The Escaped Exorcist

Author's note: Hey guys! This is my first story so I hope you enjoy it. Please give me any feedback! ENJOY! XD

"The Fourteenth talking"



Chapter 1: The Great Fall

Allen's P.O.V:

I ran down a dark alley, looking over my shoulder every once in a while. I winced as pain tore through my body. I stumbled but managed to stay on my feet as I clutched my side. Blood poured between my fingers when I gripped the wound harder. Timcanpy nudged my head then flew further down the alley. I grimaced, but I refuse to give up. I stumbled after Timcanpy, my side burning. Ahead of me, Timcanpy turned another corner.

My breath started coming into sharp breaths as I turned the corner. I stopped for a moment and listened. The yelling behind me sounded faint, but they would find me eventually. My vision started to swim, and I knew that I couldn't stay conscious much longer. I looked around for Timcanpy and found him by a door. "Cousin, quickly link that door to the Ark. Just get out of there!", a voice said as it popped into my head. I nodded and linked the Ark to the door, and quickly moved towards it. Since I was in such a hurry, I didn't bother to pick a location for me to go. Just hopefully away from the Order.

I opened the door and stepped into the white abyss. But, instead of walking forward, I felt myself falling. My vision started turning dark at the edges. "Hey! Stay awake," the Fourteenth yelled at me in my head. "What if you land in an even more dangerous place then you were just in?" "You're right." I thought back. I fought with all my might to stay conscious.

Before long, I saw clouds surrounding me as I fell. In the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of lightning. Then, in an instant, the clouds were gone. I thought I saw brick walls as I fell for another second. Then I slammed into something hard, maybe wood, and it crumbled beneath me. A dust cloud was thrown up and blocked me from seeing anything.

My whole body was on fire, and of course, hitting a very hard ground, or floor, hadn't helped. Plus, with all of my cuts, some worse than others, I could almost feel myself fading into eternal sleep. As the dust around me started to clear, I noticed that Timcanpy was nudging my cheek and nibbling my ear every once in a while.

I snapped back to reality, as I realized that I couldn't leave Timcanpy alone here in this unknown place. When I tried to move, though, my side exploded in pain. The pain was so intense, that I fainted almost instantly. Before I went under, I saw figures of people leaning over me, and the Fourteenth in the back of my head, though I couldn't understand what he was saying. I looked a little further away from me, and my eyes met another boy's. He had black hair, and he was staring at me in astonishment. Then I closed my eyes and sunk into a pain filled sleep.

Harry's P.O.V:

Ron and I walked into the Dining Hall, and with a quick glance around, I noticed that the room was almost empty. Ron rubbed his hands together. "I can't wait to start! I'm starving." I and Ron started talking about the upcoming Quidditch Games as we heard footsteps behind us. I looked over my shoulder and saw Hermione walking over to us. "Oh, hey Hermione."

"Good morning Harry, Ron." She pulled a book she had stuck under her arm. Ron groaned, "Jeez Hermione, are you going to study now too?" Hermione sniffed at him and frowned. "Why, yes I am Ronald. And I recommend you do the same." Ron rolled his eyes and Hermione sat down. I smiled at one of their daily arguments.

In the time we had been talking, the Dining Hall had filled up. The teachers at the front of the room were filling in and sitting down in their assigned seats. One of the teachers caught my attention, though. (Let's say that Moody arrived earlier) He was sort of walk limping, and one of his eyes was spinning wildly. The eye stopped and focused on me, and I felt a chill go down my back.

As the teachers finished getting to their seats, Dumbledore stood and walked up to the podium. He started talking about all of the rules surrounding the castle. I zoned out for this part because I had heard it before. I was snapped back into reality as a student at the Hufflepuff shouted. "Look at the ceiling!"

All teachers and students alike looked up at the ceiling. But, instead of seeing calm clouds above our heads, we saw a swirl of storm clouds. Thunder shook the room and lightning flashed from the dark clouds. A white glow seemed to appear from nowhere and fell from the dark clouds.

The thing slammed into the teacher's table, and the force of it broke the table into pieces. Some students screamed as a dust cloud was thrown up around the thing that had fallen. I coughed and moved closer to the head table to try to get a glimpse of the thing that had fallen from the sky.

As the dust settled, I could make out a figure among the rubble that had once been a sturdy wooden table. I squinted and gasped as the dust settled. The thing laying in the rubble seemed to be human, maybe an old man from the looks of his white hair. Wait, no, he looked young, maybe in his teens.

I hadn't realized it, but I had walked even closer to the mysterious person. I jumped a little as he moved, only to groan and clutch his side. Oh my god, his sideā€¦. I quickly averted my eyes from the wound before I could be sick. From what I saw, the wound looked deep and was gushing blood.

I watched his face instead and stared in astonishment at the huge red scare that ran over one of his eyes. Just then the boy opened his eyes, and our eyes met for a split second. Then his eyes closed and he went limp. The teachers then started yelling for us to go back to our dorms. I got swept up in the current that leads out of the Dining Hall. I looked over my shoulder to catch one more glance of the boy. "Who is he?"