The past reads their future

Summary: The battle is finally over; Lord Voldemort is gone and the surviving death eaters have been escorted to Azkaban where they are going to spend the rest of miserable lives. After spending three months rebuilding Hogwarts and burying all those who died in the battle of Hogwarts, the wizarding world is finally at peace after spending three years in chaos and death. One morning Harry is call to the now headmistress office; Professor McGonagall, what will happen when Harry is given the opportunity to go back in time and warn all those that futures were ruined by Voldemort or the death eaters? Harry gets the chance to meet his grandparents from both sides of this family, along with his parent what will happen when he comes face to face with them? What will happen when Harry secrets are revealed? How will his dead family react to all that he has been through? Read to find out what happens.

Disclaimer: not all the chapters in the books are going to be in this story, the chapters from the first book are going to be chapters 1, 2, 5, 7, 16, 17. For the second book I am only going to put from Harry and Ron going into the chamber of secrets. For the third book I am going to put chapters 2, when Harry finds out the about Sirius and the last couple of chapters when Harry finds out Sirius is innocent. For the fourth book I am only writing the chapters from the third task onwards. For the fifth six and seventh books nearly all of the chapters will be included excluding only some chapters.

Chapter One

It has been over three months since the final battle took place in which Lord Voldemort was defeated and the surviving death eaters were rounded up and escorted to Azkaban where they are going to spend the rest of their miserable lives. During the three months since the battle the innocent people who died have been buried, Harry went to each service and spoke to each of the victim's families trying to help in any way that he could, also during this time Hogwarts has been rebuilding and the professors are preparing to welcome the surviving students from years 2 to 7 and welcome some new wizards and witches. About a week before Hogwarts is due to open Professor McGonagall; who is now the newly appointed headmistress of the school, is sat across from Harry in her office engaging in a conversation about everything and nothing all at the same time. Harry knew that McGonagall didn't call him to her office to just have a random conversation so about ten minutes into the conversation Harry interrupted Professor McGonagall by saying "why did you really want to see me Professor, I know it wasn't for this conversation that we are currently having. "

Professor McGonagall chuckled slightly before saying "Potter, you remember that conversation we were having probably about a week after we finished burying the dead, about wishing there was a way that we could warn the right people before any of the terrible this happened?"

Harry just nodded so the Professor continued, "well, I think that I have found a way for you to go back to the time that would be mean that that could happen, the only problem is that I can only send one of you back, if this is still something that you want to do then you will have to go without Ron and Hermione"

"How is that possible though I thought that if you went back in time you have to make sure that no one sees you, isn't what you're talking breaking at least a dozen laws?" Harry asked, confused.

"There is a spell that would mean that you could go back in time, talk to the right people you could spend as much time as you need to in order to tell them everything, the amount of time that pass there will pass here too" McGonagall replied.

"Before I do this I have some people that I need to talk to first, in fact they should all be at the burrow waiting for me, Professor thank you I know that it couldn't have been easy to find this spell, what do I have to do in order to get there and get back?" Harry questioned.

"You writing the date and the location on a piece of paper, then you set it alight and in about ten minutes you are where you want to be" Professor McGonagall answered.

"What time do you think that I should go back to?" Harry asked the Professor.

"I think it would be best if you go back to when your parent and grandparents are still alive so 1976 and I think it would be best if the location is Dumbledore's office, I have written a letter to Dumbledore that I need you to give to him in it I have enclosed who need to be read into what happens in the future and who doesn't" The professor replied.

Harry not knowing what to say just nodded, before saying goodbye to the Professor and setting of back to the burrow where everyone was waiting to see what the meet was about and what was going on.

Once Harry had left the office it didn't take Harry long to get to where he need to go so that he could apparate back to the burrow and fill everyone else in on the plan. As soon as he got to the burrow questions and hellos were thrown at him, after about ten minutes he was finally about to speak "I think it would be best if you all sat down."

"Harry what it? What is happening?" Charlie asked.

"After we finished burying everyone that had died I had a conversation with McGonagall about wishing we could change everything that had happened so that nobody died, I guess the thought stuck with the professor because she wanted to talk to me about it to see if it was still something I was interested in" Harry replied.

"Harry nothing can bring back the dead" Hermione stated

"I know that Hermione that why that's not what we are doing, there is a spell that will allow someone to go back in time to a certain date and place of their choosing and interact with the people whereas normally you have to stay out of sight, the only catch is that only one person is able to go" Harry countered.

