Pairing: Minato/Hinata

- Hinata has always been drawn to a certain kind of man.

It took a bit for Minato's eyes to adjust to the low lighting and he quickly discovered the liveliness of Icha Icha Paradise. There were people hollering and cheering but Minato avoided looking too closely at his surroundings as he followed Jiraiya deeper into the establishment. There were many beautiful women. Some were topless, some wore masks but all of them walked with confidence as they served drinks and entertained the patrons.

This wasn't the kind of place Minato ever thought he'd visit but Jiraiya had dragged him here under the pretense of merely checking up on a business associate. Rightfully upset, Jiraiya revealed that the owner of the establishment, Kiko, had partnered up with the adult literature author. Easily swayed into the business by the prospect of having his own little slice of heaven available at any moment, he allowed the use of his title for the very exclusive club.

But Jiraiya wasn't a selfish man and thought that a visit to Icha Icha Paradise would cheer up his friend, even if it was for a brief moment. Minato had been struggling and failing to reconnect with his son. Although Jiraiya loved his godson, he thought Naruto was too hard on his old man. It was obvious to him that the boy had placed the blame on his only living parent for the divorce.

"C'mon, Minato. Just give me one hour and we can go if you really don't like it," he begged the blond man. "I promise you won't regret it."

Shrugging, Minato sheepishly followed Jiraiya to the front row of the main stage. He squirmed in his seat, not comfortable with being surrounded with men eagerly anticipating the next performance.

Soon the building excitement erupted when the voluptuous woman walked out to a sultry beat. The brunette swayed her hips. Half- way into the second song, Minato froze when Jiraiya pulled out a stack of bills and whistled for her attention.

"Hey Kitty, it's my friend's first time!" Jiraiya hollered. "Cheer him up, will ya?!"

"N-n-no, that's okay-" He stammered with a furious blush. He quickly stood up as she neared, and walked away from the prospect of becoming the center of attention. Jiraiya called out to him but stopped short of dragging him back when Kitty resumed her dance.

Minato groaned as he realized Jiraiya wouldn't be leaving any time soon and figured he could kill time by drinking at the bar. He focused on his glass, refilling it whenever his mind went back to the last conversation he had with Naruto.

His ears barely perked up at the sound of a soft voice.

"Takeru, can you let Yukio know I'll be ready in five minutes?"

The bartender nodded and Minato peeled his eyes from his drink just in time to watch the woman walk behind one of the smaller stages. She was petite with long dark blue hair. She wore a lacy black bra, sheer panties, black thigh high stockings and stripper heels.

As the music began, he felt his resistance begin to sway. He turned his head to watch the woman's performance which seemed more graceful than her fellow dancer but maintained the same amount of seductiveness.

"You know, I bet she would appreciate being compensated for her efforts," the bartender told him as he handed him another drink.

Minato quickly faced forward, feeling chastised then angry upon hearing the man chuckle at his reaction. He swallowed the contents of his drink in one gulp, feeling the alcohol burn its way down, and took an empty seat at her stage.

Her enticing moves charmed her smaller audience and seeing the others carelessly throw money, Minato felt compelled to join in the show of appreciation. But much to his dismay he felt the thinness of his wallet; he hadn't really expected to carry a lot of money tonight and got up to sit at one of the unoccupied tables.

He briefly looked back at her and sighed before leaning back in his seat and wait for Jiraiya.


As her audience began to clear out, Hinata started to collect her money off the floor and place it in her drawstring bag.

"Um…excuse me?"

She looked up and smiled. "Yes?" Minato, head lowered, shoved a stack of bills in front of her face. "Oh my…"

"It's for last time. I didn't have any money at the time. I mean, I'm not poor it's just that I didn't think I'd spend money here. I've never been to a place like this. Not that there's anything wrong with it-" Minato sputtered out. Jiraiya snickered beside him and her giggle caused his nervousness to increase. He took a deep breath and continued. "I saw you dance last Friday and wanted to pay you since I couldn't last time. It's been on my mind all week."

Hinata took the money and smiled at him. "You came back just for this?" He refused to look up but nodded stiffly. "It's a lot more than what people normally give me and I don't think I saw you out there tonight."

Minato smiled back, trying his best not to let his nervousness show. He couldn't believe he was talking with a sexy, young lady. It wasn't like he hadn't been approached in the past but with his ongoing troubles with Naruto he figured it wouldn't be beneficial to start a romance until they were on better terms. So he stayed away from women that seemed interested even if it sometimes frustrated him. After so much misery, Minato only wanted to find happiness in some way. But it always eluded him and a small part wondered how much of a part Naruto played in his depression.

