Part 6


The word was on the tip of his tongue but something in his mind stopped him from screaming it out loud. His eyes flew open but they didn't see anything. His other senses then took over and he felt soft sheets at the under his back, smelled Axe-body wash and vanilla shampoo and then felt the warm body near his.

And then it all came back, the dream that didn't feel like a dream; that shit felt like stone cold reality.

Panting slightly on the bed Derek remembered that night, over six months ago, like it was yesterday but the dream had contorted it into something entirely different. The dream did have one thing right, the night after the club where Spencer had kissed him in his driveway had been real, and Derek had hesitated but after Reid had left the truck, Derek had chased after him and they had gone back inside. That time, Derek, had responded to him, repaying the genius's hesitant kiss with a solid one of his own.

After Spencer had realized that they were actually kissing the young genius had gotten his stride. Derek had gladly hauled him over unto his lap. They had spent almost twenty minutes in his truck kissing and about an hour after that confessing their pent up emotions to the other.

Instead of him spending the night at Reid's, the dream had him going over to Reid's place after the "monumental fuck up" the night before to find a not-Reid at the door felt so real, and, now on other side of dreamland, Derek couldn't offer any more mental thanks that it wasn't.

It was the soft brush of hair against his collar bone that dragged Derek Morgan to full wakefulness. He blinked soft sleepy chocolate eyes up to the slowly rotating fan above them and then Derek shifted and his nose came in full contact with a head of soft mahogany hair which glinted darkly blond with the low light. A slender face nuzzled deeper into his neck and similar nose scrunched slightly in his sleep; Spencer Reid.

That night in the truck, Spencer had gotten fidgety about how the dynamics was going to play out as the non-fraternisation clause in the BAU was so absolute, Strauss was only hoping for a moment like this to break them apart.

With soothing words, Derek had calmed him, postulating that they keep this new development between themselves for the time being, to make sure they were in it for the long haul. Each day of the three months after that telling night had been a test to the older man. Whereas Reid could hold his cool with a poker face and his articulate rambling, Derek had found it difficult to keep his.

There were so many numerous times he wanted to just reach out, drag Reid into his arms and press a kiss to his forehead, but the awareness of where he was stopped him cold. He still continued with his usual touches, a fond hair ruffle or an arm over his shoulder and a warm hold when he could get away with it; though his fingers spent a long time in removing themselves from his skin.

The careful façade they had held up for four months had all came crashing down when JJ walked in on them kissing.

There had been a case in Mississippi where six young boys had, over three months, had been abducted beaten drugged and tortured. Reid had identified with the boys and Morgan knew he had every time body came up he had seen himself in that graveyard with Hankel.

The case had stretched for thirteen long days and every night Spence had shivered with nightmares where Derek had to hold him and slowly pull him back into reality. The mornings were no better, Spencer was deathly quiet and he walked around with a haunted look in his eyes.

No matter how Derek tried to shake him out of it, Reid never gave in. After they had broken the case and were back at the BAU, a frustrated Derek had corned Spencer in the break room, softly removed the coffee cup from his hand and seeing the lost look in those usually expressive eyes had uttered a simple, "I'm here for you pretty-boy," before kissing him.

"Morgan I need you to give-oh god," JJ had stuttered, a foot just inside the doorway and her blue eyes wide. "I-I'm so sorry, I'll go."

"…No JJ," Reid had said over Derek's shoulder, "… Don't."

The fallout- if you called it that- hadn't been that extensive. Garcia had walked away with an invisible crown of satisfaction on her head, declaring that she had known it all along. Prentiss had been skeptical, giving them an eye before threatening Morgan that he was going to see his spleen if he ever hurt Spencer.

With a shake of his head, Rossi had just muttered something under his breath in Italian which lately translated to 'blind idiots'. JJ had been hesitant until Reid had taken her aside and privately told her how good Morgan was to him. Hotch had gone about the revelation in a roundabout way.

After getting the gist of it from JJ, the unit chief had called Morgan and Reid into his office and said, "Morgan, Reid, hypothetically, if this alleged relationship was true; would it affect your work?"

