A/N: So this is an idea that came across me when I was watching the original FullMetal Alchemist. As soon as I saw Edward Elric rip off his cloak to reveal his automail, not only did that cement FMA as one of my favorite series, but I started drawing comparisons to his metal arm and Yang's in RWBY.

I know. I was watching RWBY before FMA; real sin, ain't it? However, I just can't stop drawing the parallels between when Yang lost her arm and when Ed lost his own; they were both broken inside until they were given a purpose to move forward: and in both of their cases, it was to save their sibling.

So years after watching Volume 4, this is the result of that comparison.

Hope you enjoy it! It's not too long, it is a one-shot idea after all.

Oneshot- Conviction

(POV: [1st Person] Yang)

Every night...I have that dream. No, that nightmare.

I was always one to jump in with no regard for my safety. It's just how I was, and how I've always been. And when I saw her in danger…

That anger I felt? It was greater than what I had ever felt my whole life. That red-haired bastard was going to have it; I was sure of it! In that moment of me jumping in, I knew I was going to sock that prick in the face, grab her and get out of there as fast as possible. With Beacon falling around us and with the streets overflowing with Grimm, running was the only way to survive.

...At least, that's what I had thought would happen.

Do you know what it feels like to have your arm get ripped off your body? To have your Aura completely wiped out in one fell swoop? To feel your body suddenly cry out in pain as you lay your eyes on your own arm; that isn't connected to you? Do you know how traumatizing that is?

...Do you know what it's like to fall unconscious, helpless, at the mercy of the man who had cut you down? In that moment...all those emotions flooded over me in an instant, and then silence.

Next thing I knew I was awake in my own bedroom, bandaged and changed and sweating like hell. Dad and Uncle Qrow told me everything. Beacon had fell to the Grimm, and the White Fang had won in separating humanity again. That chick that was talking after that poor girl had been ripped to shreds...I made a mental note to kill her later.

...That's what my past self would have thought, anyways.

And now, here I was. Months after all that had happened and those thoughts still haunt me. My new arm wasn't doing me any favors. Its silvery-metallic hue was a sickening reminder of what I had lost. And I'd never get it back. Never…

With a gasp I looked up. I had been staring at my arm for a while at this point. My Dad was already inside, presumably cooking dinner, while I was out here, watching the sun set. It wouldn't be too long before it did. Maybe watching it will calm me down...I thought. I knew the perfect place to watch it set, too.

Summer's grave.

I pushed off the log I was sitting on with my real arm and dusted myself off. Now that I was standing, I could really feel the strain that my body was going through as I trained with Dad. My muscles ached, grass and dirt stained parts of my skin and clothing, and my hair was noticeably dirty. I made a mental note to wash up before eating dinner.

Walking through the forest has always been a surreal experience for me, especially during the Fall and Winter seasons. Seeing the leaves brown up, crumple and flutter down was always a reminder that life was short; everything died sooner or later. And yet, when Spring came, it'd always be replaced with new life. "Like a Phoenix," My Dad would always say. "It would always be reborn, come back stronger, better."

I was never one to completely believe all of the myths and legends of Remnant. Phoenixes, Dragons, those were all fictitious. The only mythological beasts that did exist were Grimm. And it was humanity's job to kill them.

I'm still contemplating if I want that to be my job.

A stray leaf found its way onto my hair, and quickly I grabbed it, crumpled it and threw it into the wind. I watched as it fluttered through the air and lightly kissed the ground before landing next to a dying trunk. I think one of my teachers once told us the average speed of a leaf falling once…"Five centimeters per second", they had said. I never doubted them, but never wanted to test that theory. Not like I paid attention all the time in class, anyways.

I sensed myself getting off topic. Wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but I settled for good. Anything besides what I was feeling before…

The edge of the woods wasn't far from here, and soon the cliffside of Patch would be visible. The birds cawed overhead, signaling a murder of crows that flew past into the sunset. Their black feathers hovered down at the same speed as the leaves. Every time I saw a crow it reminded me of my uncle...I wish he was here to consult me about all of this.