"Harry, what are you thinking about doing?" George asked.

"McGonagall gave me a time to go back to and a location, all I have to do is warn a group of people that need to be warn and tell them everything that they need to know. McGonagall said that time pass the same, so however long someone is in the past the same amount of time passes in their present" Harry replied.

"You're actually going to go aren't you that's why you're telling us this, you're saying goodbye" Bill stated.

"If I can warn people about want is going to happen then we can change thing people that are died because of Voldemort might not be dead anymore, I have to do this" Harry counted.

"There's something you're not telling us Harry" Ron said.

"The time that McGonagall wants me to go back to is 1976, she wants to me to go to a time where both my parents and grandparent are alive, she gave a letter to give to Dumbledore stating who will be let in on everything and who won't be" Harry said.

"How do you get to the time that you need to go to?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"I have to write the date and location on a piece of paper then set it alight and wait ten minutes then I should be in the past" Harry said.

It took the rest of the evening before Harry was able to convince everyone that what he had planned was worth it in the long run, but eventually he did, at that is why the next morning he is sat at the kitchen table surrounded by the Weasley family and Hermione writing the date and location on a piece of paper. He sets the paper alight using his wand and then looks up at them and say goodbye not knowing when he would see them again and hoping nothing really changed in how they all saw him and when he did return if they would welcome him back with welcoming arms or turn him away like he thought they should when Fred had died fighting in the war that was all about him to start with, sometimes he didn't known how the Weasley family could look him in the eye.

The next thing Harry knew he was landing on his feet in Dumbledore office, with a very shock Professor staring at him however before Dumbledore could do or say anything Harry began to speak "Professor I know this is going to be hard to understand but I need you to read this letter is should explain everything that you need to know about why I just appeared here out of thin air."

With saying anything else Harry handed the letter that Professor McGonagall had given him to Professor Dumbledore, Dumbledore opened the letter and began to read, the letter read:

Dear Albus Dumbledore,

I know that you are probably wondering what is going on and when there is man in your office that looks exactly like James Potter with Lily Evans eyes, the explanation will probably only open up more questions for you but you need to trust in what I am saying in about 5 years Lord Voldemort is going to turn up on James and Lily's born and kill them along with trying to kill their son but after failing his powers broke and he isn't heard from again until their son turns fourteen, the war became worse then it was last time along with the body count being double what it was. Lord Voldemort has now been dead for three months, it was thanks to James and Lily's son that it was even possible but as I said the body count was double what it was last time their son wanted a change to make a different and warn the people in the past about what will happen.

The man in front of you is called Harry and he is James and Lily's son I managed to find a spell that would send him back to a certain date and location of his choosing and he would be able to communication and interact with the people there instead of staying out of sight. There is a room that Harry knowns of in the room to will find a set of seven books waiting for as I sent them ahead of Harry, everything you need is in that room. The people that you need to contact and take into the room with you are:

Lily Evan, her sister; Petunia and their parents; Jason and Addison

James Potter and his parents; Charles and Dora

Sirius Black and Regulas Black

Molly Weasley and Auther Weasley

Fabian and Gideon Prewett

Alice and Frank Longbotton

Remus Lupin

Severus Snape

Mad-eye Moody

Professor McGonagall

P.S they all need to be warn that at some point during the book that they won't like what they read, but no matter what happens they can't hurt each other.

Sincerely Professor McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry.

As soon as Dumbledore had finished reading the letter he look up at Harry and said "After reading the information in this letter I am guessing that you are from the future."

Harry nodded not actually knowing what was in the letter, Dumbledore watching Harry's react to what he had said before he continued "you don't what the letter actually says do you?"

"Professor McGonagall just told me how to complete the spell to get here and to give you the letter when I appear in the office, I do know that she told me to come to this time because both my parents and grandparents are alive, I'm guessing as well as warning you about the future she wanted me to get know my parents and grandparents, so that I have actual memories of them" Harry said.

"The letter states that Lord Voldemort killed your parents and then tried to kill you but he couldn't then three years after he come back you defeated him, it also says that you know of a room where we can read some books that Professor McGonagall has spent ahead of time and there is a list of people that has been approved to read the books" Dumbledore stated.

"Yeah, I know the room that she is referring to, can I ask a question before we go to the room, Peter Pettigrew isn't on the list of people that been approved to read the books, is he?" Harry asked suddenly concerned that all of this would be for nothing if he had been not sure is he could convince Dumbledore from this time that Peter could not be trusted in the future.

