So I was thinking about the Trolls Holiday Special, and how random and weird some of the holidays were. Also, how some were so in-your-face that they seemed to be intentionally annoying - and then it hit me. What if that was on purpose? What if certain holidays served as a kind of social pressure valve?

All holidays are supposed to be to "release the pressure", as Branch sings in the final song, but since the trolls are supposed to live in a happy, non-violent society, what happens when they get on each other's nerves?

It occurred to me that some of these "holidays" would be a great way to work off your anger at someone. Glitter-palooza - throw glitter in someone's face! Shock-A-Friend Day? Bleepy Sound Day? And one that sounded especially out-of-character for trolls - Smacksgiving Day. A holiday where they're allowed to hit each other? And then (of course) hug afterward.

Suppose our favorite blue troll decided to use a particular holiday to make amends?

Smacksgiving Day

A Trolls fanfic

By Dreamsinger

Poppy stood nearby, looking at the long line that had formed in front of the booth Branch had built as he stood in the open space between the two side counters, which were piled high with frosting-topped jelly-brownies. "You sure you want to do this, Branch?"

H e nodded stoically, his dark purple hair catching the sunlight and turning a vivid amethyst. "I do, Poppy. I know I've hurt a lot of trolls, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make peace with everyone."

"Well, okay…" She clapped her hands. "You heard him, everyone. Get ready to slap Branch in the face to give him some peace!"

She caught him giving her a 'that's not what I meant,' look, but she simply smiled enigmatically at him.

Earlier that day…

"Happy Smacksgiving Day, everyone!" Poppy grinned at the vividly-colored cheeks that turned in her direction. "Ooo, Cooper, both cheeks? Someone's popular today."

She felt a sharp slap on her face and turned to see powder-blue Chenille beaming at her while her pink twin sister Satin put her hands on her hips. "Chenille, we agreed that I could slap her first!"

Chenille gave Poppy a quick hug, then backed away and sneered at Satin. "Oh, slap me!"

"Well…if you insist," Satin said slyly, and swung the loop of hair that connected them around Poppy.

"Hey!" Poppy struggled to get her arms free as Satin used her as a pivot point, lifting and yanking and spinning the young queen dizzy as the twins squabbled, thoroughly engaged in what was apparently their favorite pastime aside from designing fashionable clothes.

Yodeling a mock battle cry, Guy Diamond made a wild leap for Smidge, who used her hair to zip up to the heights of a nearby giant mushroom. "Too slow, sucker!" her gravelly voice boomed.

Poppy used her magenta hair like a tripod to push her hair-wrapped body high into the air, attracting the attention of dozens of nearby trolls. "Guys, hold up a second! I have an important request to pass on!"

The watching trolls gave her mixed looks of curiosity and wariness. "For real, or is this just a trick to get us into slapping range?" Smidge asked, then shrugged. "Of course, if you need to resort to trickery, I shall have no mercy, but-"

"No, it's a real request. It's from Branch." The twins loosened their hair and Poppy coiled her hair like a spring and bounced up to stand on the mushroom next to Smidge. "Can everyone come here for minute?" she called out to the brightly-colored crowd that had already begun to gather around their queen.

"Let me guess, he wants us to take it easy on him, since it's his first Smacksgiving Day and all," D.J. Suki suggested calmly.

Many of the nearby trolls nodded understandingly, smiling at the thought of the brave young troll who had given them all refuge in his well-stocked bunker and then left to help the princess on a rescue mission that ended up including the lives of every troll in troll village.

"It figures," Smidge began scornfully, but Poppy shook her head.

"No, just the opposite. He wants us to be hard on him."

"What?" exclaimed a dozen trolls, with Guy Diamond's oscillating tone rising above the general confusion. The crowd broke into a gabble of conversation, through which Poppy waited patiently while more and more trolls arrived.

When the majority of the village had gathered, she raised her hands and clapped then over her head. "Okay, listen up, everyone! Yesterday Branch asked me to let everyone know that he wants to make up for being such a buzzkill for most of his life. He's offering to let anyone who wants to slap-hug him to go see him at the booth he's setting up in the village square."

" You mean he's just going to stand there and let people slap him?" sentimental Satin asked with wide eyes.