"Then don't you give him a private show?" Jiraiya leered. He figured this dancer was new since he hadn't seen her before and she looked like a cutie. "Um, miss...?"

"Sunny." Hinata cocked her head to the side and grinned. "Would you like that?"

"Uh…" Minato gaped at the older man, at a loss for words. She was certainly attractive but to have her grinding against him in front of other people?

"Breathe. She'll take you into a private room, Minato," Jiraiya drunkenly whispered into his ear. He pushed him towards Hinata who gently led him to the back. "Show him a good time!"

At least she doesn't seem like she'll scare Minato off.

She took his hand, "Welcome to Icha Icha Paradise, as you know my name is Sunny," she said in a soft and warm voice. "What's yours?"

Minato shifted in his seat. "M-Minato. Um, you look pretty young."

"I'm not fresh out of high school so don't worry, Mister," Hinata giggled.

Good because I'd feel like a bigger pervert if she was younger than Naruto.

She watched him curiously. She had seen all kinds of behavior from the patrons of Icha Icha Paradise. The worst were the grabby men that needed to be escorted out but rarely did she see such nervousness. The blond man seemed like he wanted to bolt out of there but didn't want to be rude.

It made him endearing because she could relate to him on a certain level. Outside of this place, Hinata struggled to get over her shyness. It prevented her from taking opportunities and created a list of regrets. As she entered her second year of college, she vowed to change and started to do things that took her out of her comfort zone. The biggest change was when she took up pole dancing as a form of exercise and was approached after class one day to think about applying at this gentlemen's club. She had reservations but after another scathing voicemail from her father about her change in major, felt the urge to rebel.

Icha Icha Paradise protected the privacy of its dancers and made sure they weren't harassed. She didn't need the money since she was rich but it was an added bonus especially when her father made empty threats to cut her off. Besides, after being ignored most of her life it felt gratifying to get vindication and praise. She wasn't the quiet weirdo; here she was someone special. She was adored and desired.

"Is this really your first time?"

Minato responded with a shy nod.

"We can start with two songs and take it slow if you'd like," she offered, grinning from ear to ear Hinata knew that she had to make this experience special for him. "Ready?"

He couldn't help but dread having this beautiful woman dance for him. His mind was thinking of ways he'd humiliate himself. But he also didn't want to look like a coward so Minato took a deep breath and whispered, "Yes."

"It's going to be hard to know if I'm doing a good job if you don't look up," she lightly teased.

When he finally looked up, Hinata softly gasped. She had caught a glimpse of his face before but now she took her time taking in all his features. He had bright blue eyes and if his blond hair wasn't enough, he had a striking resemblance to the man that Hinata had spent many nights crying over.

Quickly recovering Hinata began to dance, sliding her body above his but not touching. His hands stayed glued to his sides, despite how soft her skin looked. She slid her face to his neck, breathing gently, causing a stir in Minato's groin.

When she passed her lips over his, Minato caught himself trying to lean in and kiss her. Thankfully she hadn't noticed and continued with her performance.

His eyes widened when she started to tease the straps of her top but Hinata was merely teasing him. She didn't want to overwhelm the newbie but she did play with her breasts as she rocked her hips.

Minato was completely mesmerized by her beauty and seductiveness. He wanted to lick her skin, pull her long hair, bury his cock in her and hear sweet moans come out of her tempting lips.

Hinata saw the look of lust in his eyes but more than that, she felt it herself. It was making her feel hot which usually didn't happen. She danced for customers but there was never any attraction. The annoying voice in the back of her head told her exactly why she was feeling aroused.

He looks just like him.

But she tried to shake those thoughts away; it became a habit of hers to forget everything that happened outside of Icha Icha Paradise when she was working and focused on entertaining her customers.

As the music carried on Hinata slid between Minato's legs, her face briefly hovering over his crotch before she peered up at him. "How are you doing so far?"

Her only response was a shaky smile and her desire to please him continued to grow.

Turning around, she bent forward and presented her ass to him. Hinata leaned against him, lying back so that she was chest up and her head lay above his shoulder. When she grabbed his hands and guided them over her hips, she pressed her ass against Minato. He let out a strangled moan and Hinata wondered if he'd cum like the others.

