There is a really good one out there, and I have a feeling that Harry is quite the character to use. Some things from canon will have changed drastically, while other parts stay extremely close to the canon storyline before now. Anyways, I'll get into the story now.

Harry Potter was done. Done with the magical society of Britain, done with his so called friends, done with the lies and deceit. Done being controlled. So instead of going back to Hogwarts, he threw himself into his studies and got a mastery in demonology. Including the magical arts and dark magic that went with it. Then got a mastery in runes, another in true divination from water nymphs in Greece, though it took a bit of convincing and a few favours and tasks for them. He studied mythology, and then found an exorcist to learn exorcism, and not just that of the Catholic kind either. He studied world languages with the help of the mind arts and long lost spells to ease the way for them. With the help of the Goblins he got his first job in the non-magical world as a "spiritualist", they had forgive him for the damage when he paid for it, added in extra gold as a gift, and explained the entire situation behind breaking in.

His first gig was small, just exorcising a spirit from a doll in China, and then closing off the doll from any other spiritual possession. He recommended the family be thorough and just burn the doll, they did just that. None of them liked the old thing anyways. It was from there he got more small jobs, moving onto small earth bound spirits or site bound spirits, and a few special cases for warding and such from his rune mastery. It was then his "friends" found out what he was doing. "Harry, mate! Why are you doing this foul magic? Aren't you supposed to be a good guy?"

"Exorcism isn't dark magic Ron, its actually very pure magic and energy meant to purify and release spirits bound to the mortal plane. It also prevents malevolent spirits from killing any further victims. This one case I had just last week...a malevolent spirit was possessing people and making them set themselves on fire. So many young souls lost to those flames Ron. Children." He had reasoned, but they were hearing nothing of it.

"There is a reason priests do not speak so highly of exorcists Harry! They become one with evil to get rid of evil! You are smarter than this! Studying demonology and mythology! And all these old spells! Most of them are dark and illegal. They were lost for a reason!" Hermione had lectured him harshly, stating false information.

"You claim to know more of these fields than I, a master in them?" He had dared to say, thoroughly offended that they would think he was so stupid and studied the wrong ways.

"I HAVE AND WILL ALWAYS KNOW MORE THAN YOU! YOU ARE SO STUPID! I'M THE SMART ONE! You were supposed to die in that fight! You got away lucky with that horrendous scar across your torso. I mean, its basically an extended and more jagged version of the one that used to be on your forehead. Stretching from the left side of your hip to the top right of your shoulder Harry, you should have died with honor instead of taking the scar and coming back! Necromancy I say!" Hermione showed her true colours.

It just went downhill from there, more and more secrets and lies had been revealed...

"Ginny was supposed to commandeer your bloodline, produce a few powerful children, inherit your fortune, you were going to be killed off...and we would have been rich! Mom was in on it. You ever wonder why no one ever told Black, Tonks, dad, Bill, Charlie, the twins, Moody, Shaklebolt, or the werewolf anything? They are too loyal to you! Too honest! Too set on justice for all!"

"Black should have died at the ministry, Dumbledore purposely kept him there locked away in Grimmauld, he could have ordered a trial for Black at anytime as the Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump!"

"Lupin was to be killed before him and Tonks could create a spawn, Teddy is next you know, he's on the hit list for Dumbledore."

"They'll all be killed, starting with you." They stated together, raising their wands.

They were quickly struck down by Remus and Tonks, they'd heard enough, recorded it all with a recording orb, the two were screwed since Minister Amelia Bones was cleaning the place up with a fury.

Sirius had been given a fair trial and set free, Death Eaters were either dead, soon to be dead, or awaiting trial or prison transfer. The twins were being supportive, and everyone was pitching in to help him get his life together, from the broken pieces it had been before the war, during the war, and even after the war. However, his troubles still did not end until he cut off ties with Britain, forbid them, he got restraining orders through foreign ministries and immunity from them so that he could not be dragged back to Britain against his will. Then, he moved to Japan, since they had a wide variety of paranormal activity happening quite often.

Taking his first few steps into Japan, he was called almost immediately to a school to deal with an old schoolhouse. No one else was there, though he was informed he would not be the only one conducting investigation. The pay was okay, so he took it as a challenge to finish before they got there the next day. SPR, Shibuya Psychic Research, run by young 17 year old Kazuya Shibuya. He looked forward to meeting these people. The first thing he noticed was the poor structural support of the building, he made note to inform any others the building was structurally unstable, and to be careful on the walls and upper floors less they cave in.

He picked up the leftover aura energy of many teens and adults, and he noted that one or two deaths had occurred here in the past during construction, but none of those spirits stayed behind. He was shocked, so what was causing all the accidents other than the structural support of the building be dangerously poor? Regardless, he set up some detection runes, and left his magical signature to warn off any prankster magicals that could be causing the accidents. When he returned the next day he was greeted with the sight of an annoyed young man, a sheepish young woman, and a man who was currently holding in a scream or two of pain. "What in the world happened here?"

