Rowan Whitehtorn savored these days of release. Release from the person he was blood sworn to. Queen Maeve. Queen of the fae.

Meandering through the busy market place, he made his way to the sea. It was easy for him. People made way for him because of fear so he didn't have to push and elbow his way through this hustling and crowded place.

He was still walking when he heard someone cry. A child. He looked around and saw the source of the sound. It was a little girl, maybe five or six, having honey gold hair and turquoise blue eyes. He had seen such eyes but couldn't place where exactly. by the clothes and her attire, she looked very wealthy.

He made his way to her and crouched before her, "Why are you crying?" he asked in the softest tone he could muster.

The girl was scared when she looked at him and Rowan didn't blame her. His face with the left half covered with tattoos scared even adult males apart from his hulking body.

"I lost my mother. I don't know where she is." she replied. Tears welled up in those eyes. There was a ring of gold around the blue. Ashryver eyes then.

"Are you princess?" Rowan asked although he was sure that she was.

The girl nodded.

"Whats your name?"

"Aelin Ashryver Galathynius." she replied.

Oh. Oh. The princess of Terrasen, one of the wealthiest kingdoms. She was the sole daughter of the Crown Prince of that kingdom.

Rowan has to find her mother. Not because she was a princess but she was a child. He stood up to his full height and looked over the crowd. It wasn't hard to spot a honey gold haired woman.

"I found her." he said to her, "Lets go." he scooped her up in his arms and made his way to Aelin's mother.

"Whats your name?" she asked while wiping her tears.

"Prince Rowan Whitethorn."

Her face lit up, Rowan didn't know why.

"So you're a prince... a royal then. Good to know."

"Why?" he asked.