Laughter resounded over the rooftops of Paris as two beloved heroes raced each other, hopping from building to building. The duo were the first heroes to come to Paris and were admired and loved by all who lived in the city of lights. Ladybug and Chat Noir were role models for all who spread peace, love, and happiness whever they went.

Two years prior, they, along with their new recruits, at the time, defeated the greatest supervillain the city had ever seen: Hawkmoth. It was almost instantaneous, the Parisians went to bed with a villain, and woke up to him being stopped, the city free to live in peace for the rest of its days.

Even with no villains to fight, the heroes stayed around, helping the police with ordinary, none-magical, crimes. Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, and Carapace continued to make Paris a great city.

Tonight was the anniversary of the day that the first two heroes had stopped the original akuma, Stone Heart. Paris didn't know what the two were doing to celebrate, but anyone could see it was a special night. They were probably joking the night away, getting ready for a date that came after patrol, and anticipating a night of complete and utter relaxation.


Adrien was completely freaking out. He wanted tonight to be special for her but he didn't know how she would take it. Will she say yes? Am I being too forward? We're sixteen, not ten! Stop beating yourself up, Agreste, man up. She's just Marinette. Marinette who is kind and sweet. She is your lady, your Princess. She's brave, confident, strong. And... staring right at me.

"You okay, Kitty?" Ladybug asked, slowing down a bit so he could catch up. "You seem a bit tense, anything I could help you with?"

Chat swallowed. "Oh, um, no. I'm fine. I just, uhh. Could we stop by the Eiffel Tower after patrol? There's something I need to talk to you about..." There, it was out. No need to be scared. It's just Marinette...

Ladybug bit her lip, looking down in contemplation. "Yeah, sure, that would be great. Let's split up, that way we can cover more ground and you can let this off your chest." She smiled at him and Chat melted at the sight.

"Great. Yeah, that sounds great, M'lady."

"Okay, Kitty Cat," she strode over to him, scratching under his chin. A low rumble started out as Chat let out a purr, leaning into the godess' hand, begging for her to continue. He groaned when she took the hand away, bopping him on the nose wit her index finger. "Enough of that, now. I'll see you at the Eiffel tower in twenty minutes. We can continue with our petting session after that." She turned her back to them, aiming her yo yo to jump from the edge of the roof, but before she could, Chat spoke up.

"See you soon, M'lady."

His girlfriend smiled at him, winking over her shoulder. "See you soon, Kitty."

Chat sighed as he watched her swing into the distance, a dopey smile plastered on his face. Yep. Adrien Agreste was completely and utterly screwed.


He was early, he was because Ladybug hadn't come yet. Truth be told, he had skipped a few of his normal stops, but that was because he needed to uncover what he left in his secret hiding place on the Eiffel Tower.

Chat stared at the black box in his hand, forcing himself not to tremble. She'll say yes, right? She has to...

"And here I thought I was the early one." Chat jumped when he heard her voice, swiftly hiding the small box behind his back, holding it in his hand so it wouldn't fall. "You sure are eager tonight, Adrien. Whatever you wanted to talk about must be important." Ladybug sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

They looked out over the city, the lights from the buildings a reminder of why it was called 'The City of Lights'.

"I'm listening if you're ready to talk." Beautiful eyes the color of bluebells sparkled up at him, full of energy and joy.

"Okay..." Chat sucked in a deep breath before beginning. "So today's the anniversary of the defeat of our first akuma... And I wanted to do something special."

"Oh, Kitty, is that what this is about?" She cupped his cheek and he relaxed beneath her touch. "You didn't have to do anything. I'm more than happy to just spend time with you. It can be during a patrol, on a date, heck, I'd be okay with going to school as long as it's with you."

"You perfect, amazing, beautiful girl. Now you have to go reminding me of exactly why I'm doing this." He caressed this side of her face with gloved leather hands. "Why do you have to be so gosh-darn cute?" He pulled her closer and their lips brushed together in a gentle kiss.

When they broke apart, Ladybug rested her head against his chest, and his arms automatically wrapped around her.

"Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you..." She whispered into his chest.