"Nothing of too much concern, an ambulance is on its way for Lin. He will be alright. This girl, however. You will be my assistant until Lin is able to return to his duties, that camera was expensive you know, this will pay off your debt." The young man spoke, the young girl was currently shocked.

"Here, I have some medical experience. Can I take a look?" Harry knelt down by the downed man, his voice a crisp and cold tone, with his accent barely affecting the language he was speaking, instead making it sound convincing.

"We are sure it is just a fracture." The teen spoke, the male one, but the older man gave his permission.

Harry gently let his magic survey the damage. He gently moved the swelling leg up so that the blood did not gather too much in his leg. The man bit back a scream despite his gentleness, so he cast a wandless numbing spell and the man relaxed, though his confusion was clear. He gently massaged the area to get the blood flowing, and then read his magic to see the results of the scan. "You have a clean break of your fibula, an easy fix. I can set the bone now, and all you'll need is a cast and some rest for your concussion. It seems mild, however, so they may keep you at the hospital or clinic for surveillance. Try to stay awake for now."

"Set it, the longer the wait the more the bone settles where it is now." The teen insisted, the man nodded his agreement, so Harry set the bone, and splinted the leg with a branch that had fallen off a nearby tree. The man's leg was raised by a box in the van, where he was currently situated.

The ambulance arrived and carted the man off, and the young girl had enough of waiting. "Hi, I'm Mai Taniyama." The young girl spoke, bowing.

Harry returned it to be polite. "I am Harridan Altair James Potter, please, call me Ri. I have no interest in hearing my full name. And you must be Kazuya Shibuya of SPR. Who was your friend?" Harry prodded gently, his voice still the same.

"Lin Koujo. My assistant. The principal informed me he brought in another young teen who was proficient in detection and warding, he must want you to ward the schoolhouse from any future presences so they can continue construction afterwards." The young man started just as coldly as he had.

The girl took in their appearances compared to hers. She was in her school's uniform, plain cream coloured shirt with dark navy colours collar and red bow, and dark navy skirt. However these two men were sharply dressed, even if the green eyed man's was a bit on the darker side. The dark eyed man she knew to be Kazuya Shibuya was dressed in a black suit, with a slightly darker undershirt with a slightly high collar. He was dressed professionally and comfortably.

The green eyed man was a bit different. He had a sharp scar across his right cheek, thin but stretching over his cheek, barely noticeable unless one studied his appearance. He had a dark purple undershirt under his black trench coat with an odd segmented tail. The bottom of the coat split into four parts, two covering the back and two that slid in the front and outwards slightly when he walked. Black slacks and boots with the laces the colour of his shirt, a ribbon tied around his neck also matching that of his shirt. His hair was slightly untamed, but was long in the front, being shorter in the back. His bright green eyes seemed to have a lethal feel to them, and they just pierced everything he laid them on coldly.

"When I did my walkthrough, I made note of a few important things. Yes, there were two deaths here previously, however their spirits did not stay here, only human auras have frequented this building, and that the building is dangerously unstable when it comes to structural support. Be careful on the upper floor, the floors and walls may cave in places if a heavy enough weight were to step on them." Harry warned, and then went inside.

"Mai, help me carry in this equipment." Was heard from outside, and the girl's indignant cry, she had class after all.

"He'll release you afterwards, and talk to your principal to make sure you can hold down your debt repayment." Harry called, and the girl grudgingly did as required.

Harry read their auras carefully. Both had a strong presence, but Shibuya's was by far the stronger of the two. His was developed and controlled, however, it could be overwhelming and dangerous to use for himself. The girl's was more attuned to spirits, undeveloped and she is unaware of them. Something a tad dangerous for her if she remains unaware of her abilities for too long. Whether by a spirit being attracted to her and latching on, or her losing control of them and the abilities becoming dangerous to her person as uncontrolled magic can do to a young witch or wizard while they are young.

The lingering presence of the man who left, Lin Koujo, gave the indication he was trained, strong in physical strength and spiritual expertise, and that he had spirits acting as his familiars. Small animal spirits, intelligent ones. And another presence that was new and had been there, female teenager, with PK abilities. Hmm, whatever. He'd assume it was just another student on a dare. He once again searched for any presence of the dead, yet found none. However, one of his runes had been slightly disrupted over the night, so he went to check on the cluster. It had shifted, one side was minimally lower than the other. At least, that's what his magic told him. He disarmed the rune, and theorized that the building itself was the cause for the disturbance of the rune. It was unstable after all.

Shibuya came up to him. "Those odd symbols placed around the schoolhouse, are those your doing?" He asked.

Harry nodded, and then sensed two more presences coming up to the schoolhouse. A few more were a bit out but approaching. "Kids? Why is there kids in this place?" A red haired woman asked.

"I am by no means a kid, miss." Harry argued, turning to set up proximity wards and more powerful sensory wards, as well as some protection wards and tampering wards. If any equipment or rune cluster was tampered with, he'd know.

"Wards and runes hm? You apart of that kid's team?"