Adam...the White Fang, Beacon's fall, Pyrrha's death, I knew it somehow all connected. My sister was out there somewhere trying to figure out that puzzle, and here I was, fighting myself on whether I should follow her or not. Every time I felt any semblance of motivation, the thought of my arm ripping off my shoulder overcame my conscience. I felt my breathing hitch. Anxiety shot through my nerves and caused me to shiver. I stopped.

My eyes darted around, my head looking around frantically for that monster in the mask. That blood red hair, and even more crimson blade haunted my mind as I anticipated for it to come from nowhere and attack. It never came...and yet I felt my breaths shallow up and both my arms shake in fear. My feet found strength to step forward, but it was all I could do to fight against this. At any moment I was terrified that that horrid blade would slice through my body and out through my stomach, that I would fall and scream in agony as the man took enjoyment from my slow death. The woods darkened, the sunlight turned red. My eyes drooped to the ground, my arms ruffling through my hair as my lungs prepared to release an ungodly scream, and-

A...red string?...The light returned to my vision as I saw that string twist past my face. The sunset turned from a horrible maroon to a more benign orange-yellow glow. The trees shook gently in the breeze, and the crows that were flying above had began their ugly singing again. I sighed. It wasn't the first time that had happened, but thankfully the attack was shorter than usual…"Thank God," I whispered. My eyes turned towards the thing that had stopped my anxiety: A singular red thread that was practically floating in the air, towards my destination.

I had the urge to walk again.

The walk was shorter than I had expected, and within moments I found myself at the cliffs again. The string flew around for a moment in the wind, and landed lightly on Summer's grave. The red color matched Summer's choice of clothing, and if I was the more religious type I would have believed that was Summer guiding me...but I knew better. Maybe it was a coincidence? I thought. Nevertheless, I had made it. I took a knee by my sister's mother's grave. It was exactly how Dad had left it a month ago, and miraculously the flowers he had left were just as vibrant as they were when he had first placed them on the stone. "Hey…" I muttered. I wasn't one to talk to the dead...honestly, I found it depressing. But I was desperate. "So, I know we don't...talk much, like, at all…" This is really weird… "But...do you have advice, for, y'know, any of this?" The grave didn't say anything. Of course… "I feel like I lost everything, you know?...My sister's probably mad at me for not going with her, my team's broken up, my best friend is God-knows-where, my dream school has been torn to pieces...please…" I felt my eyes water up. A single drop fell on Summer's flowers. I tightly shut them as I wiped them away.

"I know you're not here, and realistically, I know there's no way you can help me...or Dad, or Ruby...but, even if those chances are ever-so-slightly slim…" I looked at the engraving of her name. Summer Rose. "Give me a sign…" My hands, both metal and flesh found themselves crushing the grass between their fingers out of anger. Why did things have to be this way?!

Everything bad that could have happened, happened all in one night. WHY?! Why did my world have to be so...so cruel?!

I looked up at the red string that had brought me here. It twitched in the breeze, then suddenly took to the air again. Wiping the tears from my eyes again I watched it as it floated from the cliffs and into the vastness of the ocean. The Sun was at the edge of the horizon, falling below the skyline. I felt the air darken as it did.

"Tell us a story, Mom!" My own voice rang in my head. It was lighter, more...childish. A memory that I had forgotten a while ago had somehow found its way back to me. I closed my eyes. I could even picture it!

"Alright, alright…" I saw Summer above me, her striking resemblance to my sister was uncanny. Ruby was like a clone of her, in both her personality and appearance. The only things that were different were her eyebags, which implied age. I was in a bed, next to my young sister, who was feeding on a bottle of milk and fast asleep. I shouldn't even be four at this point...how am I...remembering this?...

"Well, I don't have a lot of time, so I'll tell you two a short little story, okay?"

"Sure!" My younger self tucked into the sheets, and her eyes beamed at my stepmom's. She gave a gentle smile before continuing…

"This story starts in a world much different from our own, about two people, a boy and a girl."

"Ooh! Are they gonna fall in love?" My little self asked. I couldn't help but giggle at this. I was terribly naive…

"I'll get there, Yang…" Summer cleared her throat as she shushed me, "They were from completely different worlds, dealing with problems that were drastically dissimilar from one another. And yet for some reason, despite being separated by both time and space, fate had caused them to meet…"

"How's that possible, Mom?"

