

Chapter 1: The Doom of Enemy's

Disclaimer: DC and DBZ and anything related to them belong to their respective owners.

Author Note: this is another update of chapter 1. But this time done by Celestial Glowhead. Thank you for taking you time to Proof read and revised this chapter, It is really appreciated and I hope to work with you again.

Jor-El walked through the hallway and thought of everything that was happening around him as frightened people ran past him and to evacuation. What he discovered from his spy drones orbiting planet Vegeta had confirmed his fears.


That is what he found as nothing was left but asteroids that used to be Planet Vegeta, home to the Sayians, their enemies that they had been at war with for what started 100 years ago when their allies the Tuffles begged for aid from the Kryptonians to help them repel the saiyan invasion of planet Plant. The Kryptonians and Truffles had a long and strong alliance due to their shared interest in science and advance in technology and promised to aid the other in a crysis. By the time the Kryptonian fleet arrived it was already too late as the saiyans somehow transformed into giant monsters that destroyed the last of the Tuffles. [1]

Hoping to find survivors and avenge the Tuffles the Kryptonian fleet attacked the saiyans, but the saiyans were much stronger than the Kryptonians thought in these forms, the saiyans destroyed half the fleet and army of the armada. This gave the saiyans the advantage as they reverted to their normal forms and the war continued.

The war had been going on for a century between the two races, since then the saiyans set up their own civilization and renamed the planet Vegeta after their new king. King Vegeta was ruthless and paranoid about anyone of his subjects, even to his two sons Vegeta and Tarble, which he often sent in the front lines.

The war had been a standstill until the arrival of the PTO. The Planet Trade Organization arrived offering the saiyans technology that almost rivaled the Kryptonians. The rulers of the PTO, King Cold along with his sons Frieza and Cooler demanded that the Saiyans serve them in return for the technology they gave them. King Vegeta was forced to concede his kingdom to the PTO and serve under Frieza after King Cold gave control of the planet to him. Frieza since then had been using the saiyans to conquer planets for profit.

However, Frieza cared little for the war and so the fighting somewhat slowed till only a few battles happened, the saiyans served Frieza loyally, always doing what Frieza said. Wiping out planets and destroying Kryptonian outposts.

So, there was only one question.

Why did he do it? Why did Frieza destroy the saiyans?

This was what Jor-El thought as he walked back to his lab, where his wife Lara-El was waiting for him, waiting to set up the plan they had been building up.

As he came closer to his lab he saw someone familiar he had not seen for years, ''Zod'' Jor-El said in surprise.

Zod was the supreme commander of the Kryptonian military leading Krypton in the war against the saiyans, Jor-El was not surprised that he was there and he was sure he knew what he wanted to talk about.

"Jor-El, my old friend." Zod said with a sigh of relief.

"Zod, you're here." Jor-El said as he eyed Zod's armor along with his body guards, it was a black metallic armor that was the strongest armor krypton has made. It was much stronger than the standard armor that the soldiers of the PTO wore. [2]

"It's true, isn't it?"Jor-El asked Zod as he looked down on the floor, he knew what he was talking about.

"Yes Jor-El I did what needed to be done." Zod said with a straight face and no regret.

"Why, Zod? What purpose was there to killing the council, declaring martial law on all of Krypton and calling back all the fleets?" Jor-El asked harshly.

Zod knew Jor-El would be like this, he hadn't changed a bit since the last time he saw him.

"You must understand, Jor-El, they left me no choice, the council wouldn't listen to reason, those eggheads couldn't see the danger that purple lizard poses, unlike you and me."

"That doesn't justify it, Zod, once the people know what has happened there will be even more panic and perhaps rebellion." Jor-El said.

"There won't be once they hear of the threat Frieza poses on all of us, once they hear it, all of Krypton will be at arms against him, we will have a grand army that the likes of Krypton have never seen." Zod said with a hint of agitation.

"You saw the power Frieza holds, there is no way to stop him, not even a saiyan could beat him and even if we somehow defeat Frieza, his father King Cold or his brother Cooler will seek revenge."

Jor-El said in fear.

"The Saiyans perished because they didn't stand up together against Frieza, only some lonely Warrior stood in his way." Zod said in distain. He seemed like the last person to ask if he had respect for the Saiyans, but he had some respect for the warrior who stood against Frieza while the others of his race just stood there and watched.

"As for Cold and Cooler, maybe we could make a weapon and send them to the Phantom Zone, if not what other options do we have?"

"Flee to the stars to find a new home for us." Jor-El said pleading to Zod.

"That's not a solution, Jor-El. I will not abandon Krypton and I need every capable citizen of this planet to fight in this war." Zod said impatiently.

"So you plan on turning every citizen, every woman and child into solders to die for your army while you rule Krypton, you are starting to sound li..."


