Behold, I have returned with some long-overdue requests.

"Maybe pregnant sex?"
"Do a pregnant one :)"

Apologies to the folks who requested things ages ago and haven't seen hide nor hair of a response or rejection yet. I am WAY behind. I've been writing original things, and when I'm not doing that, I'm obsessively editing. My resolution from now on is to be quicker about these things.

All that being said, enjoy some smut, I guess!

Chapter 23

Lois wished she could say that she felt guilty about getting caught, but she really didn't. Clark came home to find his wife in the bathroom, exactly as he had left her – wearing a robe and sitting on the edge of the bath with her feet in a basin of hot water. The only difference was the box of Pop-Tarts and the Nutella jar on her lap. A knife was in her left hand. She stared back at him as she chewed.

"Lois, why are you eating that?" he asked in distress as he came in.

"The baby wants sugar," she said defensively.

"No, you're having a craving. Why don't you eat some fruit?"


He grabbed the containers, and she glared up at him.

"Don't you dare!"

"How many did you have?"

She pursed her lips, and he looked inside the box. "It's almost done!"

She rolled her eyes and took another bite out of the pastry in her hand. He ignored her second glare as he snatched the knife away. By the time he returned from the kitchen, she was done eating. Her arms were draped over her baby bump. She tilted her chin up and gave him puppy eyes.

"I'm still hungry," she pouted.

"No, you're not," he muttered and knelt down to look at her feet, "Do they feel better?"

"Yeah." She lifted one and examined it.

"Do you want a massage?"

"Sure. Also, can you bring my food back?"

He smirked. "You know that's not going to happen."

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you can lord it over me."

"I'm just looking out for you and the baby."

He treated her to a gentle foot massage with cocoa butter. Afterwards, she went to the bedroom, shrugged off her bathrobe, and positioned some pillows – one under her head, and another under her hips. She lay down on her right side and shoved a third pillow between her calves. Her breasts ached faintly, so she adjusted them. Experimentally, she brushed the tip of her index finger over an oversensitive nipple. It tingled.

She heard Clark enter the room and felt him climb onto the bed. He started on her back, pressing his hands flat and rubbing them down in long strokes. Her eyes drifted closed. He moved down to her calves. Despite how calming the massage was, it was turning her on at the same time. Now that she was in her second trimester, her rampant hormones were making it really easy for her to get aroused. She tried not to think too hard about the way his warm skin felt sliding against hers. Clark reached under her leg and rubbed her other calf. His right hand touched her back and started massaging it again. She thought he was almost done till his left hand settled on her thigh. He rubbed it slowly and moved down to her ass. Her heartbeat accelerated, and she couldn't help the high-pitched moan that escaped when his fingers slid down and touched her moist labia. One finger slipped easily inside, and she moaned again, quieter this time.

It wasn't the first time he'd done this lately. After months of never being in the mood, she'd suddenly gotten horny again in the past few weeks. Clark, being a dutiful husband, was always ready to attend to her every need. They still hadn't had sex, though.

He added another finger, and she panted against the pillow. His right hand was still rubbing her back. She could hear the soft wet sounds as he fingered her. He pulled out and prodded between her legs to find her clit. The anticipation made it feel good before he even touched it. She bucked her hips towards him and moaned. Then, he buried his middle and ring fingers inside and fucked her with them. She screamed in ecstasy and clenched her fists in the pillow as her muscles pulsed rhythmically. It seemed to last forever, and he didn't stop.

Finally, she stopped shaking, and he pulled his hand away.

"Do you need anything else, honey?" he asked earnestly, and she was momentarily dumbfounded.

He just did that to her, and now he was going to calmly go about his business…

She thought she would be satiated, but she wasn't. It only made her want him more. Her clit was still tingling pleasurably, and her walls felt tight now that his fingers were gone. She looked over her shoulder at him.

"I think we should have sex."

He stared at her. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"There's no risk factors for us right now. It should be perfectly safe."

"Yeah, but…"

She reached back and stroked his arm.

"Please," she said, "I know you'll be careful. Just be delicate. Please."

She couldn't imagine how hard it had been for him to wait so long. She'd made sure he got off during the past few months, but it wasn't the same. Still, he looked hesitant as he removed his clothes. Despite his slightly anxious expression, his body betrayed him when he discarded his underwear. A thrill coursed through Lois as she turned back onto her side and waited. He lay down behind her and inched closer. His lips tentatively kissed the back of her neck. She turned her head, grabbed a handful of his hair, and pulled him into a kiss. His left hand slid up her hips and to her breasts. She was a little wary about letting him touch them, but he was painstakingly gentle. He cradled one and massaged it with his thumb. It felt good when he touched it like that.


He knew what she meant. He let go of her breast to grab his dick. His lips parted as he rubbed the tip against her wet labia. Lois was about to protest the teasing, but then he entered in one fluid motion. Her mouth fell open. She hadn't realized how much she missed this until it was finally happening again. She felt so full. Clark, meanwhile, had his forehead pressed to her shoulder.

"God," he murmured.

"Fuck me."

"Oh, don't say that," he moaned.

He moaned again as he started pumping slowly. Lois gasped in delight. He felt bigger than ever. He was reaching so deep, hitting everywhere she needed.

"Oh, yes!" she groaned, "Fuck me!"

He moved faster and was close after only a few minutes. He panted, trying to stave off the orgasm. He pressed his chest against her shoulders and forced himself to slow down, making deep strokes.

"I love you," he panted.

"I love you, too," she gasped.

She didn't even need him to touch her clit; she was going to cum like this. Heat pulsed through her body in waves, and she whimpered. She bit the pillow and let herself be overwhelmed. Clark struggled to keep his hands off of her and gripped the sheets instead. His initial yell died down to a blissful purr as he gingerly rocked his hips. She sighed and reached back to caress his ass. He moaned and hugged her.

"Mmm, I love you," Lois hummed, smiling and petting his hair.

He didn't say anything, just wordlessly cuddled closer to her.

Thanks for coming back here at all. It's been so heckin long...