Loving this control she had over him, she turned to face him. Immediately Hinata felt this man's desire as she straddled him and was surprised by the bolt of pleasure it gave her. Hearing him moan again, she closed her eyes and envisioned her own fantasy; where she was in different room with a different guy.

Opening her eyes, Hinata saw and felt how flustered he became. His mouth parted and she felt his labored breath on her breasts. But his eyes drew her in. Previously bright, now they darkened with barely restrained desire and when he licked his lips Hinata couldn't think clearly.


Minato's eyes widened when she leaned in and kissed him hungrily. His eyes slowly closed as he finally started to respond. But just as he began to enjoy it, Hinata quickly got off his lap and turned away from him.

He blinked owlishly at the events that had transpired.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that. I'll give you back your money." Hinata's shoulders shook.

"Are you okay? Sunny, are you crying?"

"I'm going to be in so much trouble…" she sniffed.

He cautiously stepped closer and gently turned her around. Her pale eyes were rimmed with smeared mascara and he gently wiped it clean.

"Hands off, creep!" Minato jumped away from her as two burly men stepped in. "Are you okay, Sunny? This guy hurt you?"

Hinata shook her head.

"We saw him kissing you," the other said menacingly. "That's against the rules, fucker!"

Minato looked around and figured there were probably some hidden security cameras.

"It was me," Hinata shamefully admitted. "I w-w-was the one that kissed him. I'm so sorry, please don't tell Kiko." The two men slightly relaxed but looked conflicted. "Please. I'll never do it again."

The bearded one sighed. "Sunny, we can't have customers thinking they can expect this or more from any of our girls. It'll ruin our reputation and can make things dangerous for everyone."

"I won't tell anyone," Minato spoke up.

"You bet your ass you won't." They glared at him, expecting him to leave as they tried to cover for their coworker. But he hadn't picked up on their cue and continued to talk, "I'm a friend of Jiraiya and I swear I'd never do anything to ruin your business. Just don't tell her boss."

The two men looked at each other and then at a doe- eyed Hinata. "Sunny, this is your only warning okay? If this happens again, we won't cover for you."

Hinata hugged them both. "Thank you and I promise you'll never have a single problem with me again."

"What about the creep?" The bearded one asked. "You want us to escort him out?"

"He's not a creep." Hinata ushered them out, smiling reassuringly at the two. "And I'll be more careful."

Now alone, they took a seat on the couch and an awkward silence fell over them.

"I thought they would've taken me into a back alley and straighten me out," he said attempting to lighten the mood. "It's also embarrassing to be known as a man whose kissing skills made a pretty woman cry."

Hinata giggled. "Do you want me to refund your money?"

Minato shook his head, feeling like it'll bring him more guilt than before. "You don't have to dance either."

"Do you just want to talk?" She asked softly. "Sometimes customers just feel like talking for the hour session and at least this way you get something out of tonight. Maybe I should've offered that first."

He let out a humorless laugh and she looked back down at her lap, reverting back into an awkward high school girl.

"Where do I begin?"

She looked back up, her eyes full of kindness. "Wherever you want."

"My son hates me," he said bluntly. "And I deserve that hate."

He went on to explain how quickly his marriage dissolved due to immaturity and becoming parents so young. Opening up about his devastating divorce and the custody arrangement that created the rift. "I thought I owed it to her to give her primary custody. But then she died and Na-"

He stopped, catching himself before revealing his son's name. Talking about his personal problems felt good but he didn't want to divulge names. That felt too revealing and personal.

"He was thirteen when she died and we were already struggling to connect. We were still strangers. At first I tried everything to create a bond but he resisted every single time. Then I gave him space because I thought it'd make things better but he moved out at sixteen to live on his own. I gave in because I wanted him to approve of something I did. But we don't speak as much as I'd like. I failed as a husband and a father."

Hinata placed her hand on top of his. "It sounds like you tried-"

"And failed," he repeated. "I keep trying but I always fail."

"Trying to fix something is better than ignoring it." Hinata smiled sadly at him. "Your son should feel lucky."

She rubbed his knuckles comfortingly. Hinata realized that this older man was genuinely invested in his relationship with his son and it melted her heart.

As they conversed, he quickly discovered that Sunny was easy to talk to and intelligent. She was finishing her degree and he figured she was dancing to earn money to pay her way through school. She changed the subject changed when he tried to ask about her family. The look in her eyes told him enough.

