Chapter 9: One For All

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia, Heroes and Heroes Reborn or anything else related to them. All rights are owned by their respective owners and companies.

AN: Hey guys. I'm glad to hear you all liked the last chapter. I've been watching more of Heroes, Heroes Reborn along with My Hero Academia. And I've been getting a lot of ideas. Before we start I want explain what I have planned and answer some questions. This story will follow the overall canon but not always. For example Izuku is going to get stronger than his canon self. He already is but he's going to get even more stronger. He's not going to be total badass and powerhouse like All Might and his dad, he still has limits. But given right now in time. Izuku will be on par with Shoto and Kacchan. Another thing is pairings. Like I said I'm opened to opinions. I'm gonna leave some moments here and there but nothing won't be official. Of course I'll probably put all my focus on the story and Izuku trying to keep his shit together. Oh from now out I'm not going to do in detail when characters show up. Unless they are from Heroes. I'm going on a limb and say you all know what everyone looks like. Alright I'm gonna answer some questions.

Question: Is Izuku going to be able to safely absorb or copy People's without leaving them in a vegetable state? Like how his dad is able to copy Quirks without killing. Also where can I watch Heroes because it's not on Netflix?

Answer: I don't know. That's a good idea so we'll see. Sylar eventually found a way to copy Quirks without killing so it's possible. I'll definitely consider it. Right now though Izuku can only take/copy Quirks by doing his thing. About watching Heroes. if you want you can buy some if not all seasons online with Google Play, Xbox TV And Movies, PlayStation Store, ITunes, Amazon Prime Video or something else. Another thing is getting the NBC app. Where you can watch all four seasons. I don't know if it's for free or not though.

Question: What are your plans for future arcs? Or you going to make your own?

Answer: Like I said I plan on following the canon. But you all will see changes here and there.

Question: Is Izuku going to get more Quirks?

Answer: … you'll see.

Question: Why does Izuku keep calling Fuyumi Ms. Todoroki?

Answer: Because he's being his polite and awkward self. Also because she's his tutor.

Alright, with that all out of the way. Let's get to it. ON WITH THE CHAPTER! Enjoy!

"Looks like you're still around Stalker." The man whispered. "My quest hasn't even begun yet and things are already changing. You, have changed the world. Many see you as a hero while others see a vigilante or villain. What I see is a brave young man challenging the notion of what a hero really is!"

Smiling wildly the man stood up and placed his sword away.

"You being a student and successor of All Might shows me that my ideal world may come true! Until then, I will show the world the fakes and glory hounds that are called heroes! I won't stop until my ideal world becomes a reality! Not until you Stalker or All Might stop me! Because only a true hero will kill me! I will restore the word hero! For everyone!"

For better or worse… a change has happened.

An Hour Later

Today was supposed to be a normal day for Izuku. Wake up, eat, train, lessons, train some more, eat again then go to sleep. That's all. But nope. Today was probably the most troublesome day ever.

First he had to deal with the voices. Which were getting worse. Hearing all this bad news left and right. The Prey, copy cats and people getting hurt or worse. All because of him. Today only gotten worse when those villains attacked and took Kacchan, Ms. Todoroki and those girls hostage.

At that point Izuku had enough. He couldn't just sit by and let that happen.

It was dangerous and irresponsible. That's what The Police and some Pro Heroes told him. He could have gotten himself and the hostages killed. He understood that. All Might understood that. Unfortunately a lot of people were having trouble understanding that.


Right now Izuku was feeling that now. He and All Might had gotten home after dealing with the aftermath of the incident. From nosey reporters to the cops and Pro Heroes. Many were still reeling from what All Might said. Even Izuku was still shocked.

After dealing with all that All Might and some cops escorted him back home. Where he was now dealing with Mt. Lady.

Who was pissed.


Mt. Lady was currently pinching and pulling Izuku's face as hard as she could. The only thing stopping her from going Giant and crushing him was his mom and All Might.

All Might just stood by with a sweat drop.

"OWW!" Izuku moaned as his face was being stretched and pinch left and right.

Inko of course was trying to diffuse the situation.

"It's alright Mt. Lady!" Inko tried to calm down the hotheaded hero. "N-no one got hurt and that's fine with me!"

