It's time for a Reboot!


I could hear the banging on the door happen continuously in my sleep, Really it was my fault for staying up missing a job with Tess.I tried to ignore the banging for only a few second until it became much more consistent. "Alright alright keep your ass in check for Christ sake's." I look myself in the mirror making sure I look alright never know when a cute girl might turn up in this hell hole. As I walk toward to the door I noticed Joel was still sleeping through the banging. "*Sigh* of course he can sleep through it." I muttered to myself, this was Joel, he never told me his last name or probably I never care to remember. He may look old but the guy has enough in him to last another forty year at most. "Joel, Joel wake up we got visitors."

"Then you tell them to leave." He muttered still sleepy from his rest.

"Fine but if I end up shot I'm blaming you." I said to him while shaking him awake. The banging of the door continues loudly making me wonder if who behind the door like to be piss people off that way. As I walk to open the door Joel is already awake, not fully but its a working progress. I open the door and saw one of my favorite people in town. "Morning Tess see that you had a fun night." I said with a small smile as I noticed the bruise mark on her face.

"Yeah you should have been there would have had lots of fun." She said sarcastically as she walks past me to the kitchen. "Well I have some interesting news for you two."

"Where were you Tess?" Joel asked. I couldn't help but wonder the same thing.

"West end district." She went and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet took a glass of it and chugged it down. "Hey we had dropped to make." Tess pointed out.

"We. We had drop to make." Joel countered

"You said you wanted to left alone remember?" Tess said before looking at me. "And you decided to

"So let me guess. Client made off with out pills. Is that right?" The old man asked.

"Always going to the negative don't you Joel?" I asked jokingly.

"Deal went off without a hitch l. Got enough ration to last a month." Tess said as she drops a few green card on the counter-top. I groan as she mention the word 'ration' sure they have nutrient but they're so annoying to get makes me wish I had my own farm. I see Joel grab the wet cloth off of Tess's hand this also makes me wonder what kind of relationship they have.

"So these guy still with us?" He asked. Tess gave a small chuckle at that joke.


"I didn't even Joel can do funny." I commented quickly. Having Joel give a quick look. "What don't act as if you didn't set yourself up for that one." I defend readingly.

"So anyways did you find out who they were." Joel ask trying to change the subject as usual.

"Yeah they were a bunch of nobodies it doesn't matter. What matters is that Robert sent them." My eye widen at her claim and Joel looked a little shocked at that claim.

"Our Robert?" He asked getting a nod from Tess.

"I told you guy to let me shoot him when I got the chance." I said never like the guy he always tried to find another deal to make while still making one with us.

"He knows we're coming for him. he think he can get to us first."

"Son of a bitch. He's smart." Joel said slamming the cloth onto the table.

"Not smart enough, I know where he's hiding." Now that really got my attention.

"Like hell you do." Joel retorted.

"Old warehouse at area five. Can't say for how long though." Tess pointed out.

"Well I'm ready now. Yeah?" Joel asked

"Oh I can do now." Tess said

"Count me in." I said getting a disapproving look from both Joel and Tess. "What?" They still stared at me until I got the idea. "Oh no we are not doing this again."

"Your staying here." Joel said sternly. I guess we are.

"Look guys I've been with you for almost a year. And out of all the time you told me to stay have I ever listened." I argued. "Trust me you'll be sorry that I didn't take me at all." We stayed like this for just a few waiting to see who would crack first.

"Alright let's go." She sighed with her voice. "But you stay on our ass don't lose sight of us got it?"

I nodded at her order, I then look at Joel seeing if he would accept my help too. All I got from him was a sigh and that was all I need. I smile at the two them after. "Don't worry so much about me. Honestly so little faith from my own friends." I said to them as I walk toward the door.

Outside its always the same view military on post a few people on the curb of a sidewalk I would try to say never a dull moment but who am trying to kid. As we walk down the street we noticed the military taking people out of the apartment I couldn't bare to watch the rest so we move on ahead. "Seems like a lot more people are getting infected." I heard Tess said.

