A/N: It's me, it's this time of year, it's Christmas time in the actual story, I mean what else would you expect. I could drag this out, but this story has been barely speaking to me with ideas (Casey & Walker has gone stone cold silent) so I think I'll put a bow on this one (no pun intended but I'm not mad I made a pun.) Welcome to the final installment of Buy More High. A Christmas Miracle.

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, or Christmas, but I really enjoy both!

Chuck watched the clock on the wall. He was waiting for 2:45 PM. They would be free. They would be off for Christmas vacation, just he and Sarah, ridiculous amounts of Christmas movies, and ….and…. His mind was wondering. A movie was on so he wasn't responsible for kids right now, thank God. There was another thirty minutes to go. Sarah was chuckling at the movie that was on, and he kept thinking back to last weekend.

It was Sunday afternoon after the big forensics match, Sarah was out with Ellie when there was a knock on his door, well, Sarah's door. He got up, opened the door, and there stood his mother.

"Mom-" he began.

"Chuck…I'm sorry," she said softly. Chuck stared at his mother. "Can we talk?"

Chuck invited her in, not sure if he was in bizarro world or in another universe, or what. She came in, and stood, looking over the house.

"It's a lovely home," Mary said. She took a deep breath. "Chuck…what I did to you, and Ellie, and Sarah…and your father…it wasn't right."

"No," Chuck agreed. It wasn't harsh, just the truth. "Can you tell me why?"

"Chuck…I didn't exactly love your father." Chuck's eyes about shot out of his head. "We got pregnant and well. Chuck it was the early 80s, and to be a teacher and not married…"

"Wait," Chuck said, sitting in a chair and looking up at her. "You and Dad? You weren't married when…."

"It happens, Chuck," she said dryly. "May I sit down?"

Chuck waved toward the seat. "Please do." Mary chuckled at him and had a seat.

"I resented you, your father, and Ellie," Mary said, staring at the floor. "I never wanted to have a family, I just wanted to be a teacher." She shook her head. "And then Sarah…" She looked up at Chuck. "I never had seen you so happy." She sighed. "And I've never been so jealous in my life," she said in a small voice. "I was hurt, I was jealous, I was mad, and I acted like a damn child."

"Mom," he began.

She shook her head. "Don't you dare say I wasn't because we both know I was." Chuck scratched the back of his head, unable to disagree. "I had finally, I thought, done something motherly and gotten you that house…even if you didn't ask for it…" Chuck chuckled. "And then…you were with her, and happy, and having an adult relationship, something I never could."

"Why me? Why her? Why not Ellie and Awesome?"

She smiled at him. "Because you're so much like me," she said softly. "You're the teacher. You were gonna change the world like I had, and she was going to trap you the same way I was, and I didn't want you to go through what I did."

"So what changed things? Why the apology?"

"How she treated her father, how she protected you, and how she refused to run me off," Mary admitted. "Chuck, she's right for you. I don't know if your future includes children, but I don't see any of the problems that I had. Your father and I had no business being married when we did. Maybe if we had done it of our choosing…"

"Okay, wait, and I don't need specifics, but…I get being mad about Ellie and Dad, but I came along later….please for the love of God, no details."

Mary sputtered in laughter. "Chuck…I tired to make it work. I tried to be the wife I thought your father wanted…" she trailed off.

"You weren't you," Chuck said softly. Mary nodded. Chuck got up, walked over to the couch beside her, sat down, and hugged his mom. "Look, we've got a lot to work out, but, I'm willing to try."

"I don't know why you would," she said sobbing into his shoulder. "But I'm glad you are."

After a bit, they separated. "I owe Sarah an apology, but I can't, not yet. I'm too embarrassed." She reached into her pocket and handed Chuck a box. "This was supposed to be a symbol of family and marriage. I hope one day you might give it to her and the two of you give it the family it deserves." She stood up. "I need to go."

Chuck stood up, hugged her again, and walked her to the door. After she left, and Sarah and Ellie returned, Chuck pulled Ellie to the side and told her everything. Ellie bolted out the door a few minutes later and headed to her mom's. When Sarah asked if everything was okay, Chuck told her his mom and Ellie had decided to try and work some things out. Sarah just gave him a look but didn't say anything.

A paper wad hitting his head, pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked over from where it came from and there sat Sarah grinning. She nodded to the clock. He heard the kids count and the two of them joined in. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The bell rang, the kids scrambled out of the class, and Chuck found himself nervous being around Sarah.


Chuck walked down the hall beside Sarah, when they heard their names being called. They turned around, and saw Emmett, Principal Beckman, and Superintendent Quinn. Emmett looked displeased, which made Chuck and Sarah both grin.

"Could you two put off your break for a few more minutes and join us?" Quinn asked the two.

"Sure, was there a meeting scheduled that we didn't know about?" Chuck asked.

"I don't remember one," Sarah replied.

"No, no meeting scheduled," Quinn replied, leading them into Beckman's office. Beckman motioned for everyone to have a seat, except they were one chair short, leaving Emmett standing. "I have reviewed the competition last weekend." Quinn looked from Chuck's face to Sarah's face. "I am granting full funding for the forensics program going forward." Emmett looked sick. "Furthermore," Quinn said, looking at Emmett. "You two have proven how important the arts are in schools. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done."

"Thank you," Chuck replied, choking up. "Thank you."

