A Student Named Lime

Authors note:

So this is an AU where Lime is attending Gohan's highschool and Lime and Gohan get together. Which isn't very popular because Lime is a filler character, but that just means I get to play around with her character. :) I'll try my best to finish it, but I have school and other responsibilities so I can only work on this in my free time. This'll be a Gohan x Lime fanfic, of course Videl will be in the story, but she'll be taking a more platonic role in Gohan's life.

Disclaimer(do people still do this?): I don't own dbz, although I'd love to

Chapter 1

"Hello, my young . . . scholars . . . We have a new student with us today. Unlike you punks, he can actually read . . . . That's yer cue son."

Gohan nervously chuckled and walked in scratching his head. "G-good morning. My name is Son Gohan, it's nice to meet you all."

" had perfect scores on all of his entrance exams. You all could learn a thing or two from him."

The entire class started laughing at this notion. Seeing this, got real mad and began scolding the class.

"Quiet down! I mean that! You're all embarrassments to the public school system!"

After a few moments of deep breathing, calmed down and told Gohan to find a seat anywhere.

Erasa stood up and said, "Over here! There's a seat right by here."

She pointed to the seat next to her and Gohan grinned, saying, "Oh, t-thanks."

Gohan proceeded to sit down next to Erasa and thanked her for offering the seat.

"No problem cutie. By the way, I'm Erasa, with an E. That's Sharpner, he acts like a jerk but he's a real softie once you get to know him."

Sharpner disapproving of Erasa's introduction muttered a few swears before waving hi at Gohan.

"Hey, Geeko."

"That's Lime, she's known for spitting venom at people, but once you get to know her she's a real romantic."

"Ah! Erasa! That was supposed to be a secret!"

"Teehee, oops sorry about that," Erasa said before turning back to Gohan, "but you'll never guess who this is!"

Before Gohan could even answer, Erasa quickly spouted, "That's Videl Satan, superheroine extraordinaire."

"Oh wow, you're the daughter of ? It must be really cool to be the daughter of such a famous celebrity!"

Videl remained silent and continued giving Gohan the stink eye, as if she were contemplating something.

"Yea, it's pretty great being the friend of a daughter of a celebrity too, y'know."

Gohan nodded before moving his eyes back on Lime. For some reason, she seemed oddly familiar. Lime was also looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. She also found Gohan to be oddly familiar.

"Hey, have we met before?" Lime asked.

"I-I think so, but I can't seem to remember where," Gohan answered.

"Oh my, you two have met before? How odd, Lime only moved here a year ago. She's from Chazke village. Where would you two have met?" Erasa asked.

Suddenly it clicked in Gohan's head. Chazke village? Isn't that where that shelter was during the Cell Games? Yea, there was a girl named Lime there and her grandpa .

"Oh, I'm not sure. It's just a feeling I guess," Gohan said.

Lime continued staring at Gohan, muttering under her breath, "Gohan, Gohan, Gohan . . . "

Suddenly Lime remembered that she met a Gohan before. Right before the Cell Games, she met a boy named Gohan. He was ridiculously powerful, even more powerful than her Grandpa, he saved her from drowning and then he saved her from . The only problem was that this Gohan had black hair and black eyes while the Gohan she knew had blonde hair and green eyes.

Lime decided to forget it. There was no way they could be the same person. This Gohan didn't have any kind of powers while the Gohan she knew was a superhuman. She turned back to the blackboard and continued copying down notes. Gohan was incredibly nervous, if Lime ever realized who he really was, then she might accidentally reveal his secrets. That was one of the few rules his mother had set out for him, to not reveal his strength and heritage.

Gohan had no choice but to look forward and copy down notes, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. Class felt sluggish and Gohan kept looking back at the clock, waiting for lunch. He needed to talk to Lime.

Suddenly Videl looked at Gohan, "Hey, I saw you earlier today. In front of the bank, right after the Golden Fighter showed up."

"Oh, y-yea, you did."