"That just mean that more people are sneaking out." I couldn't help but agree with Joel, over the past alone I counted about 15 pre-infected civilian and many more of them try to sneak out from here.

"I got some new paper shouldn't give us any static once we're in, just play it cool."

"Don't worry Joel can be more cool in a high-steak poker game." I pointed out.

"I think she was talking about you Aaron." Joel said to me gave Tess a mocking glare at that remark.

"You are never gonna let that drop go are you Tess?" I asked only to get a small smile from Tess as my answer. Figures.

"Let see some ID." I heard the military guard ask, after Joel hands in the ID give a quick look at them before his eye went back at us. "What's your business here?" He asked.

"Got the day off. Visiting a friend." Joel said nonchalantly the guy really know how to act cool when its necessary. As soon as we arrived at the gate a truck exploded in-front of us. There as only one crew that would go so far to attack the military.

"Fireflies!" I hear one guard say. I instantly look for Joel and Tess and noticed them waiting for me at an old apartment. I ran as fast as could at the sound of guns and bullets begin used. As soon as I reach door Joel automatically slams it behind me.

"Well that was fun." I said jokingly while trying to catch my breath. "What now?"

"There gonna close all the checkpoint thanks to the fireflies, we're gonna have to outside." Tess said

"Out side the wall?" Joel questioned.

"Or we could just Robert go."

"Cute." Joel said to Tess.

"Hey Tess see that shit?" I heard a guy asking Tess never really bother to know his name if I don't see them long enough I don't bother learning.

"I was there, how the east tunnel looking?" She asked.

"Its clear. Just used it. No patrol. Where you guys off to." He asked

"Gonna pay Robert a visit."

"Tch. You too?"

"Who else is looking for him?"

"Uh Marlene she's been asking around, trying to find him." Oh great now we've got competition.

"Marlene? What would the fireflies what with Robert?" Tess asked that got me thinking how much trouble are we really in for now that the queen is the play.

"You'd think she tell me?"

"And what did you tell her?"

"The truth I got no idea where he's hiding?"

"Aw and I thought we'd get a special offer since we're friends." I add jokingly.

"You don't know my name." He said with a deadpanned expression. I returned him with my own.

"Neither do you." I countered.


"Hey you stay out of trouble, military will be out in force soon."

"Yeah see you around." Some how I feel that won't happen for a long time. My mind began to work, Robert trying to get rid of Tess then the fireflies looking for him as we are it just made me feel that we're something much bigger than we should've been. As we reach the tunnel tunnel entrance I quietly thank god that I'm not claustrophobic or else I wouldn't be following them now. The cave had a bit of a smell but that's because of all the pipe in here, I noticed the table that hold our old packs as I reach for mine I found out there was something missing.

"Hey guys have you see my sword anywhere?" I asked only getting a sigh from Joel.

"Again I told to put it where you remember instantly, ah here it is underneath the table where you last put it." He said with a stern voice. What can I say I forget things sometimes it bad habit but you see anyone trying to fix it. I gave him a sheepish grin as Joel hand me back my sword. The sword was a natural katanna I found at job I did a couple months back Joel and Tess tried change mind into holding such a 'dangerous' weapon as they told me but with a few practices and negotiations I got my first weapon.

"Remind me again why we said you can have a sword?" Tess asked me.

"Simple. You guy always told me that I couldn't handle a gun even if I still knew how to shoot one and a sword is the only silent type weapon I got. That and it makes me look like a total bad-ass with it." I said with pride. As I puff out my chest only to get eye rolled from both adult. "Thanks guy I can feel your support from here." I said dryly.

Getting through the tunnel was easy few problems here and there but nothing to problematic of course the spores were a new feature. "thank god for gas mask" I thought. to my self as soon we got outside I took simple breath that is fresh air.

"Ah, fresh air." I hear Tess sigh in content. "That's the one thing I love about the outside, can't stand the smell of the city."

