Author's note: Hello, everyone! This is a fic I've been fiddling with for a while, and to be honest I still down know how it will end xD But I'm having so much fun writing this one, so it's one of those that I refuse to abandon! I have - uhm - 12 chapters I think, but i don't quite know where to go from there! So I decided to post some chapters, and ask all of you lovely readers to maybe give me some input, ideas, and feedback :)

Just so you know - this story is mostly humour and fluff :) But there's a plot going on underneath it all - which is the thing I would love some input on!

Please review! :D Both negative and positive comments are welcome!

Oh, btw! I can't add more than 4 characters, but all of the Avengers are in this story, just for the record! And pairings - Loki/OC AND Thor/OC :)


Chapter 1 - A Modern Viking


So, aliens were real. Nora had always thought that to be the case, though, because the universe was vast – practically endless – so there had to be something , somewhere. Humankind couldn't be the only life-force in this limitless void. She had kind of liked the idea that there was something out there - a civilisation that perhaps was completely different than the one on Earth.

As it turned out, humankind was not the only life-force in the universe, and Nora did not 'kind of like the idea' any longer. She would have much preferred if humankind turned out to be the only life-force in existence.

But yeah, aliens were real, and when they finally decided to visit – of course their visit had to turn out to be a cliché of epic proportions.

What was less of a cliché was the way the aliens had arrived. There had been no Hollywood-style scene of the high-tech-Nasa-space-centre variety. There had been no 'Sir, our satellites are picking up on something strange – it seems something big is approaching Earth. At its current speed, it will arrive on Earth in less than four hours. We need to alert the President.'

Of all the alien-invasion-clichés, one with some forewarning would actually have been helpful, but no. Instead, the sky had suddenly torn open, allowing the aliens to just fly in and invade New York, completely out of the blue. Literally.

The state of New York was currently somewhere between 'Independence Day' and 'War of the Worlds', complete with screaming, panicked people, running around like headless chickens.

Alien invasions made everyone a stereotype, apparently.

Nora had been on her way to the university when it happened, but she hadn't gotten too far from her flat, so she had sprinted back home, geared up, and headed back out again.

'Geared up' meant bullet proof vest, two guns, and two knives. Nora had spent two years in the army, and hopefully that training would come to some use now. It would have been even better if she had Emma there, because the two of them made quite the team.

Emma was Nora's best friend, and when Nora had decided to join the army, Emma had decided to join her. It didn't take them very long before they realised how well they worked together, and even their Major (after watching them go through different exercises over a few days) had seen the potential in it. After that, Emma and Nora had continued the usual training just like every other recruit, but the Major had created a special training program just for Emma and Nora, in addition to their usual training.

The goal of the special training program was to teach Nora and Emma how to work as a team, just the two of them. The Major had been optimistic, but even his expectations had been exceeded within three days of training, because not only did Emma and Nora go well together as a team, they were practically two halves of a whole.

Emma and Nora had been less surprised than the Major, quite frankly. They were practically two halves of a whole in everything else they did in life, or so it felt – so why would this be any different? This was the perfect situation for them, knowing each other's faults, strengths, and quirks – it only made sense that a training program like that would be perfect for them.

Eventually, Nora and Emma fought together as if they were one force – and a force to be reckoned with at that.

But Emma was not here now, and Nora would have to fight alone. Not that this was a problem, because she was very much capable of fighting without Emma, but they were just…stronger together.

She tried to call Emma (only to realise the phone lines were completely out of whack, of course) but when she didn't reach her, she headed out by herself, with a lingering thought in the back of her mind, wondering where Emma was and if she was all right.


The aliens were not so much Independence Day as they were something from Doctor Who - not that this helped in any way, because there were no Timelords around to save the world.

There was always Iron Man, though. Tony Stark could accomplish quite a lot in that suit of his, but still...he was only one man. Nora wished the world had more superheroes.


It was rather a shock, entering the area where the fighting was worst. One thing was the aliens, but another thing was the…superheroes.

Captain America. She had completely forgotten about Captain America. She saw him now, though, throwing his shield around and fighting aliens like nobody's business.

But… Captain America and Iron Man were not the only odd sight out there. Nora could see a woman with red hair, and a man next to her – the man was shooting with a bow, and damn, he had some skill.

Nora moved swiftly and stealthily, avoiding the worst of the fray, because she really had to take a closer look at the scene around Captain America.