But he didn't want to make her feel sad, so for the rest of the time Minato spoke vaguely about his job and his frustrations. Just a few things he hadn't had a chance to express without feeling judged. He liked how attentive Sunny was; responding when he asked for advice and her laughter filled him with warmth.

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation and a swaying Jiraiya stumbled in. "Minato! Did you have a good time?"

Minato looked at Hinata and smiled. "I did." She squeezed his hand as he stood up.

"Come back anytime."


Visiting Icha Icha Paradise became a habit of his much to Jiraiya's delight especially when Minato chose to sit next to him and watch the main stage performance. But that was only when Sunny wasn't scheduled to dance. Her schedule wasn't consistent but Minato considered himself lucky when he caught her performances.

Requesting private dances from her became less awkward and their interactions always left him in a better mood. They would talk most of the time but Sunny always insisted on a lap dance before he left.

He took Sunny's advice on how to reconnect with his son and even gathered his courage to try and celebrate the holidays with Naruto despite the awkwardness. Naruto had been surprised but accepted his invitation nonetheless.

Afterwards things had gotten better between them but Minato almost choked on his food when Naruto asked about his dating life.

"It's not the end of the world if you did find someone," Naruto muttered. "Do you want to be alone for the rest of your life?"

Minato wiped his mouth and shook his head. "It's been years since I even kissed-" He froze suddenly remembering Sunny, their kiss and how good it felt. "It's been a while."

"Then I guess I can't go to you for advice, huh?" Naruto teased but Minato saw that he was hiding something.

"Is there someone-?"

Naruto tried to look nonchalant. "No, I was just wondering."

"You can talk to me, son," Minato assured him. "Or would you rather talk to Jiraiya?"

His son snorted. "His advice would put on a sex offender list."

Feeling relieved yet slightly disturbed at what his friend was teaching his son, Minato urged his son to continue.

"There's this girl. She's really nice and so beautiful. She comes from a good family but she's not snobby." Naruto sighed. "Any guy would be lucky to be with her."

"And what's the problem?"

"The last time we talked, it didn't end well."


Naruto started to play with his food. "A few months ago she said she loved me and I didn't say anything. It was so awkward until the professor for the next class came in. We just walked away in different directions and haven't talked since that day. I haven't even seen her until last week. But I hid. I wanted to talk to her about it but what if she's mad and won't-"

"Well I'm sure she knows that you're not interested."

His son's head shot up quickly, "But I'm not sure I'm not. Ugh! I'm not in love but maybe…" He chuckled. "Forget it. It's been months and Hinata's probably moved on and I should stop worrying so much. I mean there's this other girl..."

Minato smiled as his son opened up to him and didn't scoff at his suggestion that he hang out with the new girl to help clear up his confusion.

Their dinner went well into the late hours and Naruto even accepted his father's invitation to sleep in the guest bedroom. Feeling better than before, he wanted to share this new development with Sunny.

But later that week Naruto was in a foul mood, ignoring his attempts to start a conversation. After he erupted at him for asking too many questions and hadn't returned any of his calls, Minato felt like he was back at square one.


Minato walked into Icha Icha Paradise eager to see Sunny but was told she wasn't dancing today or tomorrow. Disappointed, he walked back to the private parking garage where he saw someone crying in their car.

His first instinct was to leave them alone but looking closer he saw that it was Sunny. Quickly walking over, he knocked on the window and startled her.

Hinata wiped her eyes and slightly lowered her window. "Hi," she said in a strained voice.

"What's wrong?" Minato asked. "Did someone hurt you? Did they fire you? I can talk to the owner if you want. I'll talk to Jiraiya and he can-"

She shook her head and sighed in a shaky manner. "I quit or at least I tried. Kiko wants me to give it a few days."


"Because I'm… I'm an idiot!" Hinata started to sob again. "I'm a stupid girl who plays pretend."

Minato hated seeing her like this, someone who was so cheerful and kind; someone he really cared about. He tried to open the door and was surprised to see that it wasn't locked. Crouching down, he started to rub her back in a comforting manner until her cries subsided. "You're not stupid or an idiot."

Eyes rimmed with redness, she turned to look at him. It only caused the ache in her chest to grow as his blue eyes reminded her so much of Naruto. "Then why does it hurt so much?" She let out a shaky breath. "W-why did he pretend to not see me?"

Minato's eyes furrowed.

"Why wasn't I good enough?" Hinata's face fell as she remembered seeing Naruto with another girl. He looked happy, at least until he saw her and quickly looked away in obvious discomfort. "I thought I moved on so why do I still care? I don't want to care anymore. I just want to be wanted."