"How odd, the description of the Golden Fighter's clothes matches your clothes: a black vest, a white button up and red pants."

"Hehehe, I guess we dress similar."

"Wow, what a coincidence!" Erasa commented.

Lime suddenly sat up and looked at Gohan with a toothy grin on her face. Gohan noticed this and his face blanched. Lime winked at him and turned back to the front. Gohan breathed a sigh of relief and continued copying down notes, trying his best to look like a normal student.

The time passed by and soon it was lunchtime. Erasa invited Gohan to go eat lunch with her and her friends. Gohan gladly accepted and followed them to the outdoor area. They found the big tree with shade they usually gathered around and took a seat on the grass. They each brought their own lunches which they began to eat.

Gohan had three large boxes of fried rice that he began to devour. Lime had a normal bento with rice, cabbage and pieces of roasted duck. Sharpner had a lunch packed with protein including grilled chickens and a protein shake. Erasa's lunch was much milder and consisted of sandwiches that she made that morning. Videl's lunch was similar to Sharpner's except it was more balanced and had rice and vegetables.

Videl was glaring at Gohan, realizing that something was off about him. Him being in front of the bank when the Golden Fighter was there could be chalked up to coincidence, but him wearing the same clothes as him too? Now that was fishy.

"Hey, Cutie, where're you from?" Erasa asked.

"Huh? O-oh, uhh, I'm from the 439 East District."

"The 439 East District?! That's more than 1000 kilometers away! How on earth do you get to school every day?"

"Oh uh, I commute to school."

"Commute? You drive to school? Even if you drove it would still be more than a six hour drive!"

Gohan chuckled and sputtered out a response, "Well, that's uh . . . j-just how dedicated I am . . . to my education."

Lime looked at Gohan and winked, "Yea, you must get up way before the sun rises huh?

Gohan chuckled and said, "Y-yea, it's like I said, dedicated to my education."

Videl gave Gohan an odd glance before focusing back on her lunch.

Lunch came and went with a sneeze, but before lunch ended, Gohan grabbed Lime and took her to the back of the school.

"Oh my, Gohan, back to your pervert ways? I knew perverts never changed."

"Huh?! No! You've got it all wrong. I was just trying to save you back then, if I didn't, you would've drowned!"

"Hehe, of course I know that, I'm just trying to tease you, Fighter."

"Ah! So you knew. Figures. Well, about that, can you promise not to tell anyone about it?"

"Don't tell anyone?"

"Yea, I don't want anyone finding out about my strength. If people found out about how strong I am, reporters would come looking for my family and that's the last thing I want to happen."

"Ah, I guess that makes sense. No problem! I'll keep your secret. On one condition.

"One condition?"

"Yea, don't worry about it, I still haven't thought about what I want from you yet."

"I-is that so . . ."

The feeling of having such a venomous person maneuver their way around him was uncomfortable, least to say.

"Alright, we should probably get back to class. Lunch is over and class will start in a minute."

"A minute?! We gotta boogie, now!."

Lime and Gohan rushed back to class, making it back just as the late bell rang. They rushed back to their seats and got a few odd glances from Erasa, Videl and Sharpner.

"Did you figure out where you've met before?" Erasa asked.

Lime nodded and said, "Yea, Chazke Village isn't that far from the 439 East District, we met before when we were kids."

"Ohhhhh, that makes sense. How cute, you two met as kids and now you two are in the same high school. It's just like the beginning of a cheesy romance movie," Erasa said.

Lime blushed and told Erasa to shut up or else she'd reveal some unsavory facts about her.

Erasa bit her lip and kept her silence, well aware of the destruction this girl's tongue was capable of.

Sharpner got a bit irritated and said, "Forget the geek, hey Lime, how about we go on a date sometime. Just you and me."

Lime scoffed at Sharpner and said bluntly, "Sorry Sharpner, I've told you this before, I only like strong guys."

"What do you mean? I'm plenty strong, can't you see these bulging muscles?" Sharpner said while flexing his bicep.

