*Kiss of the Alice Blue by Aikatsu (Toyonaga, Toshiyuki is the second version that I prefer :p)

Momo's POV

I sat on the opposite couch in Auntie Aoi's office before classes started. She poured me a fresh cup of tea, taking her seat. "You look like you didn't get enough sleep. Are you okay?"

"If I'm being honest I had a pretty discouraging dream earlier. I wasn't able to sleep again afterwards." I took a sip of the hot tea. The hot drink helped soothed my tired headache.

Auntie Aoi circled a finger around the top of her cup. "Would it be for the same reason that I called you here so early?"

She spoke with a heavy heart. I held onto the cup's warmth. "I believe so."

Even though she didn't give me an exact reason I was able to figure it out from the context. "Yuki. How long did you know he was your co-star?"

"I was told around a week ago when I got the role. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't know how you would take it."

"No I understand. You must have been in shock yourself. I just wish Yuki told me himself." She continued circling the cup as if her hand was an automatic repeating cycle. "How did he look?"

This was the part of Auntie Aoi that Yuki never got to see. He was so busy trying to be an idol that he didn't take the time to look at the effect it was leaving on his parents. The moment that I had walked into the room I had felt the tension off of her. I wasn't in a place to comfort her though. We were both in the same position of not knowing what to expect from him.

"He was well, I think. He has brown hair now. Still smiling." I kept it short since I couldn't think of much to say to help her.

"A fake smile?"

"You know your son so well." I didn't deny it. And though I found him smiling truthfully when mocking me, I didn't feel that would be right to state now.

"Sometimes I don't feel like his mom." She sighed, leaning back into her seat. "You know sometimes I would look at both you and Ichigo-chan and I felt jealous of your relationship. You had a rough patch after quitting music but you didn't go to the extent that Yuki did."

"I've been hearing more often that people are jealous of me than I would have thought." I stared into the dark coloured tea seeing my reflection. On the outside, I couldn't see why anyone would want to be me. I was completely normal at first glance. Yet it was twice already in a short period of time that I had people tell that they wanted a particular quality of mine.

I prided myself on my music and smarts. Neither of those being what these people wanted. They couldn't care less about that. Not counting Shouta, they wanted my relationship with my parents and how it benefited me in the long run. Auntie Aoi must have looked at me and my parents and saw what could have been if she didn't follow Uncle Karasuma's hidden lifestyle.

Yuki wanted the same treatment that I had. I knew that I got praised a lot more than him but was it really to such an extent? I couldn't even imagine how it would have been if people didn't know me as the Star couple's daughter.

"I was more jealous of your parents than I was of you."

"Because we got along?"

"Because they could watch you freely. When the two of you were younger, after your lessons with Yuki, Ichigo-chan and Nao-kun were able to pick you up. Then the teachers would praise you to them. Saying about how much you improved. I was so busy with work that I never got the chance to hear that."

I never thought of it that way. It wasn't only Yuki that suffered from keeping their relationship a secret. I got so many praises that neither of them received. Somehow I felt less bad about my situation.

"Auntie Aoi, why did you agree to live the same as Uncle Karasuma?"

"You have experienced it yourself. Reporters are leeches. Even when you were born there were articles about you. I signed up for that life. My sons and my husband didn't. I didn't want to pressure anything on the two of them. So when he suggested that we didn't publicize Yuki's birth, I agreed. After that it became so regular that I didn't even think much about it."

"Do you regret it?" She had a small smile.

"Despite everything I don't. I saw you growing up as well don't forget that. When you gave up music, that probably was the toughest time for your parents. Yuki continues his music with a goal in mind. It's what drives him. Somehow, it's kind of silly but I'm glad Yuki hates me rather than Aikatsu."

Looking closer her smile was almost foolish in a way. She had already acknowledged it herself that it was a ridiculous mindset. Did mom have the same way of thinking? I knew how much they devoted by only the stories they told. Still were devoting. It didn't matter the accomplishments they did. The influence of all they learned had followed them to make the person they were.