Minato gently pulled her out of her car.

"Sunny, you are beautiful, smart and sweet. That guy must've been blind and stupid not to see it. Don't waste your time on him when there plenty of men that would consider themselves lucky to be with you. Don't cry over him, you deserve better."

Hinata shrugged and sniffed. "I just want to forget. I feel so stupid since we weren't even..." She leaned against his chest, taking comfort in his scent. "Make me forget. Please?"

Minato felt her press harder against him. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't had thoughts of doing more than talking and being entertained by Sunny. Her body was pure temptation but he couldn't take advantage of her. Sunny needed to be clear headed when making these kinds of decisions. "Are you sure?"

Hinata was silent before sighing deeply. "Yes. I don't like feeling like this." She looked up at him and kissed him softly. Minato felt a shiver go up his spine. "I want to feel something else."

"What if you change your mind? Sunny, I don't want you to regret anything."

"It's okay," she whispered into his ear. Hinata knew that as much of a gentleman as Minato acted, his eyes still lingered on her breasts and bare skin. It wouldn't take much to convince him. "I've thought about this before, gotten off on imagining you taking me from behind."

She heard his sharp inhale and smirked inwardly. It felt good to have someone desire her.

"Make me feel good."

He felt her tongue slide over his ear and it was like a surge of released desire rolling throughout his body. Minato shivered and felt his stomach flip, excited yet nervous of this opportunity. It had been such a long time since he felt these feelings and urges.

And besides, a more troubling thought crossed his mind. If he didn't do it would she go to someone else? What if they were dangerous?

Minato clenched his jaw. He didn't like the thought of someone hurting her. He'd make her feel better and appreciated which wasn't hard.


They drove their cars to a nearby hotel and Minato figured that if she had doubts she could drive home whenever she wanted.

But she was anxiously waiting for him at the lobby, a card key clutched in her hand. They walked to the elevator where she softly thanked him. Minato merely tightened his hold on her waist and smiled, strangely feeling a little guilty about what he was about to do.

She wants to have sex with me. There's nothing to feel guilty about, he reasoned. We're not doing anything bad and this might be a one-time thing anyways.

Their suite was large but they didn't take much time to look at the room. Hinata placed her purse on the dresser and walked over to the bed. Minato came behind her and held her shoulders, inhaling her sweet scent. "Tell me if you want to stop."

His caring tone didn't sit well with her. Hinata didn't want to be coddled; she wanted to be treated like the confident dancer from Icha Icha Paradise. No, Sunny wasn't delicate. Men worshipped her, they wanted to fuck her.

Hinata swiftly took of her blouse and bra, grabbing his hands and forcing them to knead her tits roughly.

Minato was shocked by how sudden things were going. Her breasts were soft and pliant in his large hands, and her nipples stiff in his palms. Clearly she wasn't looking for something sweet.

I can do this.

It had been a while since he had sex but he wasn't inept. His confidence grew when he looked at Sunny. He cared about her and tonight she was the only other person that mattered.

"Your breasts- I mean, tits are incredible," Minato said, grabbing her nipples and twisting them a little.

"Are you just going to play with them all night?" Hinata said in a quivering voice. She arched backwards toward him, grinding her backside into the growing bulge in his pants.

Turning her around to face him, he was delighted when his attempt to kiss her was met eagerly. Her lush and full lips pressed against his, reminding him of the desperation behind their first kiss. His hands caressed her back as his tongue swirled against Hinata's.

They rubbed against each other as they kiss grew intense. Her tongue distracted him enough while she struggled with his belt, sliding his pants and boxers down, finally freeing his cock.

Minato's cheeks flushed as she started to stroke him. "Oh, Sunny, that feels so wonder-!" He choked out as she wrapped her hand around his stiffening cock and squeezed.

Hinata felt it grow in her hand as she milked it, stopping occasionally to tickle his balls making him moan. She lowered to her knees and kept stroking his cock, looking up at him with a playful gleam. His eyes stared back, begging him to take his dick in her mouth.

But she flicked her tongue against the tip and then licked the underside of his cock a few times. Hinata planted kisses all around the swollen head until he impatiently growled out, "Open your mouth."

Loving how deep and assertive his voice became she looked up into Minato's eyes as she slid her mouth all the way down.

