Chapter 1: Diverted Attention

Erik; The Phantom of the opera had made his way to Box five in hopes of enjoying a performance that was was of his favorites; Faust... However it seemed that his ears were doomed to endure torture this evening as it was the Italian banshee also known as La Carlotta whom would be performing the role of Marguerite despite his strict instructions... He would certainly be writing a very firm warning to the managers; Advising them not to disobey him again... His thoughts were interrupted by a very unusual and unexpected sound... A gentle knocking upon the door of box five.

Erik stood from his chair slowly... Why would someone be knocking on the door to his box?... No one had purchased a ticket that had box five as an allocated seat... And it was not yet intermission. The performance had only just begun...,

"... I don't require anything... Thank you" Erik called hesitantly after slowly coming to stand before the door and waited... The knocking had stopped but he stepped back after a moment as a note was slid under the door and Erik felt a frown grow upon his masked face... The envelope was not addressed but he picked it up slowly, retaking his seat before removing the letter that was inside and began to read.

'Dear Monsieur,

I wanted to write to you so that I might apologize for the fact that La Carlotta is once again singing. Believe me, I cannot stand her singing either... There are many whom say that you are someone who should be feared but I know you are just someone whom is trying to maintain perfection within the opera house. It isn't too much to act that a performance have people cast whom can actually sing. I know that you feel that no one was listening... So I thought I would take a chance and write you a letter just so you know that someone is listening as well as understanding. Just try and stay out of trouble but be sure to keep a tight hold onto that passion for Opera that drives you... It truly is admirable. I hope despite the fact that La Carlotta is playing the role of Marguerite; You will still be able to enjoy the performance.'

Erik found himself flipping over the paper quickly when he found no signature... Who had written this?... He quickly stood from his chair before opening the door and looked at the empty corridor in vain... Whomever had sent him this... They had been on the other side of that door only moments earlier... Why had he not opened it? It was he who was the phantom whom left notes before vanishing without a trace... So who had been the one to write and leave this note?

It was the next day that found Erik pacing back and forth whilst Madame Giry read through the letter with a thoughtful frown on her face,

"I'm sorry to tell you this Erik but I didn't write this... I don't know who did" The ballet mistress admitted,

"Then find out who did" Erik growled in frustration,

"Why does this letter trouble you so much?... It doesn't come across that this person intends to cause you any trouble" the aged woman reasoned,

"Because Madame. I am the one whom walks through this opera house leaving people to wonder who I really am... I will not have someone doing this to me" Erik grumbled firmly with an expression on his masked face that matched his tone.

Who wrote the letter? You'll have to review if you want to find out quicker!

Kind Regards,