"Well, it all has to do with time. You see, according to legend, Time is anything but a constant in the universe. It connects all realities, all different possibilities that can happen and will ever happen…"

"Even a world where I get to eat all the ice cream I want?!"

"Yes, Yang, even that world...it connects all people from every walk of life. However, it is rare to see any of these timelines intersect. In fact, the people of Remnant have called it impossible that a thing like that could happen."

"But I'm guessing it is possible after all?"

Summer smiled brightly. "Yes. Absolutely."

I pushed myself up to my feet. The tears that had fallen were now just constant streams I couldn't control. I didn't even know why I was crying, or why that memory had come back to me. I watched the red thread blow farther and farther into the sea and fall from my vision...right as the sun set.

I gasped. I felt the air grow a degree warmer. My eyes, despite being burned on the horizon, sensed something...new. A completely supernatural presence had made itself known. And it was right next to me.

"Twilight, they call it. When the sun falls and the nebulous period between night and day occurs. The legends call it "Kataware-doki"...the magic hour. During that time, anything could happen. Something...mystical. Magical! Something that transcends time and causes timelines to meet despite all odds…"

"Kataware-doki…" I whispered. Turning to my left, all the air in my lungs immediately left my body. I couldn't believe what I saw.

"And that's how the two met?" Little-me guessed.

"And that's how the two met." Summer finished.

I took a step back in shock. The sun had fallen. The trees behind me were shaking in anticipation. I had no idea what was happening...nor did I have any idea who he was. A boy. My age if not a bit younger...blonde hair in a braid and relatively short. A red cloak covered most of his body, and his piercing golden eyes looked just as surprised as I was. What...is happening? "Who...are…"

(POV: [1st Person] Edward)

"You?" I finished for her. "How...come…" I looked behind the girl. She was on a cliffside of some kind, overlooking the ocean. The woods were to her left, and to her right lay my mother's grave, the name "Trisha Elric" engraved on the front. My mind raced as I tried to process what exactly was happening. Every logical deduction that I had came up with had fallen short. Just a while ago I got into a...conversation with Hohenheim in front of my mother's grave. He had left for the Rockbell's house, leaving me to just...stand there and think.

And think I did. It must have been hours of me thinking about the mess I had gotten myself into. What happened to Al and me, the Philosopher's Stone, the Homunculi...it still didn't make much sense to me, but I knew it all had to connect somehow. I remember looking at my mother's grave in anguish. I had a feeling that trying to bring her back was the reason this had all started in the first place...how could we be so stupid?

On my knees before my deceased mom's grave...I felt all of these stupid emotions finally break on me. There wasn't any tears, but there was definitely anger welling up in me. Frustration, confusion. None of this stupid crap was making any sense!

And to top it all off, that bastard had to come back after God-knows-how-long and lectures me! I should be the one mad at him, not the other way around!

I groaned in exasperation. Sitting here and moping wasn't going to help anything. I had done enough of that already when my brother and I lost our bodies. There was no more of that...there was work to do now. "Dammit, stupid Hohenheim…" I got to my feet and dusted myself off, and took one final look at my mom's grave. I gave a mental note to pay more respects to her later, but for now there was a puzzle I had to solve...and something told me it was probably going to be years before I figure it all out.

But before I could get up and leave...something caught my attention. A little red string. "Huh?" Something about it...didn't sit right with me. Normally I would overlook stuff like that, I mean, it's not really worth my time...but for some reason I couldn't look away from it. It floated around for a few moments before settling on Trisha's grave. "The heck?" I took a peek at my red coat that I usually wore. It was a few shades darker than the thread, so obviously it didn't come from my cloak… "That's...really strange." I reached my hand out to pick it up, but it seemed to evade my grip, looping around my hand and taking to the air again. It was going into the direction of the sun, which was about to set.

It flew off into the sky, and it was then I realized how stupid the situation was. Why the hell was I so interested in a little red stri-?!

