Zeddison is on my mind. I can't stop it. The characters are so charmingly naive but full throttle and I adore them and their relationship for it. So here is my Zeddison one shot dumping ground. My goal is 3-4 one page/one shots maybe going as high as Teen rating and this is where they will collect. I hope you enjoy me playing with the characters as much as I do.

On this one. We have right after the Block Party, and some angsty secrets come out. I don't mormally do teen angst, it's not my thing, but I loved the idea. Enjoy!

After the block party, Addison never felt more beautiful. She joined her new zombie friends for their dance, and the cheerleaders that came after for theirs. She shared their food, they shared hers, and she even saw glimpses of her mom and Dad starting to undo generations of hate. Her hair, chopped at and abused for so many years framed her face and for the first time she didn't fear disgust or rejection. She just loved herself. And Zed.

Zed. She sighed. He looked so handsome in his carefully modified pair of government coveralls. There were so many small things he did that she noticed, he was so helpful, so caring.

She had come up to the light garden to breathe, to think. She could feel it in her soul how much things were changing. She was afraid, naturally, there would be some who would never accept it. But she was determined to make sure Zombies were welcomed in all of Seabrook. Addison leaned her head against the open window sill, her breathing deep. She didn't realize she even closed her eyes.

Addison sat up before opening her eyes, sunlight fighting through old drapes to reach her peeking eyes. It hurt enough to cause her to wince. She pulled her arm up, blocking the bright light. I hope this isn't a migraine, she thought. She tried again and realized she wasn't at home in her bed. She was in a bed though.

"Addison." Zed's voice was filled with relief. He was sitting in some kind of wire chair filled with mismatched pillows. He jumped up quickly kneeling in front of her, wrapping her hand with his. He laid a small kiss to the top of her hand, a bare touch of lips, gentle.

"What happened?" Addison tried to say, her voice was rough, her body started feeling tired, achy. She pulled the blankets closer around her. She was so cold. "Flu?" She asked. She can't believe she caught the flu in ZombieTown, now her parents were going to fly off the handle. And she was in Zeds bedroom, she was guessing by all the antique football decor.

The door rushed open and Addison saw her mom and Dad, dressed the same as last night. Zeds Dad was also there, holding Zoey, giving her a thumbs up.

"No one was able to find you after the block party was over." Zeds Dad offered.

"Zed found you upstairs over the light garden. We don't even go up there, it's not safe." Zoey scrunched her face.

"Can we have a minute to talk to our daughter?" Addison's Dad asked.

"What's going on?" Addison tried to sit up, the energy leaving her.

"I think we are past secrets at this point." Zed offered, rubbing his thumb over Addison's fingers. He lifted them up just enough to enter Addison's line of site.

Addison's eyes went round as saucers. She pulled her hand up, looking at the pale grey skin.

"Mom? Dad?" Addison felt her body start to shake.

Zed crawled into the bed, pulling her body flush wish his, he bumped her chin up to look at him.

"It's going to be okay Addison." Zed rested his forehead on hers.

"We haven't been entirely truthful about your hair." Dale offered.

"Or hospital visits." Missy hung her head low. "You remember the story of grandpa being bitten during the outbreak?"

"It's all you talk about when you hear 'zombies'." Addison tried to hide the anger and fear from her voice.

"Something happen, the scientists don't understand it, that much is true. He was only slightly infected, and it jumped a generation and well- suprise." Dale walked over to Addison on the side away from Zed. "We do not and have never loved you any less because of your affliction. At the time we just wanted to find a way to make it so you didn't have to grow up away from us, but that's all different now." He tried to pull her into a hug.

"Is that why you're all about changing the laws now?" Zed accused her parents who at least had the decency to look ashamed.

Addison pulled her hair in front of her eyes, it was still white.

"You're not a full zombie, but you're not exactly fully alive. At night, we slip a Zband on your wrist, and take it off before you wake up. It keeps you fully alive." Missy tried to be soft. "Just a little, not too much. It took years of trying to find the perfect balance.

"How long were you going to keep that up?" Addison's voice was hard.

"Addison-" dale began.

