AUTHORS NOTE: So, here's my new story. It's LIGHTLY based on the song "Black Tears" from Jason Aldean. You may or may not want to listen to the song first before you read. It's entirely up to you as my reader. I've seen one other story with this title also saying it's based on the song, but mine is completely different and more to the song's liking. I've also had it in my head for quite sometime(as in 6 years-since the song was released). There is lots of sexual content. Maybe more than I normally write about. There is description of late term abortion. I'm placing a warning just in case it isn't something someone wants to read about. I will try my hardest to post warnings at each chapter, if needed. This story has angst, at times. I found myself tearing up, at times, as I wrote it. I don't let it last long, though.

BELLA AND EDWARD: This is a B&E story, but will only be written in BELLA's POV. That's the way I wrote it. If I decide to add an EPOV, I may surprise you with it. Bella was the only one stuck inside my head as the story played out in my head.

I hope this will be my one and only short chapter. It's more of the introduction into the storyline. 25 Chapters is planned, but may change per EPOV surprises.

I have my fingers crossed for great reviews.



Black Tears

Chapter 1


"Five minutes, Bella," my boss tells me. "Make me look good and I'll make it worth your time."

He really does disgust me, but he doesn't treat me bad or hit me; I just need to bend over a couple of times a week to get the extra cash I need.

I turn to smile at him. "I won't let you down, Jimmy."

"That's my girl," he says just as he kisses the side of my head and turns to leave. "Lauren, you're on after Bella."

"Yes, sir," she says snidely as Jimmy, or better known as James Hunter, owner of the Gentleman's Club V, that I work at as a stripper. I'm usually his opening and closing act. The other girls hate me because they think I'm Jimmy's favorite. They call me 'The Teacher's Pet'.

I know differently, though. I'm not the only one who puts out to him. Lauren blows him, mostly and Jessica thinks he hung the moon and stars, so she lets him do whatever he wants to her. It's really disgusting, but I don't give a shit. He has an average dick that I can barely feel when he fucks me. It could be the coke I snort before he has me bend over, and of course, I fake my orgasms, making him think he's the best damn lay there is on the West Coast.

When he told me he'd make it worth my time, I knew he wanted to fuck me before the night was over.

I did what I had to just to get by. My tiny studio apartment was proof of that.

Just before I take the stage, I make a quick phone call. "Hi, Sue." I listen as she asks how I'm doing. "I'm okay. How is she?"

I listen contently as I get my answer. I can feel the tears begin to form, but I knew I couldn't let them fall; not while I'm at work, and not while the other dancers are around. I couldn't let them see that I have a heart.

"Okay. I should be able to make it there tomorrow night. I have the next two days off." Sue prattles on about stuff I need to pick up. "I'll take care of it on my way up; I'll see you tomorrow night."

I end my call, stash my phone and head to the stage where I'm introduced as 'Destiny'.

The club is crowded; a lot of faces that I'm used to seeing a few nights a week. They're very generous especially when they've had quite a few drinks, so I give them the best I've got.

My first number leaves me with $700. That's good for the first dance of the night. My encore set has me leaving with close to $1,800 in one night. Gentleman's Club V caters to a lot of rich men who have nothing better to do with their money. If shaking my ass and tits for them gets me the green, then I throw in a few nipple pinches to appease them.

Once my routine is done, Jimmy gives me his signature grin. Knowing what that means, I go straight to his office where he enters behind me and locks the door.

"You did great out there," he says as he slips his hands around my waist from behind. He rubs his hardened, average length into my ass. "I knew you wouldn't let me down."

He points to his desk where a mirror and a couple of lines are cut out for me. I know it's bad, but having all the shit I put up with and the money I need to fork out each month, a line here and there makes me forget all about it.

I step over to his desk and bend over the mirror and pick up the hundred dollar bill he has rolled up for me. He says if I'm gonna do a line, I need to do it in style and there's no better way than with a Benjamin.

As I bend over, I feel Jimmy slip the material of my thong to one side and slip his long, skinny fingers inside me. I'm not wet, of course, so he bends down and starts licking me to get me slick. That's the only way it's been since we started fucking.

I inhale one line as he eats me and I moan from the sensation of the coke sends through me. "You like that, don't you?"

Another moan escapes me as my high starts to flood my body.

I hear the zipper of his jeans a moment later and the telltale sign that he's opened a condom.

As he enters me, I scrunch my face in disgust and ready myself for my orgasm performance. I tighten my pussy to make him think he's working me over. The only thing I feel as he starts jack-hammering is his pelvis hitting my ass.

"'re so damn tight," he says and groans. "You're always so wet for me."

He doesn't realize that it's just his spit that helps his infinitesimal penis enter me.

Just as I snort my second line, he groans as he releases his spunk into the condom. I give him a tight squeeze, making him think I came, too and release a moan as I sigh in relief that it's finally over.

"I love fucking you," he says as he pulls out. "You're the best lay I've ever had."

As much as I'm disgusted, Jimmy may be my only friend. He's been taking care of me for the better part of a year. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be living out of my car as I tried to figure out my life and financial situation.

"You're the best," I lie as I stand up straight. I hadn't had a good orgasm in forever and the ones I have had are thanks to myself. I've nearly forgotten what they feel like, but with the cocaine and the money I bring in, they're not worth missing.

Jimmy lets me keep the rolled up Ben then slips me another two hundred. He says that's my tip from him for having such a sweet pussy. I used to feel like a whore, but he's the only one I let fuck me, so I take the money and exit his office.

I leave that night with more than two grand in my pocket. The next two days would, hopefully, be peaceful, and they'd be the only two nights this week that my face is clean from the black tears I cry for my choices.

Okay, let me know what you think. I'll be posting a second chapter to make up for this short one. I think it's only fair.