Crowds parted for them as they made their way to the Great Hall. It was amusing, really, to watch as their schoolmates create a path for them when all they wanted to do was throw themselves at them, well, their female and homosexual schoolmates. The remaining population, in this case the straight males, would rather stay away from them in a.) fear, b.) to avoid being ridiculed, and the most important and delightful reason of all is c.) to smother their envy towards them. Who could blame them? They have everything any man would want. They have the looks. They have the reputation. They have the wealth. They have the wits. All the girls come flocking at them and every command they issue will be done in a snap of a finger.

Being born into families of the highest and most noble of pedigree has its perks and it was definitely something that they, the Three Princes, put to good use. Everybody who's anybody knows who they are. It's quite a sight to see the three of them together, not that they aren't always together. People say that men like them usually congregate with people similar to their status and they couldn't agree more. They were at the top of the tier and out in society, associating with people less than them is absolutely ludicrous but, here at Hogwarts, they can run wild and free, establishing their influence and superior qualities to people that captured their attention.

It's not difficult to gain their awareness as they have the pick of the litter. Girls, boys go out their way to have a little bit of interaction with them just to brag to anyone who might listen that they had a brief liaison with them. They couldn't blame them, really. Who wouldn't want to be involved with Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabini? There are other agreeable guys at Hogwarts but, they don't hold a candle to them. Even Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived, a living legend for defeating the Dark Lord in the bright age of one, is nothing compared to them. He had little to offer except his fame as his social and personal merits are sorely lacking. Though girls find his shy, fumbling, and awkward personality adorable, most girls would immediately grow bored and seek something more thrilling which the three of them easily represent.

They, the Three Princes, embody everything teenage girls crave for: adventure, excitement, and pleasure. If that wasn't enough, the knowledge that they are from the Slytherin House was the final seal to lure girls into the charms of the forbidden. The illustrious house of Green and Silver was the odd one out amongst the four Houses of Hogwarts but, it isn't old news to know that the most famous and successful witches and wizards came from Slytherin, even if they became the most evil wizard of all time. Their schoolmates avoid them as much as possible but, it's almost impossible when the hottest and sexiest students belong to the House of Snakes. Building their reputation wasn't easy as they were, at one point, virgins as well but, once they jumped over that title, they were nothing short but, Gods.

For two years, they sustained their titles with no one to contend and this year, their last year, will be the same. It was fun and uplifting to be known as the Three Princes but, it was getting tiresome. They have everything they can ever ask for and now they want something that will make their blood boil. They want to do something reckless and surprising, just to end their final year at school with a bang and make it as memorable as possible. With that thought in mind, the trio entered the Great Hall with their individual horde of simpering girls trailing behind them. They swaggered to their usual seat at the Slytherin table and almost every female within the vicinity tidied themselves up in an attempt to look pretty and hope that they can capture their eyes.

As they sat, the Slytherin girls swooped down at them like vultures that it made breakfast a difficult affair. Fortunately for them, Pansy Parkinson, Tracey Davis, and Daphne Greengrass shooed the girls away with just a glare. The three girls were the revered Princesses of Slytherin and most boys drooled and panted over them like depraved dogs. They were the female version of the Three Princes, making them the target of most of the girls' hatred and disdain. Of course, being the Slytherins they are, the three of them didn't pay any notice of it. Instead, they used it like a weapon. The trio of them were as vicious and cunning as the Three Princes, igniting rumours and gossips that the six of them were actually paired up and were just playing around before getting serious.

Of course, it was a load of horseshit. The boys regarded the three girls as their sisters even though at one point, Draco and Pansy dated one another and Daphne developed a tiny crush on Blaise. Draco and Pansy realized that their love for one another will never escalate to a romantic one and both parties ended the relationship civilly, promising one another that they will remain friends. True to word, the two groups of friends became closer, like a family, and they never did anything without the other. It was tradition for the six of them to eat breakfast together and it was always a grand sight to see that the six of them were at the Great Hall, eating and laughing like ordinary kids.

"Why didn't the three of you waited for us at the Common Room?" Daphne asked as she gave the three guys a frown. The Blonde beauty slid to her seat next to Draco, who was sitting next to Blaise. The Platinum-Blonde gave Daphne a kiss on the cheek and all around them, they heard the girls sigh in envy. The group merely ignored them.

