Chapter one.

The feeling of a warm body against mine causes me to stir as I realize it's just Cal,and I pull the quilt back over us,he kicked it off again,he was dreaming,meaning he kicked me and kicked off the covers. Things got real bad at his house tonight,parents were fighting,he got in between his dad and mom, so his dad wouldn't hit her,he hit him instead,leaving a decent mark on his face. Mom heard everything since we live across the street, he got out of there,came running over here,and she called 911. "Easy Cal, it's just a dream"I murmur as I feel him squirm,kicking me again,then he slowly starts to stir. "Meg"he murmurs softly, "shh it's just me Cal, your alright,I'm here"I murmur as I feel him turn to face me. Normally he wouldn't be allowed in bed with me,but mom made an exception, he needed me too much,he needed to be somewhere where he felt safe. "Meg"he murmurs as I feel his cool hand grab mine as I look at the clock,it reads 4:00,meaning we've been sleeping restlessly since 12.

"Shh,what is it Cal"I ask softly as I see his blue eyes meet mine, "I'm sorry about all of this,for waking you up"he murmurs softly, "It's alright Cal, it happens,it's not your fault,you doing ok"I ask softly,realizing tears staining his eyes for the first time. "Not really,I'm scared,afraid of what's going to happen at home now that dad's been arrested"he murmur as I feel him start to tremble, "It'll be ok somehow, I don't know how right now,but it will be I promise"I murmur as I hug him,he lays his head against my chest as I find myself carding a hand through his hair. We lay in scilence for awhile,the sound of the rain the only noise filling the room,and just as I think he's asleep again,I feel him move. "I think I'm going to be sick"he murmur softly, "Ok,I got you"I murmur helping him sit up on the edge of the bed and getting the trash can in front of him.I grab my glasses at this point so I can see him better,then turn the lamp on,then start to rub his back.

I hear the door open at this point,it's just mom,and she comes over and sits beside him on his right side. "I know dear,it's ok, how long has he been throwing up"she asks talking to him and me at the same time, "not long,maybe 5 minutes"I murmur softly. "Ok sweetheart,I need you to go get a wet cloth and a glass of water for me Meg honey"she murmur softly, "ok we'll he be ok mom"I ask softly as I get up and I feel him grab my hand,which is squeeze lightly and let go. "He will be dear,he will be, now go get the stuff alright"she murmurs softly as I nod.

I go down the steep attic stairs and go to the kitchen first to get a glass of water,and I realize Charles Wallace is up and drinking a glass of milk. "What are you doing up Biscuit"I ask softly going over to him and squeezing his shoulder, "I couldn't sleep,I heard you guys were up, is he going to be ok"he ask softly in his innocent 6 year old voice, he doesn't know what's happening really, he was asleep by the time Cal got here,though he's smart enough to have it figured out somewhat.

"Come here, he will be I promise,he's just been through alot tonight,alot of adult stuff that he should never have to be dealing with is all biscuit"I murmur softly hugging him to me,his sweet little boy filling my nose,as I linger in holding him for just a minute,letting him be my baby for a moment longer,letting him retain the innocence of childhood that he needs to have,the one Calvin all but lost tonight.

"How about I get a glass of water,and we can go give it to him alright,then I'll tuck ou back into bed,it's early for you to be up biscuit"I murmur letting him go and I go to the sink,grabbing a glass out of the cabinet. "OK Meg"he murmurs softly as I start running the water. I get the glass full,then go over,and Charles Wallace lets me pick him up. I hold him on one hip,then hold the water with the other. We head upstairs,and I put him down when we reach my doorway,"hey biscuit I need you to stay down here for a moment alright,Cal is in no state for a visitor right now"I murmur realizing I hear crying, "but why"he asks softly, "just trust me on this one biscuit,I promise I'll be down shortly and I'll tuck you in"I murmur softly,"ok Meg"he murmurs giving me a squeeze before I head upstairs,taking a steadying breath,afraid of what I'll find. I go up there,and I find mom still on my bed,with Cal laid up against her,sobbing. "Mom"I question softly, she beckons for me to come here,so I do and give her the water. "it's ok,it just finally hit him hard,I'm going to stay up here with him for awhile,get him back to sleep,how about you go crawl into my bed alright,I'll be in shortly"she murmurs softly, "Ok,Charles Wallace is up too,so I'll bring him in bed with me"I murmur as she nods.

I go back downstairs,and I find Charles Wallace standing at the doorway waiting for me. I pick him up in my arms and he lays his head against my neck,and I head to mom's bedroom. We get there,and I set him down on the bed first,in the middle like always,then I get in,and pull the covers over us. He then cuddles against me,head against my chest as I run my fingers through his hair. It's rare the moments where he acts like our sweet little boy,he's so smart,and mature,it's hard to remember he's just a little boy sometimes, he's still innocent, he still needs protection,needs me,needs mom. "Good night biscuit,I love you"I murmur softly as I feel him grab my free hand,"I love you too Meg"he murmurs. After this we settle into comfortable silence and I'm out like a light,exhausted from the day's events,and wondering what tomorrow we'll bring next.