The following Monday, Heidi and Lola snuck into Mr. Mackey's office, just like they had the week before.

Working quickly, they sprayed the contents of the perfume bottle onto the AC. As soon as it was emptied, they hightailed it back to their classroom.

"Did it work?" Wendy whispered to them as they sat down.

"Hopefully soon," Heidi whispered back, glancing towards Timmy and Jimmy sitting in front of them, holding hands. "I wish not all of them had to lose feelings."

"Tweek was right, this is technically rape." Wendy slumped in her spot, hiding her face in her hands. "I'm a terrible friend."

"We all are," Lola agreed with a solemn frown. "Let's just hope the boys are quick to forgive."

"And let's hope we're quicker to forget what we've seen," Annie chimed in, glancing towards Bristol.

The girls chorused an "Amen".

Slowly, the antidote made its way through the school. Through the classrooms, groups of boys suddenly stared at each other in confusion, wondering why the hell they were holding hands, or sitting a tad too close, or what have you. Others looked at their friends, mortified for how they'd been acting.

All in all, by lunchtime, things were more or less back to normal in Park High School.

The girls sighed, sitting at their table and watching the boys interact with one another as they always did.

"Well, Operation Ship was a bust," Bebe declared, folding her arms across her chest. "Now what?"

"I dunno, maybe not all of it was so bad." Red offered, pointing out Timmy and Jimmy. "Those two still seem pretty close."

"That's cause they always hang out, Red," Nichole pointed out. "What about BIll and Fosse? They're still holding hands."

"Bill and Fosse were always gay, Nick." Annie sighed with a dismissive shake of her head. "I'm honestly surprised they weren't making moves way before the love potion."

The table agreed sullenly.

"I suppose the best we can do is wait for the boys to decide." Wendy sighed, gazing forlornly at Stan. "If they forgive us, they forgive us. If they don't, well... I guess we'll have to live with that."

Meanwhile, a group of the boys gathered together at a lunch table to discuss the recent events.

"I think we shouldn't forgive them for what happened," Kyle declared. "They obviously knew that awful shit would happen."

"Yeah, I really wanna chug bleach right now." Kenny muttered. "I don't wanna keep remembering how I fucked my friend right up the a-"

"OKAY," Butters loudly interrupted, face going bright red. "Thank you Kenny for that totally necessary information!"

"... can I just ask one question?" Clyde piped up, looking pale and sweaty. His stomach grumbled loudly, and he grimaced.

"What?" Kyle winced when he looked him over. "Geez, dude, you okay?"

"I've been having explosive diarrhea for the past two days, probably from the Chipotle, but that's besides the point." He waved it off, looking directly at Damien. "How the hell did you manage to traumatize Bristol Weathers with nothing but sand?"

When Damien opened his mouth to reply, Bristol suddenly shot upright (as if she had some kind of radar), screaming "SAND!" Everyone turned to look at her, and she shuddered, violently shaking her head. "Sand," she repeated in a whisper. Everyone slowly looked away as Lola patted her sympathetically on the back.

Pip's face went as red as a fire hydrant, and Damien coughed into his fist.

"We, ah, don't mention that," he muttered under his breath. "Ever."

"Back to the task at hand," Stan interrupted. "I agree with Kyle that we should be harsher with them. But we can't go forever without forgiving them. I mean, just look at all the good that it did!"

"What kind of 'good' could come from a love drug?" Token rose his eyebrows at the boy.

"Well, just look at the gay couples that it brought out!" Stan gestured to the cafeteria. "I mean, Bill and Fosse were always gay, but... what about Trevor McCleary and Kevin Mulbury? And I'm really surprised that both Aaron Rivers and Aaron Ward got together, considering that Aaron Rivers is Mormon."

"Aaron's family used to be, I don't think they're still Mormon." Butters chimed in. "At least, I think they aren't. I know his sister is openly pan."

"You've got a point there," Craig nodded. "And Timmy and Jimmy just... didn't really change."

"Weren't they gay before?" Tweek wondered aloud.

"I think Timmy's bisexual, and Jimmy... well, who knows." Craig shrugged. "Not as obvious as Bill and Fosse, but... well, who didn't see them coming?"

"Please don't talk about coming," Clyde winced. "Just dredges up too many awkward memories."

The rest of the table agreed quietly.

"Well, this got us fucking nowhere," Kyle huffed. "So what? We take a vote?"

"Sounds fair, yeah," Kenny shrugged.

"All in favor of forgiving the girls, raise your hand." Stan said.

Half the table rose their hands.

"Okay, all in favor of letting them think over the consequences of their actions for a while?"

The other half rose their hands.

"... Craig, you can't vote twice." Stan flatly said.

Craig flipped him off.

"Okay, fine, you can vote twice. Asshole."

"Who're you calling asshole, asswrecker?"


Kenny sighed heavily as the two began arguing. "Guess things really are back to normal around here."

"Seems so," Butters agreed. "Um, hey, Kenny?"


"Would you mind if we..." Butters's cheeks flushed pink, "I- if we maybe, went out sometime? Like an experiment?"

Kenny shrugged. "Sure, why not? Butters or Marjorine?"

"Mm, I dunno. I'll have to see."

"Cool, cool."

The rest of the table watched with disinterest as the bickering escalated to a somewhat-erotic brawl on the floor. Hats fell off, shirts were ripped, and a number of excited girls began recording it on their phones. Kyle and Tweek just sighed nodding to each other in weary camaraderie.

"You know, Cartman, you've been strangely quiet this entire time," Kyle suddenly observed, narrowing his eyes at the brunet.

"Well what the fuck do you want me to say right now, Kyle?" The boy asked tiredly, rolling his eyes. "'I always knew you were an ass-muncher?' 'I figured that you'd come out as a hippie-humper one of these days?' Craig and Stan are humping on the floor, and I got five hours of sleep last night. This bullshit happens just about every week, and I really don't have the mental capacity to comment on it right now. All I care about, right now, is my nachos. So just let me fucking eat my nachos."

The redhead thought it over for a moment, surprised at the response. Nevertheless, he glared at him. "Kiss my ass, fat boy."

"You wish, gaywad." Cartman took a heaping bite of nachos, ignoring the fight until Craig grabbed the back of his jeans to hoist himself off of the floor. "OI! Hands off of my ass, Craig Fucker! I have a girlfriend!"

A/N: And that's the end! I sincerely hope you enjoyed. Thanks to all of you who stuck with it, even though it took me over a year to finish.

Please tell me what you thought!