Nora had wished for more superheroes, and apparently her wish had been granted, because Iron Man was there, Captain America, that red-haired woman, that man with the bow, and – Jesus Christ – a huge, huge, gigantic green man! She had a moment of slight panic before she realised he was fighting with the other superheroes, and not against them.

Nora was really happy she was standing out of sight for any aliens in the next moment, because if she had been attacked just then, she would most certainly have died, considering how her attention was elsewhere. Elsewhere being the flair of red that came down from the sky, and landed in the middle of the group of superheroes.

The flair of red turned out to be a man. A man with long, blond hair, metal armour, and red cape. He looked like a modern Viking. Or something in that area.

Nora was beyond happy she was standing out of sight for the aliens when she noticed one more detail. A hammer. He had a hammer. And not just any hammer. That was Mjolnir. And the man looked like a modern Viking. Something clicked in Nora's brain.

It was too farfetched, though. Wasn't it? She could not possibly be looking at the God of Thunder himself. It had to be a costume, just...well, a costume. A superhero suit. All superheroes needed a suit, after all.

But then, the man in the red cape threw the hammer. The hammer flew through the air with impossible speed, went straight through a stone fence, knocked down three aliens, and then... Then it turned around, swooped through the air with the same impossible speed - straight back to the modern Viking, and the modern Viking caught it without even looking.

It couldn't be... Could it? No, surely not. Norse gods weren't real. Well, they could be real, but not like this! That man there couldn't be Thor. That was just too... insane.

Well, there was a huge, green, giant of a man climbing buildings like he had done nothing else his entire life, and there were aliens invading New York, so who knew - perhaps Northern mythology was real as well.

It was not the time to think any further about that, however, because there was an alien invasion going on.


Nora moved in the direction of Stark Tower, and she had this strange feeling inside her - a vibration, perhaps, or as if something was humming inside her. Like the vibrations from a guitar string. And it got stronger the closer she got. It wasn't a bad feeling, though – it didn't feel wrong, and the feeling in her gut told her that this was not something she should fear.

Nora's intuition had always been exceptional, almost unnervingly so. There had been situations where the solution had seemed clear as day – all logic and reason pointed to one solution – and yet, the feeling in her gut told her to do something completely different, something that seemed like insanity in comparison.

The feeling in her gut was correct almost every time.

And now, there was this strange feeling inside her, like an echo of vibration, and the feeling in her gut totally approved of it. Still, though, she wasn't about to blindly believe that she had nothing to fear. This seemed like...magic, or something. (And wasn't that just completely insane?) And she did not know how magic worked. It might affect her in ways she wasn't aware of.

She proceeded with caution.

She wondered if everyone felt the strange 'humming'. Probably, considering how clearly she felt it, and how it got stronger by the minute.

Perhaps it wasn't that strange, though, because there were a whole lot of impossible things going on up in Stark Tower. A blue beam went up in the sky, and she realised that the blue beam was probably keeping the hole in the sky open. Strange. The beam was the reason for the constant stream of aliens, so why didn't they do something about it? Especially because it was on top of Stark Tower. She couldn't really imagine Tony Stark approving of that. Perhaps they couldn't stop it? Perhaps they couldn't stop it because… She had no idea.

Suddenly, she found herself faced with an alien, and reacted instantly. She wanted to use her gun, but she could see people in the background, and didn't want to risk harming them.

What? she thought as the alien raised his weapon, but she somehow managed to kick the weapon out of his hand – sending it flying. The alien seemed slightly taken aback for a moment, and she used that moment to pull off another well-placed kick, and the force of it sent the alien into the wall. Now that there weren't any people behind him, she aimed her gun at his head, and fired. The aliens were sturdy, but a headshot in such close proximity – they did not live through that.

What? she thought again. The force in her kick had sent the weapon flying, and then the alien flying. She wasn't that strong. She was strong, yes, but not that strong.

This day was getting stranger and stranger - and that was saying something, considering that the level of today's strangeness was already blown beyond epic proportions.


Author's note: I have another Loki/original character fic, and I realise the first chapter is somewhat similar to the other fic :) Thing is, I began writing this story before the other one, and ended up with two somewhat similar introductions :) The plot development is totally different though! And this one has a Thor/original character pairing as well :) Anyway, I hope you'll forgive me for any similarities :) (for those who have read my other fic, of course)