Reid and Morgan had shared a grin and replied. "Hypothetically, no."

"Then hypothetically I don't need to report you to brass." Aaron had said grabbing a file and shooting them a dark look, "But hypothetically, I wish you the best. Now get to work and Morgan don't use this as leeway to slip your files into Reid's.

That was almost six months ago, now they were at Derek's apartment at about three am in the morning and Derek was thanking everything he could that the dream wasn't his reality.

"Mmmh, Der'k." Reid mumbled sleepily from his collar bone, "Yer thinking 's too loud."

Derek couldn't hold back a chuckle, "Isn't that my line pretty boy?"

Sleepy golden eyes blinked open, "I guess."

Morgan heard his words but didn't grant them as much attention as he was staring at Spencer's face. After a moment honey eyes shifted to concern and Reid levered himself up to place a hand on Morgan's chest, "Derek, is something wrong?"

For a quick second Derek considered telling Reid the dream but knew that would cause a lot of problems. Instead, he smiled and placed a thumb under Reid's left eye.

"No," Derek smiled. "I was just thinkin' how beautiful you are."

Spencer's nose wrinkled, "Do you know there's no conclusive way to measure beauty. For example, in the Regency Era beauty was considered by girth, heavy women were termed beautiful whereas now in the twenty-first century, the body-fat rati-mmhm."

Derek had cut him his burgeoning ramble off with a small kiss. Derek pulled back and whispered on his lips, "You're beautiful baby boy, leave it at that."

"Derek?" Reid asked, slowly, "What are you doing?"

"What does it feel like pretty boy?" Derek said as he traced a pebbled nipple before leaning down and biting at Spencer's earlobe. "Still, so gorgeous."

Spencer didn't even try to muffle his moans that Derek's soft ministrations evoked, but this time, instead of raw lust, it was a soft sigh of pleasure. Derek kissed his jaw and slipped to his neck, pressing a kiss and sucking a warm love bite there. Derek's lips, inch by inch slipped down to nick at his collarbone, and then close of his left nipple, teasing the tight bud with his tongue.

Spencer grabbed Derek's hair and arched back as pleasure ran over his nerve endings. The moment he pulled off the cold air that took over made Spencer gasp; he wanted Derek's hot mouth back on him. The same treatment was done to his other nipple and Spencer was reduced to soft static pants. Those lips traced down to his belly, mouthing over the modest rise and falls of his stomach.

Licking his lips, Derek leaned down, pressing his face into the crook of Spencer's neck and breathing in deeply. "I love marking your smooth skin and watching you bite your lips when the pleasure is too much but most of all, I love seeing those bedroom eyes, begging me to slake that lust inside you."

All Spencer could do was to bring his hands up and wrap them around Derek's head. "We had sex eight hours and ten minutes ago, are you that horny?

Derek laughed, "You're naked and in my bed, what do you expect?"

"Hm," Spencer sighed, "You have a point,"

"Do you want me Spencer?" Derek asked while kissing damp skin, his head then twisted to the side and gave the younger man a deep liquid chocolate look. A look that stole every particle of air from Spencer's lungs,

Golden eyes fluttered closed, "Please."

Slowly, so very slowly Derek leisurely stretched his body over Spencer's in a precursor of how he was going to stretch out their time together. He teased Spencer, kissing and licking every inch of Spencer's body, starting from his chin all the way down to the tip of his toes, before he rose and again and captured Spencer's lips, making him whimper and moan, bringing him to the brink and back again.

Derek's hands had trailed all over Spencer's skin until the man's body was hot to the touch, and every time Spencer had gotten close to coming, so close that he had begged and pleaded, Derek had denied him. Derek had wanted it to last, and last it did.

Spencer had come twice before Derek prepared to enter him. By that point-the brink of madness- Spencer was a mess; all loose-limbs and shuddering flesh. Derek's fingers slipped down between them and found the small entrance that had admitted him not even ten hours before. Spencer was still loose enough that Derek's thick fingers were admitted without much fight.