"Oh...god! Sunny that"

Her tongue slid side to side and swallowed, and his hips started to buck against her face. His cock grew thicker and harder inside her throat and she tasted his salty precum. The only time she pulled away was to take a breath or two and go back at it.

His hands fisted her hair while she devoured him, fucking her face. Minato closed his eyes and tilt his head back, enjoying how her lips wrapped around it. Hinata had to put her hands on his hips to avoid choking.

"You're quite the cocksucker," Minato hissed. Speaking so vulgar felt strange but exciting. He loosened his hold and she slid back and sucked the head of his cock, swirling her tongue around it.

"Hmmmm," she responded, looking up at him with those big, lavender eyes. She pulled away with a pop.

"You've got such a big cock, Minato," Hinata purred, the corner of her mouth turned up, glistening wet. "I can't wait for this to be inside of me. Stretching me, filling me up-"

Minato pulled her onto the bed, hastily removing his clothes. Hinata yelped with excitement when he tugged at her skirt and panties. "Don't rip my clothes off, Mister," she warned.

But Minato didn't care; he just wanted to see her. His hands trailed up her legs until he reached her hips and squeezed. "Open your legs. Show me your pussy."

Hinata felt a shiver at the commanding tone and complied. Completely exposed to him, Hinata felt vulnerable. He started with a kiss to her inner thigh, nibbling, and taking his time. Both enjoyed the feel of her skin against his lips and tongue.

Minato moved his mouth to her pussy and covered it with soft kisses. His hot breath made her squirm and whimpered when she saw those deep blue eyes staring at her, full of primal lust.

He licked his lips when he spread her lips apart with his thumbs. He blew a stream of warm breath on her clit, doing it repeatedly until she was writhing with desperation. The scent of her pussy was tempting but Minato wanted her to voice out her need to be probed and fucked by his tongue. It was obvious that Sunny was looking to be desired but so was he.

She bucked her hips and whined. "Minato, please!"

"Please what?" He asked and chuckled when she frowned.

"P-put it inside," she mumbled.

"Beg me again," Minato commanded. His smile turned devilish and Hinata bit her lip. "Tell me again what you want."

"Lick me. Fuck me with your tongue!" Hinata replied. "Please, Minato! I want-"

His tongue slid between the folds of her pussy and licked her clit. She pressed her thighs against his head as Minato start to lick her pussy, pressing his tongue against it and sliding it up to flick her clit each time.

She cried out with each flick until her body tensed up as an orgasm washed over her. He licked her quivering pussy once more, making her shiver.

"I'm not done yet," He told her.

Hinata felt him lift her legs over his shoulders. With one smooth motion, he pointed his tongue out and pushed it into her cunt. She moaned loudly and her fingers clenched his hair. Minato focused on swirling his tongue around and inside while he rolled her engorged clit between his thumb and finger. Hinata began to grind against his face with each swirl of his tongue that worked with his fingers to bring her wave after wave of orgasm.

Minato heard her gasping and moaning. He felt her squirming and didn't want her to stop.

His hands moved to grip her pulsating waist, pressing his mouth against her pussy, getting lost in the sensation of the younger woman. Sunny made him feel vibrant and alive; made him forget his ex-wife, his son, and everything else.

Hinata shook and pulled on the sheets, crying with pleasure until she went limp. She felt Minato kiss her tenderly before moving upward to face her.

"...Wow…" she whispered.

Minato, cheeks flushed, chuckled at her response. She stared at him for a few seconds before pulling him in for another kiss and on top of her. He felt her rub against the head of his dick and looked down at her hand holding it against her pussy, her legs spread wide. Minato pushed forward, feeling it move into her cunt, so wet and tight. Hinata cried out when she was completely impaled by his cock, sending a chill down his spine.

Hinata held his gaze; her eyes a mix of lust and enjoyment at the sensation of him inside of her. Minato grinned back and started moving inside of her, matching her twisting motion, grinding. Leaning back, he watched his cock emerge from her pussy and then slide back inside of her. Their moans filled quiet the room, along with the rustling and squeaking of the bed as their bodies moved against each other.

Hinata stretched her head back, her breasts jiggling, her stomach tight, her moans loud, driving him crazy with each thrust. Suddenly Minato quickened his pace; fucking her like he hadn't been laid in years, hard and fast.

It hadn't occurred to him just how sex starved he was until right now. He thought he could do without sex since he hadn't desired a woman enough to pursue it. However, everything was different when it came to Sunny. Minato jammed his dick inside her, wanting to fuck the younger woman better than anyone ever had.