"IT'S ALRIGHT MRS. M! I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU AS WELL!" Mt. Lady exclaimed still not stopping. She then glared down at Izuku with an angry tick. "YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE NOW! ESPECIALLY TO YOUR MOM DUMBASS!"

"I-I'm… sorry!" Izuku moaned out in pain.

Izuku was suddenly dropped to the floor as he moaned in pain. Mt. Lady had finally let go. Though she was still mad. Inko went down to her son's aid and sweat dropped. Mt. Lady reminded her too much of her friend Mitsuki. Katsuki's mom.

"Ow…" Izuku moaned out once more as he was helped up by his mom and All Might. He turned to his mom with a shameful expression. "I'm really sorry mom. I didn't want to knock you and Mt. Lady out. But I know you two would have stopped me if I didn't."

Inko sighed as she gently placed a comforting hand on her son's cheek.

"Oh Izuku, I know you meant well. I'm proud you saved all those people. But promise me you'll tell me before you do something so rash again. Okay?"

He immediately nodded and smiled sadly. Suddenly Izuku felt his cheek being slightly pinched and looked in shock at his mom.

Who smiling very sweetly with a dark and murderous look?!

"Good… because if you do that again honey. You'll see just how unhappy I'll be." Inko stated very sweetly while giving out a dark aura. "Okay sweety?"

Izuku did the most intelligent thing he's done in a while. He nodded furiously with a small whimper.

All Might was very unsettled and a bit frightened at Inko how looked. Mt. Lady was shocked then smirked.

"Damn Mrs. M." Mt. Lady whispered still smirking.

A small cough came from All Might. Getting everyone's attention.

"Me and Izuku have a lot to discuss. In private. You did good Mt. Lady given the circumstances. You can go now."

Mt. Lady simply nodded and began to leave. But not before giving Inko a kind smile and nod. On her way out she glared a little at Izuku. Making him squirm a little. She sighed as she patted Izuku on the head. Surprising him.

"Glad you're not dead. Try not to do anything nuts. Also good job… but next time you knock me out. I will squish you."

Izuku grew pale at that because he knew she was being serious. With a sweet smile she waved goodbye to everyone and left.

"Man… she almost acts like Kacchan." Izuku muttered out. That's when he even grew paler. "What if they are related?!"

Even Inko wonder about that. She knew Mitsuki was brash, just like her son. Maybe she and Mt. Lady were related?

"Izuku my boy. It's time we have a talk." All Might said getting both mother and son's attention. "Inko, I'm sorry but this talk has to be between me and Izuku. I hope that's alright?"

Inko smiled and nodded.

"It's alright. Besides I should make dinner. You two go on." Inko said still smiling. "I'm glad you're both safe."

Izuku smiled and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. All Might smiled brightly and brought a thumbs up.

"Of course Inko. Like I said, you have nothing to-ACK!"

Before All Might could finish his time had run out. In a puff of smoke he returned to his sickly form. While coughing out blood from his mouth!

"AHHHHHHH!" Both Inko and Izuku screamed in surprise.

Neither of them still couldn't get used to that.

A few minutes later Izuku and All Might were outside in the training ground behind the mansion. Away from the guards eyes and ears. Inko was currently making dinner. Since moving in All Might had grown to love her cooking.

He was good at many things but a cook he was not.

"W-what is it that you want to talk about All Might?" Izuku asked as he was facing his mentor. "Is this about the hostage incident?"

All Might sighed as he looked at Izuku a serious gaze.

"I'm proud of what you did. It's what I would have done. Still… I'm disappointed. You knew you shouldn't have done what you did. Especially given the position you are in. I'm not saying it wasn't right. Young Bakugou and those girls would have surely died. Unfortunately though you have put me and the government in a very difficult position. You know that right?"

Not a word was said as Izuku looked down at the ground. Avoiding his mentor's gaze.

"You have to understand my boy. You aren't a hero. Not yet. You can't go out as The Stalker and do as you please. That isn't you anymore. Today people could have died and that's on you." All Might explained as he crossed his arms. "And if you died… that'd be on me. What would I say to your mother?"

Izuku was clenching his fist. He didn't want hear this, but he needed to. Because All Might was right. He isn't The Stalker anymore. He's not a hero either.

"Still… I'm proud of you."

That caused our hero to look up at All Might who was smiling proudly.