"Why don't you ask Bill for one of those air fresheners?" Joel asked jokingly.

"Yeah sure you can ask him that after he tries to stab you for the next 10 minutes." I grumbled, no matter how many time we've met I cannot like that guy. We went through the building entrance Tess made I saw that the plank to cross was down and made a quick run for it.

"Where you going?" Joel asked.

"Planks down. Must've fell off earlier." I answered. It was easy going to getting to the district really, a walk here a quick bribe there and we were in. Sad thing was tat it never looked any different than the last time I was here.

"Hey Tess, this warehouse we're going to it's the one near the docks right?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" All she saw was my smile and that gave her my answer. "No absolutely not."

"Come on Tess I know that place like the back of my hand. I got my sword I'll more quiet they won't even see me. And you know how quiet I can be Tess." I told her, I used to sneak around there when I was little. The number of times I was told not to play around there was too much to keep count.

"Alright but if thing get wild out there I expect you to lay low you here." I gave her a mocked salute and worked my way to the roofs you'd be amaze at how the guards never spend enough time to look up. While I walk across the roof I stopped for a while and view the horizon. A beautiful thing really the bright orange color of the sun and sky mixed with a nice breeze a top of it. I look down near an edge and saw Tess and Joel in-front of Roberts men, only two near the gate and no else. I position myself behind the guards and my sword ready at my hands and a smile on my face.

"Let us through." Tess said.

"You guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you." One of guards tried to threaten.

"Our beef isn't with you. We just want Robert." Tess said. "You don't want to do this."

"Turn the fuck around and leave now." He raised his voice.

"I'm not going anywhere without Robert." I feel the tension rise.

"Bitch, I will bash you're skull in unless you turn around and get your dumb-ass outta here!" He yelled, all that made me want to do was jump down and end that ass-hole. But instead Tess replied in kind by shooting the guard right in the face. Immediately I got in position and waited for the last two guards to be, Joel quickly shot one right at the head Tess killed the other.

"You guys okay?!" I asked. They waved me off telling me they're alright. Since they're taking the ground route it was only fair that I take the top floor. Still on the roof I spotted four guys at the next courtyard.

"How do you know they're coming?" One guy asked.

"Two of our guys died trying to take out Tess, way I see it she and Joel are coming right now to get Robert." The other replied.

"What about the kid?" That got my attention.

"What about him Robert told us that he's nothing. Just some lost kid Joel and Tess take care of because they felt sorry for him." I heard the other guy spoke, I felt my own fist clenched to the pint where it might bleed. But I wasn't mad at the guard.

"Tch, we shouldn't have taken this job." I heard the guy say.

"Not our call. Let's spread out and make sure no one creeping around in here." Too late for that mess. I saw Tess and Joel sneak up behind each guard and took them out. I figured it was time to deal with them too. Quietly I walked along side the roof and made my way through the wharf, I made my way down without getting spotted and hid behind a ship container.

"Fucking Robert that rat better be good." I heard one guard muttered. I sneaked behind the guard with my blade unsheathed and quickly stabbed the guard the thought the neck. It didn't matter to me how he died I learned to close that feeling for a while now.

As I make my way through the wharf there were stray sounds of chocking and something being stabbed. It wasn't long till I found Robert's office and saw Tess and Joel meet up with me.

"Geez what took you guys so long?" I asked.

"We've been busy." Joel answered.

"That office. Robert must've run in here. Let's go." Tess said. Joel kicked the door in and open the next door to the left.

"Oh shit!" He duck back to the entrance as Robert started shooting at us.

"Get back! Get the fuck back!" He screamed.

"We just want to talk Robert." Tees said.

"We ain't got nothing to talk about!" He's not exactly right about that.

"Just put the gun down!" Tess yelled. Robert replied by shooting again until the fated click of his gun told him it was empty.

"Go fuck yourself!" He yelled throwing his gun like a angry child. I sneaked a look and see him making a break for it.