Any career was the same if the person spent enough time with it. When I began my Aikatsu, mom had shown me just how serious about it. I may have gotten along with my parents but I had grown to avoid Aikatsu.

I didn't share the same interests with them once I quit music while Yuki did. I holed myself up in my room while Yuki was going out and exploring all that he could be. He had no limits to who he wanted to be or could be. Especially since there was no history behind his name.

Yuki chose to be an idol on his own like mom once did. Surprisingly he shared more with our parents than I did. He had the commitment of my mom while having the knowledge of his mom. I didn't resemble my mom in many ways. I knew that from how people questioned if I really was her daughter. And don't get me wrong, I love that my dad can be seen through me. I would just like that as an idol I didn't have to be compared to another in either the negative and positive light.

"Auntie Aoi? Why did you allow me to enroll here?" She was caught off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, yesterday after I told my friends our situation they could see from his perspective. And I know that they didn't want to convey it this way but I can't help but feel like it's my fault that Yu-kun is so rebellious."

"Oh Momo that's not true."

"Why not? I was the only person that could really understand him. Besides all of your friends, no one knew about him while pretty much the entire Aikatsu community knew about me. I was the only friend that he could talk to. But all I did was run away from him. Tried to tie him down like how he thought you and Uncle Karasuma did. I could have been by his side. Now he's alone."

She shook her head slowly. "Yuki isn't alone. Though he doesn't realize it, we're still by his side. That includes you Momo.

"Even if that was true, I don't think he would accept any help from me. Not at this point." Auntie Aoi left her cup going over to her desk. I didn't say anything watching her type a few things into her computer.

The holographic screen turned on displaying all my friends standing on stage at once. I recognized each one just from how they looked. Fumiko, Char and I's stage at her concert. Charlotte and Hayate's individual stages at the Starlight anniversary. Finally, Shouta and I's mini performance before our scandal. I smiled looking at how each of them shined brightly.

"Momo don't be silly. I allowed you to enroll because I saw the influence you had over people already. Even before your audition, I knew you had what it takes to be an idol just from Higawari's interview."

"Shouta-kun's? Are you talking about his confidence boost?" I thought of how Shouta spoke about me so proudly as opposed to himself at that time.

"Higawari was shaking like a wool-less little sheep. He didn't have what it meant to be an idol at that time but when he talked about you, there was a spark. That was you. An idol's job is to inspire others and you did exactly that. It's not just him either."

The screen changed to a multitude of articles and shows. I got up from the couch so that I could take a closer look. I skimmed over some of them seeing that it was a collection of all my friends in the recent news.

"You know since the Starlight anniversary both Char-chan and Charlotte have been actively promoting. Of course, Char-chan is still mainly in the light, yet Charlotte has been trying her best to do interviews and show more of herself. That was because of you helping her. Ceasire and Watanabe, the same. When I first enrolled those two, Watanabe had no clear goal and Ceasire was still unaware of the difference of the idol world."

Then the screen changed to me and my performances with Char and Charlotte only. "You may not have been the star of these performances but you can't deny how neither of these cases would work if it wasn't for you. That's how a real idol and a friend should act. And I know that you can do the same for Yuki."

"But as both an idol and friend, I already failed. If I became an idol with him, it wouldn't have gotten to this point. After meeting Shouta-kun, I could have offered to audition with the three of us. I didn't though. I gave up on him after we stopped talking. I can't redeem that."

"Of course you can. In such a short amount of time, you have changed. Take it this way Momo. If you did continue music with Yuki in the past, what do you think would have happened?"

"We would still be friends. We would be enrolled together. Go to classes together." I paused. "I wouldn't feel so guilty."

"That wouldn't have been possible. In fact, I would think that you and Yuki would have switched places if you tried to come together. He would be the one to feel guilty for getting in and you would have been stuck in your studies once more." She closed the screen sitting down in her chair.

"I wouldn't have been accepted?" A part of me felt hurt at the chance that I would have been rejected.

