Karen was at the pier as she fished the gun from her purse and tossed it into the ocean, "Eventful night?"

Gasping in fright, Karen turned around to see Naruto, "Naruto? H-how are you here?"

"Well, the boss sent me to erase the old woman's memory of you and Ben's visit. I did but she died when she saw me, unfortunately, she called Fisk and got a return call from Wesley before I got there." The clone said catching how Karen flinched at the name, "I don't know what was said but I came to find you while another clone was sent to watch over Ben. What happened?"

"Uh...Wesley, he kidnapped me...and I uh...killed him." Karen said causing the clone's eyebrows to raise

The clone walked closer to Karen, "Don't worry about anything Karen, you protected yourself."

"Fisk won't see it that way."

"Fisk will never know, and if he finds out and tries to do anything. I will handle him." Naruto said before he took her hand, "Come on, you have to burn your clothes."

The clone led Karen away


Fisk was numb, as he stood gazing at the corpse of his friend, as Leland arrived, "Sir, excuse me, stop. I can't let you go in-"

"Get your hands off me, moron. He called me." Leland told the guard as he stormed in but paused when he saw Wesley, "Oh, shit."

"Look what they did, Leland. Look what they did to him." Fisk said

"What happened?" Leland asked

"He got a call last night at the hospital. From who? I don't know. He asked for the keys to the SUV and my gun." The guard said

"And you let him leave? Alone?" Fisk asked turning to the guard

"He ordered me to stay. He wanted as many men on you as possible." The guard said as Fisk stared at him before a headbutt almost caused him to collapse but Fisk caught him by the collar and began to repeatedly punch him in the face

"Whoa, Wilson! Wilson!" Leland yelled trying to stop his boss

"He's my friend! He's my friend!" Fisk yelled beating the man to his knees,

"May maybe this isn't the best time to be beating your men to death. He did what he was told. I think they call that loyalty or something." Leland said as Fisk paused breathing heavily before he released the guard who collapsed

"Clean him up." Fisk said walking to his friend and sitting beside him

"First, the attack at the benefit, now this? Somebody's not happy."

"Kagiri's accounts are they still active?"

"Yeah, but nothing's been touched since he went up in smoke."

"And Gao, Tombstone, what about their accounts?"

"You think this is them? No, my money's on the Japanese. Maybe they found out about your little side deal with their boss."

"You can go now, Leland." Fisk said

"Okay. But whatever war you're thinking about starting don't lose sight of the end game. Once Senator Cherryh has cleared the last of the zoning issues, you can tear down the rest of Hell's Kitchen and build your better tomorrow. It's a shame that not everybody will be there to see it, but shit happens." Leland said

"Find out who did this to Vanessa and to Wesley." Fisk ordered

"I'll see what I can shake loose. Just remember, uh wind blows the hardest the closer you get to the mountaintop." Leland said leaving

Fisk, reached into Wesley's pocket but found his phone missing

Across the way on another rooftop, with the phone in hand that he proceeded to crush another clone smirked, "Senator Cherryh huh?" The clone smirked tossing the destroyed device before it saw Leland leave and vanished in a burst of speed

Leland got into his car, "What a shitshow." He said slamming his door before he pulled off,

"Your boss going crazy?" The clone asked popping up beside Leland from the backseat, causing Leland to scream but a hand grabbed his face and his soul was snatched

"Hoffman, and Gao's warehouse." The clone smirked before he tapped Leland's shoulder, "Thanks, old man."

The clone dispersed and the corpse was left alone as the car just rolled and slammed into a wall

With Naruto

Naruto was just sitting at the island watching Jessica, Trish, Colleen, Claire, Natasha and Jennifer talk, he was content before he frowned when his clones memories appeared, and created another and had it dispel telling the other clone to bring Karen to the penthouse

"Jess." Naruto called as he stood up causing everyone to look at him as his Kitsune outfit appeared on him, "Karen is on her way, the clone found Hoffman and one of Gao's warehouses. When I give the call be prepared to meet up with Yuri to represent Hoffman who will confess to everything."

"Want me to come?" Natasha asked

"Karen killed Wesley." Naruto said causing their eyes to widen in shock, "She's a bit rattled so,"

"Yea we understand. We will handle it."