"Muscles don't mean much if they can't be used in a fight y'know," Lime replied.

Sharpner said, "These muscles are plenty strong in a fight and they're good for more than just that, if you catch my drift."

"That's the real joke Sharpner," Videl said coldly, "The only things those muscles are good for is posting pictures on instagram."

"You know it," Sharpner said with a smirk.

"Excuse me! We are in the middle of class, would you please quiet down, there are other people here who want to actually learn!"

A unanimous chuckle started to form.

"Learn, right, what a joke."

"I'm just here for the sumo club. I couldn't care about learning."

"Man, I'm just here cause I heard there were hot chicks in this school."

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" yelled. She pointed at Gohan, "You! Read the example paragraph on page 43."

"Y-Yes Ma'am!" Gohan stood up and proceeded to start reading, " is the world martial arts champion. He saved the world from Cell in the Cell Games seven years ago . . . ."

Soon it was time for gym class. They were playing baseball today. The two team captains were Videl and Sharpner.

"Hey, geek, you ever play baseball before?" Sharpner asked.

"Uh, I've read about it before."

"Oh . . wonderful . . he's all yours Videl."

"Thanks," Videl said sarcastically.

Videl looked at Gohan with a skepticism. Lime suddenly chimed in, "Hey Videl, Gohan's not that athletic, I don't think you should put him anywhere important."

"Is that so . . . alright, you can have left field."

Gohan nodded and ran off to the left side of the field with a baseball mitt on. The game went on with few balls going past the diamond, and if they did, it was all on the right side of the field.

Finally, it came time for Gohan to bat. Sharpner gave Gohan a cold glare. For some reason Gohan ticked him off, it might be all the attention he was getting, or maybe it was his perfect test scores, but either way, Sharpner wanted to embarrass Gohan somehow. He gave Gohan, who was standing in the left batter's side with a right handed grip, a quick glance and decided that he didn't need to do anything to embarrass him, it was just waiting to happen.

Sharpner pitched the ball at full speed, but Gohan, in a moment of carelessness hit the ball with just a little too much strength. The ball went flying out of the field and in fact, the bat had snapped in two.

Sharpner gawked at Gohan. In fact, everyone did. Isn't he supposed to be some weak nerd? Was the thought running through everyone's head, except for Lime, who just face palmed.

Gohan stared at the ball that flew out of the field and started to panic. Oh no! I put too much strength into that hit, I need to think of something quick. Uhh. . . umm . . .

"Gohan! Are you okay? That bat must've cracked when Videl used it earlier." Lime yelled out.

Videl looked at Lime, processing what she just heard. Oh, t-that makes sense. I guess. . . Wait does it?

Sharpner looked at Gohan who was meekly scratching his head in typical son family fashion. There's no way a geek like him could be some crazy strong superhero, that kind of stuff only happens in movies and comics.

Gohan said, "Yea, that's why, Videl, just cracked the bat for me."

Gohan ran a full lap around the diamond, scoring a point for Videl's team. When he got back to the home plate, he went over to Lime and thanked her for the save.

"Hehe, no problem," she said with a wink.

With that, it became Lime's turn to step up to the bat. She gave Sharpner a grin and said, "What's up Sharpner, let's see you put those muscles to good use. Give me your best shot."

Sharpner's expression darkened, "What was that? Give you my best shot? Who do you think you are? Yamcha?"

Lime just grinned and said, "What's wrong, little ol' me scaring the big strong Sharpner?"

"Why you!"

Sharpner coiled back and threw the hardest pitch he could. It's a shame Lime was a skilled martial artist like her grandpa, that was actually a really good pitch. Yamcha would've approved.


The ball flew into the stands and actually dented a seat. Everyone gawked for the second time that day. Even Gohan was really surprised. Lime grinned and held up a peace sign. After a moment, she dropped the bat and started running a lap around the diamond. A home run, real easy.