Jor-El stayed silent as he looked at Zod, he knew there was nothing he could say to change his mind, his mind then went back to Lara-El and his son waiting for him.

"Goodbye, Zod." That was all he could say as he walked past him going to his lab.

"Jor-El!" Zod shouted his name, forcing him look at him.

"I heard that the project was a failure, that's a shame, it could have been useful." Zod said, knowing what he was talking about.

"If I have word of you holding back anything or if you and your family try to escape I will give the order to kill you." Zod said.

Jor-El nodded as he moved on.

Jor-El entered his lab still morbid after his talk with Zod, he still couldn't believe what had been going on over the planet and everything.

"Jor-El." He heard his name from his beautiful wife who had their son Kal-El in her arms.

He ran as he came to hug them with joy in his heart, but he knew this would be their last time as a family.

"You spoke with Zod, is the rumor true?" Lara-El asked with fear in her heart.

"Yes, they are true. Zod killed the council and now has full control of Krypton and all of it's assets and he has declared martial law." Jor-El said.

"Im-Im-possible, how could he do such a thing? What does he plan to do?" Lara looked in disbelief.

"He believes that a combined force of Kryptonians will be able to repel Frieza." He shook his head as he took Kal-El from his wife.

"Why would he think that, di-did he not see the-?"

"Zod believes Frieza will fight a conventional war, he thinks he will be sending extermination forces so he could kill us, so he could sell our technology and sell our planet for it's resources." Jor-El explained. "But Lara, he's not going to... Lara." Jor-El said as a pod came out of the ground. Placing Kal-El in it as the pod closed he came and hugged his wife.

"He is going to destroy us like he did with the saiyans." Jor-El said, his voice starting to break.

"I still can't believe it, Jor." Lara said, unlike others who mostly didn't care about the fate of the saiyans she actually felt sorry, which reminded her of something.

"Jor." Lara said softly.

"Yes." Jor-El said.

"When I was setting the ship coordinates to the planet Earth I noticed a small anomaly on the map. I believe it was a saiyan pod." She told him.

"Are you sure?" Jor-El asked afraid, he didn't know if there could be survivors but if there was a saiyan heading to earth it could jeopardize their plan.

"Yes, but here's the thing, Jor, I believe it's a sayian child.

"Really? So you think a saiyan family had a similar idea?" Joe-El asked his wife.

"Maybe, I don't know but it would be kind of funny if the last children of races at war that hated each other were to become friends."

Jor-El almost left out a chuckle out of the irony of that.

"I don't think we have to worry about them fighting since they will be innocent of this meaningless conflict, besides, Kal has Kara to protect him." Jor-El said referring to his brother's daughter.

"I hope you're right." Lara said as the pod carrying their son soon flew off. "He will be fine, right?"

"Yes, the ship is small enough for its cloaking device to pass through the blockade."

As the ship soon began to get lost from sight, Lara looked at Jor-El.

"What happened to that project?" She asked.

Jor-El sighed as he pulled out a remote of sorts out of his pocket and pressed a button, soon a hole opened on the floor to reveal a massive tube with liquid inside.

Lara looked inside of it as what was inside it looked like a deformed baby fetus.

"So, this is the last project the Tuffles tried to complete before their demise?" Lara asked in fascination.

"Yes, before the first wave was forced to retreat they found this in an abandonned facility, the scientists and engineers appeared to have work themselves to death making this." Jor-El said grimly.

"What's it called?"

"They named it Baby [3]. It was brought here so we could study it and possibly finish what the tuffles left off. You could say it is the last invention of Tuffles and Kryptonians, it seemed to appear to be some fusion of being organic and machine but I don't know it's ability or what it's use was going to be, most likely a last resort weapon against the saiyans."

"What will you do with it?" Lara asked.

"It will be sent to the phantom zone temporarilly until a certain period, it will land on a remote planet that can harbor life. It is it's own being, it deserves to live it's own life outside this violent age."

Lara laughed.

"I hope Kal ends up like you." She said as she hugged him.

Jor-El brought her to his face so that he could kiss her, after that they spent the last night they had together before the end came.

Author note: This story was inspired by Touzoshin Dragonball DC

This will be a big story on my part because I plan over a 100 chapters or more until the end.

I will try to update about once a week.

This universe will be fused between the two franchises.

I have had permission by Touzoshin on using some ideas I can borrow from him but things like the Krypton/Sayian war and the adventure of goku and Diana and how they met and their adventure but with my own spin of it.

Zod design is based on man of steel.

Yes, Baby will be in the story. I well be using arcs from GT like the Baby arc and Shadow Dragons but that iits, I believe GT had good ideas but were poorly made so will change them up to fit this story. For example, some of the Shadow Dragons well be Getting new designs and powers.