"Everyone thought I was crazy for taking such a chance on you. Many still do. They all think you are nothing more than a villain who needs to be put away. Me, your mother and those who know you best know that isn't true. And hopefully today many will start to see you the way I do. You're going to be a great hero my boy… greater than anyone else."

Before Izuku knew it. Tears were falling down his face. He couldn't help it. He was too soft for his own good. He wiped the tears and tried to put on a normal face but was failing.

"Young Midoriya. Today you've not only proven what I've know all along. You've showed the entire world that you have the heart of a hero." All Might said still smiling as he placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "That's why I know for certain… you are the one I've been searching for so long. You are the one who will inherit my power and become my successor!"

Izuku blinked a couple times before titling his head in confusion.

"Um… what?"

All Might spewed out a bunch of blood in response. Making Izuku scream out once again.


After checking to make sure his mentor was alright. Izuku looked up at him still wondering what he meant.

"All Might? What do you mean inherit your power? Also you said successor, just like earlier. What are you trying to say?"

Wiping away any stray blood All Might looked at Izuku with a nod.

"Sorry, guess I should explain before I say anything further. Since the first time we've met I bet you wonder why I'm in such a sorry state at times. I'm sorry for not fully explaining why. You see, a couple years ago I was in a big fight that almost cost me my life. I managed to walk away from it. Unfortunately so did the other guy. I also didn't leave without a scratch."

With a grim expression All Might lifted his shirt up to reveal a nasty injury on the side of his abdomen. It caused Izuku to reel back a little. He's seen a few bad injuries in his life. Having quite a few of them himself. His burn from that magma guy left it's mark on him more so than anything.

Strangely enough it was on the same side of where All Might's injury was.

"My respiratory system was basically destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have worn me out. I've tried everything and it can't be fixed. Right now I can do hero work for at least 3 hours a day." All Might bitterly as he left his shirt down. "This fight has been kept under wraps because I didn't want to cause a panic. The world needs a symbol to hold onto. To have hope."

Since debuting All Might had become so much more than the No.1 hero. He's become a Symbol Of Peace. The one who always smiles when things look grim. Even in other countries many revered him as such.

"But I'm on borrowed time. I might have a year or two at best before I won't be able to keep my muscle form. That's why I have chosen you to be my successor… to be the one to inherit my Quirk." All Might said with a weak smile as he hands in the air. "I wasn't born with this Quirk… it was given to me like a scared torch from my teacher and those before her."

"This Quirk… is called One For All!"

Izuku eyes widened in shock. All of this was a lot to process. Even for him! He activated his main Quirk and began to analyze him. Looking for any sign of lying. From what he saw All Might wasn't lying. Not one bit.

Soon it began to make sense. He knew All Might's Quirk was strange. No matter how hard he tried to analyze it or figure out what it was he would get nothing. It felt like he was trying to use his Quirk on multiple people at once.

"All my power and abilities come from this Quirk. I can transfer this Quirk to someone else. And that's just one facet of my secret abilities. One person improves this power than hands it off to another. It continues to grow passed along. It's this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. The truth behind my strength."

Still reeling from this shocking revelation. Izuku managed to finally speak.

"W-why? Why give me this power? Why make me your successor?" Izuku asked softy as he tried to make sense of all this. "Is that why you risked so much for me. So I can be your successor?"

It was a good question.

Giving out a small sigh and pondered that question. A few moments later he spoke.

"Are you kidding? Young Midoriya since the moment I saw you, I knew that in time you're going to be the best out of all us. You risked everything to save those people from that falling building. Went beyond your limits. Something I've had to do many times. At U.A. they have a saying… Plus Ultra! To go beyond! I believe you know these words well Izuku even without knowing it yourself. That's why know you are worthy out of anyone to inherit my power and become the next Symbol Of Peace!"

Still in disbelief Izuku looked up at All Might. Hearing all this was too much. Yet he still listened.

"You may think you are unworthy because of what you've done. But you're not! What you did today only further proves it. I know you have so much on your shoulders. Trust me I know the feeling but Izuku… whether you accept my power and try to become the next Symbol Of Peace or not. I will still help you achieve your dream. You will become a hero. I promise you that!"

It was hard not to believe him. Even in this form All Might still had so much strength and fire in his eyes.