"How long?" Addison chewed out each word.

"As longs as we could, forever, if we needed." Missy was honest, her shoulders falling as the truth hit the air. Her family still had so far to go.

"Addison, you're more than welcome to stay in our home while we sort thru everything." Zeds Dad offered.

"Thank you. I don't know if I'll be welcome back in Seabrook right now. What happens if I don't wear the Zband nightly?" Addison asked her parents.

"This is you. This is what you look like, your heart beats- just very slow. You don't need brains, your perfect Addison and we were always so happy for you." Missy walked over to Dale, her hand interlacing with his.

"As long as I was hidden enough not to cause a loss for any election. I wish I could believe that, but after 15 years of being convinced I was the problem I think it's going to take some time to see. I think you should go now. I'm safe, the laws still aren't changed yet and you're in Zombieland." Addison's words were clipped, precise and short. She pulled the covers over her head, her sobs soft enough only the blanket moving gave it away.

She could hear footsteps start to leave the room and she let the sorrow overtake her. Her body crunched into a ball as years of pain and self-doubt met with confusion and distrust. She tried to stop when she heard footsteps come back but hiccuping sobs gave her away. Whoever it was sat on the bed, rubbing her back. She lifted the blankets and saw Zed, which made her cry even more. He was so handsome, patient. He just found out his girlfriend was a half-zombie and he was still here supporting her. Wait? Were they still dating? Her sobs began again as she realized everything might be taken from her in one second. She grieved for the time when she thought taking off a wig was her largest moment.

He crawled into bed and she was sure that this must be his bed, because it was longer than any bed she's ever been in and he fit perfectly. She let out another cry, home. The thought just caused her more anger. His arm wrapped around her waist and he simply held her, letting her cry until her body stopped shaking, the hiccups giving way to heavy breathing.

"Are you going to break up with me now?" Addison choked out the words, fear helping her sobs begin again.

Zed lifted her, turning her to face him. He put his hand on her face, wiping the tears with his thumbs. He bent down, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"You are still the most beautiful human I've ever seen, living or dead. You are so special and unique, more so than anyone on this planet. I can't believe you still want to be with this undead guy. I'm just a quarterback but you, my cheerleader are a bridge between the living and the undead." He winked at her, and her giggle broke thru. "I was terrified. I thought the worst, I thought worse than the worse. I created worse thoughts than I have ever in my life. Before I found you, I was losing it." Zed held her tight to him. "I may have ever tried to rip off my Zband, thinking my zombie self could find you."

"Don't you ever even think of doing that. I was fine. I think I was just overwhelmed by all the good news, all the change. Seems so far away now." Addison turned her face into his chest, breathing him in. He always smelled good, but he smelled delicious now.

Zed used his long fingers to stroke her short hair. "When are you going to understand I would do anything for you Addison?" Zed exhaled deep. "I only breathe for you, my heart beats for you, I became human for you." He kissed the top of her head.

Addison sat in that moment, her thoughts racing. Her family loved the idea of her, and here was Zed, supporting her. Supporting her as she tried to live off to their ideals, he himself being pulled into their ideals. She loved her parents but in that moment, she had enough. She wasn't going to let their toxic need for perfection destroy her anymore. Soft laughter came out, slowly smiles, and Addison laid a chaste kiss on Zeds lips.

"None of that anymore, you just be you. I'm in love with that person. And I hope you can be patient as I figure out what type of person I am." Addison whispered.

"I already know who you are. You're my cheerleader." Zed kisses her back, squeezing her hand gently.

"Do you think your dad minds if I stay slightly longer than expected? I don't want to face anyone right now." Addison asked.

Zeds door burst opened and Zoey flew on the bed.

"Yay! Addison is S-T-A-Y-I-N-G!" She cheered on top of them. "Come Puppy, we have to get the cookies!" Zoey back flipped off the bed, rubbing out the door to the laughter of Zed and Addison.

Addison inhaled deep, now she felt joy and love fill her heart. But a new feeling was there, content. She was finally free from the constant perfection of Seabrook and she finally felt the beginnings that maybe she could be enough, just as she was.