"Hey brother, I found something really interesting!" Al's voice, which was free of the metallic clang of the suit of armor, rang out in my mind. It was a memory, one that had been buried from the many...chaotic things that had happened the past few years. I didn't even know how it resurfaced, it just...reappeared.

"What is it, Al?" My own, younger voice asked. Four years ago...we were so terribly naive back then. "Will it help bring our Mom back?"

"Um...not really…" Al's voice faltered a little before continuing, "It's just something that's...pretty different from everything else we've studied."

"What does it say?"

"It says that...Time is...really different from what we've been led on to know about."

"What?" Young-me was obviously skeptical about this. To be fair, I was skeptical about a lot of things… "Let me have a look." Young me took the notes from his brother before reciting, "'Time is anything but linear. The universe itself bends upon the will of time, which in it of itself is anything but rigid. It bends, curves, twists, stretches and reforms back into shape. It can be strained all it wants to, but it never breaks. It is the ultimate connector the universe. It can connect whole realities if given the chance.' Wow. What a bunch of bogus."

"Brother!" Al yelled in defense. Looking back, I guess I was a little harsh on the topic at hand, but when it came to trying to find a way to bring the dead back to life, I didn't really want to waste time on something as trivial as how time works.

"What? It's not like it'll help us. Besides, Time is time. Alchemy is something completely different…"

"I guess you're right, but...I can't help but feel as if there's more to that…"

The sun set entirely. The sky grew orange and red in the sky, and behind me the air darkened as the shadow of the loomed behind me. The red thread I was watching fluttered far into the distance, and I watched as it flew among the stars.

In fact, I was looking up for so long that I didn't even take into account what was right next to me.

"Look, brother! There's this term called "kataware-doki". It means the time after the sun has set when mysterious things can occur-"

"Yeah, yeah, I think I've heard enough about that. C'mon, Al. We need to focus on the matter at hand."


Was...Al...My eyes widened in shock. The air changed from smelling like a green, lush pasture to faintly like a lake. It was...surreal. Something otherworldly had just happened and for some reason I couldn't find the strength to look and find out what the hell it was. Was Al correct?...The sun had set, which would be the perfect time for that "kataware-doki" crap...wait…

I turned my head right. All the air in my lungs had been sucked out. "Who...are…" The person in front of me started. Her clothing seemed rather pedestrian; her long, blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail, much like I sometimes do with mine, only hers was much brighter and full. Her dark green cargo pants and orange tank top looked like clothes that Winry would wear (although she preferred tube tops), but her lilac eyes were unfamiliar among Amestrians. Maybe it was the eyes of a Xingese? No, their hair was dark and their eyes were as well...To be honest, she was a puzzle the moment I laid eyes on her.

However, the thing that struck me the most was her right arm. Or, lack of one.

It was automail. "...you?" I finished the sentence for her. "How come..." I looked around myself and her. Behind me was still the familiar Resembool, but behind her lay a cliffside overlooking a giant lake, with woods on the opposite end. The sky was virtually the same, and so was the fading light of the sun…I looked at my mother's grave. It was exactly the same as before, thank God. "Where...are…" I had trouble completing my sentences. Nothing I had experienced up until this point had been this...mysterious. Magical, even. Any scientific law, any theory that came up in my mind...none of it explained something this ridiculous.

"I could say the same thing, you know." The girl said, oddly calmer than she was a few moments ago. Despite the fact that I had appeared out of nowhere from her perspective, at least I'm guessing, she seemed rather...accepting? Maybe I should be too. "It's not every day a guy just...up and appears out of nowhere like this."

"This is...really...confusing…" I tried to find anything, anything that could logically explain this. Suddenly, her metal arm caught my attention again. Maybe if she says that she got it from an Automail shop in Dublith, then this would start to make sense… "Hey um, what's with that metal prosthetic?" I asked, as politely as I could.

"..." She hesitated to answer. "I...don't want to talk about it…" Well, I guess that's pretty understandable..."...especially not to someone I just met. Which brings me to my next point: where the hell did you come from?"

My eyebrows furrowed in thought. "To quote you: I could say the same thing." I retorted. Good, at least I wasn't rusty with my comebacks. "What caused this? Do you have any idea?"

