Search and Unexpected Meeting in the Desert

We see Lucy, her sisters including Michelle, the still tiny Natsu, Happy, and Romeo riding at boat together heading for the desert place to begin their search for the other pieces of the mysterious magical clock.

"No… fair…" Natsu winced.

And Natsu is suffering from his motion sickness once again.

"Why couldn't we walk like the other teams?" Natsu asked.

"I guess a tiny person can get motion sickness just like a big one." Happy joked.

"Does this happen to him a lot?" Claudette asked Lucy.

"Yeah, apparently Dragon Slayer's scents are so high up that their senses get overload or something like that when it comes to any vehicles." Lucy explained.

"Sheesh, and you're supposes to be a powerful mage. Not impress." Elina mocked a little.

"Here Natsu, I brought you some water if helps you cool down." Leina said, putting a glass of water with a bending straw on the table next to Natsu.

"Thanks, that's very thoughtful of you." Natsu groaned as he tries to reach out for the straw.

"Man, that's so lame and embarrassing." Romeo sighed.

"At least we won't have to worry about our group since we got some powerhouses like Claudette and Leina, and myself included." Happy bragged.

"You, a powerhouse, yeah right." Elina brushed off Happy's claims.

"Hey, I've been doing some training for the past seven years and I fight just fine." Romeo stated.

Leina notices Lucy is walking away from the group to the back of the boat as she does some thinking.

"Why would anyone want chaos just to find the clock pieces?" Lucy asked.

"I'm sure the little girl wanted to have a peaceful life after going through a harsh life, or at least that's what I believe." Leina said walking up to her little sister.

"You could be right, but she also brought unhappiness to everyone around her. I feel bad that whoever told her about the keys was tricking her." Lucy theorized.

"We don't know for sure, all we can do is find them and make sure no one uses them for evil." Leina said.

"By the way, where did that angel girl went too again?" Happy asked.

"Don't you remember, she was assigned to be with Gray and Juvia to go search for the other clock piece elsewhere." Romeo reminded him.

"Oh yeah, I hope Juvia doesn't get jealous of having her around Gray." Happy said.

"I don't think they'll be a problem, she told me that she now sees Gray as a big brother than a lover." Elina informed.

"Really? When did that happen?" Happy asked.

"I think it was some time after we appeared in the guild, they had a private talk and they started treating each other siblings." Elina explained.

"By the way, does Erza always pack more than she should have for a trip?" Claudette asked, recall seeing Erza pulling a wagon full her suitcases.

"Yeah, you could say she always like to be prepared." Romeo answered.

"Too much if you ask me." Elina said.

"Excuse me, might you be members of Fairy Tail?" An old man asked walking up to them with his friends.

"Yes, that's correct sir." Michelle answered.

(With Panther Lily's Group)

Panther Lily and Shadow Gear made their way up the mountain to stop at a waterfall which Droy is relief as he was getting thirsty and drank some of the water while Levy spotted a familiar figure sitting in the waterfall.

"Gajeel." Panther Lily said, glad that his instinct was right that he would be here.

"What's he doing?" Jet wondered.

"Maybe taking a bath, for once." Droy guessed.

"Isn't it obvious, he's training." Panther Lily pointed out.

Then a loud thunder noise came scaring the group a little, mostly Panther Lily as he covered his ears and shaking in fear, and a lightning bolt came down striking Gajeel shocking the Iron Dragon Slayer but he remain still only feeling a little pain.

"Fuck, what kind of training is that?" Droy asked.

"With that guy, who knows." Jet exclaimed.

"Use your eyes fool. I'm training to get use to water and lightning. Now scum." Gajeel explained.

"Just one would've been enough." Levy chuckled.

"Hi, are you people Gajeel's friends?" A little boy asked coming up to them.

"Hey there, little girl this guy hasn't bother you, has he?" Jet asked.

"No, and for your information, I'm a boy. The name's Rana." Rana introduced himself.

Rana has black hair and blue eyes. Though he is a boy, his appearance resembles a young girl, wearing a hairpiece and what appears to be a purple dress and a turquoise bead necklace. He also wears long brown boots.

"Sorry about that, it just you look like a girl that I couldn't tell the difference." Jet apologized.

"It's fine, I kinda get that some time from others. So, about my question." Rana said.

"Yes, we know Gajeel because we're from the same Guild as him. Levy McGarden, this is Droy, Jet, and the little guy is Panther Lily." Levy greeted.

"Cool, Gajeel told me that your guild is full of strong people and there's lots of fun too!" Rana mentioned.

"Shut it, brat!" Gajeel shouted.

"So, how long have known Gajeel?" Droy asked.