A lot of things were going through Izuku's mind. Should he or shouldn't? If he was the same Quirkless fan boy months ago he would say yes without hesitation. But he wasn't that same person. He wasn't Quirkless, a fan boy maybe but he's changed. Having that kind of power along with the power he already has.

It sounded dangerous. Not just for him but for all those around him. Who's going to stop if he gave into his hunger again? To be given such power. To him of all people. It didn't seem right.

Still, Izuku couldn't help but be swayed by All Might's words. His hero was on borrowed time. The man who risked everything for him needed him. How could he say no.

"I… I accept."

Meanwhile Somewhere

In a dark hideout a familiar figure was hearing the news. After today's unexpected event there wasn't a person alive who didn't show interest in The Stalker.

"I must say I wasn't expecting this to happen. All Might you desperate fool. To pick Sylar's child as your successor. It may have been to try and quell the public from making an outcry but I truly know what you truly mean."

The scarred man was sitting on his chair still hooked up to multiple machines. He was smiling while shaking his head a little.

"It's kind of ironic if I do say so myself. Given who we've chosen as our successors. You choosing a boy from such a tainted and bloody family line. Many of whom would consider worse than villains. Me choosing a boy from such a noble and heroic bloodline. Your teacher's grandson nonetheless. My, what a turn of events."

The smile the man had wasn't normal or cheerful. Not like All Might's. No, this smile was sinister and full of malice. The opposite of a hero's.

"My interest in the boy is only growing. The ruckus he is causing is quite entertaining. This group that worships like a god is very interesting. Also the amount of individuals that our following his lead. Taking the law into their own hands and using their Quirks as they wish. It reminds so much when Quirks first appeared."

"Who knows… maybe I should have my student recruit the young man." The man stated in amusement of the idea. Suddenly a low whooshing sound was heard coming from behind the man. "Ah Kurogiri… and my student. How are you Tomura?"

Tomura Shigaraki, a disturbed young man who was the mysterious man's student and successor. He was in his villain garb and looked annoyed as he saw what was on the TV.

"I'm so sick of this kid. I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal out of him. I thought he was annoying as some stupid low tier vigilante. But I can't stand the sight of him now!" Tomura growled out. "Student and successor of All Might… it really pisses me off."

The man smile deepened as he heard the rage in his student's voice. His hatred for heroes and particularly All Might was rivaled to his own.

"I wish I could get my hands on either one of them. And watch them wither to nothing."

That little statement caught the man's attention. In fact, it gave him an idea. He's been working on something with his good doctor. Their Artificial Humans.

"Tomura. I think you've given me a wonderful idea." The man said surprising Tomura and Kurogiri. "Kurogiri, please contact the doctor. It's time me and him finish our little project."

Kurogiri simply nodded and disappeared in the shadows with a small whoosh. Leaving a confused Tomura.

"Teacher, what do you have planned? Tomura asked as he slowly began to smile deviously. "Are we going to kill that brat? Or how about All Might?"

The man chuckled darkly.

"All in due time my student. Trust me, you'll get your chance to kill All Might. The boy however you will not touch. Not until I dig up more information on him. Do you understand?"

It was safe to say Tomura was livid. He clenched his hands into fists. Wanting to voice his displeasure he was about to speak but stopped himself. Not wanting to disappoint his teacher Tomura sighed.

"Yes teacher…"

"Good. Now come here Tomura. I believe it's time I tell you what I've been working on." The man softly called out as he beckoned Tomura to come to him. "Something I'm sure you'll love."

Tomura did as his teacher asked and stood right next to him. He hated seeing the man who saved him and raised him like this. Scarred beyond belief. It was All Might's fault.

"Tomura… let me tell you about Artificial Humans. Rather you could call them Nomus if you like."

Meanwhile With Katsuki



A loud explosion was heard in the middle of a junk yard. Soon more explosions were heard along with yelling and very loud profanities.


It's only been a few hours since the incident. And Katsuki was still pissed. Not just because he caused most of the damage. But because he was held hostage by that mud thing! It was that he needed to be saved! Him, of all people! And what was worst of all us that he had to be saved by that bastard!


Katsuki blew a broken washing away with his Quirk! It soon hit the ground with a loud thud. Katsuki began to slowly calm down. He was still pissed of course. He had to stop because his muscles were tensing up. All because of his Quirk.