"You still want me, pretty boy?"

Blunt nails sank into his back, "Please, make love to me Derek

Then, when Derek finally did push inside, Spencer had gripped on to him with his legs wrapped tightly around his waist. His hands were grasping desperately across the span of Derek's back as if he didn't want to let him go.

The smooth push of Derek's cock inside him, the heat of Derek's body over his and the taste of Derek's lips left Spencer so displaced that his mind was solidly on another plane of existence. Allowing his legs to drop to around Derek's thighs Spencer rocked with the slow motions of Derek's cock inside him. A hot mouth was suckling at his nipples and the dome of Derek's cock kept pressing that pleasure center deep inside him.

The roots of Spencer's hair were wet with sweat and his body was shimmering with a slight coat of sweat. His arms were wrapped around Derek's middle as he moved. A hand slipped under his thigh to prop it up while the sex continued. Blinking his eyes open Spencer cupped Derek's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Lips met with soft sweet kisses and the majority of their strength had been used in the foreplay.

Spencer's back arched as the sensation of orgasm was starting to grow inside him. His over-sensitized nerves were so receptive to stimulation he didn't have to do much to archive the highest form of pleasure ever created.

Derek's hot, slow and deep thrusts drove into the very core of him, and Spencer's lip was permanently trapped between his teeth. On his back, Spencer felt the sweat-slicked abs clench and release with every push. His hand fisted the sheet as each thrust dug deeper into him. There was an inferno in Derek's belly and white was building behind his eyes.


A tousle of mussed hair only twisted to the side as the genius moaned.

"Spencer… baby, look at me," Derek ordered.

Spencer barely managed to force his heavy lid open to meet my eyes. His hand reached up and behind to clutch at Derek's head as the thrusts started to pick up. Spencer's head then lolled back.

"Oh fuck!" Spencer clenched as he felt that trembling that had just started in the deepest part of him, climbing and climbing. His nails sank into Derek's neck.

His body was tightening now, locking up for the massive orgasm that was just on the edge, but there was no way Derek was going to let it go that quickly. Derek knew it was cruel but damn it he wanted this to last. Derek's thrusts slowed, the sex burned hotter as the invasive breeches got deeper and deeper inside his baby's belly. Spencer was trembling under him as the youngest profiler's body calmed down. It was a deep reaming of epic proportions and Spencer fought the tears that were threatening to brim over. Hot lips claimed his own as their lower bodies joined into something greater primal. It was something cosmic and eternal. A joining that Derek was never going to take for granted.

"Der-eekk.. " Spencer clenched around the slick thrusts that seemed to breach his soul.

Spencer's slender thighs tightened and his stomach was trembling. Intuitively, Derek reached between them and started to stroke him. Soon, it was too much; way too much. Spencer arched, and released the tight tension in his gut with a soft gasp and cry. Derek's jaw went stiff and quickly followed him as the throes of release stained his face. Derek released in the thin condom that Spencer had barely felt all through the most pleasurable stretch of time in his life.

Admirably Derek held the bulk of his weight from crushing Spencer until he eased up and withdrew, took off the condom, tied it off and threw it in the trash bin beside the bed. Spencer placed his head on my chest and his eyes dark, sleepy golden eyes had a look of complete satiation, contentment, and exhaustion radiating from them.

Nuzzling his nose in wet hair the dark-skinned agent murmured, "You okay, baby?"

"Yeah," Spencer replied as his eyes bopped in sleep and his wet hair was tickling Derek's chin, "Remind me to return the favor when I'm conscious."

A feeling of utter care and protection filled Derek's chest as he watched the love of his life slowly drift asleep. Before Spencer succumbed entirely, Derek whispered in his ear. "I love you Spencer Reid... all sides of you,"


A/N: Let me explain. This fic is called Duality because of the two states, Spencer as Alex and Derek in dream form and real form; two different states for two different existences. I hope that clears stuff up.

I'll be putting all chapters in one soon.

Happy reading.