Gibbs left Ziva in the observation room, heading down to the team room.

"Where are we, McGee?"

"Boss, whoever Cub called has great encryption. The fisrt call was revieced in London. I couldn't get the exact location it was bouncing me everywhere. The second call was recieved in DC, about ten miles outside of the base."


"Royal and General is a bank that caters to the upper class and upper-middle class community, located in Chelsea, London. Cloudy Island Advertisements in a small advertisement company here in DC, popped up in a cheap neighborhood about ten years ago and has had ten clients since, all leaving reviews of the unpleasant reception and cold shoulder service."

"DiNozzo, with me. McGee, see what you can figure out about Cub from Unit 12."

Ziva stood in the observation room watching the two... soldiers? No, Cub was too yong, but he had shown up with a unit of soldiers. Ziva shook her head, focusing on the two people in the room. Cub sat in one of the chairs feet propped up on the table, the epitome of calm. Wolf had taken to pacing the length of the room behind Cub.

"Wolf if you don't stop pacing you are going to fall through the floor. Imagine that. The great Unit Leader done in by a floor worn thin by his pacing," Alex smirked, breaking the tense silence.

"I wouldn't be pacing if you would give the agents some goddamn information about the case. I could get out of this room and away from you. I feel like a caged animal." Wolf's outburst caused Alex to laugh.

"Isn't that what we are? And no, Wolf, I am not going to give them any information. I'll take care of this myself. Can the big, bad Wolf intimidated by a fairly empty interogation room? This is oh so much nicer than RTI training. Or is wittle Wolf claustrophibic as well?" Alex smirked.

"I am so close of giving them some information about who you are, Cub, just to get out of this room."

"You know there would be consequences. My higher ups are higher than yours and they wouldn't be happy. Go ahead and tell the agents. Who knows. Maybe they ut you on kitchen duty for a year. Maybe they'll bin you. Maybe they'll make you seem crazy. It wouldn't be the first time," Alex whispered, barely loud enough to allow Ziva to hear. "Bottom line. Let me do what I need to do and give me my space. Those who get too close regret it."

"Does your family regret it, Alex? Do your friends regret it, Cub? Does Fox regret it, Alex?" Wolf snapped, goading the young boy.

"You don't know me, Wolf. You may have seen me on occassion. I may train with your unit. But you don't know me."

Ziva stood in the next room silently. Why would two teammates be so hostile towards each other?

Tony looked at the small building in front of him briefly. Light blue paint coated the outside, with a painted sign reading Cloudy Island Advertisements. Tony darted forward to make the closing door after Gibbs.

"What do you want?"

"NCIS. We need to speak to your boss." Gibbs and Tony showed her both of the badges. She sighed and stood gesturing for the two of them to follow her. She led them through a series of hallways and staircases that seemed to be too many to belong to the small front store before stopping, snapping at them to, "Wait here." and ducked into a room only to return momnets later and usher them in, leaving without a word.

"Agents. Joe Byrne, CIA. I must say I am surprised to find you here," The man at the desk stood, shaking both of their hands. "If I am not mistaken you typically work with our more homebound counterparts."

"You got a call, earlier from a teenager named Alex and agreed to meet him for lunch. Alex is currently our only lead and the only ones who seems to know what is happening involving the death of a marine," Tony spoke up.

"We would like to know what you two spoke about," Gibbs told the man. Byrne sighed.

"I'm afraid I can't help you men. Despite how much I try to keep good interagency relationships and encourage interagency relationships I can't help you with anything having to do with Alex. I can tell you that unless you know who Alex is, you are going to have a hard time getting him to cooperate. Once his mind is made it's hard to change it."

"Who is Alex?"

"I can't tell you. It's not my place. Maybe ask Fornell. Your best bet though, ask him yourself. Gain his trust. Make both of your jobs easier. He is someone you want working on your side. If there is anything else I can do to help please let me know. Otherwise, Good day agents."

McGee sat across from the three remaining members of Unit 12, Captain James Lawrence, Staff Sergeant Adam Lewis, and Second Leuitenant William Philips.

"So, what can you guys tell me about Cub?"

"Other than the fact that he looks like he's fourteen and runs the assault course like a pro not much. Told us he was qualified to be here and that he gets annoyed when people question that. Seems like a decent human," Lawrence told him.

"There is the fact that he refused to take his earring out despite orders from Colonel Jonson. That was weird," Lewis threw in. "But all in all a solid kid. Has a lot working for him."

"Is there anything he said that tipped you off that someone might have been after him?"

"On the ride over here, the kid said something about how this shouldn't have happened. But other than that no," Philips replied, shrugging his shouders.

"Thank you," McGee was all he said before leaving the room.

Ziva huffed. The two had been ignoring each other for the most part since they had snapped at each other. Alex had started singing show tunes once before Wolf had told Cub to "shut your bloody mouth before I tell the agents who you are." Alex had glared but stopped singing. Wolf continued to pace, Alex had moved from the chair to the table itself and was now sitting cross-legged counting the number of times Wolf paced back and forth. Ziva could see why Gobbs had wanted the two of them alone in the room. They may be unit mates but they were tense together at best. At worst they were down right murderous. The two goaded each other on and one was bound to slip up. At this Ziva's money was on Wolf. The man was quick to snap at the teen and the teen was quick to clam up.

"When are they going to let us out of this room," Wolf growled.

"Could be worse. They could have stuck Eagle in here with us. Keep pacing, you're at 164.75," Alex encouraged.

"Listen to me, Cub. Do not act like you are not sick of being in this room. That you have been through so much worse than me, than my unit. Your papers may say you are a part of K-Unit but Fox will always be more a part of K-Unit than you."

"Big shocker considering he started there," Alex snorted.

"You don't get to act all high and mighty, like you are the best. My unit has gone to save you, to get you out of your rough times."

"Yeah, what? Once, twice? Out of how many. How many "rough times" have you not been there for. I said this earlier, you know nothing about me."

"Well don't expect me to save your sorry head next time you go play agent."

"I think you will, because you follow orders like the good dog you are. And, Wolf. Good job slipping up," Alex told him before turning around to face the one-way mirror. As if daring Ziva to come in and question them again.