"Me and my mom met him around three days ago. We were at home preparing for my father's funeral and the next we know, we ended in the middle of nowhere and we've been walking to find a town until we cross path with Gajeel on the mountain side." Rana explained.

"Is that right?" Panther Lily suspected something that the boy and his mother's situation maybe similar to Lucy's older sisters' story.

"We decided to stay with Gajeel to help us find a town until he finishes his training. In fact, my mom should be here with the lunch she made for him." Rana mentioned.

"Gajeel, I'm here with lunch." A woman called out.

"Oh, that's her. Mom, these people are from Fairy Tail like Gajeel!" Rana informed his mom.

"Oh, is that right. Hello there, I'm Cattleya, it's nice to meet you." Cattleya greeted.

Cattleya is a muscular, mature looking woman having ivory-colored skin, black hair in a ponytail with a left bang that covers most of her forehead, blue eyes behind spectacles and she is extremely voluptuous. She wears a tight, purple, apron-like dress with gloves and boots. Breasts sizes: Q-cup.

"(Holy fuck, she's huge!)" The group thought gasped.

"Would all like to sit down and eat with us?" Cattleya offered the food she made.

"S-Sure, we would love to." Levy stuttered while staring at Cattleya's MASSIVE breasts.

"Gajeel, come and back some before it gets cold." Cattleya said.

"Back off, I'm training over here." Gajeel grunted.

"And you need to keep your fuel up if you want to continue your training, young man. Now come over here and join your friend, they did come all this way to see you." Cattleya scolded.

"…Fine." Gajeel said as he gets up from his spot.

"Whoa, he actually listened to someone." Jet shocked.

"Guess she must be a strong mom to handle someone like him." Droy commented.

"That's nothing, my mom used to slay giants when she used to go adventuring." Rana explained shocking the boys.

(Back with Lucy's Group)

"Who are you guys?" Leina asked.

"We're members of a prestigious archaeological society. I'm the leader, Jean-Luc." Jean-Luc answered.

"And what does a group of archaeologies want with us?" Claudette asked.

"We heard words that Fairy Tail is searching for pieces of a legendary clock." One short nearly bald old man answered shocking the group.

"Happy! Did you tell anyone?" Elina asked glaring at the blue cat.

"Why are you blaming me? I didn't spill any beans, I promise!" Happy said.

"I'm dying over here." Natsu groaned.

"Shut up, you big baby! You're sick all the time! We got more important things than your stomach!" Lucy shouted.

"Sorry about that, you were saying." Leina said.

"The reason we come before you is because we'd very much appreciate it if you would put a halt to this little adventure of yours." Jean-Luc said.

"How come?" Lucy asked.

"If it's about the curse of bringing unhappiness, we already know about that." Elina mentioned.

"Is that right? But do you really know how dangerous those clock pieces are?" one short man with brown hair asked.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that, but we have to find those pieces we are to help Lucy fulfill our father's dying wish." Leina determined.

"(She says that girl is Lucy?)" Jean-Luv thought asked.

"Listen to me, please! It's imperative you forget the clock!" Jean-Luv shouted.

"Hey buster, who are to tell us to buzz off from something important!" Elina shouted back.

"If I was big again, I would roast these guys for trying to stop Lucy and the girls." Natsu groaned glaring the archaeologies.

"That's right, I can't just forget about it. I understand the ruins are important to you guys and you don't want anything bad happening to them, but like Leina said we're fulfilling our dad's dying wish! My dad waited for seven long years, he waited for me to return and not too long ago I found out that I have three older sisters who were taken away from me and I couldn't remember them at all." Lucy said and Leina steps in.

"When we were brought back together, we thought we could a happy family again until we learned that our father passed away before we could even be reunited with him. Even though he may not have remembered us, he believes Lucy can keep the world plunging into chaos and that duty also fall upon us as deep down he believed in us to the very end! We sisters made a promise to always be together and face any danger together even if it means fighting the world if we have to!" Leina determination touched the souls of the others around her as a few cries including herself.

"(Well said, Leina, you really grown into quite the woman.)" Claudette thought smiled.

"Actually, that was the most touching, heartfelt speech I have ever heard." Jean-Luc said.

"It's touching to see youngsters like you to devoted to your family." The old man with the glasses added.

Then suddenly a strong wind blew over the group and blew Natsu off the boat due to his tiny state of being light as a feather and fell into the water.

"Natsu!" Happy gasped.

"He fell in!" Lucy worried.

"Hold my sword and shield, I'm gonna go get him." Leina volunteered.

"Allow us to fetch him!" Jean-Luc said as he and the other men jumped into the water. "Any friends of Lucy and her sisters are actually a friend of ours, you see! And we always help our friends out!"

