A/N: I do plan on actually getting around to suggestions someday, but I needed to get this chapter out of the way first. Yup, first kisses.

Lapis and Peridot were once again sitting on their couch, going through old tapes that Steven had lent them. This time, though, rather than watching them, Lapis had inserted one and was fast forwarding to a specific moment near the end of this "rom-com(what did that even mean?)."

She ended up passing it, "Darn." Rewinding, she motioned for Peridot's attention. "Okay, look, see, this is supposed to be some big romantic gesture, but I don't get it."

Hitting play, the movie continued, where the "likable" male protagonist(Peridot insisted he was a clod who almost ruined everything due to his man-childish behavior) pressed his lips against the "relatable" female protagonists(Lapis was under the impression she was settling for way less than she deserved. Did humans think that was relatable?).

"See, that thing. What. Is. It." Lapis gestured at the screen, confusion spread over her face.

Peridot leaned in, squinting her eyes as she studied the paused image. "I think, and this is just an idea, that they're resorting to some form of ritualistic cannibalism, and intend to eat each other to prove who is the superior human."

"But that can't be it!" Lapis groaned, "They don't eat each other, and both are still around in the next scene like no face eating happened. It's just, weird!"

"So, we know it's some sort of thing connected to Earth dating, and we're trying Earth dating..." Peridot grimaced, "Uh, do you think we can skip this one? It doesn't look appealing in the slightest."

Lapis brow furrowed as she thought. "No." was the conclusion she'd come to after a few moments. "We said we'd try Earth dating, so we have to try this, at least once."

"I was afraid you'd say that." The green gem deadpanned, giving Lapis a bit of the stink eye. Giving a sigh, she relented. "Let's get this over with. Just once, right? And then we never have to do it again?"

Lapis nodded, a determined look on her face as she scooted closer to Peridot, shifting her position so she was roughly at face height with her girlfriend.

Both gems gulped, neither looking forward to the contact they were about to make. Peridot scrunched her eyes closed, she couldn't bear to even look, but Lapis kept hers partly open so she'd have some idea what she was even doing.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting for this disgusting thing to happen so it could be over with, their lips touched. A spark went through both of them and in surprise the two pulled back immediately.

They looked at each other blankly. The other had to have felt that, right? "Um, I think that went by a little... fast?" Lapis tried, even more curious now.

"Y-yeah, perhaps we should try it again?" Peridot agreed. The two stared at each other a moment longer, before closing their eyes and leaning in once more.

This time the kiss lasted more than a moment. This time they tried moving their lips, and after a moment they found a rythem and moved in sync.

When it ended, both Gems sat with their legs dangling off the couch, staring blankely into the distance. For some reason, despite it just being a touch of the lips, the action felt like it had changed everything about everything.

"W-we said we were only doing it the once, right?" Peridot asked, finally finding her voice.

"Yeah." Lapis agreed.

Neither gem looked at each other when they spoke. Then, suddenly, at the same time they turned to look at each other. And Peridot proceeded to throw herself into Lapis' arms, smashing their faces together, running her hands through the blue hair as Lapis held her tight and kissed her back.

Taste wasn't something Peridot experienced often. She couldn't eat, but her tongue still worked. Maybe it was due to it's lack of use, but Lapis' mouth against hers tasted so good, it was all she could think about. Quick, rapid fire kisses turned into a lip lock as she forced her tongue into her girlfriends mouth, eager to taste even more.

Lapis was aware she should find the sensation of another Gem's tongue in her mouth gross, but instead she found herself enjoying the sensation immensely. She worked her hands up Peridot's body and up to her face, and held her there so Peridot couldn't pull back even if she wanted to stop.

And they lay there on the couch, performing their gross human love ritual for the rest of the night, right until Steven knocked on their barn door, in which case they threw themselves apart, red faced, but wearing beaming smiles. They should ask Steven what other weird stuff Human's do.

A/N: That got kinda steamy towards the end there. Wait until they find out about the birds and the bees! … No, seriously, I'm going to have Amethyst explain that one in a future chapter.

Now that I got kissing out of the way, next chapter will be a suggestion from the readers. I've got a list lined up from the combination of FF and Ao3.