Hello Ladies and Germs! Welcome to my new story. Now this will be a bit different, but I hope you all like it. Question, I have a few people who could be paired with Naruto, im just not sure who. Tenten, Anko, Temari, Hana, Fu, Yugito, Yugao, or Satsuki (Fem Sasuke). Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! Always look on the bright side of life. *whistle. WRONG SHOW!.

Summary: Every jinchuriki has a special ability bestowed upon them by their Bijuu. Naruto, a young jinchuriki that had no knowledge of his inner demon, meets the beast after the worst beating of his life. Upon vowing that he will never be the villages scapegoat again, and with the loss of one of his eyes, The Kyuubi grants him a power only used by the Kitsune, True Illusion. But, what will become of the blonde when his family returns after abandoning him to his fate for thirteen long years? Title may change. Namikaze's alive, Pairing yet to be decided.

October 10, six years after the Kyuubi attacked.

"Where's the demon at!" "Look over there, he can't have gone far!" Yelled a mob. Armed with knives, broken bottles, shovels, anything that could be used as a weapon. The target of their aggression? A small, malnourished six year old blonde, hiding under a pile of trash. Please go away. Go away. Go away. The boy thought, a stray tear falling down his face. He had already been hit by a number of things, kunai, shuriken, some glass, and a few other things in his attempt to save his life. Every year on October 10th the beatings that the boy received were the worse than the rest of the year. His name is Naruto Uzumaki, and today was his birthday.

"Here he is!" Yelled a Shinobi. Naruto's eye's widened as he didn't realize the mob was so close. Naruto started clawing at the trash, trying to escape. "AAAAHHHH!" Naruto yelled. A sword had pierced his shoulder, pinning him to the ground. "W-what did I-I do to you a-all?" Naruto asked in between sobs. "You know what you did you demon!" Yelled the crowd. The Shinobi stepped forward. "Let me take something from you that you took from me." He said as he pulled out a kunai. The mob quieted down in anticipation. "You took my eye, now I'll take yours." He said as he proceeded to jam the kunai through Naruto's eyebrow, through his eye, and down to his cheek. "An eye for an eye they say." The Shinobi said before walking off as Naruto let out a blood curdling scream.

The mob, seeing the Shinobi leaving, swarmed the child, hitting, cutting, and piercing his body with their makeshift weapons. "I think it's time the demon died!" Yelled a woman. The crowd cheered. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Said a calm, quiet voice. "Who said that!?" Demanded the woman. The crowd parted and before them stood two Anbu ninja, one with a weasel mask, the other, a crow. "Run!" Someone in the crowd yelled, causing the mob to devolve into chaos. Weasel took out a kunai, and threw it through the woman who was holding a knife's chest, killing her in an instant. Crow ran over to the blonde and checked his vitals. He let out a sigh of relief as the boy was still alive, but barely.

The anbu grabbed him, and shunshined to the hospital. "Can I help y- get that demon out of here!" The nurse at the desk yelled. The anbu's eyes turned red in rage. "Let this boy in, and I won't kill you." He said quietly. The nurse shivered as the anbu's KI was directed at her. She nervously nodded her head and called the doctors to the emergency room.

"Weasel, what happened." Hiruzen, the third Hokage demanded. "We found Naruto being attacked by a mob in the commercial district. We chased them off and killed their apparent ringleader." Weasel explained. "Where is he now?" The old man asked letting out a puff of smoke. "Crow brought him to the hospital." The anbu said. Hiruzen let out a breath he was holding in. "How bad was it?" Hiruzen asked nervously. "He will be traumatized, at best." Weasel said sadly. "At worst?" The Hokage asked. "This may have been his breaking point." Weasel said. "Was it worse than any other time?" Hiruzen asked. "I don't think he will be able to see out of his right eye, ever again." Weasel said. Hiruzen froze, letting his pipe fall to the ground.

"I hate to ask at a time like this, but what of the rebellion?" Hiruzen asked. "Not good, it seems as though the plan has been forwarded faster than it was." Weasel said grimly. "How long do we have?" Hiruzen asked. "Nine months, maybe a year." Weasel said. "How!? Your last report said another two years, at the least!" Hiruzen demanded. "I do not know, but Fugaku said something about a secret weapon he has gained in his possession." Weasel explained. "I must inform the elders." The Hokage said. "Lord Hokage. May I speak freely?" Weasel asked. "Go ahead... Itachi." Hiruzen said. Itachi took off his mask and looked at the old man. "Lord Hokage, what if instead of killing everyone but Shishui and myself, what if Shishui kills everyone, but I come in and stop him from killing a group of people I save, those that are not part of the coup. I then become the leader of the Uchiha, and you have a person who has a chance to join this rogue ninja group you were telling us about." Itachi suggested.

Hiruzen stroked his beard. "I will discuss this with the elders later. Right now I must check on Naruto." Hiruzen said, picking up his pipe. Minato, what have you done?