"I told you, it was because you managed to convince Higawari that showed that you could be an idol. He brought that part of you out that Yuki couldn't."

Auntie Aoi picked up a photo frame off her desk. "My son could make an amazing idol if he wasn't so stubborn. If he somehow persuaded you to audition with him with your lack of passion you would have failed."

I caught a glimpse at the photo that she was looking at. It was a family photo after Yuki's little brother was born. Baby Touya was held in the arms of his mother while Uncle Karasuma slung an arm around Yuki's shoulders. At this time I had already quit music but Yuki wasn't too devoted to ruin himself. They looked so happy all together that it was hard to believe that it was so strained now.

"Momo, do you regret becoming an idol?"

"At the expense of Yu-kun I-"

"No. As your own self. With everything you've experienced so far and all the memories that you made here. Forgetting about my son for a little bit, do you regret becoming an idol?"

I looked down at my uniform. I had earned the right to wear these clothes with my own merits. On the off chance that we would have enrolled together, I couldn't confidently say that I would have enjoyed it. But with the new friends that I've made on my own here, I could. Everyday was like a new chapter of a story that I took part in. Whether it be as the main or side character, I'm living my life as an idol.

"I don't Auntie Aoi. My Aikatsu allowed me to do things that I couldn't have even imagined my studying could. I hate to admit it but for a little while I forgot that I had even told Yu-kun no in the first place."

"Then as a mother can I request a favour from you?" She set the frame down. "Please inspire Yuki so that he can continue doing what he loves, while he still loves it."

Auntie Aoi's aura slipped into the air. It's been so long since I had seen it in person. The blue stars with the mix of snowflakes and orbiting planets. It was a clear spark of emotion from her. It was both strong and weak at the same time. It wasn't as clearly seen as during her singing but was still beautifully powerful as it was a part of her that never left. 'I wonder if Yu-kun has seen it recently.'

"I'll try what I can." I looked down to the ground. "Um Auntie Aoi? Can I ask for one favour though?"

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath, knowing that I could be over pushing some boundaries. "Do you think it's possible to ask for Yu-kun's audition tape?"

She was surprised. "Why?"

I didn't know how to answer. After Yuki had failed his Starlight audition I had avoided researching him. I had no reference for how much he could do at this point. Yet even now I was still scared to see what he could do. Did his rejection make him stronger or did it ruin him even more? I couldn't predict what he could do anymore.

"I can ask Yurika-sama but I can't promise anything." I nodded.

"Please do."

I held the rough draft script in my hands. All the major cast and staff were present in this small board meeting room. We, the cast, sat near one another as we were doing a test reading today. This meant that this would be a way for everyone to get a feel for the scenes and make adjustments as needed. Of course as the two leads, Yuki and I sat next to each other.

Since entering the room we didn't say much to each other besides our greeting. I knew that I had told Auntie Aoi that I would try my best but I had no idea how I suppose to strike up that kind of topic. It's not like I can ask him his favourite fill in the blank. I knew all of that. How was his day, mentions of the weather, plans for the rest of the day were such mundane, overused topics that I couldn't use with him.

I ended up just sitting there until the director called everything to start. We got through all the introductions easily and now was time to do the read through.

"We'll start from the third page, Aria's friend's first introduction line." I returned back to my senses at the mention of my character's name.

"Yes!" I straighten myself out laying the script on the table. I had already memorized all my lines but still kept it close by in case of a needed reference.

"And action." The director called. The person playing my friend slightly turned to me with a smile.

"Good morning Aria-chan." I opened my mouth to say something like in the script but stopped.

"The door flies open and arrives Kukai." The script writer read out loud the stage direction. I acted out a flinch as if a real door was slammed open.

"Good morning everyone!" Yuki yells out. Yuki's character was meant to be the upbeat boy that everyone got along with. I only looked at Yuki from my peripheral vision. The amount of enthusiasm in his voice was scary to actually hear. He definitely inherited his mom's acting skills.

