa with his legs either side of her own.

Hiccups hand reached for her breast again, but Astrid halted it's progress. She wanted it, but that wouldn't teach him much. Their mouths seperated, Hiccup's face concerned.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Not wrong. Just a little fast. Come with me."

Astrid stood, leading Hiccup to her bedroom by the hand before turning back. He was taller than her now, looking down at her with curiosity and eagerness.

"Take it slow. It's not a race."

He nodded, lifting his arms agreeably when Astrid pushed up his t-shirt to bare his lean chest and stomach to her eyes. When it came off, Astrid pressed her lips to his chest, leaving warm kisses along some of his scars. Hiccup's head fell back as he gasped, hand reaching for her hair and tugging her braid loose. Astrid told herself this was a one off, that she should get all she could from it to sate her own terrible lusting.

She brushed a finger over his nipple, finding Hiccup sensitive there as he groaned. Leaning back, Astrid found herself with a heated kiss against her mouth, hands on her hips tugging her t-shirt up now. There was a moment of nerve present; Hiccup was eleven years her junior, her body was not one of a girl his age even though she kept fit.

When the t-shirt came off, Hiccup looked at her bare torso with blatant want and she forgot to be nervous. Hiccup slowly pushed her back towards the bed, Astrid sitting down on it when the back of her knees hit it. She couldn't miss the convenient position, suddenly hungry to see him.

"Not every girl likes doing this, so being pushy isn't a good thing."

"Do... do what?"

Astrid winked, squeezing his cock through the fabric and it jumped in her hand as Hiccup gasped. She tugged the waistband down to expose his cock. Astrid had seen him naked many times; as a boy when she bathed him and helped him dress. As a teen when mistakenly walking in on him changing or getting out of the shower. As a near-man, when she had to help him bathe while he was recovering from his injuries.

Never had she seen him like this, hard and leaking precum only three inches from her face. Astrid kissed the tip, licking her lips to taste the fluid smeared there and found he tasted perfectly fine. Hiccup was staring rapturously at her, cock straining toward her mouth and Astrid opened up, allowing the head between her lips where she sucked it gently. Hiccups knees almost gave out, prompting Astrid to pull away and he whined in frustration.

"You want to fall over?"

Hiccup shook his head, letting Astrid guide him to lie back on the bed before she crawled over him again, leaning down to suck at his swollen erection again. Hiccups hips bucked and Astrid pinned them with her hand to keep him in place.

"Why can't I move?"

He huffed, obviously wanting to push himself deeper into the heat of her mouth.

"Because unless she says so, most girls don't enjoy having something jammed into their throat. You have to be mindful of their gag reflex or things could get... unpleasant. You following me?"

Hiccup nodded, the effort he made to keep his hips still now obvious as Astrid resumed her oral attentions on him. Oh, she intended to teach him to pleasure a woman, but even his refractory period had limits so she felt it only fair he get off too, giving him time to recover his erection for the full 'lesson'.

When his cock began to swell in her mouth, Astrid pulled off again and squeezed him to hold it back for a second.

"Not every woman wants to swallow, so you should always ask ok?"

Hiccup nodded, cheeks flushed and skin shining with a thin sheen of sweat already. Being one who didn't mind swallowing, Astrid continued on until he spilled in her mouth, swallowing the hot rush of liquid down until he stopped spasming with pleasure. Letting the softening shaft slip from her mouth, Astrid wiped her face where saliva had spilled around his cock and waited for Hiccup to recover from that blissed out expression.



"Fucking brilliant. Gods, I've been missing out."

Astrid chuckled, pushing herself back up the bed and squirming as the insistent throb of her clit demanded satisfaction. It was becoming a yearning ache, but this was about education for Hiccup, not (just) Astrid's satisfaction.

"So can you show me how to do stuff to you now?"

Hiccup twisted his head, looking up at her hopefully. His eyes lingered on her bare chest, blown pupils suggesting desire.

"You were off to a good start earlier."