And right now she was clawing at him, marking his back and shoulders with her nails while she bit and sucked on his neck. Her animalistic behavior spurned him on, as did the dirty words that spewed out of her mouth as they fucked.

He came quicker than he expected but kept thrusting into her until he got hard again and rolled over so she was on top this time. She placed her hands on his chest, bracing herself until she felt strong enough to continue. Her large breasts swung temptingly as she rocked back and forth, causing him to reach up and kneaded them roughly.

"Minato…" Hinata moaned, her body convulsing a little as she appeared to have a small orgasm. "Mmmm...Harder!"

He thrust upwards into her as hard as he could, watching as she came; her face contorting wildly while she screamed loud enough to let anyone outside know it.

"That felt so good," Hinata groaned, her orgasm finally subsiding as she settled into a slow and sensuous grind above him. "Thank you," she sighed blissfully.

"I feel like I should be telling you that," he murmured as he rubbed her thighs.

"Can we go again?" She asked him, sweat dripping off her in an erotic way.

His sudden movement from under her answered her enthusiastically.

I could get used to this, Hinata thought as he lazily humped her from behind during their fourth round. I don't have to wait for anyone. Minato can take his place.

Intimate encounters became a part of their special relationship after that night.


Naruto pretended to be focused on the textbook in front of him while his partner continued to write notes down, sighing softly whenever she rolled her neck.

"Should we take a break?" He asked Hinata who nodded quickly much to his delight. He had felt incredibly lucky that she hadn't tried to switch partners when they were paired up. It surprised him that she was actually spending time with him and not trying to work on their project separately. Hinata wasn't simply being polite either; she smiled genuinely at him and laughed at his attempts to make a joke. This change in behavior gave him hope.

Looks like Dad's luck is rubbing off on me, he smiled inwardly.

His father had been in better spirits, and he suspected it was due to a new woman. Naruto was shocked to see an opened box of condoms in his room while he was looking for some clothes to borrow. Not one to beat around the bush, Naruto gave his father his blessing to date again much to his confusion. If his father could get out there again, maybe Naruto could attempt to make things right with Hinata and perhaps take a chance of his own.

Naruto turned on his coffee machine which was one of the few luxuries he had in his dorm room. Jiraiya had suggested Naruto take girls to his father's house for more privacy since his father was out a lot lately but Naruto didn't want to look like a creep. Besides Hinata wasn't the kind of girl that ever turned her nose up at him or what he had.

"So Hinata I was thinking that after we get another hour in maybe we can head out and grab something to eat," He said.

There was a knock at his door and he grumbled as he opened it. His father stared back cheerily.

"Hey son, Sasuke told me you-" Minato's voice trailed off as he noticed the girl sitting at the desk.

Hinata stared back with just as much panic in her eyes, her face paling when Naruto turned to look at her. "It's just my dad," he told her in an annoyed voice. He turned back to Minato. "Dad, this is Hinata. We're working together so maybe you can come back later."

The tone in his voice and look in his eyes made Minato's blood freeze. Hinata?

"Nice to meet you, Hinata," Minato stammered. She nodded and started to gather her stuff.

"Wait, where are you going?" Naruto asked, He reached out to grab her elbow but she swiftly avoided his touch.

"I'm getting a headache. I'll s-s-see you later."

Minato gulped when she brushed past him, images of their intimacy flashed before him. He stared after her, not realizing Naruto was berating him until he felt a palm on his chest pushing him away and turned to see the door slam on him.

"Hinata?" He whispered. My Sunny is Hinata?


After a few weeks, Minato went back to Icha Icha Paradise but remained seated at the bar. Waiting to hear her name but not moving until a crowd erupted when she finally stepped out behind the curtain of the main stage. He grabbed his still full glass of whiskey and headed straight for the only empty seat. She watched him out of the corner of her eyes.

When she was done, he returned to his seat at the bar. A few minutes later Hinata sat next to him.

"We should talk after your shift," he told her.


She accepted his offer to drive her to her apartment but he took a long route not that she minded. Hinata had come to enjoy his company, even if the silence started to weigh heavily on her.


"Did you know?" He asked harsher than intended. "I mean, he's told me about you."

Hinata's eyebrows furrowed, wondering what he meant but she shook her head. "As far as I can remember he's never talked about you but maybe I didn't really know him."

The way her voice softened when she spoke about his son irked Minato. "Is he the one from before?" She turned away but nodded. "Do you still care for him?"

