Freddy's alarm went off and the bear was up when he first heard the first beep. He cut off his alarm as the clock on it read six in the morning. The bear himself got up and brushed himself off lacking his usual vest or fedora. Freddy stretched out and groggily walked over to his restroom. You see, dear reader, this is the exact time Freddy wakes up every morning.

Not even Doc is awake as he wakes up thirty minutes after Freddy. The bear prides himself on one thing: being the perfect gentle man. He opens the doors for ladies, helps people with their bags, helps around the house, etcetera, etcetera, I think you get the point. One of his gentlemanly rules is to always look your best and to always be earlier then you should be. And because of these rules Freddy always got up at six so that he could be the first in the dinning room.

Anyway, Freddy turned on the shower and hoped in. Every morning he took an exact fifteen minute shower and he did this every night as well. He then got out of the shower and used a hairdryer to dry his fur, he then used a brush to brush out every (and any) knots in his fur and made sure it was properly straight and silky smooth. He then had made sure to floss and brush his teeth. Finally Freddy stepped put the restroom and put on a brown vest with his signature black fedora on to match.

He then left his room, walked down to the dinning room, and sat in his usual seat. And about ten minutes later Doc came into the room,

"Had a good nights sleep?" The man asked as he immediately began to pull out three packs of bacon and five cartons on eggs.

"Yep. You know, I could help." Freddy said,

"You offer every time and what is my answer every time?" Doc replied with a smile.

"No." Freddy said with a sigh, "But why do you always say no? I'm a good cook." Doc simply shook his head.

"Because you just woke up and I don't want you to stretch yourself out too think. Now, I'm guessing you want your coffee with three creams, two sugars, with chocolate syrup?" He said,

"Yes, but I can do it. I've made coffee before." Freddy said standing up from his seat.

"Ah, ah, ah, sit that bear butt back down." Doc said, Freddy sighed and sat back down. The short man then started up the coffee maker and waited for the coffee to pour into the coffee pitcher. But, as he waited he turned on the eye's to the stove and put large pans on each of the eye's. Once they warmed up doc cracked fifteen eggs and bacon strips in each pan. The eggs and bacon sizzled immediately and Freddy's nose twitched as his stomach growled.

The bear blushed and smiled sheepishly as he put a paw to his stomach, almost as if expecting the growling to stop in response. Doc simply chuckled and rolled his eyes as he poured, and stirred up Freddy's coffee, he then handed it to the bear who took it and blew on it to cool it down. Suddenly though the dinning room door opened and in came Springtrap and the other animatronics. Springtrap and Toy Freddy sat by Freddy, the mini-lora's sat by Ballora, the bitsybabies sat by Baby. Marionette sat by Enard, Golden Freddy sat by Springtrap, BB sat by Baby, BG sat by BB, and the remaining animatronics sat wherever they could.

All the animatronics (minus Freddy) all looked like they had just woken up with messy fur and all. Doc didn't mind it as he put a big plate in the center of the table and quickly walked back over to the stove. He cut off the eyes and flipped the four pans causing the contents to land perfectly on the large plate. Doc then sat smaller plates in front of each animatronic and placed an even proportion of food on each plate. The man then pulled out a plate of his own and saw in his usual seat, which was right in between Mangle and Foxy.

The animatronics then all began to eat and talk each having varying levels of mannerisms. On the scale it went from Mangle (who was stuffing her face while talking as she failed to sit in her seat) to Freddy (who was using a knife and fork to evenly cut his eggs and bacon as he talk at a gentle volume). Meanwhile the Marionette couldn't help but eye Freddy as he ate. Enard noticed this and quickly whispered in the Marionette's ear.

"Mar-Mar, whatever your going to do you better not cause too much trouble. Remember your still trying to live down bamboo butt." Enard said, the Marionette nodded and cleared his throat which caused everyone to go quiet.

"Alright everyone, I'm gonna make myself clear I'm not trying to start any trouble. I'm just trying to make a point, okay, raise you hand or whatever appendage you have if you've ever seen Freddy chill out for once. And I mean this as in turn off the gentlemanliness role he's used to." Marionette said, and nobody raised their hand in response. Freddy raised an eyebrow as he looked around, he suddenly felt like running to his room.

"Alright then, well I think the should change." Marionette said,

"Marionette…" Freddy said crossing his arms as if to tell the puppet to watch what he says next.

"No reason to get hostile, I'm actually trying to help you. You always are so tense and stressed because of your gentlemen thing. Well I think it's time you finally relax, I dare you to not be a gentleman and not follow those rules of yours for a while week." Marionette said, he then floated over to Freddy with his own arms crossed.

"And why would I do something like that?" Freddy said,

"To end the rumors. Word is around here is that you've never kissed a girl, nor have you ever masturbated because of your gentlemanliness. If you can't be a gentleman for a week then you disprove rumors like the ones I mentioned. If not, then you have to admit if these rumors or right or not." Marionette said. Everyone then began to whisper amongst each other, everyone but Foxy, Doc, Toy Freddy, Springtrap of course as they wore concerned looks to Freddy. Meanwhile Freddy cheeks we're scarlet as he looked around the room. He suddenly didn't feel so hungry anymore.

"Well….do we gave a deal?" Marionette said, holding out a hand. Everyone then looked at Freddy and the bear felt his artificial heart beat rapidly in his chest. He had to do this, is not everyone would make up even more rumors. Freddy gulped and shook Marionette's hand,

"You have yourself a deal." He said. And the Marionette smiled,

"Good, the bet starts tomorrow." He announced. And Freddy forced a competitive yet friendly smile,

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said. The conversations then resumed with vigor as the Marionette sat back down. But the only ones who immediately didn't go back to their conversations was Doc, Foxy, Toy Freddy, and Springtrap. Thankfully though, they all got back to their conversations after giving Freddy another glance. Once the eyes we're off him Freddy let out a sigh of relief and tensely continued to eat.

What had he gotten himself into?