"Mmmmmhmmm." Naruto groaned as he woke up. "Naruto, are you awake?" A voice asked. Naruto opened his eye and saw the Hokage sitting next to him, nervously puffing his pipe. "Gramps." Naruto said weakly. "Try not to speak Naruto, you've been very injured, more so than before." Hiruzen explained. "What... happened?" Naruto asked. "Naruto, I'm so sorry. I've failed you. There's no easy way to say this, but your right eye is no longer functional." The man said, showing every bit his old age.

"What?" Naruto whispered. "The shinobi who cut your eye used some sort of poison that stopped us from healing your eye. You are now considered partially blind Naruto." The Hokage said, a tear falling dowm his face. Naruto sat in silence, having gone into shock. A nurse rushed in and administered a shot to knock him out. "I will make this right Naruto." Huruzen said before walking out of the hospital.

"Crow. Watch over him." He said to a hidden anbu.

Inside Naruto's mind right now a storm was swirling full of rage and saddness. "mhmm not again." Naruto said as he woke up in a sewer. "But how did i get here? Last thing I remember is talking to Gramps in the hospital about my... eye." Naruto said, realising he could only see out of his left eye. "No, it can't be." Naruto whispered. He looked down at his reflection, only to see a long cut going through his eyebrow and down his cheek. His eye was no longer blue, having been glossed over by grey clouds, a hint of red poking through here and there.

"Why!" Naruto demanded. "Why me! Every year, almost every week I get beat up. I've never seen anyone else get that!" Naruto yelled to the heavens. When he opened his eye he noticed it was raining, and a large swirling maelstrom was in the sky. All of a sudden a pipe light up with red light, leading deeper into thr sewers. Naruto, being the child that he is, followed it curiously. After a while of walking Naruto arrived at a giant cavern, holding an equally large cell. "What is this doing here?" He asked aloud. Before he could get closer a large red eye shot open and looked straight at the young boy.

"Do you seek revenge?" The owner of the eye asked. Naruto was silent for a moment before gathering his courage. "No, I don't." He said strongly. "Then why are you here?" The eye asked unamused. "I don't know. I just woke up here. Who are you, and why are you behind these bars?" Naruto asked. "I am here, BECAUSE I NEARLY DESTROYED YOUR PRECIOUS KONOHA!" It roared before the started to shake. The eye started to rise, and as it did the rest of the body rose into the light. Higher and higher it rose until it nearly hit the ceiling. "Kyuubi." Naruto whispered in disbelief.

"In the flesh!" The Kyuubi said as it looked down upon the blonde. "You're supposed to be dead! That's what all the village's and Grandpa said!" Naruto yelled. "Then why would your precious villagers call you me everytime you walk outside?" Kyuubi asked. "I don't know! I guess because you're still alive and I was born the day you attacked." Naruto speculated. "Close. Your forth Hokage couldn't kill me, so he sealed me into you. Because the villagers can't actually get me, they attack you, instead." The fox explained. "That's why the attack." Naruto said. "Yup, and you and I are stuck together unless you release me or you die. And so I ask, why are you here if not for revenge?" Kyuubi asked. "I'm not going to take their anger anymore. I'm going to train until they can't hurt me. I will not be their scalegoat, no more." Naruto said.

"Good. Otherwise I would have to kill you. I can't have a weak Container. And since you're damaged, I will give you a gift. Something every Kitsune is able to do."

Kyuubi said, sticking a tail out of the bars. Naruto cautiously put his hand on the tail. Suddenly red chakra enveloped the blonde, before being absorbed into his body. "What was that?" Naruto asked. "Every Bijuu gives their host an ability. My hosts usually get regeneration and emtion sensing. But seeing as you need something extra, I've given you a gift that is up to you to train. The art of Illusions." Kyuubi said.

"Like that thing I saw some ninja do?" Naruto asked. "Ha, that rip off is nothing compared to true illusions. You will have to explore and test your gift yourself, as every kit must do." The fox said. "Kit? Whats a kit?" Naruto asked. "A kit is a young Kitsune or Fox. Seeingas how you are a child, and my host, that makes you a kit."

"Are you going to help me anymore after this?" Naruto asked. "If I deem you worthy, I may help you further. Otherwise the only time you will access my chakra is if you do it by force when your in danger. Don't try to take it when you don't need it." Kyuubi warned, narrowing his eyes as he said this.

"Thank you. I will train this gift to the best of my abilities, and I won't ever be anyone's punching bag again." Naruto said as he turned to leave. "See to it that you don't. And while your here. TURN OFF THE RAIN! AND GIVE ME SOME BBETTER SCENERY!" The fox yelled. "How do I do that?" Naruto asked. "It's your mind, will it to change." The fox explained. Naruto nodded before concentrating. The scenery slowly changed to that of an island, surrounded by water. Seagulls fles over head, and small animals walked through the forests. The Kyuubi nodded to Naruto, his seal becoming a collar, and Naruto left his mind. He woke up once again in the hospital before saying. "Let's get started."

There we are, I hope everyone likes it. I will go further into the differences between genjutsu and illusions further in, so just wait. I bid you all adieu.