"That's funny. Because I find myself asking the same question every single day." Chat let go of her, scooting over so that he could look at her.

"Chat?" She asked, peering up at him with doe eyes.

"I, umm, Marinette. It was three years ago, to date, that I fell in love with you. In front of this very tower, I promised myself I would love whoeer was beneath the Ladybug mask."

She nodded, coaxing him to continue.

"I like to think that I kept that promise and given even more. We have done so much together, M'lady. We've fought crime, defeated supervillains, run from raging fans. I think, at this point, we've seen it all. I know we're still kind of young, which is why I didn't go absolutely full-blown crazy, but I think we're ready for this, considering the fact that we're legit soulmates..." He chuckled at that last part and she giggled along with him.

He placed the black box between them and opened it. "Marinette, these aren't engagement rings, but they're a close second. They are promise rings. My Lady," He took both of the hands in his, kissing the tops. "I intend to spend the rest of my life with you, and when the time is right, I'll ask you to marry me."

Her mouth parted, but no words came out. A blush spread across her cheeks and she smiled at him. "Kitty... I'd love that..." Her lips formed a wide grin and Chat was sure he mirrored it.

He took her ring out of the box. The one he picked out for her was silver, diamonds lining the top, forming leaves. At the center was a gorgeous blue saphire the color of her eyes.

She mimicked him, removing his own ring. It, too, was silver, but wider in shape. At the top, a large square emerald was outlined in a thin layer of tiny diamonds. Ladybug smiled at it, brushing her fingers against the cool gems.

"Have I ever told you you have really good taste?" She asked him, adoration filling her eyes.

"Only when you mean it~." He teased, adding a wink for extra measure.

"I always mean it, Kitty." She places her empty hand on his shoulder.

"My point exactly." She giggled and Chat felt like the heavens had opened up, for the girl in front of him had to be an angel.

"Not to ruin the moment, Chat," She asked when her laughter died down. "But how are we supposed to take these home? If we wear them now, they'll disappear along with our suits."

"Oh, this is where it gets cool." Without further adieu, Chat slipped the tiny ring on her ring finger. Almost immediately, it was covered in green sparkles, shimmering and shiny around the silver band. When the sparkles faded out, the ring hand been transformed. In its place was a thin black band that crowned at the top. At the center were five green emeralds, one slightly bigger than the rest, forming a paw print. It was a smaller, version of his logo, a clear statement on her ring finger. She belonged to Chat Noir, and no one else.

Ladybug gasped, staring at her finger. "Adrien! How did you do that?"

"I had Nino use a spell that gaurdians are taught. It's passed down from generation to generation and is specifically made for Ladybug and Chat Noir. A gaurdian can enchant an accessory with magic if it was a gift from one partner to another. This way, the world can know that we belong to each other as Ladybug and Chat Noir, but they still show up normally when not transformed. Primarily, the spell is used on wedding and engagement rings, but can be cast onto other types of items."

An ear splitting grin spread across her face. "So your saying that if you wear this ring," she held up his promise ring. "then it will be decorated in a Ladybug pattern?" She fluttered her eyelids in mock flirtation.

"Yep, now if you would, my sweet princess." He held out his left hand to her and she delicately placed his ring on his finger. It too, was encompassed in light, though this time pink spakles wrapped around the jewelry piece. When it was done, a thick band of red stood out on his all black suit. Her signiture spots, dotting the vibrant color.

"I love you..." Marinette sighed, embracing him once more.

"I love you too." He pulled her closer, positive he could never get enough of her.

"Good. Because we're racing to Notre Dame." With that she shoved him of the tower and he was sent plummeting down.

He caught himself with his baton, looking back up to see his lady laughing, swinging towards Notre Dame.

"Sorry, Kitty! But you know what they say. All's fair in love and war!" The ravenette winked and swung away.

Chat held on to the tower, in the exact same place he began loving her. "I'm going to love that girl until the end of time..."

With that, he dropped to the ground and began chasing after his soulmate. He caught up to her quicker than normal and she smiled at him from a few feet in front of him. As the duo ran off into the distance, Adrien thought to himself. That is one thing that is an absolute certainty. I promise you...