"I bet it was because Blaise was starving. I swear, his Black pit of a stomach is rapidly matching up the Weasel's." Pansy exclaimed, smiling wickedly at her Blonde-haired girl-best friend as she sat beside Theo.

"I resent that!" Blaise cried, his hand stopping from shoving a spoonful of bacon in his mouth.

"Right. That spoon halfway across your mouth is doing you great justice." Tracy drawled, sarcastically as she slid to her seat next to Pansy.

"For your information, we didn't wait for you because Draco was hungry." Blaise scowled, biting the strips of bacon in his spoon. The three girls looked at the pale boy in question.

"What were you doing last night to make you that famished?" Pansy inquired, her groomed brows arching above her Obsidian orbs.

"Uh, correction. I think your question should be along the lines of 'Who were you doing last night?'." Theo replied as he buttered his croissant and Blaise chuckled.

"Who was it this time? That sixth-year Ravenclaw? Oh, maybe it's that fifth-year Slytherin that's been eyeing you since the term began? Wait! I know! It's that seventh-year Hufflepuff, isn't it?! The one with Auburn hair and really skinny legs." Tracey enumerated with a grin on her face.

"None of the above, Tracey. I was in the library." Draco exclaimed with a smirk. The five rolled their eyes at him. Among the six of them, he was the only one who, dare they say it, enjoyed going to the library. He was almost the same as Hermione Granger, resident bookworm and annoying know-it-all but, to a lesser extent. For all they know, the Muggle-born witch probably has a cot or something inside the library because it seems like the girl lives there.

"Oh Merlin, please don't tell me that you're not becoming like Granger, living inside the library. This is likeā€¦the third time you've been inside the library for the week! And we've barely been back! Please don't say that you're already studying for NETWs because if you do, I'll permanently stick swan feathers inside your dorm room." Daphne threatened. It was true. They were halfway finished with the week since they returned and it seemed like their professors were lulling them into a false sense of security considering this is their NEWT year. Most grabbed the opportunity to relax knowing that the last couple of months before the year ends will be spent stressing and dreading about the most important exam in their life but, some people, like Draco and unsurprisingly, Granger, were studying every moment they got but, unlike the Malfoy heir, the brunette witch didn't know when to stop.

"Witch, I'm not as boring and dull like Granger." Draco stated, sneering at the girl beside him, inwardly blanching at the thought of her threat, knowing that if he pushed her hard enough, she'll come through with her warning. "If you must know, I was researching for our Potions assignment. Snape was probably in a bad mood for assigning us that homework, given how difficult it is. I just wanted an early start on it. That way, I have more time to do things." He finished, sending a wink to a group of Ravenclaw girls who were staring at him. The girls blushed and giggled, whispering to each other as they chatted about him.

"Speaking of Potions, today's the day we get to know who our lab partners are." Pansy interjected, grimacing.

"Merlin, don't remind me. I don't want to think about it." Blaise groaned.

"Just imagine having Finnigan as your partner." Tracey said as she shivered dramatically.

"Or worse, Longbottom." Theo chimed in, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

Sighs and groans erupted from the six of them as they imagined having the disastrous, stuttering, blubbering mess of a boy, Neville Longbottom. Granted, he wasn't much of a boy now, not when he grew inches taller, his skin got tanner, and muscles formed, stripping away the lumps of fat from his new fit figure. He was no hunk but, girls were starting to notice him and he would be occasionally seen with a few of his newly-formed adoring fans. Still, that doesn't excuse how horrible he is at Potions and they were dreading to be paired with him. This situation made most of the Slytherins protest but, it was nothing compared to the objection the Gryffindors had.

A week after the term began, Snape decided to leave them with the most foreboding dismissal that they had. The Potions Master assigned them to make the Draught of Living Death for the remainder of the lesson after an hour of monotonous lecture. Everyone was concentrated doing their potions with the occasional muffled cries of Longbottom as his cauldron melted (again) and the explosive concoctions of Finnigan. When the bell sounded for the first warning, he ordered them to clean up their stations and leave their potions to simmer for him to check. The few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs scraped by with minimal comments and sneers from the professor. As usual, Gryffindors were at the end of his vicious tongue-lashing, especially with Potter, Weasley and Longbottom. Being the head of Slytherin made the greasy-haired man biased with his own House as he merely graded their work without as much lecture as he did with the Gryffindors which prompted the Terrible Twosome to insult Snape, leading for the man to deduct fifty points from both of the imbeciles.