"No, he isn't would it have been a problem is he had been, he is one of your father best friends isn't he not?" Dumbledore replied while asking his own question.

"The books will probably tell you but he does something in the future that leads to a lot of deaths, and what we're trying to achieve here is saving lives it would have been counter-productive if he was there when reading of the future" Harry said.

Dumbledore nodded and then said "I am going to contact the people that Professor McGonagall has stated in the letter, we'll wait for them here and then we should go to the room that has been suggested for reading the books."

Harry just nodded his head, he sat and waited while Dumbledore sent a patronus to the people stated in the letter and waited for them to arrive, while they waiting Harry could feel Dumbledore eyes on him watching him, probably wondering when in the next 5 years he would be born considering that the letter probably stated the year that his mum and dad would die.

It took about twenty minutes before everyone stated in the letter was in Dumbledore's office, Harry just stared at his mother, father, his aunt who he hadn't seen since she went into the wizarding worlds version of witness protection, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Molly and Auther Weasley, Severus Snape, Mad-eye Moody, McGonagall, he recognized Alice and Frank Longbottom, however the rest of the people in the room he didn't recognize or know why McGonagall thought that they were important enough to know what would happen in the future. Before anyone could say anything about Harry or Harry could ask about the mystery group of people he didn't know, Dumbledore began to speak "I will fill you all in, but first we need to go somewhere else, before I can do this, I am sure you have notice this young man here he is going to take us all to the room. "

Dumbledore stood up and made his way around his desk and then made his way to the door that would lead out of the office, Harry walked towards him and made his way out of the room, he could feel the eyes of everyone else on the back of his head but that was how he knew that they were following him. It didn't take the group long to get to where they needed to be, Harry made his way forward and stood in front of the blank wall, he turned sideways and walked up and down the corridor in front of the wall. It didn't take long for a door to appear out of nowhere in the wall those who didn't know about this room look forwards in shock, Harry opened the door and walked into the room, he was quickly followed by the others. When everyone was in the room they notice the light fire place and numerous sofas scattered in a circle in the middle of the room, there was enough for everyone to sit down, and on a table in the middle of all the sofas there were seven books place neatly on top. Before anyone could comment on the room Dumbledore began to explain what was going on "about thirty minutes before I contact this young man appeared in my office with a letter that involves Voldemort."

As soon as Dumbledore had uttered the word Voldemort all the other people in the room gasps at the name, but Dumbledore just carried on going before anyone had the chance to ask him questions "this young man and the letter have been sent from the future in order to warn us all about when is going to happen in the years to come, the letter stated that everyone in this room needed to know that is why I contacted you, I think that our guest should introduce himself and then I think we should introduce ourselves to our guest because although I sure that he recognizes a few faces I know that he doesn't know everyone."

"Hi, my names Harry Potter, as Dumbledore said I'm from the future" Harry said introducing himself.

"I'm Sirius Black"
"I'm Regulas Black"
"I'm Lily Evans" as soon as she introduced herself Harry had a hard time not staring at her which didn't go unnoticed by the others in the room but nobody commented on it.
"I'm Petunia Evans, Lily's sister"
"I'm Jason Evans and this is my wife Addison" Jason said while pointing at a woman who was stood next to him, Harry noticed that his grandmother looked exactly like his mother.
"I'm Remus Lupin"
"I'm Mad-eye"
"I'm Professor McGonagall"

"I'm Severus Snape"

"I'm Alice Longbottom and this is my husband Frank" she said while pointing at the man stood next to her.
"I'm Molly Weasley and this my is husband Auther" she said, and just like Alice did she point to the man stood next to her.
"I'm Fabian Prewett"
"I'm Gideon Prewett"

"I'm Charles Potter and this is my wife Dora" he said, pointing to the woman stood next to him.
"I'm James Potter" he said smiling before he continued "are we related by any chance?"

It was at that point that the others in the room notice the similarities between Harry and James but Harry just said "It will probably be explained in the books that we are about to read."

Everyone in the room other than Dumbledore who already knew the truth just nodded. It didn't take long before everyone was comfortable on the sofas and then Harry pick up the book that the group need to read first and said "who wants to read first?"

"I will my dear boy" Dumbledore said, once this was said Harry handed the book over Dumbledore would opened the book and began to read.

Thank you for reading I hope you liked it

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