Hi there this is your pokeveenz with the new story. the name of the story is Pokemon :soul mates

Hero :Ash ketchum

mother: Delia ketchum

father: Red ketchum

heroine: Serena carter

mother: grace carter

father: Nick carter(deceased)

antagonist : May maple

other characters

Gary oak

misty waterflower

Brock harrison

preview: Is physical marriage is enough for a couple of different backgrounds or the soul binding is required for them to be together. he is a man with a broken heart and she is a girl who is with a bitter truth. will the two souls become soul mates or not. what is the relationship between their parents. why both parents are forcing for arranged marriage .is their a big reason.


It was evening time. silence filled across the street since there was less vehicle. suddenly there was a screeching sound.

and once again silence filled all over the place .

oh no someone met with accident.

and someone screamed and started towards the victim.

people who witnessed the accident ran and circled the victim. she was a girl of 25 .the person who screamed ,ran and slided towards hers and kept her head in his lap .his face is fully filled with despair and his eyes is filled with tears. he was a man of 25. he didn't no what to do, who to call. thank god someone else had already called the ambulance, the medics came and wheeled her in to the ambulance. he also got in to the ambulance without leaving her hand. medics were working on her and oxygen mask was placed on her. and vehicle started it's journey towards the hospital. it was a death journey for both victim and the man who held her hand because he was dieing inside, his soul was perishing. he felt like, he has become half and that his other half is gone. he didn't even know when they reached the hospital and when they wheeled her out of the ambulance. he was still sitting in the van .his face was in daze. suddenly some one brought him to the real world and started to realize where he was and he got down the van and ran inside the hospital.

they took her to the operation room .he wanted to reach her and see her face but they closed the door and OT light was on.

he wanted to bang on the door but he backed down and sat across from the door. his face was in his hand and he started to sob violently. he didn't know what will he do if she die. he didn't want to loose her, he just got her. he was a stupid for wasting his time. he, ASH KETCHUM the greatest business of the millennium done a biggest mistake of his life which might cost his love. he didn't stop his sobbing until he felt a hand on his shoulder. it was doctors hand. ash suddenly stood up expecting a good news but doctors face told something else.

doctor fully in sorrow: I'm sorry, we did all we can. but it is not giving good result. she is not responding to the treatment as if she wants to die and don't want to live. now it is all up to her and the almighty up there. she must regain her hope to live.

ash was crushed to the core. he suddenly didn't have the energy to talk and fell on the ground and lost his consciousness.

after sometime he was lying on the hospital bed and he gained his consciousness. he started to think about the honey air blonde who entered his life like an angel yet he treated her like a trash. but one thing is sure if she dies living him alone he is going to follow her, because she is his soul mate.

well that's all for prologue. I want to tell that this prologue is last part of my story and I'm going to rewind the next chapter i. e chapter 1to the beginning .

oh one thing that I'm not going to abandon this story and you can expect more chapters of Ash and serena

till then me signing off, yours pokeveenz:)