"No, I am a separate party, as I assume you and the tree spirit weaver are also. I am Harridan Altair James Potter, call me Ri. Over there is Mai Taniyama, a stand in for Lin Koujo who was injured and carted off to the hospital not too long ago. The suit wearing teen is Kazuya Shibuya. My words of warning are that this building is structurally unstable, anything could come crashing down at any moment, my wards and runes are quite accurate at getting this kind of information. Also, I do not detect any sort of paranormal presence at this building, I believe the building and maybe the land it is on are to blame."

"And you would be right, the wells in this area are quite dry, the ground could have a hollowing effect, which would cause subsidence."

"And this kid is Shibuya? Damn. Well, I'm Hosho Takigawa, a Hakkaisou from Mt. Koya."

"And I am Ayako Matsuzaki, a Shrine Maiden."

This caused some amusement. "Aren't shrine maidens suppose to be virgins?" Kazuya spoke up.

"Yes, what are you implying?"

"Aren't you a bit old to be a maiden?" Takigawa joined in.

"Do not torment her, she is younger than she seems. And quite a talented shrine maiden. I can say this, however, all of our talents are being wasted here. There is nothing here." Harry insisted.

"Hello there, I see almost everyone is here. This is John Brown, a priest from Australia." The principal showed up with a young blonde man.

"Australia? Good to see another Englishmen around here. I'm from England." Harry spoke up, attaching to John slightly, but being wary.

"A priest? You need to be ordained and have a degree do you not?"

"Yes, I look young because I just turned 19."

"Why call in a priest? Are you just here to say blessings? I am sure the rune master here is more than capable of casting protection wards." Shibuya spoke in disbelief.

"I actually practice the ancient art of exorcism." John spoke, shocking everyone except Harry.

"I to have learned some of the practice, however I am not an ordained priest." Harry spoke up, John smiled.

"Maybe I can help you find tune your skills then."

"Maybe." The Brit finished, turning his eyes to a corner and pointing out a teenaged girl hiding there.

Mai identified her as Kuroda, a girl from her class. Harry tuned out from her spiel, he already knew he was the one with Psychokinetic abilities, and now he just needed to figure out why she craved attention so much. Most cases of poltergeists result from humans, mainly children, mostly female in the teen years. He noticed the two adults go off to do a walkthrough while he gave the same warnings to John, who requested to see the runes and have him double check, he obliged of course. "I have to say, you truly are good at thes-" He was cut off by the sound of Ayako screaming after a bang.

Harry scanned his runes. "Its not a spirit! Whatever caused this is not a spiritual entity!" Harry called out as they were running.

His tampering ward went off next. Hosho kicked the door down, releasing a slightly shaken Ayako. "What's that noise?" John asked.

"My tampering ward just went off. Someone is either messing with my runes or any of your equipment." Harry told them, Kazuya and Mai went running to make sure nothing was stolen while Harry touched a rune and sent out his magic to scan the building.

It was that girl, she was leaving the area. "I believe this was a spirit."

And there was a new presence, also female, also the same age, a powerful medium with a strong connection to the deceased. "I have to disagree, there are no spirits here." A gentle voice came from around the door as they were now in the equipment room.

"Miss Hara, I was not aware they called in a celebrity medium." Kazuya spoke.

"I'm sorry, have we met?"

"No, however your reputation precedes you."

"Its easy to fake results on TV, she only gets views due to the fact she has a pretty face and wears that silly kimono all the time."

"Ayako, do not insult Miss Hara, she is a true medium." Harry spoke.

Everyone turned to face him.

"Have you watched her show?"

"No, my runes scan the presence of any who enter. They tell me she has a very strong connection with the deceased. I to cannot pick up any spirits here, however, there are many spiritually aware people who have entered this building recently, in fact, only one has no abilities. That is the principal." Harry informed them, everyone turned to look at Mai and the "just arrived" Kuroda who immediately started arguing with Masako about there being ghosts in the building.

"Are you sure?" Kazuya asked, looking very shocked.

"Yes, while Mai and Kuroda are unaware of their abilities for the most part, they are most definitely there. Kuroda has a more kinetic ability, whereas Mai is spiritually inclined, however, I cannot completely tell just how much potential they have." Harry informed them, touching a rune to Mai and another to Kuroda to get more accurate readings.

He took the two papers away, and then everyone turned to Kazuya. "What of you?"

"PK, very uncontrollable when in use, however, so I tend to not use it unless absolutely necessary." The teen answered, hiding the truth, but Harry it slide, he hadn't told anyone his true nature yet either.

He hadn't divulged any secrets, really. "So that's why he said I was talented earlier, he sounded so sure even if he hadn't known me. He could tell from our presences on his rune scans?" Ayako spoke.

"Yes." Harry responded, then Kuroda accused Mai and her friends of drawing spirits here, by them telling their ghost stories after school.

Everyone turned to a very conflicted looking Mai.

She was thinking 'are my friends and I really responsible for what's going on here?'