"No clue…" The blonde sighed, looking at the same red thread I was as it blew around in the wind, only this time it was swirling around us, for some odd reason. "One minute I was looking at my stepmother's grave...and then the next you're here."

"Mother's...grave?" I suddenly turned to Trisha's tomb. It was exactly the same as it was before. Alarms rang in my head, and suddenly I became suspicious of her. My mother did not have any girls, and I certainly did not have a sister! "What are you talking about? That's my mother's grave!"

"What?" Her face looked just as shocked and confused as mine. "Um, dude, that says 'Summer Rose' on it. I think you're freaking out or something, because it's my stepmom's."

"What are you talking about?!" We were staring at the same thing...and yet they were completely different. "No it isn't! If anything, you're the one freaking the heck out, blondie!"

"...What did you just call me?" Suddenly her eyes grew red. I gulped, obviously striking a nerve with her. "You better watch your mouth around my stepmom or we're going to have problems, shorty."

Alright, that's IT! "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I was angry, but not I'm going to hit you angry. Unfortunately, she was. "Call me that again, I dare you!"

"Shor. Ty." She spat. She put one foot forward and threw a punch with her automail arm. It was a big right swing, easy to predict, easy to block. I brought up my right arm, and her metal fist slammed into my forearm.

A huge metallic clang echoed through the forest and through Resembool. The birds took to the skies, startled at the loud noise. I felt the vibrations of the hit reverberate up my arm and into my shoulder, which caused it to ache. It was a harder hit than I was anticipating, but one I blocked nonetheless. "You put a lot of weight into your punches," I retaliated by slamming my left foot into her exposed gut, putting her beyond arm's length and out of striking distance. She spat up a little blood, which I cringed at. I didn't mean to hit her that hard…"But if you miss a hit like that, it'll leave you wide open for a counterattack."

The busty blonde did not take my advice kindly. In fact, she seemed a lot more angry than she was a moment ago. "S-Shut up!" Her eyes looked confused, yet angry; scared, but furious. It was like me when…

I first...lost my limbs. "Hey," I began, getting her attention by bringing my voice inflection down from threatening and dominant to calmer and more cordial, "I know this isn't my place to ask, but how did you get that metal arm?"

"...I already told you, I don't want to talk about it!" She didn't seem like she was going to hold back now. I braced for impact as she launched another assault at me. Looks like there's something bothering her...I need to know what it is if I want her to calm down!

(POV: Third Person)

Yang's eyes were wild with anger at the kid before her, who for some reason was bold enough to patronize her. Who is this kid to be lecturing me on fighting?! All I've been DOING since I was born was fighting! Fighting to keep my sister alive, fighting to find my mother, fighting to defeat the Grimm, fighting for my school...fighting for her…She tried another right arm, to the exact same result as before. However, on the second hit Yang noticed something strange about the boy's sleeved arm. It feels a lot harder than a normal arm usually is…

She tried punching with her left, but Edward ducked under the swing and swept her with his feet. "Dammit!" She bounced back up with her robot arm and prepared another strike, but…

"Blake?!" Oh no...It came back to her again. "Who is…" Her past self looked upon her injured faunus teammate, her gut stabbed and overlooked by that man with blood red hair.

"Y-Yang…" Blake reached out to her, begging her with every semblance of her being not to come near her.

But it was fruitless effort. With a scream of rage and her hair golden and fiery, the blonde huntress charged, her fist aimed right for Adam Taurus' cheek.

The attack never connected. Instead, with a sickening slice, her arm had been cut clean off her shoulder. N-No...not now! Anything but now! She stopped in her track, and a pained expression came across her face.

Yang's hesitation with her attack was the perfect opportunity for a counter. The elder Elric brother tackled her to the grass, pinning her arms down. She seems to like attacking with her arms, so if I disable them...He clapped his hands together, and the familiar blue lightning coiled around his arms. He held them over Yang's wrists, and the ground bent to his will, making two restraints that held the blonde in place.

"L-Let go of me!" Yang screamed in pure rage. "I'll...I'll…!"

"You'll what?! You'll sucker punch the only other person that knows what the hell you've been through?!" Edward yelled, anger welling up in him. It wasn't so much at the girl than it was at himself; he saw his past self in this girl. The least he could do is set her on the right track, but she was being so...aggressive and stubborn!

