Twice in one day!? What is going on with me? Well, I'll tell you me. I wanted to get caught up with the extra chapters so that they are even with the actual ones. Yay, I accomplished that. Great job me, well, thank you me.

Enjoy the one of the last extras and don't forget to vote on the poll for it. It's important. Honest.

Extra Chapter #8 – Aftershock discussion.

The group had settled for the night, it was only after Meliodas and Elizabeth had announced that they were having a baby, and the group still couldn't comprehend it. Ban and Monspeet were currently passed out on the ground next to the fire while Ravinger had sobered up, though it was only a little.

Currently they sat at the folding table all nursing their drinks still.

"I can't believe Captain and Ellie are gonna have a little baby…" Diane stated with a fond smile aimed towards King.

Said person turned a beat red before averting his gaze from his girlfriend. Granted they had been together for a while now, but he couldn't comprehend that the girl of his dreams wanted to move to that stage already.

"I know, it seems like just yesterday the two had come to me and said that they were together. Poor little Ellie was terrified that I would tell her father." Ravinger said in reply, a look of remembrance on his face.

"Hmm, I wonder what their child will be like. One like Elizabeth, soft and sweet like an angel unless tempered with. Or one like Captain, blunt to a fault, possessive, and abrasive unless it's with Elizabeth….Or perhaps a mixture of both?" Merlin said thoughtfully as she nursed a partially full glass of wine.

It was after she said that did the two younger Gore's shudder in horror. They could believe that their elder brother was having a child with the one who accepted him despite his faults. The one who garnered his attention and affection for far longer than anyone else. What they couldn't believe, however, was the possibility that said child would be either like said blond was horrifying.

They had barely survived a moody Meliodas in years previous, they didn't think they would handle a mini version.

And don't get them started on Elizabeth, while most of the time she was soft and gentle as the wind, rile her up and it's like dealing with five Meliodas'. Something one of the two younger Gore's had felt a little too hands on.

Ravinger, spotting their looks of horror, busted out laughing with his face already red from his rather large intake of alcohol. He had already thought the two would be terrified of the little thing growing inside Elizabeth, but he had never thought that said looks would be this hilarious to look at.

And how right he was to laugh, both younger males had pale faces with their eyes wide and mouths dropped open a little. Seeing two normally hard to shock males in such a state had everyone laughing until Meliodas had thrown his shoes at them in an attempt to shut them all up.

It worked since said shoes had hit his father on the head and promptly knocked him out.

It was then decided for everyone to turn in before they anger the dragon more.

Good choices lead to happy outcomes afterall.