In true Slytherin nature, they laughed at the misfortune of the Gryffindors but, it eventually died down into a horrified silence when Snape announced that the class will be coupled off with a student from the opposing house for the remainder of the year for their Potions final. The stillness only lasted for a minute before the entire class burst into a flurry of complaints. Not one to tolerate noise and insolent Gryffindors, Snape ordered all of them out of the classroom and locked them outside, leaving angry lions and scowling snakes. The two Houses then proceeded to bicker with one another only to be broken apart by McGonagall who was on her way to see Snape to deliver a message from Dumbledore.

The Transfiguration Professor had no qualms in deducting points from both Houses and another fight would have formed once more if not for her threatening gaze. The relationship between Slytherin and Gryffindor worsened because of that particular event and no one was particularly keen on going in today's class which happens to be NEWT Potions, meaning that they have to suffer the company of the Gryffindors until lunch. The mere thought of being subjected to such torture was more than enough for the three boys to suggest that they skip it.

"Hell no. Uh-uh. We're not skipping Potions. As much as I want to, I don't want to miss out what will be our finals. This is my last year and I don't want to fail in anything or else my parents will look at me as if I have failed them and honestly, I don't want them to give me that look because it might be worse than getting grounded until I'm thirty." Daphne said, adamantly, her Blue eyes swept at the faces of her friends. The three boys gave her a pout of their own but, the Blonde girl only stared at them, her eyes narrowing.

"Come on, guys. What's the worst that could happen?" Tracey quizzed, watching her four friends with an amused expression.

"Do you even have to ask that? I could be paired with Weasley or Finnigan or, oh dear Merlin, I hope I won't be with Longbottom. It'll be a catastrophe!" Blaise wailed as he dropped his face to his palms and mock wept.

"I think that they'll be a better choice compared with Granger, ugh. She's such a nightmare." Pansy drawled, her face screwing up into a mask of disgust.

"No offense but, I'll take Granger to be my Potions partner any day than be stuck with Weasley, Finnigan or Longbottom. Even if she's a Muggle-born, she knows what she's doing. Plus, she's not exactly bad to look at." Theo countered, biting into his English muffin.

"Ooohhh, someone's got a crush!" Blaise sing-songed, earning him a well-aimed, half-eaten muffin to the head. He gave Theo a glare and flipped the bird at him to which the dirty-Blonde Slytherin merely smirked at.

"Please, she looks mediocre. If I know, you're just saying that knowing that she might overhear you and you'll use that to butter up to her so that you can leave most of your work to her." Pansy commented.

"For sure, you'll do it too." The dirty-Blonde Slytherin retorted and the Jet-Black haired girl threw a piece of raspberry on his face which Theo elegantly avoided.

"I happen to pride myself in being fair." She spat.

"Funny, I didn't know that you're fair. I mean, look at all the boys you've played." Theo replied, smirking as Pansy's face turned stone cold.

"Don't be a saint, Nott. You're even worse than I am so, don't make it seem like I'm the only one playing here." The Jet-Black haired girl snapped, her Obsidian eyes glowering at him.

"Woah, okay, guys. You're making a scene." Tracey interrupted before a full-blown argument erupted between two of her friends. Slytherins rarely have fights and if they did, it's an affair that's done in private. As the alumni of their House told them, Slytherins are self-preserving people. They uphold their image and reputation to the highest degree. To show weakness and conflict to the masses is a grave sin.

"You guys can fight all you want inside the Common Room but, for now, you have to suck it up and prepare for Potions." Daphne announced as she pushed her plate aside and grabbed her things.

The rest of them copied the Blonde beauty's actions with the occasional glaring between Pansy and Theo. As the bell rang, signalling the end of breakfast and the beginning of classes, the six of the hurriedly but, gracefully trudged to their dreaded Potions class. Along the way, girls and boys of various years went and stopped them for hilarious love confessions and unnecessary gifts. By the time they arrived at the classroom, the whole class was inside the room and Snape was doing the roll call. The Potions Master merely took a glance at them as they took their seats while the Gryffindors scowled at them, irritated at his blatant discrimination and favouritism.

