Chapter 9- Ootori Family Becomes Curious!

Haruhi walks into Kyoya's house. Well, small mansion. She is still upset by what just occurred at the house. She knew that she overreacted when she ran away, but she had to get away. Earlier once she was outside her house, she proceeded to have a panic attack. In the middle of the attack her phone rang. She picked up immediately knowing who it was without looking at the screen. A few minutes later she was waiting at the edge of the property for Kyoya to pick her up, shaky but calmer than when she was in the house.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Kyoya's voice jerks her out of her reverie.

"No thanks." She walks around the space that she assumed was the living room but looks more like a lavish meeting area with couches and T.V. instead of desk and chairs. She stops at the family picture. "You're probably charging me for just being here. Is this really you as a child? You look so… removed. Your eyes are really focused though as if you are trying to convey your determination to the world."

Bingo. Like always she hits the target. He avoids the family conversation and hits her target spot, "Hm, don't worry the only charge is telling why you decided to call me at seven at night to come take you away from your family with tears in your eyes. Or do you not want to talk about it?" He doesn't let her answer, they both know it was rhetoric, "Could it be that your family head, Akito was it, wants you to do something you don't want to? Or is it your family making you do this something?"

She was quite for a while, staring at the family photo. She didn't even comment that he was the one to call her or make a remark about her crying in front of him. Although he did bring up a touchy subject immediately after. No wonder she's mute right now.

"Family's something, huh?" She comments suddenly, snapping his attention back to her. "You can have the most perfect family who's willing to die for you, or you can have a screwed-up family that wants you out of their life or to make your life miserable. But family is family. You don't even have to have blood relations to them- it could just be a family of friends like us- all you have to do is just want to have them in your life and want to protect them. That's what true family is. I guess that's why people with bad homes stay more often than not. They can be the most annoying troublesome people in the world but if they are your family, you're willing to go to the end of the world for them." She turns to Kyoya, "You know most of our family secrets because of Shigure and the others. But just knowing that would get your memory wiped, if you learn anything more, things could get dangerous."

Her voice is passive, like she wants to not care what his choice is but when she was talking about family it was more wistful like she wanted to believe what she herself was saying. She would be a good Elite if she tried, but knowing her, Kyoya thinks she'd rather have nothing than be that sort of person. He doesn't respond to her chosen fact but contemplates her meaning. What she said was an interesting notion. He guesses that is why he stays with his own family. Did they have a way to wipe memories? Hypnotism most likely. But why would they erase someone's memories in the first place? He decides to mull it over later.

"Feeling better now?" Kyoya asks as he sets a glass of tea in front of her.

"Yes, thank you." She sips the drink knowing he purposefully changed the sour topic. A silence that had an air of awkward, yet peacefulness falls over the room once again.

"So, club talk. How are the preparations for the ball going?"

"It's going well. Since we decided on the theme yesterday, I ordered all the necessary trappings, they will be here in time for the ball, they'll set up next weekend. All we must do now is wait and pick out outfits. Well, you don't, Tamaki and the twins have that covered."

Sighing Haruhi puts her glass down. "Great, they'll probably have me wear big puffy dresses or something against the theme. They seem to forget that I am supposed to be a male student at school."

He nods his agreement then shrugs, "I'm sure they wouldn't be that absent minded."

Haruhi gives him a pointed look making him chuckle. "Maybe a little." He amends.

"Do you like being in the club Haruhi?"

"What?" She says surprised.

This question surprised himself, he wasn't the type of person to ask such a question, even if it has been on his mind for quite a while.

"I know originally you started attending the club to pay off the debt from the vase you broke. What I am asking is if you are… having fun?" He says the last words as if he's never uttered those words before, like the concept of fun was just out of grasp for him.

Blinking she automatically responds "Of course I am. All of you are like a family to me. I can't picture how my life would have turned out if you guys weren't there. I knew I'd eventually be brought back home like I did, that's one reason why I chose to not get too close to anyone. Sure, I had acquaintances at school, but I kept them as school friends only- never going anywhere with them. I thought it would have been sooner than this that I would have been dragged home and there wouldn't be anything to stop me from switching schools like Akito wants. I don't know why he didn't. Although, I think you guys changed my perspective of things more this last year. I think I've become a better person thanks to you all. I'm not as weak as I once was."

