Edited & Betaed Version:

Summary : The incident at the end of the Chamber Of Secrets changes Harry at a psychological level, causing him to take his studies and training seriously as well as embrace his slytherin self.

Disclaimer: I own no part of the Harry Potter world. It is a creation of J.K. Rowling. I am making no money from this.

Beta credits: candlemass. (yay!)

(Edited: 9th July,2018.)


"You shall go now", he said fiercely, pointing down at Mr. Malfoy.

"You shall not touch Harry Potter. You shall go now."

Lucius Malfoy had no choice. With a last, incensed stare at the pair of them, he swung his cloak around him and hurried out of sight.

"Harry Potter freed Dobby!" the elf cried shrilly, gazing up at Harry, moonlight from the nearest window reflected in his orb like eyes. "Harry Potter set Dobby free!"

But as soon as he said this, his face darkened as he understood the implications of his words.

"What happened, Dobby? Aren't you happy now?" asked Harry.

"Dobby is sir, Dobby is very happy that The Great Harry Potter sir freed him, but Dobby knows that he will die if he doesn't bond soon."

"Bond? Why do you want to bond again? I thought you wished to be a free elf?"

"Without the magic of the bond, house elves like me die sir, which is why we need it."

Due to his Muggle upbringing and subsequent lack of knowledge about the magical world, hearing this shocked Harry. "Err, I don't know much about these things, but is there anyway I could help you?" he asked.

"There is sir, but Dobby can't ask it of you sir, it is being too much sir". "I don't mind Dobby, it's the least I can do to you" Harry said, seeing that Dobby was about to burst by trying to control himself. Following his instincts, he added "I want you to tell me, Dobby".

"Dobby can bond with you Harry Potter sir,if you want it sir, Dobby will never act against Harry Potter sir's wishes."

Seeing that bonding probably meant a great deal to him Harry quickly agreed and bonded with him. Just seeing the little house elf's happy face made the decision worth it, he decided.

Dismissing him for now, he set off towards Gryffindor tower. He had just passed the Charms classroom on the fifth floor when someone grabbed his hands and pulled him into the empty room. High on adrenaline and on instinct he pulled out his wand and shouted 'EXPELLIARMUS'. He expected a bright red beam to emerge from his wand but was surprised when a thin pinkish beam emerged from his wand and failed to do anything to his attacker.

"STOP! I am only here to talk!" cried out a panicked feminine voice from behind him. He turned to see a blonde girl with bright deep blue eyes trying her best not to panic. He looked at her and noticed the Slytherin crest and colour on her robes and then finally recognised her: Greengrass. Daphne Greengrass. The only person in their class, who managed to defeat Hermione in a duel in Lockhart's Duelling club.

'What does she want with me?' he thought.

"Tell me why I shouldn't attack you right now?" Harry said out loud.

"Potter, I am here just for talking, there's no need to be violent here," Daphne replied. She eyed his wand, which was still pointed at her, and decided to put hers away first.

"There. I am unarmed now, so put down that wand down before you hurt yourself" she added in her cold, sharp voice.

Despite all of his instincts suggesting otherwise, he reluctantly put his wand back up his sleeve.

"What do you want Greengrass? I don't have time for any stupid acts of yours, so cut down the chase and say why you are here."

"I want to know if you've really gone down in the chambers" she said.

"And why should I bother to tell you? For all I know you are just here on Malfoy's order to make some new rumour about me being a dark lord" Harry said without putting much thought about it. Whatever reaction he had expected from her, it was not for her turn a deep shade of purple which rivalled Vernon Dursley's infamous livid face.

"Don't compare me to that piece of shit Potter. You should know better than to speak about things of which you know nothing about. I had thought that after these months of isolation you'll be a little less bigoted, but it seems that staying all that time with that Weasel has gone into your head," she snarled.

"Hey! That's my best mate you are talking about, mind your tongue."

"It's not right for me to belittle that weasel, but you're okay with comparing me with Malfoy of all people? And people say that Slytherins are the bigoted ones."

"Fine, why do you want to know about the Chambers?"

"I just want to know if the creature that nearly harmed my sister is dead or not."

Harry was dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, "I never heard about any slytherin involved in the attack."

"There's not much of a surprise there, after all who gives any thoughts to the problems we face. She was there when the Ravenclaw prefect was attacked. She didn't see anything of importance. All she saw was the shadow of the beast slipping away and the stone-faced body of the prefect she was speaking to not a minute earlier. She has been having nightmares for all this time and refuses to go alone anywhere, but no one has been there to offer her help except Professor Snape. And even he isn't able to help us much since the rest of the school has been alienating and blaming us for the attacks. So I ask again, what happened down in the Chambers?"

She would've laughed at Harry's reaction, had the situation not been so serious."

He opened his mouth and shut it twice without managing to say anything. Finally getting over his shock he managed to stammer "I am sorry for your sister, I never thought about you guys facing those same problems too. For all its worth I apologize for the trouble my housemates may have given you."

"Save the speech Potter, just tell me if the beast is dead or not," Daphne replied coldly.

"The basilisk's dead. I killed it and the err…thing which caused its release is destroyed too," he replied not wanting to give away any crucial details.

"BASILISK! A BASILISK IN THE SCHOOL! And tell me Potter how did you manage to kill it when you can hardly use the disarming hex properly? " she asked, exasperated.

"I killed it with a sword and I can use the disarming hex properly… its just that my wand has been acting a bit differently ever since the Chamber incident. Anyways, yes, there was a Basilisk and it's dead now, because I killed it."

Realizing that he was serious, she nodded. "Alright. Thank you Potter, for killing that beast. You can now use it to great benefit. And though this chat has been very interesting, I've got to go back. Good Night." She turned and began to leave.

"Wait, Greengrass! How will it benefit me?" he shouted as Daphne was nearing the door.

Without turning back, she said softly: "Send me a letter, Potter, and I'll see that you get it."

Seeing that there was no point staying in an empty room after dark he left for the dorms, all the while all the while reflecting on the seemingly impossible events that had happened to him that day.

AN: There's the first chapter folks. Tell me how did you find it? Like it? Love it? Or was it eww..?


P.S. there's a reason why the wand reacted differently.

Until next time!