When the final student's name was called which happens to be Blaise, the dark chamber was immediately filled with anxiety as they waited in baited breath for the professor to recite the pairings for their Potions final. The students eyed Snape with sour expressions as he produced another parchment obviously bearing the matches.

"Up, all of you." He barked. The class followed his order, scampering to the side and prayed to Merlin that they be paired with somebody they can tolerate.

"When I call your names, proceed to your designated seats. I do hope that you will be able to find it without my help but, frankly, I have my doubts." He drawled as he sneered at the Gryffindors, specifically, Longbottom. The boy cowed and he subtly stepped back to be beside Potter.

"I shall begin. Abbott of Hufflepuff with Boot of Ravenclaw." He began. The two students, who were called draw up to the centre aisle, shook their hands and went to their seat.

Names were called as one by one, Snape paired them off. So far, no Slytherins have been paired off with any Gryffindors. This little tidbit has not escaped the eyes of both houses and they wished earnestly that it remained that way. Alas, the one thing that they unconsciously, silently, and unknowingly agreed upon happened as Snape announced the next pair.

"Potter of Gryffindor with Davis of Slytherin." The Potions Master spat Potter's name with vehemence as if the very utterance of The-Boy-Who-Lived's surname was poison.

The two sets of friends both looked at their own peer, who, they noted, looked about to vomit. As far as House Rivalry goes, Gryffindor and Slytherin have it worse compared with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. A lot of bad blood has been going on between the House of Green and Red especially, when Draco and his mates clashed with Potter and his sidekicks. Being in the same place as the other is bad but, with them partnered off together, it would seem that Snape is determined to create his own version of hell.

"Oh Merlin. I can't believe my luck. Potter? As in Potter? Of all the people, why him?" Tracey groaned, softly as she massaged her temples.

"Well, look on the bright side, at least it's not Weasley." Daphne consoled, patting the girl on her shoulder.

"You better go before Snape goes ballistic." Pansy warned, pushing Tracey out of their circle and into the open. She subtly gave the other girl the finger and Pansy merely waggled her fingers to her with a smirk on her face.

Grudgingly, she walked up to the middle at the same time as Potter was shoved to the aisle by Granger. The bespectacled boy glared at the Muggle-born witch, who in turn rolled her eyes.

"Any time now, if you will, Mr. Potter. We don't have all day." Snape snapped, impatience running thick in his tone.

In an attempt to make the painful affair end, Tracey whipped out a hand to which the Saviour of the Wizarding World gawked at.

"Just take my hand, Potter, so that we can sit down and have the next pair matched. I don't like this as much as you do so, for both our sakes, just take my hand." She hissed lowly. Thankfully, Potter shook her hand albeit hesitantly and Tracey ignored the shock of magic that thrummed through her arm the moment her skin collided with his.

After they sat on their station, the professor continued pairing off the remaining students. In a stroke of luck, Theo and Daphne were paired together which seemed odd as no other student was paired with their Housemate. Nevertheless, the two of them amiably went to their seat, located at the middle, and continued their conversation, quietly. Pansy was coupled with Anthony Goldstein and the girl went to shake the boy's hand without so much of a fuss. His Godfather called three more pairs before he called for his name.

"Malfoy of Slytherin with Granger of Gryffindor."

The collective gasps of almost all of their classmates, including Granger's and the outraged cries of Potter and Weasley was startlingly loud in the rather gloomy and silent dungeon. Eyes swivelled from him to Granger to Snape and back again as if staring at them would somehow bring them back to the reality they knew. Draco remained silent as he gazed at the shell-shocked expression marring Granger's face. At the background, he could see Weasley raging like an enraged bear, preaching about the unfairness and irrationality of Snape's decision.

"Silence! Mr. Weasley, do shut your mouth or I will deduct points from Gryffindor for your incessant shouting and cheek. Mr. Potter, I cannot recall asking you to stand up. Sit down." Snape hissed, his dark eyes narrowing at the younger wizard.


"I don't need to hear any drivel from your mouth, Mr. Potter. This is my class and I make the decisions. If you have any complaints, I suggest you take them up to Professor Dumbledore but, I assure you, anything you say will not be able to persuade him as this entire arrangement has him as the architect. If you are quite finished interrupting and questioning my choices, sit down." He almost purred at Potter as the boy's face paled in horror at the knowledge that the Headmaster was mastermind of this atrocious grouping.