"Where's the sport in that?" Smidge wrinkled her forehead.

" That doesn't sound like much fun. It sounds like…punishment," Cooper said slowly. "The bad kind, not funishment."

"Poppy," Biggie said carefully, his face creasing as he tried to understand. "Do you want us to…punish…Branch?"

The crowd gasped and Mister Dinkles mewed. "Oh my gad," Smidge said, her eyes so huge they threatened to take up half her face.

"Noooo way!" Guy Diamond trilled indignantly. "We don't punish. That's not the troooll way!"

"No, no, no!" Poppy rapidly waved her hands from side to side. "It's not – Well, I think he – I think Branch feels really bad about how mean he's been to people over the years."

"Why doesn't he just apologize? We'd forgive him, wouldn't we?" D. J. turned to look at the crowd and many of them nodded or smiled or murmured assent.

Poppy carefully noted that not everyone seemed to agree. Some trolls had a harder time forgiving and forgetting than others, including one special troll in particular who sometimes made her heart ache with sadness for him. She'd spent years trying to get through to him, and now that he was finally opening up a little, she was getting a better sense of who he was and how his mind worked. And how to finally soothe his heart.

S he spoke up. "But this is Branch we're talking about. He doesn't think like other trolls. He takes things too seriously, and he has a tendency to feel responsible for things that maybe aren't really his fault." She felt the corners of her mouth turn down as her voice went a little husky. "And then he punishes himself for them."

B y the looks on their faces she knew her friends understood that she was referring to how he'd refused to allow himself to sing after his innocent childhood song had attracted the attention of the bergen that had eaten his grandmother in place of little Branch. Grief and guilt together had kept him gray and guarded for twenty long years, until the love and forgiveness Poppy and her friends had given him after his heartbreaking confession had finally begun to heal his heart. He'd smiled at her then, a real smile free of sarcasm or artifice; a smile she did everything she could to bring out so that he would never fall back into the grayness.

At the uncharacteristically somber look on their queen's face, the crowd's chatter died down. Poppy smiled reassuringly down at everyone, explaining, "So we wouldn't really be punishing him, we'd be helping him feel less guilty."

"Ohhh." The ripple of understanding caused bright smiles to spread through the crowd.

Smidge shrugged. "Fine by me. Colors or no colors; he's still such a weirdo, but if it makes him happy…"

"Be gentle, everyone," Poppy cautioned, watching hair of every color of the rainbow sway as they all nodded.

"Well, of course we will," Cooper said reassuringly. "He's our buddy!"

"Queen Poppy, what if we can't think of anything to be mad at him for?" one of the children asked.

"Oh, you don't have to do this. Branch just wants to give people a chance to speak their minds. If you're not mad, it's all good," the rosy queen said cheerfully.

Most of the trolls satisfied themselves with a gentle slap to his aquamarine cheeks - which quickly became deep lavender, although Poppy suspected it was mostly due to shame rather than blunt force trauma.

Each of the gathered trolls also aired their grievances. The troll queen wasn't sure how many were genuine and how many had been dreamed up by those trolls who felt it their duty to help lighten the burden of the brave young troll who had literally brought back the light inside all of them, but a few were so obviously fake that she slapped her forehead and groaned. She hoped he wouldn't notice.

"You told me my singing was off-key!" "Electric blue and orange do SO go together!" "You ruined three of my parties with your bergen-warnings! Even though you turned out to be right in the end, you never apologized for those other times!" "I hate cupcakes!"

Poppy raised an eyebrow. How is that Branch's fault?

" I'm so sorry," he said to each troll. "Please forgive me."

How could you not forgive that sad little face? Poppy felt her heart flutter and brought her hands up to cover her chest, smiling with loving empathy at the former recluse with sincere sky-blue eyes who was so determinedly doing what he thought was right, even though his method for doing so made more than a few trolls scratch their heads.

Branch had a soulful, troubled look that made many of them pause, mentally comparing the woebegone face of the handsome aquamarine troll with the sour, hostile gray face that was all most of them could remember. The face that all of them had witnessed gain its long-lost colors right in front of them. The face that had literally brought them all back from the awful gray pit of numb despair, touching them all with his gentle compassion, his tender hope, and his passionate devotion to their beloved princess. No one doubted that Branch was deeply in love with her, and watching the two of them now, with Poppy standing so protectively near him made most of them feel any remaining animosity for the young troll drain away, replaced by a warm, fuzzy feeling that was much preferred by the happiest creatures in the forest.

