Jaune tossed and turned as he dreamed. He had nightmares on a regular basis. It was natural when someone had seen horrors through countless years of living.

This had been a recurring on.

When Jaune had played his head on his pillow and closed his eyes, he opened them to see a beautiful room filled yellows, whites and reds.

He felt the space on the bed next to him shift and he turned his head, feeling his exceptionally long hair shift again, it going down to his shoulders as it was all all those years ago. His jaw dropped when he saw the love of his life, his eyes filling with tears.

"Anna…" he said, cupping her cheek with a hand.

"Hello, Gabriel" she says softly as she smiles at him. They share a kiss and he's happy. That changed, however, when he heard her say something that made his blood run cold.

"Your blood will be delicious~" she purred out into his ear. He pulled back to see her teeth were elongated and her a demonic crimson as she smiled. Her smile faltered, however, and she looked down. He followed her gaze down and sobbed.

"No. No no no…" he said, as he saw his hand shifted into that of a werewolf's, claws embedded into her belly. He pulls it out and tried to put pressure on the bleeding wound. "Anna, I'm so sorry… please stay with me…" he said as he sobbed, tears streaking down his face and landing on the woman's cheeks below him.

She coughed a bit of blood and licked it up, smiling. "Move on from me and you'll be free she said before she played still. Saw;y her skin darkened to ashen grey, and the wind that blowed through the open window hit her body, making it fade away slowly.

With that, he woke up.

His eyes snapped open, sitting up quickly, his hidden blades unsheathed as his golden orbs looked around in a feral frenzy as he tried to calm down. He panted softly, his blades released as he was ready for an attack. He saw that there was nothing around and no one awake. Sighing, he sheathed his blades and got ready for the day, absentmindedly noting that he had weeks at most until the full moon.

He stood on the cliff, his bandana covering most of his face. His broad hat rested low on his head, shading his eyes from the sunlight. He listened to the instruction as he got ready.

When he was about to launch, he inhaled and exhaled. He felt the gears click underneath his platform. This was just another hunt. Another trial in order to remember his past and move on from his sorrows. His eyes snapped open, flashing gold briefly as he was launched, growling a bit as he pushes off at the same exact time he's launched into the sky, the force of the catapult and the supernatural strength of a werewolf put into his jump sending him higher and further than any of his peers.

His black coat flapped in the wind, his hair whipping about as he sails towards the peak of his arch, his eyes hard and focused, his genius mind calculating they best way to land. Then he started to descend.

When he neared the ground, he remembered his adventures and what he did to overcome obstacles and survive.

Mister Hyde.

He whipped out the grappling hook and fired it, it wrapping around a thick tree branch, which wing him towards another tree in a perfect arc. He still had too much momentum, though, as he pulled the grappling hook back and stored it away.

Dracula's Castle.

With a flash of gold in his eyes and a deep growl that humans or Faunus shouldn't be capable of, he landed on a tree branch and kicked off of it, jumping high into the air, before coming down on a lower one. He unseated his two Jackals and fired them into the branch, damaging them enough that he could break through them and, in turn, they break their momentum. He crashed into it feet first, breaking it and slowing down to a stop, landing on the ground in a roll.

Entering Transylvania.

While he rolled, a hand reached back and grabbed the rapid-fire crossbow and getting it ready as he rolled into a crouch. He aimed around, slowing down his breathing as he looked through the sights on the weapon, his eyes slowly fading back to blue as he did.

Seeing that there was no danger, he held his crossbow in a relaxed but ready position as he stood, heading north.