"I can't forget how he made me feel but lately my feelings aren't the same as they used to be," Hinata replied softly. They were quiet until he pulled up to her apartment. "I guess this is goodbye, then."

Minato didn't resist when she pulled him in for one last kiss. But he refused to pull apart. Breathless, she stared back in shock. "Minato?"

He quickly drove them away from her home. "You turned him down," he said.

"Y-yes," Hinata gave him a shy smile. "Things are different now."

Minato hated the feeling of relief that came after her response. A good father wouldn't feel that way or smile back at her. A good father wouldn't let the girl his son liked undo his belt, teasing him, before finally swallowing his dick. He tried to concentrate on driving, but as Hinata's lips slid up and down his erection it got tougher.

"He can't know," he grunted.

"Mmm." Her response sent pleasant vibrations to his cock.

"But he's told me he's not giving up. Naruto's stubborn like his mother."

Hinata kissed his tip before swirling her tongue and sighing contently. "Are you saying we should stop and I should give him a chance? Do you want me to do this to him instead-?"

Minato pushed her head down in response. He truly was a failure as a father.

"Let him down easy," he asked her haggardly. He tried to remember how long Naruto said he'd be traveling, while fighting the urge to shoot his load down Hinata's eager throat. Minato would've taken her to a hotel again but he felt an urge to fuck her in his own house and bed. She was still his Sunny but it was as she said, things were different. More dangerous but exciting as well.

I think I have at least three days! He remembered suddenly, and made a sharp right turn that sent more of his cock down Hinata's throat than she was ready for, making her gag and pull away. She coughed and he sent her an apologetic smile.

There was obvious apprehension when she realized they pulled up to his large home.

"He's out of town for a few days and rarely pops in unannounced," Minato explained as he led her inside his house.


Naruto dropped his duffle bag with a soft thud. They had cut their trip short after Kiba got food poisoning and Sasuke's internship called him in early. Not wanting to be alone, he headed home. But since his dorm was farther, he figured he'd crash at his father's place and get some rest.

Plopping down the couch, he threw the extra house key his father kept hidden under a rock on the coffee table. As he was about to announce his presence he heard the lustful cries of a woman and immediately jumped up.

"Oh fuck, Sunny!" His father shouted. "Take it!"

Scampering to the door, he grabbed his bag and closed the door behind him. After the shock, and slight disgust, wore off he smirked. "Maybe I'll ask him for some advice."

After arriving at his dorm, he sent Hinata a text; Naruto tried to keep in touch as much as possible after they turned in their project. Although she had turned down invitations to hang out, he noticed how her cheeks would blush and how her eyes avoided his.

She still likes me, I know it! He thought gleefully. Maybe I'll ask her to tutor me or something.

The sounds of pleasure coming from the woman conjured dirty thoughts, and he chose to ignore the fact that it was caused by his father. He pulled his cock out and started to jerk off, imagining those sounds coming from Hinata's mouth as he fucked her.

Back at his father's house Hinata looked at the messages she received. She lingered over the delete button.

"Are you hungry?" Minato asked from the shower. "I can whip something up if you'd like."

"Sure!" She replied happily. "But I need to clean up, too!" Her thumb swiped the messages out of her inbox. Stretching out in his large bed, she groaned contently then got up to join Minato in the shower.

Being pursued by Naruto felt good especially after chasing him for so long. But now she preferred another other blond's affections. He didn't want her to quit dancing for his sake since he knew that those men didn't mean anything. But judging by how possessive Minato became outside of Icha Icha Paradise, Hinata knew that their relationship wouldn't end anytime soon.

First I want to address something about this plot. I read other stories on here and came across Amor by embracetheweird16 a few weeks ago. If you read the latest chapter, it has striking similarities to this one and pairs the same people together (MinaHina.) I reached out to the author and let them know that I was working on a similar story. The point was to clear up any misunderstandings that might arise after I posted it. This has been a long work in progress and this break had given me a chance to finally finish it. The author was cool about it and I strongly suggest you guys read their work. Amor is Hinata-centric and up your alley if you're reading this.


Anyways, it sucks not having as much free time as I used to when I first started writing. But I'm glad people still reach out and give me feedback, ideas, and reviews. If I remember correctly I have a succubus story, a sequel to Naughty Nurse, another surprise, and a horror based story lined up in that order. People have given me more ideas but I can't really think about them much until I get these out.