"Kukai-kun is energetic as always." I paused as my character was suppose to interact with Kukai at a distance. We would acknowledge each other's presence before he went off to the other classmates.

"Ooo are you already blushing just from him saying hi?" The friend teased me.

"Cut it out. Kukai is only a friend." That was my role. The friend that had a crush that I won't acknowledge.

"Yeah right. Come on Aria-chan everyone already thinks that you two would be a cute couple. You like him and there's like zero chance that he would reject you. Might as well make everything official."

"Not going to happen. I'm fine with just being friends. I don't need to put some sort of title on it besides friends."

The story was about good friends Kukai and Aria. They weren't incredibly close as say childhood friends but they went to their previous school together and just got along well. That's to say that Aria had developed a crush on him for a while. Yet despite her friend's antics, she didn't find any need to confess.

In the original story it was explained a bit more in the fact that they clicked as friends. Kukai was so loud while Aria was thought of to be calm. They got along because they accepted each others differences but the change from friends to lovers could be hard. Aria didn't want to risk a good friend that it was fine to push her feelings aside. Not to mention these characters were middle school. Even as her first love it didn't mean that she would feel so strongly about him.

That was until new transfer student came into play. "The school bell rings. All students return to their seats as the teacher arrives. We don't have the role for the teacher here today so I will read it out now. Everyone settle down. Today we gave a new student joining us. Please come in now. The new student walks in with everyone commenting on it."

The transfer student was meant to be on a similar wavelength to Kukai. As a new student they immediately got the attention of everyone that it wasn't surprising that Kukai would be the same. So the two of them hanged out more that Aria finally realizes that she shouldn't deny what she feels for him.

As the person was reading out the transfer student's lines I looked over to Yuki. In the book this was written to be a scene that makes Aria look at Kukai while looking at the new student, creating a triangle image. I wasn't expected to act these parts out as it was only a read through. However, this was Yuki's acting as well.

So I faced him head on this time. I was suppose to act yearning for him while still holding back. I was in shock though. Brash and rough Yuki's eyes had changed so that it was almost like it was sparkling. It was the same as how I imagined the character to be when I read it. He fully took on his role already without any problems.

I missed seeing such happiness on him even if it was acting. 'You're a lot prettier this way Yu-kun.'

I sighed sitting back onto my bed. I quickly stood back up to straighten my skirt before sitting back down with proper posture. "Well that was weird even for you."

Fumiko sat up on her bed. "Rough day acting?"

"More like I was going overboard with the acting. Pretending to not know Yu-kun when he was sitting right next to me was draining. That's not even talking about the fact that we had to play nice all day. He would play all happy one second, turn to me and would still be playing all happy. It was not natural."

"Well what did you expect? I don't know how you guys were but you really thought that you would be bestest of friends again?" I shrugged my shoulders, ignoring her use of bestest. "So how's Karasuma's acting?"

I shook my head. "He's amazing. It makes me want to watch him rather than act by his side."

Today was only a glimpse of what he could do. When we add in the camera effects, lighting, music. I wanted to watch what he could do. I didn't realize it until I saw it but this was the first time in forever that I actually saw him do anything remotely idol related. It was nice.

"Hey so I was interested and did some digging of my own about Karasuma. I didn't find much about his name but one of our classmates recognized him! Did you know he busks sometimes?"

"Busks? Yu-kun?" Busking, by dictionary definition is the activity of playing music in the street or another public place. And not permitted in most places in Japan, including our district.

Suddenly all of my respect for him was lost once more. I bit down my lip holding back my anger. "Walk me through the process. How did our classmate recognize him?"

She grabbed her phone, sitting down next to me. "Sometimes people will post videos of him on Kirapatter. When they saw your drama showcase they sent me a few videos since his name wasn't released. He's pretty well known on social media."

I saw her scroll through her messages at the long list of performances that he had done. Each one of them had the similar thumbnail of no doubt Yuki in the center of a crowd with his electric guitar. Just how long has he been doing this?