"They always try to run." I manage to say.

"Come on!" Tess said. It wasn't take long of a run for Robert after a few turns we managed to corner him at a locked gate. "Hello Robert." Tess said with a satisfied smirk. Seeing him struggle to open it was a bit funny.

"Hey Tess, Joel no hard feeling right?" He asked. By the looks of it he's either planning his escape or really scared. "And Aaron how's its going little man?"

"Pretty good. Had a nice stroll coming here." I answered back.

"Alright." He said he tried to make a run for it but Tess wasn't gonna let him have it. She swung a pipe underneath the man leg, hopefully breaking it in the processes.

"You wanna tell where the guns are?" Tess asked.

"Alright look it complicated but just here me out on this, I gotta-" Joel kicked Robert face as he was talking or in my stalling. Joel reach for his arm as a sign of warning. He does know that we are already pissed that he tried to trick us again

"You were sayin?" Tess asked.

"I sold them." Robert admitted

"Hold up you what?" I asked.

"I didn't have much of a choice I owed someone."

"You owed us, I'm guessing you've bet on the wrong horse."

"I...just give me some. Gimme a week.

"You know I might have just done that if you didn't try and fucking kill me." But before Robert could explain himself to us she interrupted. "Who has our guns?"

"I-I cant." He conceded, Jesus he really like wasting peoples time. "Look of you give me some time I could-."It was times like this I'm glad Joel's my friend he really knows how to interrupt someones time. Breaking the guys arm is a good incentive to get give up an answer.

"Who has our guns?" Tess asked again slowly.

"The fireflies. I owed the fireflies." Well that something, what did he do that made become in debt with the fireflies he beyond me. "Look their basically all dead, why don't we go get them, get your gun. Huh come on fuck those fireflies."

"That is a stupid idea." Tess replied as aim her gun at Robert and fires two shot in his head.

"You should've let me shot him, me and him had an appointment overdue." I grumbled, but sadly I was ignored when Joel asked.

"So what do we do?" He asked.

"I think what we do is pretty much said for it self. We get our guns back." I explain

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Joel asked me.

"I don't know, we explained it to them." Tess said.

"Yeah that'll go over swimmingly." I said to myself quietly.

"Look let's just look for a Firefly." She suggested.

"You don't have to look very far." Oh great, she one of the last people I wanted to see, we her and Bill. Marlene queen of the fireflies.

"There we go queen firefly." Said Joel. Pointing at Marlene.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. Guess saying "hi" was out of the question.

"Oh decided to look around check the scenario, look up some old friends. You know the usual." I said. "What about you shot anyone that didn't deserve it?" I asked, noticing the bloody wound on her side. Great now I even sound more of jackass already.

"Still mad are you?" She asked as if it wasn't so long ago.

"I don't why don't ask the bullet wound I got the last we met up?" I asked sarcastically. I pointed to near my neck which I was glad was only a flesh wound.

"I told you I didn't know there would be hunters." Marlene explained, but I still didn't believe her.

"Right, right. And you here for..?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm looking for Robert." Oh awkward, Tess pointed dead body that is now Robert.

"Hmph I needed him alive."

"The guns he gave you they weren't his to sell. I want them back." Tess declared

"Its doesn't work that way Tess." I held in groan when Marlene said that. It never does, why can't things ever be simple.

"The hell it doesn't." Tess argued.

"I paid for those gun if you want them back you gotta earn them." And there the punchline, the old 'you scratch my back I scratch your' bit, she'd either want something smuggled or ration cards my guess the first one.

"(Sigh) how many cards we talkin about?" Tess asked.

"I don't give a shit about some damn ration cards, I want something smuggled you do that and the guns are our and more." Well I was right but that didn't make me feel any more secure about this deal.

"And how do we know you got them, words are the military's been wiping you guys out?"Joel asked

"Heh you right about that, I'll show you the gun." Marlene said, second later I hear like the military are getting close. "We have to move, what's your choice?"