"Don't make me ask you again for the third time, Potter or I will take fifty points from Gryffindor for your lack of respect and disobedience." Snape threatened as Potter remained standing. The Golden Boy stayed rooted on his spot in order to glare at the professor and only when the Potions Master's thin patience snapped did he return to his seat. The hooked-nosed man glowered at the boy before turning his attention to the rest of the class, hooded eyes resting on Draco.

"Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger, I believe that I called the both of you. Unless you two are perpetually indisposed, I expect you to go to your station and remain silent." The professor stated, his voice clipped and strained with irascibility.

Not wanting to test his Godfather's patience any longer, Draco strutted to the middle and patiently waited for his partner to stand next to him. He was alerted of her presence not with her footsteps or her silhouette but, with her scent. It wasn't powerful and pungent as the other perfumes of other girls. It has the soft scent of strawberry, grapefruit, jasmine, vanilla, and violet - fruity and floral, reminding him of summertime and vast meadows. He unconsciously turned to her, lured in by her scent, noticing for the first time that she was a lot smaller than he thought she was. He towered over her and he liked seeing her tilting her head just to stare at him.

He offered his hand for her to shake and the girl tentatively reached out for his palm. Draco noticed how smooth and soft her hand was. He just meant to hold her hand for three seconds but, he found himself bending down and planting his lips on her knuckles. With his mouth on her skin, it even felt softer than he originally thought. He heard every splutter, every gasps, and every cry of disbelief but, he ignored it all as he stared at Granger's wide, shock-filled eyes. The thought he had earlier this morning stuck to the forefront of his mind and he decided that maybe, she was the answer to his boredom.

Hermione Granger was, in every sense of word, perfect. He might not be courageous to admit that fact out loud but, inside his mind, he was willing to shout it perfectly clear. Before, he saw her nothing as a girl beneath his feet because of her inferior birth and blood and her House affiliation but, every time she managed to do a spell, cast a charm, transfigure an object, create a potion, recite all of the correct answers with utmost ease and grace, his pure-blooded prejudice began to crumble and it all shattered to pieces when she punched him on the face. Granted, he kind of deserved it but, he never thought that she would use her fist.

From then on, he saw her differently. She was no longer the annoying know-it-all, goody-two shoes, Brains of the Golden Trio. She is the protagonist of every boy's wet dream. Contrary to Pansy's words about her mediocrity, she is the girl most females envy for her beauty and brains. She is the girl the whole Wizarding World is proclaiming to be the Brightest Witch of The Age. She is the Head Girl, Gryffindor's Golden Girl and Hogwarts' Queen. She intrigued him as much as she attracted the rest of the male population at Hogwarts but, no one dared approach her for she is the unattainable, flawless, everyone's Idol. He will change that. He will capture her, charm her, seduce her and when she's putty and crazy in his hands, he will dump her and be finally hailed as King, Conqueror of the Unattainable, Keeper of Hearts, and Male Supreme. It will be the hottest game Hogwarts might ever witness and he was more than willing bet on it.

A/N: Hiii! I have a new story for y'all! For those who know me, I know I said that I won't be able to write or update my other stories but, this story is begging to be written and posted so, here it is! I actually lost to myself...I know, it sounds weird but, in my head, it sounds perfectly normal. Damn me and my lack of self-control. Anyway, this is a new story revolving around my favorite character, Hermione. I mean, come on! Who doesn't love Hermione? She's the perfect combination of smarts, sass, and looks. She's the perfect heroine! I simply adore her. She can be with anyone but, I seriously don't like her with Ron. No offense to all Romione shippers out there, I just can't see the appeal to it. *hides under a desk I will be saying this now, this story will be updating once a month. I am a currently caught up with fixing my life here at my new home in L.A. so, I hope you can put up with me. Reviews are most welcome because I love reading what you guys think of my story and it is very motivating, ya know. Don't forget to favorite and follow me! Stay awesome, lovies~

Love, love, love,


P.S. I almost forgot. This is an AU wherein Harry defeated Voldemort at the age of one-year old (what a genius babe!).