"That fucking nerd! Why was he there?! What the fuck is going on between him and All Might?!" Katsuki growled out with a nasty scowl. "Why isn't he in some jail or some shit?!"

After getting saved. And waking up. Katsuki was supposed to be taken to the hospital but he refused. Even threatened a few people to get his point across. What was the worst part was seeing him. Deku.

That worthless shit threw a glance here and there at him. Though he wouldn't approach him. As time passed he and All Might jumped off to somewhere. Leaving many with questions.

When that was over a few heroes and police praised him for being brave or about how powerful his Quirk was. He told them to fuck off. Simple as that and went home. Where he got an earful from his mom and concern from his old man. Not wanting to deal with that all day. He left to go train.

That's all he had going for him.

No friends. Not being top dog. Not liking how people praised him. All he had was his training.

However that was lie. What else he had was this burning desire to beat Deku. That lying and vigilante bastard! I didn't matter to him who he beat. How many shitty Quirks he had. Or who was his fucking teacher. He was going to get accepted in U.A. and become the No. 1 hero.

It didn't matter who would get in his way. He'll crush them. And if Deku gets in his way again. Their next fight won't end like last time.

No matter how far Deku is ahead of him in terms of power.

He was going to get stronger. 10 months, that's the time he had until U.A. starts. In that time he was going to train harder than he ever has.

"Next time we meet Deku… you're dead!"

A Few Hours Later With All Might

It's been a good few hours since he and Izuku had their talk. It still weighed heavy on his mind. He was thankful and worried that he agreed to accept One For All. It's not that the poor boy couldn't handle it. After what he's been though and the amount of Quirks he had made him a perfect candidate.

No, what was bothering him is that being the user of One For All had a lot of weight to in. Being his successor only made it worse. Also telling the whole world that probably wasn't a good idea.

Especially if that man was listening.

All Might know he was going to get flak from the government and his colleagues. Still he would do it all over again. If it helps people see Izuku as a brave and noble young man he sees him as. Then it was worth it.

The Symbol Of Peace was in his room sitting near his desk doing some paperwork. One thing many failed to mention when becoming a Pro Hero. His mood was still bright though. His talk with Izuku helped out a lot. Especially that dinner Inko cooked up. Boy was it delicious.

It was nice to everyone enjoy the food with some company. He's gotten very used to Inko and Izuku living here. He couldn't imagine what it was like before them. Living alone and leading such a secretive life wasn't all fun. It made him smile seeing Inko and Izuku's smiling faces when they were around.

Suddenly All Might's thought were interrupted when his phone started to ring. It was pretty late. Izuku and his mother were already off to bed. Izuku was sleeping in one of the other rooms until his broken window could be fixed. Yeah, still gonna have to deal with that later.

Who could be calling him at this hour?

"Hello?" All Might greeted as he answered his phone.

"Izuku Midoriya, The Stalker… you sure have a strange way of picking a successor. Toshinori."

Just like that All Might stood up and had a very fearful expression. A bit of blood dropped from his mouth.

"S-SIR!" All Might exclaimed in shock and bit of fear. "W-why are you calling at this hour?!"

"What? Can't a teacher call his former student just to talk? I thought I taught you some manners during your training."

Immediately All Might began to panic and started to bow up and down very fast.

"O-of course Gran Torino! Forgive my impudence!"

A sigh was heard from the other side of the phone.

"Why I'm calling is that your student has gotten a lot of people talking. Two in particular. I trust that you remember Hiro Nakamura his friend Peter Petrelli? I believe you once worked under him for awhile when you were in America right?"

Those two names definitely rang a bell. How could he forget them. The two of them were practically his idols when he was younger. Nakamura and his friend Ando Masahashi were like the godfathers of Pro Heroes. If it wasn't for them Japan would still be in the dark ages when Quirks first appeared. Hiro Nakamura, The Master Of Time And Space. The Time Hero. Ando Masahashi, The Crimson Arc. The Supercharge Hero.

Both were the greatest of heroes in the past. Their friendship and bond was said to be unbreakable. Unfortunately that changed one day. After a terrible incident involving Ando's wife who was also Hiro's sister happened. Both haven't seen or talked to one another in years. Last he heard Ando was still an active hero but was more of a trainer and advisor to the police and younger heroes.