Gym class ended soon after that and Lime soon became the talk of school. Gohan's surprising hit was quickly forgotten. As they were shuffling back into the classroom, Lime elbowed Gohan in the ribs and said, "You owe me one."

Videl gave Lime an odd look, "Lime, since when were you so strong?"

"Oh, uhh, I'm not that strong, I just practice a little martial arts, and I got lucky back there."

"Yea . . lucky."

Videl was deep in thought as she looked at Lime and Gohan. Although Lime claimed that Videl had cracked the bat, it still didn't make sense to Videl, after all, that wouldn't explain how the ball flew out of the field.

Erasa ran over and grabbed Lime by the arm. "Hey, Lime, why didn't you tell us this earlier?"

"Oh, well, compared to The Videl Satan, I'm not much at all."

"That's makes sense, after all, Videl goes out fighting criminals everyday. She's the strongest in the school!" Erasa said.

School ended quickly with Lime gaining quite a bit of notoriety. She had always been less popular than Erasa or Videl for a few reasons. Erasa was a naturally bubbly and flirtatious person, so it made sense for her to be popular among the boys. Videl, was the daughter of and was a real looker too; her fiery personality was a hit among the boys. Lime on the other hand had always seemed more mischievous and she always had a mischievous grin on her face as if she were ready to stir up trouble.

Lime gained an air of mystery to her classmates. She had never displayed her strength before, and after seeing her smash a homerun, lots of her classmates were questioning much of what they knew about her. They also made a mental note to never mess with Lime. Not only would she scheme you to death, she could also beat you to death, which was a terrifying thought.

Her homerun only ostracized her further from the rest of her classmates. She was really lucky then, to have Erasa, Videl, Sharpner and Gohan as friends, otherwise it would be certain that she would be friendless.

As Gohan was preparing the go home, Sharpner approached Gohan and said, "Hey Gohan, you gonna join any clubs? I think you'd fit right in the boxing club. I may not have the best grades but I'm not dumb, you have to be pretty strong to hit a ball that hard and the the whole Videl cracking the bat doesn't really make sense to me."

Yikes, was Sharpner about to figure out he's the Golden Fighter?

"Uhh, well I have a long commute remember? I don't have time for a club."

Erasa chimed in , "Yea, don't you remember Sharpner?, hey Gohan, do you mind giving me a lift on your way home?"

"Oh uh, well, actually, my car's a one seater, sorry about that."

Videl gave Gohan the fifteenth odd glance that day. Everything about Gohan wasn't adding up. He just seemed so suspicious.

"Hey Erasa, I'll give you a lift home, don't worry about it," Sharpner said.

"Sounds like a plan!" Gohan exclaimed.

"Gohan, come with me," Lime said.

"Huh, sure," Gohan replied.

"Oh! Before you leave, Gohan, what's your phone number?"

"Huh? Oh, it's 153-291-131."

"Got it, thanks."

Gohan and Lime managed to break off from the group and began walking home.

"Lime! I've been in love with you since last year! Will you go on a date with me?"

The loud voice was from the star of the soccer team, Amarillo Tarjeta. He had approached Lime and handed her a rose.

Lime was stunned for a few moments. She had never had someone confess to her before, and especially not in such a brazen manner. She felt her face flush red and she was forced to take a couple deep breaths as she collected her thoughts. Her heart was beating erratically and she was super nervous.

"I'm really sorry Amarillo, you're a nice guy but I don't have the time to start a relationship. I work a part time job, and there's just no time for me to be dating."

"Oh. . . I see. That's . . . a shame," Amarillo turned around and walked away with a gloomy aura around him. After he walked a few meters away, he turned back and looked back at Lime before sighing and straightening out his back. He pushed his hair back and walked away.

Gohan looked at Lime and exclaimed, "Wow Lime! A confession, how exciting, is this sort of thing common in high school?"

"Not really, actually, this is the first time this has happened to me."

"Oh, really? I find that a bit hard to believe."

"W-what?" Lime's face began to heat up.