"So," Emmett began.

"Emmett," Quinn said turning to him. "Shut up and leave. For now on, if there is any budgetary problems facing these two, they're going to contact me directly." Emmett paled and scurried off. Quinn turned to Chuck and Sarah and grinned. "Now, you two go enjoy your days off. You've deserved them." The two left quickly, both grinning from ear to ear. "How many weeks until you have two Bartowskis?" he asked Beckman.

"I'd bet their married by the time they come back," Beckman retorted.

"You're probably right," Quinn agreed.


Sarah handed Chuck a cup of hot chocolate as he stared at the tree. "I'm trying real hard not to be that girlfriend who has to know everything, Chuck, but this is getting ridiculous." Chuck turned to look at her. "What happened last weekend?"

"Mom came over and apologized," Chuck replied softly. Sarah sat down and stared at him. "Yeah. She kinda explained everything, but…"


"She was jealous of what we had and she gave me something, to give to you, for us to be the couple her and dad never could be." He got up, went to the desk drawer and pulled something out. He went over and handed it to her. She opened the box and saw a charm bracelet inside. "I get what it represents-"

"Put it on me, please," she said softly.

Chuck nodded and did. He was admiring it, when he gathered the courage to speak. "Sarah, it looks lonely, like it needs something."

"Something like a mate?" she asked, her eyes sparkling. He bent down to one knee, and pulled a box out of his pocket. "Oh my God," she muttered. "Oh. My-" A knock on the door interrupted them. "You have got to be kidding me," she grumbled. Chuck started to get up. "Oh hell no, Bartowski, you aren't getting up until you ask me."

Chuck grinned at her. "Wanna have dinner at our favorite restaurant?"

"Yes, but that's not the question and you know it!" The knocking got louder. Chuck looked at the door, but his head was turned back to Sarah by her hand. "Chuck," she said softly. "Please."

They heard a key turn in the door. "Sarah, will you marry me?" Chuck asked as he slid the ring on her finger. A squeal nearly deafened them. They had forgotten their plans with Ellie and Devon. "Never should have gave them a key," Chuck muttered, trying to hear out of the ear facing Ellie.


It was a little while later at the Mexican restaurant that found the two couples sitting together.

Chuck turned to Sarah. "For the record…"

"Yes, Chuck, I'll marry you," she said softly. "Ellie please don't squeal," she said in her normal voice never looking at her.

"Sorry, Sarah," Devon replied. "She is just so excited." Devon turned to Chuck. "Chuckster, I take it you and your mom had a good talk?"

"Yeah," Chuck replied. "We decided that we would work on our relationship and do what we can to repair the mess we made of things." Sarah squeezed his bicep in support.

"Have you talked to Mom yet?" Ellie asked Sarah.

"No," Sarah replied. "Actually I'm thankful for some of the stuff she did that forced Chuck to do something. That forced him to realize what he wanted."

Chuck grinned at her. "So, I never got the chance to ask, but when did you want to get married?"

She turned and gave him a look. "Buster, I'm gonna be Mrs. Bartowski when I return, are we clear?" Chuck nodded, grinning. "Hope your okay with that," Sarah said to Ellie.

"I'm so good with it," Ellie replied. The four talked for a while and Ellie and Devon left after dinner, wanting to see a movie. Chuck and Sarah knew it was to give them time alone.

"Interesting," Chuck said, looking around. Sarah gave him a look. "It's in this booth the whole mate conversation started.

"Is it?" Sarah asked with mock surprise. She grinned at him. "Love you, Chuck."

"Love you, Sarah," Chuck replied. "I sure am glad I spilled fruit punch on you."

"I think we could have met some other way and been okay," she retorted.

"Nope," he replied grinning. "Had to be fruit punch." Sarah shook her head. "You were wrong you know."

"About what?"

"That we didn't have to be best buds."

She grinned at him. "I'm not wrong often, but I'm glad I was then."

"Me too, Sarah. Me too."


Christmas morning found the two of them together in bed, Chuck on his right side, his left hand over Sarah's left, two rings glistening in the sunlight. Their fingers played with each other and Sarah quickly flipped over, looking him in the eyes.

"Good morning, Mrs. Bartowski," Chuck said, his voice scratchy, having just woke up.

She stared into his eyes. "Damn could a girl get used to that."

"Well, considering this is day one of the rest of our lives together check back in, oh, say, 50 years or so and see if you're over it."

"Done," she replied with a giggle. "You okay with us getting married on Christmas Eve?"

"Seemed quite romantic," he replied. "You okay with a short honeymoon."

"Chuck, the time at the location may be short, but that doesn't mean the honeymoon has to end."

"You are the linguistics expert, so I defer to you."

"Chuck, I've got a Christmas present for you." Her voice was sultry, and Chuck shivered a little.

"And I you," he replied grinning. "But Awesome and Ellie are gonna be here soon, so-"

Sarah cut him off with a finger to his lips. "I asked if we might push it back a few hours last night. That's what we were talking about after the wedding."

"I like the way you think Mrs. Bartowski," Chuck replied.

"Seriously, could get so used to that," she said, and with that, she kissed him.

A/N: And so here ends an insane tale of a school that no one should probably ever attend. Ever. I hope you enjoyed it, and check back in soon, I'm sure I'll have some other Christmas one shots up in no time. Reviews and PMs are always welcomed. Take care, til next time.