"You…bastard!" Blake's pleas for help. Adam's cold blooded stare. Beacon falling around her.

Both of her mothers' absence. Ruby leaving for Haven. It had all built up in her, her regrets, the decisions she's made...it was all so infuriating! And this kid is saying he knows what she's been through?! She pushed against her earthen restraints and suddenly broke free with her right arm, and smashed her fist across Ed's cheek. The boy went flying a good five feet, towards the edge of the cliff. Yang got to her two feet, her hair glowing and her eyes a bright scarlet. "You don't know the first thing about me!" She charged him, but Ed was ready.

Clapping his hands again, he summoned a huge earthen fist that jutted from the ground and slammed into Yang's midsection. The former huntress screamed in pain as her Aura took another hit, but she wasn't quite done yet. The girl jumped atop the now stationary dirt fist and used it as a makeshift springboard, leaping through the air with her right fist directed right at the boy's face once again.

Ed rolled right, just out of reach and just in time. Yang's robotic arm punched the grass so hard that it caused a light tremor through the ground. Her red eyes turned and she dashed towards him again, her screams loud and desperate. This kid had taken it too far. And she was going to make him pay.

The State Alchemist clapped his hands together, and then hovered his left arm along his right. Yang didn't know what he was doing, but she didn't care. She threw her signature right fist, but-

-Edward had turned at just the right moment and brought his arm right up to Yang's cheek. Ed's metal blade stuck out of his sleeve, the tip mere centimeters from Yang's jugular. The girl stopped in her tracks, fearful that any further and her neck would be skewered. However, the boy wasn't in the clear either; Yang's fist was also just inches away from his face, threatening to knock his lights out.

Alchemist and Huntress stared each other down, both hurt but not beaten. Their fierce eyes locked into each other, peering into one another's souls. It went on for a good minute, until Yang's more rational side came through. Her scarlet eyes reverted back to a pretty lavender, and her hair stopped glowing. She had calmed down, and she fully realized the situation she was in.

In a deathmatch with a complete stranger just because he had pissed her off a little. Dammit...She fell backwards, losing her footing. Her Dad would have horribly scolded her for this; not just because she had fought in front of her stepmom's grave, but because she had lashed out again, something that she was promising him she'd never do.

"You want to know why I know what you've been through?" Ed's voice caught Yang's attention. His voice wasn't angry anymore; just...stern. Like a father scorning a child. He grabbed his jacket sleeve and slipped it off, throwing the garment away to reveal a black tank top…

And a metal arm. Ed's almost...sad expression unnerved the blonde huntress. Yang's eyes widened in both surprise and horror. She understood completely now, and the metal blade that had almost pierced her was glistening in the fading sunlight, which gave off an eerily dark aura, implying that he had gotten that arm from a dark past, just like her. "I lost this arm in an attempt to bring something back that shouldn't be brought back. Because of my foolishness, I almost got myself and my brother killed." He crouched down to get to Yang's eye-level. "What's your story?"

"I…" This boy had just told me his entire backstory...why he has...that arm...I should do the same. "I...tried to save someone. Tried to save someone dear to me…" Blake's cries for help echoed through her mind. The water in her eyes broke through despite her best efforts, and the tears streamed down her face once again. "...but I couldn't! I lost my arm trying to save someone…"

"Hey, that's exactly what happened to me, y'know?" Ed sat down on his bottom and rolled up his pant leg, revealing another metal prosthetic greatly similar to Mercury's.

Yang gasped at the sight. "You're...practically half metal…" She murmured. The Alchemist just groaned.

"Don't remind me...There's a reason why I'm called the…eh, I think that's beside the point." He got to his feet as Yang tried desperately to wipe away her tears. "Look...I know you probably seem...helpless right now…" He remembered back to his earlier days, the days when his own brother pushed him along in a wheelchair. An eleven-year-old Edward Elric who had lost essentially all motivation; scarred by what he had created, both mentally and literally.