Hiccup pouted in thought, realising what she was referring to as he pulled up his bottoms, rolled over and pulled himself up along the bed. He placed his mouth upon her neck again, kisses a long line of hot sparks on her skin as he explored the curve from shoulder to neck and back again. Astrid was immensely sensitive on her neck, and she could feel herself grow steadily wetter under Hiccup's mouth.

This time, when he reached for her breast Astrid allowed it, though she did have to slow him down as he groped too roughly.

"Hey, these are delicate. Be a little gentler ok? Like this."

Astrid placed her hand on his chest, slow and gentle caresses and one small squeeze around his pectoral muscle. Hiccup faltered at first as though he was being scolded, but he took the words on board and his touch turned softer. Astrid moaned softly as he squeezed and stroked her, fingers circling her nipple before brushing the firm peak.


"Mmm. Much."

He smiled against her neck, skating teeth over the column of her throat before he shuffled back down and placed his lips around her other nipple. Astrid shuddered in pleasure as he flicked his tongue over the peak, suckling and nuzzling and sending bolts of ecstasy through Astrid's body. He pulled up to breathe, leaving her shivering at his hot breaths puffing across her damp breast.

It was hard not to notice he seemed to be pretty good with his mouth...

"Can I... can I take off the rest of your clothes?"

Astrid nodded, lifting her hips to help when Hiccup curled his fingers around her waistband. The mayerial came off and he stared hungrilybetween her thighs, undoubtedly seeing she was soaked in arousal. His fingers brushed across the blonde curls there gently, sucking in a deep breath.

"You're so wet."

"Mmm. That's meant to happen. Helps a lot."

He frowned in confusion.


"With the sex Hiccup."

"Oh. Ok then."

Astrid pushed herself up on her elbows a little, feeling rather slutty and loving it as she spread her thighs for Hiccup's viewing pleasure.

"This here" Astrid guided his hand to the little nub there "is the hot spot. It's got more nerves than your entire cock, so you need to be really gentle but it f-feels so good."

Astrid's voice caught on a moan as Hiccup pressed his fingers to her clit, slipping and gliding in the slick wetness there. Her thighs trembled as he touched her, blissfully gentle with the sensitive area - Astrid's first boyfriend went at it like he was trying to rub it off and that was unpleasant - and his green eyes were glued to her.

He eventually slid his fingers downward, gasping against her shoulder when Astrid's wet hole permitted his fingers with no resistance. She trembled as he pushed his fingers deeper, obviously having an inkling that thrusting motions worked as he slid his fingers back and forth, winning hungry whines from a fast-losing-dignity Astrid.

"Close your eyes?"

Astrid cocked her head, curious.


"Because I want to... do something else but I don't know if I can with you looking."

"Alright then."

She closed her eyes, listening to Hiccup shift downward until hot breath was damp and condensing against her inner thigh.

"Any tips?"

"No teeth. Be gentle, go slow and see what gets the best reactions."

His fingers slid back inside her, making Astrid spasm around him as he kissed her clit. Astrid moaned encouragingly as his tongue spread her open, fingers still thrusting in and out of her. As she suspected; he was a fucking natural. Astrid was left writhing and moaning as he picked up what worked best for her, repeating it until she was a shuddering wreck on Hiccup's tongue.

"Close Hiccup, d-don't stop!"

How he didn't come up for air Astrid wasn't sure, but Hiccup kept it up until she came over his fingers and tongue. Gods it had been too long since she had anything but herself, quaking with waves of pleasure washing over her. Hiccup didn't let up, not stopping until she had to beg him to.

"S-stop, too sensitive!"

Hiccup ceased immediately, backing off and pulling his fingers free. Astrid sighed as she was suddenly empty, but her muscles were lax and she felt awesome.

"Was I doing it wrong?"

"No. Women are sensitive right after they come, if you keep going it could start to hurt."

"Oh. Ok."

Astrid relaxed into the bed, enjoying the afterglow for a minute. Spying Hiccup's returned erection and trying to remember that she wasn't supposed to be prolonging it - that would make it less functional, which it was supposed to be - she reached for the condoms in her bedside table. A quick glance confirmed they were still in date, so she handed one over to Hiccup.