"Wait stop. Why does that say Kiss of the Alice Blue?" I grabbed her phone out of her hands seeing one video title that caught my eye. I clicked on the link having it open in another app.

Sure enough it was Yuki with faded out red hair. He dressed with a leather jacket and jeans giving him the rocker look holding his guitar. He only had one amp hooked up, not even having a mic with him. It was a real busking type stage that had no fancy equipment. Everything was down to performer to make up for.

He bowed once making the small crowd give their few cheers. "I'm sure you all know the next song that I'm going to play. Its quite the classic if I say. Practiced this a lot when I was a kid so enjoy."

Yuki smirked confidently, stretching his fingers out. I gripped the phone tightly seeing the first chord he was holding. 'No way is going to-'

I couldn't even finish my thoughts when he started playing. He played without the accompaniment that it was a rewritten version to include more of the melody.

Hajimete no kodō, karada kara myaku utte

Umareta bakari no kono shunkan kara me wo sorasuna His voice was obviously higher pitched than dad's was at the time. Even in the absence of a microphone he had properly adjusted his volume for the guitar so that it wouldn't over power him.

Yume no naka de oikaketa melody wo tsukamitotte

Nani wo tsutaetai? Kokoro no sakebi He improved his guitar skills from this video I could tell that he was on the same level as me in terms of ability.

Kotae no nai sekai no naka de

Hitosuji no hikari ga sashi konda ki ga shita

Just my imagination, ima, ugokidasu

Kono na mo nai omoi wo tsunaide I clenched my teeth tightly as he began the chorus

Mayoi konda yume no sono saki wo misete kurerun darō

Tobira hiraite

Subete te ni ireta shukufuku no kiss wo

I put my finger onto the screen once the video ended. "He was pretty good right?"

'I feel sorry for that guitar.' I ignored Fumiko paying attention to his guitar. Yuki's music was exactly how I thought it to be. Filled with so much rage that I felt sorry to the guitar had to be played that way.

Every time he struck the strings I felt a pang of pain in me. Yes, it was powerful but not in the way that anyone should be playing. The worse part was that he was proud of it. With all the applause and screams for him he looked like he had fun that performance. I didn't take into account that this was one of the few times that people paid attention to him.

Kiss of the Alice Blue was More Than True's most popular song. Its the one that allowed them to the start getting recognition. Out of all the songs he could have chosen it had to be that one. To sing it with such a manner was disgraceful.

I handed her phone back and lightly pushed her off my bed. I stood up going over to my closet. "I'm going for a run."

"Are you mad? Was it really that bad? Was it because it was a MoTru song?"

"That's not my Yu-kun! That song wasn't More Than True's either! I don't know who's that was. All I know is that didn't have any soul in it. And that's not what he wanted. To scream for attention like that. He hasn't improved at all and I was a fool for thinking that he changed for the better. His acting may be top notch but you can't hide anything in music. Yu-kun should know that better than anyone."

I shook my head of that performance. All my fears of what he could do now were proven true. He has such pure talent that was wasted away with these awful show of pettiness. I don't know if I could handle another stage of his if I had to hear such pain again.

Why did he have to look so happy with the praise? It hurt me that he accepted that. I'm sure they all meant their cheers but did Yuki really not see it himself? Was I the bad guy for acting this way? I loved seeing him so happy. Not this way though.

Guest: I'm not too sure what you mean by try it. I assume you mean that I should write for it as I'm pretty sure that it's an idol anime like Aikatsu but Lol I haven't actually watched pretty rhythm so writing for it would be unlikely. Glad that this one is fun though.

Trivia:So this might be interesting but you know Shouta? The character that had been here since the beginning? Yeah no he was the last main character to be created. On the other hand, Yuki, the last character introduced, was the second character made after Momo.

The reason why this was changed was because I needed a way to convince Momo to enroll in Starlight that Yuki wouldn't be able to do. That's why Shouta was created and why Yuki would be last when Momo would be able to handle him as an idol.