Chapter 17

Give me your hand...

The birth wasn't easy. Olivia was in labor for thirty-six hours. Fitz was a man wrecked. He watched her cry and scream and thought to himself – I am never going to touch her again!

He was utterly useless, he couldn't stand to see her in pain. If Maya hadn't been there to help he didn't think he would have been able to make it.

It had all been worth it.

He looked down at his daughter Elizabeth Maya Grant. Olivia was holding her as she wept and cooed at her telling her how beautiful she was. Fitz brought his forehead down to Liv's and they looked at her. She was perfect.

Abby came rushing in to the room two hours later as the baby slept in Olivia's arms. She had been in Dubai on business but had caught a flight as soon as she heard that Liv was in labor.

"I told you to cross your legs and wait for me!" Abby complained, tossing her suitcase in the far corner of the room.

She started to complain about Liv, never listening to her; but Elizbeth chose that moment to mewl and turn in her mother's arms. Abby forgot about chastising her. Abby forgot about everything ; she could only look and cry at her God Daughter.

"Oh, Liv she is so beautiful, she looks like you!" she said her eyes red from crying.

She crossed over and hugged her and then crossed to hug Maya and then finally Fitz. Quinn showed up later with a pink Harley Davidson outfit for Elizabeth. They laughed as they watched her pull it out along with baby leather chaps!

Two days later he got to take his family home. Liv wouldn't leave Elizabeth alone in the nursery she had spent thousands of dollars on. The baby stayed in the room with them in the crib she made him lug into the master bedroom.

He broke his promise about not touching her again. He broke that promise as soon as the doctor gave Olivia the all clear.

Two years later they welcomed George Theodore Grant into the family. He was born early and couldn't come home for a whole month. Olivia barley left his side at the hospital, but he was strong and pulled through.

On their fifth-year anniversary, Fitz handed her an envelope across the table at the Moonlight lounge. It was where they spent every anniversary. She frowned. She knew the traditional gift for five years was wood or silverware. Why in the hell was he giving her mail? Oh well…

She pulled open the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper, she read the top of the page…account statement?

"Remember when you kindly offered me a thousand dollars to sexually service you at the Hilton across the street? "

"Vividly" she answered smiling.

"Well I was going to return it to you when my stock broker called to tell me about a new tech company he had heard good things about. The company was called…Serendipity Tech. He wanted me to put up a couple hundred grand into it. I said no…but that I knew a very sex starved woman who might want to invest one-thousand dollars. That there is the balance on your account as of today" he said smiling

Liv looked down at the balance on the sheet and gasped at all the zero's.

"Shit Fitz, that is a lot of money" she said staring unable to take her eyes away from the balance on the account

"I know, so what are you going to do with it? You could sell it off if you wanted…" she shook her head.

"No way, we're keeping this and gifting it to the kids; but…. let's not tell them about the sex starved bit, I don't think they could handle it"

"You're kidding right? Liv, Abby is going to tell Liz and Georgie about how we met the minute they are old enough to comprehend it. There's no stopping that woman."

Liv sighed. Fitz was right.

"We shouldn't complain about her as much as we do. She's at home babysitting for us and she agreed to stay the whole night!...that was very nice of her"

Fitz nodded and lifted his arm indicating to a nearby waiter that he was ready for the check.

"Ready to go across the street and repeat our debauched night from five years ago?" he asked

She smiled back and nodded.

He held out his hand like he had that first night and said words said the same words.

"Now give me your hand and come with me"

She stood up. It was the best decisions she had ever made in her life. She saw no reason to not repeat it again.
She took his hand and they headed out into the night…into forever.


A/N Thank you to all who have taken the time to read this story. You have my never ending gratitude. Your reviews and positive comments kept me going.

When you are tired and you come home and read a positive review asking you for more, you park your butt at the computer and write! Can't let fellow Olitzers down…at this point all we have is our imagination!

To all the authors on here. You inspired me to take a stab at this. Keep up the awesome work!


Isa. S.