But it was Mustang's words that had brought him out of his depression…"If you join the military as a State Alchemist, it will be your duty to follow whatever endeavors the military has for you. However, in return you will be given extensive access to information that is normally classified from the public. This is the chance of a lifetime, Elric. Will you keep sitting in that wheelchair and mope like a child, or will you grow up and find a way to get you and your brother's bodies back?"

Despite the harshness of the Colonel's language and his general disdain for him, Ed had to admit the Colonel had steered him on the right path. Without him, he'd probably still be laying in the guest bedroom of the Rockbell's moping about what could have been; and now, he was on a path that could not only save him and his brother, but potentially the entire country. Yes, he was still confused about all of it...but he knew that this girl was at the same start line as he was.

"...But laying there and grieving about the past won't help your cause. You want to become something greater?" Yang's eyes looked up at Ed's earnestly. He shot back a determined look. "Then accept the past and move on. You may have lost something precious to you, but you have two good legs, right? Get up and use them." He offered his automail arm, the blade now gone.

Yang stared up at the hand in irresoluteness. She was still confused about all of this, but the boy's words had...comforted her. To know that someone else in this world had experienced something similar to her, it gave her a sense of empathy. Ruby's warm smile came into her head. My sister...of course! She grabbed the Alchemist's hand, and he pulled her back to her feet. They were both standing now, and in one of their hearts they had found something that had been beyond them for months at this point...conviction. "Thank you…" Yang said. "I...realize what I have to do now…"

Ed delayed in asking her, as he kind of found it rude to be imposing on others' business. However, he felt oddly close to her in the space of just a few minutes, so it slipped. "Oh, really? What would that be?"

"I need to save my sister…" Yang gave a wistful gaze out into the darkening sunlight. "She's out there in the world somewhere...I need to find her. She might be in trouble…"

"Huh, that's an odd coincidence…" Ed replied, "This entire time...I've been trying to save my brother." Yang's eyes widened again, as well as Ed's. Their eyes both met again, but instead of cold rage it was more of genuine surprise.

"Wow, we are really similar, aren't we?" They both broke into laughter. Not even a few minutes ago they were fighting because of their hot-headedness, now they felt as if they had grown closer because of it.

After the laughter, Ed's expression became a little more serious, but it was accompanied by an earnest smile. "So, you know what to do now?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, shorty," Yang smirked, which caused the shorty to started screaming vulgar words at her.


"Woah, jeez, calm down, it's just a joke!" Yang laughed aloud. She had felt it. Thanks to this kid...she had found herself again. There she was, back to her old, punny self, and now with a clear goal in mind.

"Sorry…" Ed rubbed the back of his head. "It's just a habit of mine…" As he trailed off they both gazed at the sunset. The sky was darkening even more...That means kataware-doki is almost over…

"Hey, so…" Yang spoke up again. She turned back to Ed, who was still looking out at the sea but clearly listening to her. "Y'know, I did learn a lot from you today…" Yang turned her body fully towards him. "But did you really have to be so harsh in your lesson? I mean, for pete's sake, we had a full-on fight! And I'm pretty sure you cracked one of my ribs…"

The Alchemist closed his eyes and smiled, still turned towards the cliffside as he said:

"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, because they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary...you can't gain anything without losing something first…Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it...you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle." He turned away from the huntress, slipping on his red cloak. Yang noticed it had a striking resemblance to Ruby's hood. "Yeah...A Heart Made FullMetal."

(POV: Ed)

Edward Elric turned, but found no cliffside, no blonde girl with a metal arm, and no woods. Instead, he saw what was familiar: the Rockbell's house in the distance, and even farther the burnt remains of his old home. He looked down. His mother's grave was still there, but the red thread he had taken notice of was gone.

The sunlight was gone as well, signifying that night had fallen over Resembool. "Twilight's over...kataware-doki's over." He gave one final look at Trisha Elric's grave before turning for the gate of the graveyard. As he made his way back to the Rockbell's, he couldn't help but keep thinking about the girl he had met in that...he couldn't even explain it. Even now, memories of her appearance started to fade. It was like a dream; memories of that meet-up was fading.