"Thanks." Naruto nodded moving the mask from his head to his face before he vanished in a cloud of smoke


A guard was playing a game on his phone when there was a knock at the door, causing him to lose his focus and die, causing him to curse, as he put up his phone with a growl he walked over to the door with his machine gun at the ready when an arm phased through the door and his chest as Kitsune walked through the door and removed his vibrating hand causing the man to collapse

Kitsune stuck to the shadows and saw that Gao was still running her operation as illegals imported in from China were now blind and packing up the heroin, and narrowed his eyes as he looked around

Gao was overlooking her workers when her senses alerted her to danger, and quickly she left the warehouse through a secret exit

Moments later the warehouse was engulfed in flames and the illegals were outside with their vision restored while the guards were all dead when the police and firefighters arrived on the scene

Across the city

Hoffman was relaxing watching the Knicks game, as his guard walked in with a bag of food, "We got subs from Marchioni's." The guard said

"I thought it was pizza." Hoffman asked

"Eh, too hard to carry with the boxes. There's a, uh, chicken parm." The guard said

"Give it here." Hoffman said with a hand outstretched before the guard tossed the sandwich but it was caught by Kitsune causing Hoffman to yell in fright as the vigilante stood beside him and he saw the 9 guys supposed to protect him were all laid out on the floor

"You've been a difficult man to find." Kitsune said opening the sandwich as he began to circle Hoffman who was scared to move, as he noted that the sandwich was finished, when Kitsune was back in his field of vision, "You have the opportunity to make things right, Detective. By turning evidence on Fisk, you can set things right. If that's what you want. If not, you can sit here playing with yourself until Fisk sends men to kill you. Decide."

"It won't make a difference. He owns the cops. I'll be dead before I can testify-"

"Not all of them. Turn yourself into Yuri Watanabe, you can trust her. And she knows a couple of lawyers that can't be brought. They can help you."

"Yea, that is for the tip." Hoffman tried to stand but Kitsune grabbed him by the throat and pulled him in close

"I'll be following you to make sure you get to the precinct alive, try and run if you want, I'll kill you myself." Kitsune said before he released the officer and left as Hoffman watched him

Metro General

Ben entered his wife's hospital room with a large bouquet of flowers, "Those for me?" Doris asked

"Till I get a better girl." Ben smiled

"You can't get a better girl." Doris retorted

"Don't I know it." Ben said as the two shared a laugh before he sat on her bed and smiled at her lovingly

"Hard day?"

"I've had better." Ben said

"You've had worse, too. Am I right?" Doris asked

"Usually are."

"I have my moments. Not many lately, but-"

"Let's go to Paris like we always talked about. While we're still young." Ben interrupted

"Great idea." Kitsune said causing Ben to gasp and get out of bed to see the masked figure on the wall

"What're you doing here?" Ben asked

Kitsune kicked off the wall and walked forward, "I'm here to help." He said before he whispered in Ben's ear, "Fisk may know about your trip uptown, and I'm not going to let him make this sweet old lady a widow."

Ben looked at Kitsune who walked to Doris' bed, "Nice to meet you, Doris." He greeted with his hand out as the lady stared at him

"So your the one kicking ass all over Hell's Kitchen? I'd thought you'd be taller." Doris said as Kitsune laughed

"I like you." Kitsune said before Doris took his hand and a green aura enveloped her

"H-hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Ben asked

"Relax, Ben." Kitsune said as the glow subsided, "I just healed you of all your ailments. I also wired some money into your account, Ben. Once she's discharged the both of you go out and live the rest of your lives to the fullest."

Ben quickly grabbed his phone and saw millions of dollars was in his checking account before he looked to Kitsune but saw him gone as Doris sat up in bed,

Later, Precinct

Detective Yuri was at her desk doing paperwork for a case she just closed when she paused and looked up to see Hoffman at her desk, "I need to make a statement."

Minutes Later

The DA, turned on the camera, as Naruto, and Jennifer sat on both sides of Hoffman as Karen, and Yuri stood in the corner, "As we stated on the phone, our client is willing to be placed in protective custody and waive all considerations for immunity."

"In exchange for what?" The DA asked

"Nothing. Detective Hoffman regrets his involvement in Wilson Fisk's criminal enterprise and seeks only to unburden himself in the eyes of God and the state of New York.


"I've taken money, a lot of money, to do things for... For Fisk. I'm not the only one. There's cops, lawyers, judges. At least one senator I know of."

"Start from the beginning. Names, dates, I want it all." The DA said

"My partner and I were first approached by a man working for Wilson Fisk 18 months ago." Hoffman began as Naruto, Karen, Yuri, and Jennifer exchanged smiles

With the FBI having a list of nearly all of Fisk's employees involved in criminal activity, they performed a mass arrest. Notable arrests included Turk Barrett, Parish Landman, Caldwell, and multiple corrupt cops. Within hours, the arrests were massive news, causing WHiH World News to report on the arrest of Senator Randolph Cherryh, who insisted he and Fisk were innocent of all crimes.