From what he heard a long time Endeavor was his most prized student.

Peter Petrelli, now that's a name All Might remembers well. When he visited American to train he and Mr. Petrelli met when a villain went on a rampage. Petrelli was the No.1 hero in America for awhile before he retired. Last he heard Peter was still an active hero.

Hiro was the CEO of Yamagato Industries. A company that now funded Pro Heroes starting up their careers. While also funding suitable equipment and costumes for heroes too. They were also pretty picky about their clients. And who they sponsored. Only choosing those who were out there just to save lives and do normal heroics. While denying anyone with questionable history or motives. That really didn't win them a lot of people. But it was affective and something All Might himself approved of.

"Of course. I remember them. Peter especially."

"I would hope so. The both of them and Ando were good friends with your predecessor and teacher. Nana Shimura… she had a away with people. She was especially close to old Hiro. It's been a good while since I last saw him or anyone from the old days. Apparently Hiro got word about your successor and wants to meet him. Peter too for some reason."

Now that really caught All Might's attention.

"Really? I mean sure but why?"

"Before I get to that. Tell me, have you given the boy One For All yet?"

"Uh no. Not yet. I thought it'd be best to hold off on it until I evaluate him some more. I just want to make sure he doesn't get cold feet. I also want make sure his body can handle the power of One For All along with the amount of Quirks he has now. I rather be safe then sorry."

"That's smart. Given the boy's peculiar Quirk and heritage. I'm not saying you've chosen a terrible successor. But… what happens if the boy becomes like his father? The Sylar I've heard stories about was disturbed and a cold blooded killer who took Quirks in the worse way possible. Worse than All For One."

"He's not like that!"

Silence soon filled the room. It wasn't like All Might to raise his voice to anyone. Especially his former teacher Gran Torino.

"Izuku is many things. But he's not his father. Sure he's done a lot of things he isn't proud of. But I promise you sir… he'll become greater than anyone. Greater than me. He has a good heart and gentle soul. But when needed that soul of his will burn hotter than anything. You saw what he did to that villain today. He has a long way to go and he'll stumble. But he will be a hero!"

On the other end of the phone. Gran Torino was shocked. Shook to his very core. The conviction and assurance in All Might's voice, it made him remember something. The time his friend Nana Shimura spoke to him about All Might when he was just some scrawny runt with a big dream.

Soon the old hero smirked and laughed a little.

"It's funny. When Nana told me she was considering you to be her successor. I was doubtful. Yet your teacher stood her ground and told me you were going to change the world. She was right… and something tells me you might be right. That's why I'm asking you let me get a look at the boy."

"Um… excuse me?"

"YOU BIG DOLT! I'm asking if you'll let me show the kid a thing or two!"

All Might cringed a little as he pulled the phone away from ear a little. His old teacher could sure yell when needed.

"A-are you serious?!" All Might asked in surprise and a bit of fear.

"I'm asking ain't I? And it's not just me. Looks like old Hiro wants to meet the kid. Peter too, when he can find the time. Look I'm not saying I'll oversee his training. Not right now. Maybe when he's a bit more experienced I'll come a knocking. I just wanna see what kind of successor you've picked. Hiro on the other hand is different story. I think he's taken a shine to your boy. He'll stick around for a bit and see your progress with the boy. Maybe even teach him a thing or two.

Shock wasn't enough to describe what All Might was feeling. He couldn't believe his old teacher and great heroes like Hiro and Peter wanted to meet his student. Sure Izuku was getting people talking and shaking up the world. He just couldn't believe something like this would happen.

All Might was hesitant to say yes. But also fearful to say no. He's faced many powerful enemies and only a few people could frighten him. Gran Torino being top on the list.

Eventually All Might grew enough courage to answer.

"U-um… sure! Of course Gran Torino! It'd be an honor! I'm sure young Izuku will be ecstatic. When do you think you'll get a chance to come?"

"Hmm… maybe around tomorrow. Hiro canceled all his appointments and other business crap. He wants to meet the boy soon. That gonna be alright with you Toshinori?"

"Yes! I mean of course teacher! I'll make the preparations and keep it a surprise for Izuku."