"Are you serious?"

He looked awestruck, amazed.

"Practice makes perfect. Can you put a condom on?"

Hiccup nodded, pushing his bottoms down to free his cock and Astrid felt arousal pulse anew at the sight. His cock was gorgeous, and Astrid generally didn't think of penises as especially attractive but his really was lovely. All smooth lines with the flushed red tip, foreskin retracted to expose below the head fully. He tore the foil and she watched as he deftly applied the latex correctly, pinching the tip to ensure there was no trapped air as he rolled it over his shaft and down to the base.

"That's right isn't it?"

Astrid nodded, gesturing at his bottoms.

"Take them off."

He hesitated, and Astrid knew full well why.

"Anyone who can't accept your leg isn't worth your time."

Hiccup nodded, turning to push off his bottoms completely and returning to his spot between her thighs fully naked at last.

"So you're wet to make this easier?"

"Yep. If the girl isn't wet you could really hurt her. You can always use additional lube if you need to."

"Uh, how?"

"You can buy it. I'll show you some other time."

Astrid only realised how that could be taken after she said it, but then Hiccup was pressing closer and guiding his cock into her. Biting her lip, Astrid felt him stretch her open after a while with only her fingers and sex toys. Hiccup groaned and gasped against her neck, leaving sloppy kisses there as he trembled.

"Give me a sec, ok?"

"You want me to stop?"

"No, just... stay still for a minute."

Hiccup nodded, gasping again before nudging at her face to catch her lips, kissing her in an entirely too intimate way when he was already inside her and she felt it steal her breath away.

"Ok. You can move."

Hiccup made a sound of relief, hips rolling as he thrust rather awkwardly - he had only had sex once, so Astrid knew he was bound to be clumsy. She shifted her hips and lifted her knees to rest her feet on the bed to feel him hit her deeper. Astrid murmured encouragement as he moved, eventually telling him to find a good angle and stick with it.

"Like this?"

He hit that spot inside her and tore a moan from Astrid's throat, smirking as he watched her writhe. He'd been paying attention and waiting to see if she decided to offer advice. Deciding she needed revenge, Astrid squeezed her muscles around him and Hiccup made a strangled sound of pleasure and surprise.


"At what point did I say you could stop?"

Hiccup took the challenge, thrusting into Astrid's receptive body and sending waves of pleasure through her. He leant down, catching her breast in his mouth again and sucking her sensitive nipple to increase the sensations she experienced.

"Ugh, can't hold on much longer."

"It's ok. You can let go."

She was only mildly disappointed not to come from his cock inside her, but mostly Astrid was immensely satisfied to be sharing in his pleasure knowing Hiccup was coming because of her.

"Fuck, you feel good Astrid."

Soon enough he was gasping and grunting, hips spasming as the climax took him and Astrid felt him swell within her even through the condom. Hiccup fumbled between them, fingers dragging over her clit and Astrid hadn't realised how turned on she was until he did. It took a shockingly short time for her to clench around his softening cock with a primal moan, shuddering with the sudden orgasm.

"Only fair you come too."

Astrid was too busy trying to catch her breath to answer. Hiccup pulled out and rolled onto his back, grinning broadly.

"Is it wrong to say you were much better than Cami?"

"I wouldn't say that to a girl if she wasn't as good as a previous partner. Terrible blow to the ego."

As the rush faded, Astrid realised how bad she felt. Like she had used his desire to learn more for her own selfish wants for him. Hiccup was so innocent and naive really.


His voice interrupted her self-loathing.


He nervously fiddled with the bedspread.

"You know how you said this was a one off?"

"... Yeah."

"Is that a definite thing? Cus... like you said. Practice makes perfect."

Oh no. Astrid was utterly fucked.

"Well... I suppose there's never too much practice."


Hate the ending? Me too. But I couldn't seem to end it, I tried like five times and gave up.

On to the reverse of this next! Older Hiccup and younger Astrid (nothing underage!)