A/N Here's a little something extra, a sneak peek down the road in the years between Hobbit and LOTR. I hope you all have enjoyed the ride.

The journey to Erebor three years later may not have been as hard as the first one but being mildly sick halfway there wasn't pleasant either. Fili had offered to have me go back with a few armed guards because what queen could travel by herself, but I insisted on staying. I'd be damned if I missed the birth of heir of Durin. Daviel was due within the week. Of course my sickness did not get better as we drew near to the Mountain, it actually grew worse. Kili had opted to join us and as such had taken leadership of the party along with Dis so that Fili could keep an eye on me. Tauriel made tea that helped with the nausea a bit. Elf magic that Fili didn't seem too keen to try.

Finally, we arrived at Erebor and settled in. It was so good to see the Company after so long apart. We'd gone to see Bilbo once or twice since Bag End was a decent short distance from the Blue Mountains and they'd been lovely visits. I'd showed Fili my childhood village of Bree and where my grandparents had once lived before moving back to Erebor. Grandfather was so happy to be back. He and Balin were already working on military plans for taking back Moria and expanding dwarvish control in the Misty Mountains.

I went to bed early, utterly exhausted from the traveling. But when Fili woke me up the following morning, I found myself losing all the contents of my stomach. "We need to take you to Oin, you've been sick for days," Fili said as he rubbed soothing patterns on my back.

I nodded slowly because I dared not speak in case I became projectile once more. Fili's strong hands guided me as I rose to my feet. However, a wave of dizziness washed over me and my vision blurred. Strong hands steadied me.

"Perhaps I should carry you," Fili said. I could hear the worry in his voice even though I could not see his face. His strong arms swept my legs up from under me. The journey to the healing rooms passed quickly with Fili whispering sweet assurances in my ear. Soon enough I heard the low murmuring and bustle of the dwarves who worked in the healing rooms.

"Ah, Fili," the joyful voice of Oin greeted us. I looked up from Fili's arms and met his aged eyes. They widened in fear and confusion. "What in Mahal's name is wrong with her?"

Fili sat me down on one of the solid stone tables but kept me close to him, probably in case I fainted. "She's been awfully tired and weak the last few weeks. She's hardly eaten anything the past few days and when she does, it doesn't stay down."

"But it's probably from stress and traveling, maybe I ate too much last night at dinner," I added meekly.

Oin stroked his beard in thought. "Hmm, any other symptoms?"

"Umm, I've felt really…warm the last few weeks," I added, gripping the table, trying to remain conscious.

"Warm?" Oin questioned and I nodded slowly.

"But it comes in bursts and then I…I feel shaky."

Oin nodded, his thick gray eyebrows knitting together in deep concentration. "Lass, when was your last blood cycle?"

Heat rushed up my neck as I thought back over the last few months. "Umm, I think…two, maybe three, months ago? Why?" Both dwarves' eyes widened considerably. I looked up at Fili. Awed. He looked in awe, but why?

"Avi," I swiveled my head back to the elder dwarf. "Have you been having cravings, for certain foods and such?"

I nodded. "Y-yes, it started the day before yesterday."

"Any aches or pains?"

"Yes…mostly in my back and stomach."

"And have you gained any weight?"

I shifted uneasily, pulling my arms closer to hide the excess weight I'd put on in the last couple of weeks. "Is it that noticeable?"

Oin only nodded and disappeared into one of the back rooms filled with dozens of potions and such. I glanced up at Fili fearfully, what on earth was wrong with me? Oin returned a moment later, carrying a small glass of clear liquid. "Here lass, I'll need a drop of your blood."

I looked over at Fili once more and he nodded in encouragement. Shakily, I held my hand out to Oin and he pricked my finger with a sharp pin. I hissed and Fili's arm around me tightened. Oin then gently pinched my finger over the glass allowing a single drop to fall before putting some cloth over the wound. All three of us watched as he swirled the glass three times and it changed to a purplish hue. A small grin began to form on Oin's lips.

"What? What is it?" I demanded, straining in Fili's arms but he held me fast. Once more I met his gaze, only this time I saw a different emotion. Utter joy. I glanced over to Oin again. What was going on?

Oin began chuckling at my expression and that of my husband's. "It would seem, we're going to have another heir of Durin."

My entire body froze as if I'd fallen into the icy snow. Another Durin? Did that mean? No, it couldn't possibly…could it? Fili's lips gently kissed my cheek. "Avi, we're going to have a child." No, it couldn't be possible, right? I couldn't possibly be… My hands flew down to my stomach. It didn't seem or feel any different. I glanced up at Oin in confusion and disbelief.

He was still chuckling! For Mahal's sake, this was serious. "Avi, it is true, the potion confirmed my suspicions. I'd say you are nearly two and a half months along." He stopped laughing probably from my expression and gently put his hand on my shoulder. "My dear, there is no need to look so surprised. After all, you are the product of a full dwarf and a full human. It was entirely possible you and Fili might have a child." I knew that of course, I knew it was possible. But knowing and it actually happening were two entirely different things. My eyes flew up to Fili yet again. Now he was watching me with worry and bewilderment.

"C-Can you give us a minute alone?" I asked Oin. He nodded and shuffled away to go check on other patients.

"Avi," Fili breathed as if he was afraid to say anything more lest I shatter into a million pieces. "Are-are you not…happy, about this?"

Oh Mahal, he thought I didn't want it! "No, no," I immediately assured him earnestly, getting to my feet. That was a bad idea. My world started to spin again, forcing Fili to catch me before I collapsed. "Ugh, this child is going to be a handful."

"So you do want it?" Fili questioned as he set me back on the table.

I brushed my fingers along his cheek. "Of course I do. I was just so surprised, I wasn't expecting this to be the reason I've been so sick lately." He smiled gently. "Fili, I'm scared," I admitted quietly. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his arm around my waist pulled me closer to him. In return, I snuggled my head into his chest. "You know that my mother died in childbirth." He stiffened. "And-and what if I'm not strong enough? What if I leave our child without its mother? I don't want to leave either of you, ever."

His large hand wiped away the tears from my cheek I hadn't even realized escaped. "Avi, I know you are strong enough for this. And I shall be by your side every moment of it." I leaned into his hand, finding comfort in his warmth. "Besides, your mother was human and could not carry a half-dwarf child for two years. You are much stronger and we don't know how long you will carry this child or how it will affect you. But we shall figure it out together. Not to mention we have our family. It will be all right, you'll see."

I lifted my head and met his loving blue gaze. "I love you," I sighed as I leaned in and kissed him.

He grinned and kissed me back tenderly. "As I love you, always." Our lips met once more.

The grumpy voice of Oin jarred us both back into reality, "Well if you two are done working on your second child, I'd like to examine the first."