"Of course I forgive you," each troll replied. The hugs that followed were invariably warm and affectionate, and Branch was glad to receive every one.

" Would you like a jelly-brownie?" he offered. "They're made from my grandma's recipe."

Poppy stood nearby with clasped hands, so proud of him she could hardly contain herself. When the last troll had gone, she looked at his puffy lavender cheeks and giggled. "Well, no one can say now that they're still mad at you after this. How long did that take, an hour?"

He shrugged, not wanting to say anything through sore lips. She gave him a sympathetic smile and took his hand in hers. "Come on, let's go put some cold compresses on your face."

He looked down at their clasped hands and fought to control the smile that wanted to torment his sore face. Instead he squeezed her hand, glad that she had not seemed to want to join the line, in spite of all the grief he'd given her over the years. Still, ever cautious, he decided to make sure. "Poppy?" he mumbled. As she turned to him, he shifted his grip to her wrist and held her hand up in front of his face.

"Oh." For a moment Poppy seemed to consider it. It was Smacksgiving Day, after all. She twisted her hand out of his grasp and he closed his eyes, tilting his cheek up in silent offering.

N othing happened for a long moment. He opened his eye a crack to see her giving him a loving smile, and then her hand loomed in front of his face and he reflexively closed his eye. Something made contact with his face, but rather than the sharp sting he had become accustomed to, her touch was gentle, soothing, a caress that slid down his sore face and under his chin, her fingers teasing his downy skin in a way that sent tingles right down to his toes. He pulled in a deep breath and his hands clenched as he held himself still, content to remain like that as long as she cared to touch him.

He remembered the look in her eyes, and smiled slightly despite his tender face, almost sure that the love he'd seen there was more than just friendship-love, but happy to see it there all the same. As long as she loved him there was a warmth inside him, a sense of connection, driving back the dark desolation that had once made him avoid all contact with others.

H e dared not open his eyes, standing there in rapt pleasure until finally her hand moved away and he opened them to see her giving him a gentle, thoughtful look. "I guess I don't feel like it this year," she said in answer to the question he'd forgotten he'd asked. The pink queen smiled wryly. "In fact, this is probably the first year I haven't felt like slapping you for all the rude things you've said." Her voice went husky, a sure sign that she was feeling emotional. "I'm so proud of you, Branch."

He felt a surge of warmth at her praise and his cheeks hurt as the smile he was trying to contain widened. Made bold by her touch, he held up his large hand and reached toward her, making contact even as she automatically winced in anticipation, scrunching her eyes shut. Then she seemed to realize that he was only cupping her cheek gently and giving her a soft look to make his message clear.

"You neither, huh?" She placed her warm hand over his, closing her eyes and pressing her face more firmly into his hand. She took a deep, slow breath, smiling dreamily, then opened her eyes and pulled his hand away to clasp it once more. "Come on, let's go before someone else spots you." She grinned as she led him away, and he was more than willing to follow.

Author's Note:

Thanks to eva-93 on tumblr for her timely comment that got me thinking of revising this fic to include a good reason for the other trolls to cooperate. When I first got the idea for this fic I had seen the Holiday special but not TTBGO, so I hadn't yet seen the Creek Week episode about the trolls' attitude toward forgiveness.

Speaking of trolls and forgiveness, we know Branch and even Poppy finds it hard to forgive. And while we know Poppy's friends forgave Creek in TTBGO after a simple apology, we don't know if all the other trolls did. The majority of the village trolls were only captured due to Creek's betrayal. Poppy, Branch and the others were spared that experience, of looking up at Creek, sitting on Chef's shoulder like an evil demon with the same serene smile they'd once admired. Considering how terrified the rest of the villagers all were of the bergens in the first episode of TTBGO, even though they'd danced the whole night with them during the movie, I think it's reasonable to believe that not all trolls can forgive so easily.

Did you catch the Doctor Who reference? The fourth doctor offers people "jelly-babies". I couldn't resist, lol.