But one thing remained clear to him…"I hoped I helped them...whoever they are." He looked back up at the house, and suddenly remembered why he was so angry before in the first place. "Oh, right...Hohenheim." The meetup with the girl had shocked him so much he had almost forgot about his bastard of a father, if he could even call him that. "Let's see if that bastard's still here…"

(POV: Yang)

The boy was gone. Yang's heart dropped when he did. Despite everything he had told her, she kind of wish he was around longer, I mean, he seemed like a relatively nice guy. But other than knowing about his past, she knew pretty much nothing about him. "I didn't even get to know his name…"

"Yang!" Taiyang's voice almost startled the young huntress. She turned to find her Dad panting from presumably sprinting all the way over here. His eyes widened at the mess she had made, I mean, there was a giant rock fist shooting out of the ground, for God's sake! "What the hell happened here? I heard fighting! And right in front of Summer's grave, too! Explain to me now, young lady." Yang's father's expression was serious, but the invigorated huntress had taken it anything but serious.

Yang Xiao Long smirked. "Ah, it's nothin' Dad, don't worry about it." Her more confident tone and even more confident stride as she walked towards Taiyang took him aback. Just an hour ago Yang was unmotivated and silent and self-loathing. And now, she's virtually exactly like she was when she first went to Beacon! "Just um, I was wondering...do you know where Bumblebee is? I need to go somewhere…"

The former member of Team STRQ gave a giant mental sigh of relief. Somehow, in the space of an hour, Yang had figured it out. She was motivated again, he saw it in her eyes. He didn't know what or who had spoken to her to make her feel this way, whether it be Summer or someone else, but he mentally thanked them.

When she asked for Bumblebee, Taiyang knew exactly what she was going to do, and he was all for it. About time my daughter stopped moping. My sunny little Dragon is back. "Sure I'll help you set her up, but...after we clean up this mess."

"Dadddd!" Yang groaned. Well, I guess now that she was all better she wasn't getting any special treatment. She looked up at the dark sky, the stars illuminating the night with their millions of brilliantly beautiful lights. In that chaos of lights, she spotted that little red thread again, fluttering around before getting lost in the darkness. The color reminded her of the boy's coat. She smiled. "Thanks...whoever you were."

A/N: And with that is my first oneshot of the entirety of my account's existence. Woo~!

Now, before you start reviewing: "Hey, the heck is kataware-doki" and "What the heck does the red thread mean?!" Let me explain.

Those are elements from a movie called Kimi no Na wa, or Your Name. If you watched the movie, you'll understand what those mean, and I think I did my best at explaining them in this story. I didn't know how to get my idea across without doing the subliminal "Portal to another world" crossover thing that most Crossover fics do, which is fine if you have an explanation for them. Most don't. That makes me sad.

So I tried my best to have their worlds interact without actually having them interact. That time in Kataware-doki, or twilight, is supposed to be a time where the impossible can occur, for example two worlds from completely different realities colliding. However, it only lasts for as long as Kataware-doki lasts, so just enough time for a oneshot. It's a fun little way to have characters interact, and if you guys can want me to have other characters from other shows interact in a similar fashion feel free to PM me or make a review about it. I'd really appreciate it :)

A couple things about this story too: It's set in multiple different perspectives. And to the people that have stuck with me as I improve and continue my writing, what method do you want me to write in? 1st person, where I can delve deep into one character's thoughts but not others, 3rd person (Omniscient) which can show all the perspectives of all the characters, or 3rd person (limited Omniscience) where it doesn't use "I" in the perspective but only follows one character. Let me know which one you prefer.

One final thing: No, I will not make a full-fledged crossover story out of this. This was meant to show Yang's progression and to have Ed HELP Yang so she can become who she is now in Volume 5 (and later on 6). Their worlds weren't meant to be meshed together, and therefore they only met once, briefly, poetically in front of their respective mother-figures' graves. Now they can both move on to their own stories: Ed fighting the Homunculi and Yang finding her Team to fight Salem.

The RWBY and My Hero Academia crossover I'm working on, though...oh boy, that one will be a long ride. If you liked this, feel free to check out the two prologues I have for "This Will Be THE DAY!". The first chapter's coming out on April 7th, MHA Season 3's debut.

C'ya in the next one!