"Eh?! Oh! No, I didn't mean it like- it's just that you're really pretty, I thought you'd have more secret admirers."

Lime's mind began running at the speed of light. Thoughts kept flying through her head. She just had Amarillo confess to her and now Gohan was saying that she was really pretty? There's no way Gohan could have a crush on me could he? There's no way, he's such an innocent and sweet guy, but it has been 7 years since I last saw him, maybe he's changed? Agh! It's probably nothing . . . right?

Lime calmed down and with a smirk, gave a snarky reply, "I never expected you to be such a smooth talker, I bet the innocent puppy act gets all the girls."

"No! I really meant it. Well, like . . . forget it, pretend I didn't say anything will you?"

"Sure Casanova. Anyways, I finally thought of my condition. You know, for keeping your secret."

"Oh! What is it?"

"Fly me back to Chazke village on the weekends will you?"


"Well, I've been living in the city for a year now, and I rarely get to go back home, a train ride back to Chazke village would cost too much, especially since I'm saving up for college too."

"Oh that's right, you live in Satan city, where do you live?"

"I rent an apartment near the Pirozhki street station. You're free to crash there anytime. Well, considering how fast you can fly it's not like you'd really need to."

"Well, thanks for the offer, it means a lot to me."

"Heh, don't mention it, anyways, I have to go now, or else I'm gonna be late for my job."

"Your job?"

"Yea, hehe, don't tell anyone but I work as a waitress at XiYouJi."

"XiYouJi? The high class Chinese restaurant?"

She chuckled and opened up her backpack to reveal a red qipao. "That's my uniform," Lime said, "It's kind of tight but at least it makes me look cute."

"Ooooh, I'd love to visit you at work sometime."

"Hehe, if you ever come, I'm expecting a BIG tip."

"You got it, I'm pretty sure my mom would love to come too. She loves Chinese culture."

"Alright, I have to go now, have a safe trip home!"

Gohan and Lime split ways and Gohan began going home. On his way to the outskirts of the city, he felt a strong ki following him home. He immediately recognized it as Videl's. Hmm, that's weird, why would Videl be here, this far away from the school? Could it be that she's following me? Aww man, is she suspicious of me or something? I haven't even done that much today! Besides, Lime covered for me at the baseball game.

"Aw man, is she on to me?" Gohan thought to himself. He turned a corner and leaped a tall building in a single bound. As Videl turned the corner, she gawked at Gohan's disappearance.

"Huh? Where'd he go?"

Gohan looked down at Videl from the roof of the building and sighed. "Highschool might be a lot more complicated than I thought. Maybe Bulma can help me."

He promptly turned towards the setting sun and took off for West City.

Lime arrived at the XiYouJi and moved into the backroom to get changed into her qipao. The only reason why Lime got a job at such a nice restaurant was because the owner was friends with . It also helped that when Lime wore her red qipao, she drew tons of attention to herself. She was very pretty but when she was in school, it didn't show through, especially compared to Videl and Erasa.

Lime walked around serving dishes and providing people with polite banter. Her hair was tied up in a bun and had a elaborate hairpin in it. Despite her prickly and snarky personality, she was a good waitress and did her job without any problems.

After finishing her shift, she went back home to finish her homework and study. She usually spent her nights, talking to Erasa on the phone as she did her homework and since Erasa was a mass gossiper, Lime always had the juiciest secrets on everyone.

Lime woke up the next morning and she was hit with a flood of Great Saiyaman news.

"Have you heard about that new superhero going around?"

"Yea, I heard he's super strong and can fly."

Lime's eyes widened and she thought to herself, a superhero? It's gotta be Gohan. That super cool, I can tell people that I'm friends with a superhero!

She pulled up the news on her phone and was promptly disappointed by what she saw.

She put her head in her hands and sighed. "It's fine if you want to be a superhero, but at least have a cool costume. Ugh."

And that's the end of chapter 1. I hope you like it. Drop a review if you did, I really like seeing what people have to say about my writing. Chapter 2 coming soon.