"I want to see those gun." Tess said as she, I joined Marlene. I really hope this doesn't bite me in the ass

(One small killing walk later.)

"So what exactly are we smuggling?" Joel asked, as we put the final block on the door.

"You'll see." The queen firefly said.

"Hehe leave it to Marlene to be so secretive. I swear if it a bomb I'm the one who's gonna explode." I said dryly. I watch as the leader tries to open the door by herself I curse my selfless side sometime. "Here let me and it you straining yourself isn't gonna make the pain any easier." I noted.

"Alright on three ready. One, two three!" Just like that the door became easy to open I went in first to see if was clear. Before I could register a girl came behind me with a knife and out of instinct I grabbed my sword and prepare to slice her half.

"Wait!" Marlene to me. I look at the girl one more time, she had auburn hair that reach down her neck and red shirt over and black long sleeve, blue jean and converse, if it wasn't for the fact that she tried to kill me I would think she was kinda cute.

"You recruiting kinda young aren't ya?" Joel asked. He's got a point I haven't seen a firefly recruit this young before.

"She isn't one of mine." Well that makes no sense why she be here if she's...

"Oh I get it." I whispered to myself.

"Shit , what happened?" The girl asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry this is fixable, I got us help." She said pointing toward us. Before she gave a sadden expression. "But I can't come with you."

"Then I'm staying here." She's a brave girl I'll give her that.

"Ellie we won't get another shot like this."

"So I'm guessing she's the one we're smuggling huh?" I asked. She nodded to my question great, we're stuck on baby sitting duty.

"There's a group of fireflies waiting for you at the capitol building." Marlene explained

"Heh, that's not exactly close." Said Tess

"You capable, you go in there, deliver her and get your weapons double at what Robert sold us.

"Speaking of which where are they?"

"Back at our camp."

"We're not smuggling shit until we them." Tess said clearly annoyed at the back and front routine, time that I step in.

"Then we go with her and she can get patched up and we'll verify the weapon." I suggested.

"Heh that the idea, but your not coming the less people know the better, I want you and Joel to watch over her." Malrene said

"I'm sorry queen bug say what now?" I asked.

"Bullshit I'm not going anywhere with these guys." Ellie declared

"Yeah I'm with blade runner here, I did not agree to be no baby sitter." I said.

"Well no one was asking you, you can just walk out right now." Ellie told me, I was about to oblige her request when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I look behind me and see Tess looking straight into my eyes.

"Look don't hate me for sayin this but I agree with Marlene." Tess told me I look at her in shock before she continued. "Now don't give me that look young man there are people over there I don't trust especially if there gonna be around you, so I want you to stay here with Joel and keep them covered. You understand?" She asked me, god I hate it when she uses that tone with me she's always right when ever citation like these it. I sighed before nodding, I really hope this doesn't bite me in the ass.

"How do you know these guys?" Ellie asked of it she must've gotten a talk too.

"I used to work with their brother Tommy said if I ever was in trouble he'd be able to help me."

"Was that before or after he left your little militia group." Joel asked, I guess there was little tension between him and his brother.

"He left you too." Marlene returned. "He was a good man."

"Look just take them up to the north tunnel and I'll meet you there." Tess suggested before Joel could complain some more. "She's just cargo Joel."

"Don't take long okay. And you stay with me that mean you too Aaron." He pointed to me. "Let's go."

"Yeah yeah don't worry I'll be right behind yo. And Tess." I said she looked at me giving a small smile. "Be safe."

"Alright through hear." Joel said, we basically did a follow the leader kinda thing but with just less people. I see the scatter bodies on the floor, Fireflies must've put up a fight.

"Whoa, I heard the gunshot but never like this what do you think happened?" Ellie asked.

"Fireflies, and the same thing will happen to us if we don't get off the street." Follow Joel was the easy part the hard part was getting to the north tunnel. After ducking under a different tunnel and sneaking past a military trunk we were out on the other side of the building.