"Weak was one thing you never were Haruhi and you know it." He chuckles a bit.

Haruhi thinks of Akito and everyone else, she hurt them, she damaged them. All because she couldn't say no to Akito. This fact makes her weak.

Reading her face Kyoya says, "I don't know what you are thinking right now but I am telling you this; you are many things Haruhi but not weak. Whatever your thinking about most certainly has to do with your family. And I will say this and this only. You are not trapped there. You have Ranka and all of us. You might even have support from some of your family there. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. And if you are trapped by memories, then embrace them then accept them. You can't change the past, just remember the good things and move forward."

Seeing her accept the words and soak them in he decides to give her a little grace and change the subject. "Now, it's past ten at night and it's an almost hour ride to your house. Or I could drop you off at Rankas if you prefer to stay longer."

Fear clouds her face for some unknown reason. "Um. No. That's fine. We can leave now. Thank you so much and sorry for all the trouble."

Before they could leave Yoshio and Akito Ootori walk in. They stop talking when they see the two there. "Ah, who is here this late at night?" Akito asks as he glares at Haruhi with vicious and superior eyes then directs his glare at his younger brother.

Kyoya looks at his father and brother with his business face on. He is refusing to answer, probably thinking of a reply that wouldn't cause the men to over think their relationship. Haruhi decides to step in, "I am Haruhi Fujioka." She uses her other last name because that's how the school knows her by.

She leaves it like that, short and sweet and waits for their comments and sure enough Yoshio takes the bait. "Oh? So, you are the scholarship girl who joined the Host Club to pay her debts? Yuzuru has told me a lot about you."

The mention of the chairman of their school and Tamikis father gives Haruhi a curious thought, wondering what exactly the chairman told this medical head. Was he even aloud to talk about her? She doesn't know which bothers her because she is supposed to become a lawyer after she graduates- so this simple information shouldn't slip her attention.

She guesses that these two are very uptight. Straightening she channels her host self, which isn't very different than herself. "Yes, I'm sure he has. Nice to meet you Mr. Ootori, Mr. Ootori, I've heard a lot about the two of you also." Haruhi gives them the same glare Akito did while bowing.

As she is saying this a light laugh echoes the room. Leaning in a woman glances at the Ootori men and smiles sweetly at Haruhi. "Oops, sorry. Did I interrupt? Who's this?"

She looks at Haruhi like she already knows the answer, "Haruhi Fujioka ma'am. It's nice to meet you."

"Aren't you cute! Why are you here so late though?" She looks at Kyoya and they have a silent conversation that ends with Kyoya huffing and his sister smiling.

"This is my sister Fuyumi. She's leaving."

"Aw don't be like that. Oh, Father, Mother wants to talk to you."

"Alright thank you. I assume you are leaving now Miss Fujioka.? Have a safe ride home."

"Thank you, Sir." Yoshio walks away as Akito stares at Haruhi.


"You seem like more trouble than a commoner should be."

"I don't know. That's your own opinion. I just try to stay out of people's way. I'm more of a background character. But if need be it would depend on if you're on my side or not."

"Ha and what do you think you can do?"

"Just gotta wait and see I guess."

"Akito let's go, we still need to discuss some things about the meeting tomorrow." Yoshio says.

As they walk away the doorbell rings. Yoshio shoos off the servant that goes to get it and answers himself. Standing there is Hatori and Momiji.

"Who are you?" Akito asks from behind his father.

"Pardon me so late, my name is Hatori Sohma; you might know of me."

"Doctor Sohma! What brings you here at this hour? We are not supposed to meet until tomorrow?" Yoshio exclaims as the man ignores him and the petit boy rushes past to Haruhi.

"What are you doing here?" Haruhi interjects as she's refusing to be led out the door by Momiji.

All eyes turn to her. "Kyoya called me. I was already talking to Shigure who told me what happened. Your brother said you came here. I was picking Momiji up already from his Karate classes, so I decided to come pick you up as well. Unless you were planning to stay here or go to your father's house- which the result doesn't have to be said, no?"