"Good. Well I've taken enough of your time. Better get some sleep. I'll tell Hiro. Hopefully that will get him off my back. Goodnight Toshinori."

When All Might heard Gran Torino hang up. He immediately sighed in relief and flopped down onto his chair. Slowly starting to rub his temples All Might began to wonder if he did the right thing.

Either way he felt pity and a bit of fear for Izuku.

"I need a vacation…" All Might grumbled out with a sigh.

After that All Might went back to finishing the reports. Finally finishing them he went off to bed. Dreading what tomorrow will bring.

The Next Day

It was a beautiful morning. After yesterday's events security has beefed up a bit. There was also some people from a housing repair company. Who were in Izuku's room replacing the broken window. Speaking of which, Izuku was out back in his work out clothes.

He gave out a yawn as his stomach rumbled.

Izuku wanted to eat the breakfast his mom made. It looked so delicious. But All Might stopped because he had some special training planned. His mom argued with All Might for a bit. Yet All Might eventually won. By promising he'll get to eat later.

"Hope whatever All Might has planned isn't too rough." Izuku muttered to himself. "I wonder if he going to give me One For All?"

A few minutes later Izuku finally saw his mentor. And he wasn't alone. He was shocked to see two old men walking along with All Might. Who was in his muscular form. One of the old men was short while the other wasn't. From what he could tell the short one was a hero. At least that's what he thought because of the outfit.

The other man was a mystery. He looked very familiar. He wore a some casual clothes anyone would wear and he carried a samurai sword strapped behind his back.

As they got closer Izuku knew All Might was nervous. Even though he was trying his best to smile. When All Might and the two old men finally reached him. He started to get nervous as well. That changed when he finally recognized who the tall old man was.

"Y-YOU'RE HIRO NAKAMURA!" Izuku exclaimed loudly in shock as he pointed his finger at Hiro. Catching everyone off guard including Hiro. "Y-you're The Master Of Space And Time! T-the Time Hero! A former No.1 Pro Hero!"

All Might groaned and sweat dropped as he saw Izuku go into full fan boy mode. He's seen this a few times but not like this. Both Hiro and Gran Torino were still taken by Izuku's outburst.

Soon Gran Torino started to laugh while Hiro chuckled a little.

"Hahaha! Toshinori, he acts worse than you were at that age." Gran Torino laughed out as he shook his head. "Ah these kids today."

Hiro stopped chuckling but smiled as he walked over to Izuku. Who was still pretty nervous.

"Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to finally meet you." Hiro said in a kind tone as he extended his hand to Izuku. Who nervously accepted it and shook it. "While you may know who I am already. I'm old fashion and would like to formally introduce myself. I'm Hiro Nakamura, Master Of Space And Time."

Izuku could barely contain his excitement as Hiro bowed a little. It wasn't everyday you get to meet a legend.

"Alright enough of the that." Gran Torino grumbled out as he walked over to Izuku as well. "While you might know Pikachu here you don't know me. Name's Gran Torino."

"Don't call me Pikachu please." Hiro groaned out with annoyance.

"Oh don't like that eh? How about Spock?"


"Sulu then?"



"Sorahiko please."

"Hmm… Super Hiro?"

"Please, just stop." Hiro begged as he hid his face in embarrassment.

Causing Gran Torino to laugh some more. While both Izuku and All Might looked on in confusion. Eventually Izuku got enough nerve to say something finally.

"Um… what exactly is going on?"

The two old men stopped and looked at All Might. Who decided it was best to come clean.

"Young Midoriya, it's time I start explaining a few things. You see Gran Torino here used to be my teacher back when I was younger. Around your age in fact. He knows everything about One For All. Mr. Nakamura also knows too. The both of them knew my predecessor and master. And they're here to train you."


To Be Continued

AN: And done. Hope you all liked the chapter. So Izuku is going to get One For All. Just not yet. Yeah, couple of stuff happened. We saw Tomura and Kacchan being themselves. Hiro, Gran Torino and Peter seem to have taken an interest in Izuku. We also saw how scary Mrs. Midoriya can be. The next chapter is where we'll really be getting into the story. Which will be out… whenever. I have other stories to write but don't worry. The next chapter will definitely come out. Soon hopefully. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for any mistakes or errors. If you have questions, suggestions or just general feedback leave them in a review. Well, see ya!