(A/N: Hi SmokeSpirit's back after 3 million years … -.- I found this AU on tumblr -Credit for the idea goes to .com and decided to write about it! So without further ado, enjoy the show!)

Levy McGarden was an artist.

As a child, her mother warned her, "Be careful what you write on your arm! It shows on your soulmate's arm as well." When Levy asked why, her mother replied, "So one day you can find your way to them."

Of course, Levy immediately grabbed a pen and drew a heart on her mother's arm, then ran to her father's study. Her father, not understanding the mysterious heart that appeared, looked up to see a six-year old Levy in the doorway, her tiny hand wrapped around a pen.

Levy had always been an artist.

As she grew older, she started doodling. Swirls, flowers, dragons, all kinds of things manifested on her arm. One day, I'll find you, she thought, but for now, I hope these drawings reach you...

Little did she know, destiny was about to run its course…

Gajeel Redfox wasn't a romantic man.

When he was little, he watched curiously as thick, inky strokes appeared on his father's arm. His father said the same would happen to him.

"Why?" Gajeel asked.

"Because your soulmate draws them. The saying goes, the other half draws, to draw you in." His father said.

"Ugh… I'll never have a soulmate!" Gajeel said, making a face.

Gajeel had never been a romantic man.

But years later, when the first pen marks materialized, he found himself watching in rapt attention. During lunch break at his job, he took pleasure in watching the lines form new shapes each and every day, until both arms were a myriad of shapes and colors. I want to meet you, he thought, but for now, I'm happy just seeing your art…

Time passed, and the red string of fate only grew shorter…

Levy's days were monotone now. You don't see much of interest working at a bookstore. She was content though, passing extra time drawing on herself. Her soulmate never wrote anything back, but she sensed he was there.

One day, Levy woke up, feeling unusually refreshed. Thinking nothing of it, she started her routine. Brush teeth… Put on clothes… Comb hair… Eat breakfast… Walk to the bookstore… Every day was the same. Her mother and father died in a car crash a few years back, when she was in college. She managed to finish on a scholarship, and she and her closest friend, Lucy, lived and worked at the same place. A bland and colorless life. But all that was about to change.

Levy was manning the register one clear fall day when a girl with short, bluish-white hair came up to her.

"Do you happen to know of an employee here by the name of Lucy Heartfilia?" she asked shyly.

"Yes, but she's out sick today. We live in the same apartment though; do you need anything from her?" Levy replied.

"Oh! My name is Yukino Aguria; I'm an old friend of hers… I'd like to ask, can she come to Café Hibiscus tomorrow at 3 pm?" she inquired.

"I'll make sure to ask her today! I'm Levy McGarden, by the way," Levy bowed politely. Yukino nodded gratefully, and then left. As it was the end of the day, Levy locked up the shop, waved bye to her coworker, and started walking home. The street was quiet, with only some crickets and an owl waking for the night. She clutched her coat closer to protect against the cold wind, and walked on.

She reached their apartment and, fishing her keys out of her pocket, opened the door.

"Lu-chan? Are you here?" Levy called, removing her boots at the door.

"Wauughh…" Worried, Levy popped her head into Lucy's dimly lit room.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"I've been better..." Lucy replied, voice thick with sickness.

"Um… One of your friends, Yukino Aguria, asked to see you tomorrow at Café Hibiscus. Should I call and tell her you can't go?" Levy reached for her cell phone.

"No! I haven't seen her in ages! But I can't go… Can you go for me?" Lucy implored. Levy sighed, about to refuse, but then looked at her pale friend and the adorable brown puppy eyes she was giving her. Damn, she was good at those. Levy sighed again.

"Fine." With those two words, Levy picked up a pen and absentmindedly wrote on her palm.

Hibiscus Café, tomorrow 3 pm.

The next morning Levy woke up and pulled on a brown and beige dress with a matching headband and flats. She spent the morning doing groceries and taking care of Lucy, then at 2:35 pm, set out from her apartment and headed towards Hibiscus Café. She had walked past it many times, and often stopped for a coffee. She opened the door and a bell rang, signaling her presence to a bluenette waitress, her old friend Juvia. When she got to her table, she sat down, nervous. Trying to calm down, she looked around at the café. It was mostly empty except for two girls, one with long blue hair and the other with bright pink hair, both in pigtails.

Suddenly, the bell rang again, and a large, intimidating man walked in. He surveyed the shop with sharp red eyes. He had long, messy black hair nearly reaching his waist, and about a million piercings. Juvia seemed to know him, because she happily greeted him and led him to a seat near the window. Levy felt oddly drawn to him, but she didn't have time to contemplate the strange man because just a few seconds later, Yukino walked in, wearing the same white and blue dress she was wearing last night. Levy waved her hand, beckoning her to the table. Yukino looked surprised, but walked over anyways.

"Levy-sama! I wasn't expecting to see you here!" Yukino exclaimed.

"Yeah, sorry. Lucy's still a bit sick so she asked me to come for her," Levy explained. "Do you want to reschedule for another time?'

"No! I mean yes, but I'd also like to get to know you better!" Yukino said, smiling. Levy smiled back and they ordered their food and began to talk.

Gajeel carefully inspected the small café. He had ordered his usual drink from Juvia, but he didn't know where his soulmate was. He knew she was here, he could feel it, but who… that was the question. I'll just wait it out. He knew Wendy Marvel and her friend Chelia Blendy, so that was out. But the two women across the shop… A white haired woman and a short blue haired woman. He knew one of them was the one, but he couldn't tell who. Unexpectedly, the bluenette looked up at him. He felt a shock of electricity. It was almost like that time Laxus and Natsu thought it would be funny to stick his finger in a socket, but different. Special. Special, he repeated. It's her.

He began freaking out. What do I do? I can't just walk up and start waving my arm at her like a maniac. Plus, there's that white haired chick. Crap, crap, crapity crap.

Gajeel took a deep breath to calm himself, thoughtfully sipped his drink, and waited.

After about an hour, Yukino left, so Levy was left alone in the café. The blue haired girl and her companion had long since left, but the man was still there. Is it really him? But all thoughts of doubt vanished when he looked at her across the shop and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a dragon. Her dragon, that she drew only yesterday. Levy felt a tingle on her arm. He's writing back. Looking down, only three words appeared, in bold and confident handwriting.

Found ya, shrimp.

Blushing, she looked up. It was him.

(A/N: Yay! Done with another fanfic! It's been a while! Sorry, school started and it's been crazy! I won't post as often, sorry! *Hides behind Erza* But thanks so much to let-gavin-free on Tumblr! Next up, I'm working on a Jerza samurai-type AU. )