"So where are we going?" The girl asked

"Up there, that'll get us into the north tunnel." Joel said pointing at a ledge.

"How are we gonna get up there?" She asked.

"Well there is a dumpster in that garage over there." I said. Joel didn't much help getting the dumpster after climbing the the ledge is was pretty much and easy road.

"So this tunnel of yours, you smuggle thing?" Ellie asked.


"Like illegal things?"

"I don't know how smuggling thing could count as a good thing when the military is around here." I said to the girl in a dry manner.

"Well have you ever smuggle a kid before?" She asked us.

"No this is a first for us." Joel admitted.

"Heh even when the world has gone to shit there are moment like this." I said out loud I wonder if Joel smiled at that joke.

"What the deal with you and Marlene?" .

"I don't know. She's a friend I guess." Ellie said, she guesses Marlene's a friend.

"Your friend. Your friend is leader of the Fireflies what are you like twelve?" Joel asked.

"She knew my mom , she's been taking care of me ever since. And I'm fourteen not that I'll matters." Ellie said defensively.

"You hear that Aaron sounds like you've found someone close to your age." He said jokingly. I took a look of annoyance when he said that.

"Haha very funny old man. I'll let you know next time we see a woman that you're interested." I replied back dryly. But Joel went back to Ellie.

"So where are your parents?"

"Where are anyone's parent, they've been gone a long long time." Guess that's something we can relate.

"So instead of staying in school you deiced to the join the fireflies-" Joel said.

"Look I'm not suppose to tell you why you're smuggling if that's what your after." Ellie interrupted.

"You know the funny is I don't have to know to be honest I can give about what your up to." Said the 40 year old survivor.

"Well great."


"Yeah, you two are getting along just great." I said jokingly, I kinda feel like a third wheel with these two. We through the door which hold the entrance to the north tunnel. "Homey isn't it?" I asked Ellie.

"Yeah, real homey." She said, I see Joel laying on the couch, looks like we're gonna be here for a while. "What are you doing?" She asked Joel.

"Killing time." He simply answered.

"Right your had an agenda with sleep before all this happened." I said.

"Then what are we suppose to do?" Ellie asked.

"Figure that out for your self." He sighed as he return to his relaxation pose. I figured that if we're gonna be here might as well try to know each other.

"Come on it been a long day for us." I said taking her into another room. The second room was nothing to gasp about, a small couch and a mattress that was all that's there. I put my bag on the floor and drop my sword beside it. I caught Ellie staring at my weapon for a few seconds. "What is it?"

"How did you get you a sword?" She asked.

"I had a job with Joel a couple months back and as a reward our client gave me this sword." I explain. I'm not much for story telling like to keep it short and simple when it conversation.

"And they let you keep it?" I think they that she is refering to is Joel and Tess boy that was a headache.

"Heh, hell no you'd think after everything that's been going on in this world a kid with a sword would be the least of their worries. It took me days of pleading, bargaining and yelling with them just to be able to hold the damn thing. At the end of it all I told them that if I practice with it long enough and can use it in a situation then they'll let me carry it. Ugh the number of day I hurt myself saying that." I began to reminisce at the number of hour I trained just to use a sword.

"And how long did you have to parctice?" She asked.

"Uh lets see it's August right. So maybe 6 to 8 months of practicing to at least the point where I know how to use it. " As I talked with her I just remembered how we first met, I wince at the bad beginning. "Hey listen sorry about almost trying slice you back there, it was really instinct that took me."

"No problem, sorry for almost trying to stab you there I thought you were trying to hurt Marlene." She apologized.

"Heh, yeah right hurting the queen of the fireflies I must have a death wish." I said jokingly, I chuckled and see Ellie getting the joke too she laughs with me. "We haven't been properly intorduced names Aaron, last name not worth mentioning."Said putting my hand out to shake.

"Eillie, the girl your smuggling." She said as a joke. Guess things aren't as bad as they should who knows maybe this'll be a clean job after all.