She looks over at Kyoya who has an impassive face. "You guys are suffocating. I know the rules I don't need a babysitter."

"Yet you missed your meeting with HIM."

Silence fell like a curtain, the air turning frosty. "That is my choice and mine alone."

"You left Yuki alone with him."

Shit. Wide eyes she silently asks if he's alright. Hatori nods. "Let's go, it's getting late." Translation: we can't talk about it here so get into the car.

"... Alright." She turns to Kyoya. "Thank you for today, I'll see you at school tomorrow." She bows and says a polite goodbye and was nice to meet you to the three other Oootori's, two of which is still in shock before departing.

"Well they were… interesting." Fuyumi says while hiding a laugh. Which of course means 'I don't know what is going on but seeing this shock look on your two faces is worth any price.' but then says uninterestedly, "Though Mother is still looking for you."

"Right…" The head of the house says as he shacks himself out of his stupor. He turns to Akito, "While I'm gone find out about this scholarship girl, I take it you won't tell me anything." He emphasizes the last part to Kyoya who shrugs.

"I will advise you not to but knowing you, you won't take my heed. But keep in mind if you do anything to her that I would not like, then you might have to face the Sohma's too."

Yuzuru narrows his eyes at his youngest child, knowing that he's suggesting having the Sohma's back out of supporting his company; which wouldn't hurt them too much but will cause a rift between them and any future endeavors the company might take on. "Is that a threat?"

"It's a warning. The Sohma's don't take too kindly to people who try to mess with what's theirs. They themselves are included in this sentiment and anyone else they deem worthy and apparently Haruhi falls under that."

"When did you get all friendly with the Sohma family? Did you pull her into this?"

"No, quit the opposite." He made eye contact with his sister knowing she was reading his computer behind him when he first dived into this mess. She didn't know anything, but she was smart and who knows how long she was looking over his shoulder for- she could easily figure this out if she tried.

Shaking his head Yuzuru heads to find his wife leaving his three kids behind.

"I'll make sure tomorrow if I have to look more into this girl of yours. If Dad still wants me to, I will do it."

"I won't stop you, but I promise the Sohma's will."

Akito nods slowly. "I don't know what you got yourself into little brother, but I hope for all our sakes it won't end badly for us. The Sohmas might be close to gods in Japan but they are still too mysterious. They might be doing something we don't want to step in. Don't sully the family name for that nobody girl."

Furry ragged in Kyoya's eyes but his expression remained stable. "No wouldn't want that." He says sarcastically. He watches his brother rise up the stairs before focusing his gaze on the last Ootori member.

Raising an eyebrow at her she just smiles back. "Don't listen to them so much. Protect her. She looks like she needs as much people to back her up as possible right now. But then again it looks like she won't take someone protecting her for free so maybe do so from behind the curtain and not that brazenly, 'kay?"

"How much have you figured out Fuyumi?"

"hmm, nothing. Although I think she's a part of the Sohma family. I don't know how close though. Probably not that close if she's a scholarship student. But then again she might be trying to get away from them and branching off from them." She shrugs, "Don't know, I don't have much of an interest either. She's just so cute that I don't want Father or brother to do something to her." She gives a fierce grin, "Say why don't you make her apart of the family! It would be so adorable to have a cinnamon roll like that as my sister!"

Kyoya snorts, "Sorry sister, but even if she is a Sohma, she serves me nothing as a marriage partner since she's going into law- not doctorial. She will not serve any purpose."

"Still… if she is a Sohma her name alone would serve a purpose. I can see that you care for her. Why not bring her into the family?"

"I do not like her that way. She is a school colleague, nothing more. Anyway, she wouldn't like it, she was raised as a commoner- she doesn't fit into our class."

"But she's learning through your school and your club. Anyone can be high-class if given the opportunity. She has the determination and the attitude for it. Just remember what she said to brother!" She laughs, "and 'raised a commoner' meaning she had a choice of something else. I wonder what that could be dear brother." She gives a sly grin.

"That face doesn't suit you. And no, she didn't, she was born and raised with the commoner attitude and that makes her worthless as a wife."

"Phooey. You are no fun."

"I'm done here if you need me, I'll be in my room."

A/N: 7/24/19