The archaeologies grab the tiny Natsu and threw him back to the boat and upon landing Natsu grew back to his big, normal size.

"I'm big again!" Natsu said.

"But how?" Happy wondered.

"Was that your doing?" Claudette asked the archaeologies in the water.

"Indeed, it was us, actually! We happen to know a little magic ourselves!" Jean-Luc answered.

"You Heartfilia girls really touch our hearts with your story and inspired us, you see. So, we returned your friend to normal, think of it as a thank you from our society." Jean-Luc explained.

"Coo, thanks a lot, old man." Natsu thanked.

"We wish you luck on your journey! Our hearts go with you! Stop at nothing to fulfill your father's last wish!" Jean-Luc said.

"You bet we will!" Lucy waved goodbye to them.

"You know, they were okay for some old men." Elina commented.

"Yes, they certainly love history and are kind people too." Claudette added, then Natsu fell on his back realizing they're still on the boat getting sick again.

"Well, that was certainly a surprise." The short old archaeologist said.

"They got the Heartfilia stubbornness and I'm quite surprise that Jude had more than one daughter." The brown hair archaeologist said.

"Though unfortunately, that means they'll end up reaching it sooner or later." The short old archaeologist stated.

"Was it truly wise to let them go, Jean-Luc?" The glasses-wearing archaeologist asked the leader.

"What a curious coincidence, quite. However, I'm afraid as things are now, Jude's daughters will find what they are looking for." Jean-Luc feared.

(Later, in the Desert)

"Hey guys, this can't be the right place. There's nothing out there." Natsu said as they are standing in desert area.

"But this where the ruins should be, right Lucy?" Elina asked.

"I'm sure about it." Lucy said.

"Perhaps the ruin has been buried within the sand over the countries." Claudette pointed out.

"But if that's true then it'll get forever to find it!" Happy complained.

Leina is looking through a telescope she brought hoping to find something out there until she spotted a shiny glow.

"Everyone I think I found something over there." Leina alerted them.

"Really? Can you tell what it is?" Romeo asked.

"No, it's too far from here to see. We'll just have to go over there." Leina said as she starts running toward the shiny thing with the others following her.

Unknown to them, a figure standing on a tall sand hill looks down at the group.

Leina kept running but not too fast for the others to catch up to her and then coming into view, she spotted the shiny object that appears to be a strange small structure of some kind.

"I think that's it." Leina said then suddenly her instinct kicks in to warn her.

"Guys, stop!" Leina shouted as she and everyone stop in time for a purple lightning bolt struck down in front of them.

"What the fuck was that?" Natsu asked.

"Now, now, didn't your mother teach you manners." A woman's voice said.

"Wait, that voice… Menace?" Leina shocked.

"I'm happy you remember, Leina the Wandering Warrior." The woman named Menace landed in front of the group revealing herself.

Menace is a well-toned young adult female with black hair and blue eyes. She wears an elegant golden headpiece with a cobra at its center. She wears a jeweled breast plate that reaches only midway through her bust along with striped panties below an opaque cloth at her front. Her arms are also wrapped with a white cloth, but do not be fooled by the benign appearance - the white cloths are actually bandages, with which Menace can perform some of her attacks. Breasts sizes: GG-cup.

"No way, you're here in this world too?" Leina gasped.

"Wait, do you know this girl?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, she came from the other world we were in and she once controlled me to be her slave." Leina informed, glaring at Menace who grins.

"Not to mention she's like a thousand years old because she was resurrected." Elin added.

"She's a zombie!" Happy and Romeo gasped.

"Hey now, don't disrespect the princess!" Setra said floating around her princess. He appears as an ornate black staff, with the top part acting as his head, with cat like ears.

"Oh great, it's that pervert stick of hers." Elina unpleased of seeing him.

"I don't know what happen of thing you got against Leina, but I suggest you get out of the way or you're gonna get burn." Natsu warned.

"My business is with Leina and Claudette, but I'll be more than happy to make you one of my new slaves to rebuild my kingdom in this new world." Menace smirked.

With a wave of her hand, spiked sands erupts next to her and goes to the Fairy Tail group as she plans to trap them in her power over sand, but Natsu didn't let that happen as he swing his flaming arm blowing away the attack.

"Well, aren't you a strong man." Menace complimented.

"Trust me, you haven't seen anything yet." Natsu said.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Lucy's Group have made their way to find one of the clock pieces and they had a run in with the sexy desert princess Menace, now they will have to fight her in order to move on with their search and something tells me Natsu is going to make a burning impression on her, especially to the heart. Hope you like how I made Cattleya and Rana appear in the story, I felt bad for making Owen dead but I had to for a reason and it looks like Gajeel made have found himself a mother-figure too.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!