At Wilson Fisk's Penthouse, Vanessa Marianna watching how multiple news networks report the latest news about Fisk and the mass arrest as a result of working with him. Fisk, who had made arrangements, told Marianna about them and asked her to do something for him. Before being taken away by the FBI agents who had entered his penthouse to arrest him, Fisk proposed to Marianna as if the agents were not there.

In the armored truck, Fisk was with two FBI guards, "I was thinking about a story from the Bible. I'm not a religious man but I've read bits and pieces over the years. Curiosity more than faith. But this one story there was a man.

He was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was set upon by men of ill intent. They stripped the traveler of his clothes, they beat him, and they left him bleeding in the dirt.

And a priest happened by saw the traveler.

But he moved to the other side of the road and continued on. And then a Levite, a religious functionary, he came to the place, saw the dying traveler. But he too moved to the other side of the road, passed him by.

But then came a man from Samaria, a Samaritan, a good man. He saw the traveler bleeding in the road and he stopped to aid him without thinking of the circumstance or the difficulty it might bring him. The Samaritan tended to the traveler's wounds, applying oil and wine. And he carried him to an inn, gave him all the money he had for the owner to take care of the traveler, as the Samaritan, he continued on his journey. He did this simply because the traveler was his neighbor. He loved his city and all the people in it. I always thought that I was the Samaritan in that story. It's funny, isn't it? How even the best of men can be deceived by their true nature."

"What the hell does that mean?" Guard1 asked

"It means that I'm not the Samaritan. That I'm not the priest or the Levite. That I am the ill intent who set upon the traveler on a road that he should not have been on."

The guards began to laugh, causing Wilson to frown before in a puff of smoke Kitsune was there as the other guard was just a clone

"Nice story Willy." Kitsune said

"You. What do you want?" Fisk asked

"I've killed the men you had Leland hire in case something like this ever happened." Kitsune said causing Fisk to look at him in surprise, "I also killed Owsley, burned down Gao's warehouse and delivered Hoffman to the cops, oh and I was the cause of your mother's death.'

Fisk looked of surprised turned to one of horror

"Oh, you didn't know. My condolences." Kitsune said before Fisk yelled in rage and tried to get to the vigilante but Kitsune sprung forward and punched Fisk in the face causing him to fly back his head slamming into the metal wall of the truck,

Dazed as his lip was split and took chipped, Fisk looked into the glowing red eyeholes of Kitsune's mask, "I warned you this would happen. You played a high stakes chess game, lied about the old lady and when she was found, she became a chess piece. You played for an easy checkmate, I happen to be a huge fan of the bare king. Only 1 managed to survive and all because your money man wanted to poison her."

Fisk glared at Kitsune as he twitched, noticing Kitsune evaporating into smoke from his legs up, "You're going to jail, Fisk. You may have thoughts of breaking out, you can do so, and when you do, your head will leave your shoulders. After I have you witness me go balls deep in your fiancee. Don't drop the soap, Fatman."

Kitsune's laugh was heard long after he vanished before Fisk screamed in a complete rage

Naruto's Home

Standing on the balcony looking over New York, Naruto sighed, "Fisk is gone, Tombstone should be my next target, but I'll hold off on him for now." He muttered

'Naruto?" Jessica asked walking out as he turned to her, "Everything alright?'

"Never better." Naruto smiled wrapping his arms around her, "I need a vacation."

"As a man who can do anything, what will you do?"

"Have sex, more sex, and more sex." Naruto said causing Jessica to smile as Naruto placed his face in the crook of her face

"I will join you when I can but I got a case." Jessica said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"Really?" Naruto asked

"Yea, Hogarth needs me to serve some ass." Jessica said

Naruto shrugged and looked at the city with Jessica, before he frowned and stepped away, "Naruto?" Jessica asked as Naruto look around before he shot to his right and in a spark of lightning Baldur appeared

Baldur grabbed Naruto's fist, "Naruto." Baldur greeted

"Naruto." Naruto said taking his fist back, "What do you want?"

"There has been a change of plans. A psychopath has returned to the realm of the living and wants to kill us."

"Us?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"I killed him and took over his operation, unfortunately, my brand of leadership wasn't appreciated and I was betrayed. This guy is strong, and he wants the stones to wipe out half of all life. He doesn't know much about you since I got that info close to the chest but, I'm here to tell you to keep a lookout."


"Message delivered now I have a stone to collect and a brother to reunite with." Baldur said before disappearing

Naruto frowned, "Just great." He sighed


Where to next Guardians of the Galaxy or Jessica Jones

Going to recast Misty Knight as Eva Lo Dimelo and Claire Temple as Eleni,

Search them on Instagram if you want to see what they look like