Tachibana Higuchi owns Gakuen Alice. Always has and always will.

Impulsive was a word Mikan Sakura never knew. Really.

She had never ever done any 'Devil-may-care' antiques which could result in harm for her in any way possible but everything changed that one moment, that one moment in the cafeteria when she threw a glass of strawberry smoothie on the face of the resident bad boy and most influential student among the populars, Natsume motherfucking Hyuuga.


What the hell was she drinking when she did that?

It was her last year of Upper Secondary school for crying out loud, but she didn't regret the reason why she did it which was because ..he was annoying.

No, he didn't even know she existed for fuck's sake, but that's what contributed to her annoyance regarding him, the fact that he was just...who he was, was a great form of vexation.

It all happened three years ago when he insulted her by calling her flat-chested in front of the entire school, on a fucking Mic. Yes,it was loud enough for everyone to hear and if Mikan thought being non-existent was bad, she was outcasted.

Oh how she hated him.

And it just so happened that...

Mikan walked into the cafeteria meekly and without anyone's notice, she was quietly standing in line to get her order done with.

Her day was going incredibly bad.

A crow had dropped its dung on her hair early in the morning while she was going for her morning jog, for which she had to take a prolong bath, but right after she got out of her house a car speeded past her and the water in the ditch splashed on her uniform, as if that was not enough..Mikan happened to realize that her Math test starts in the next 20 minutes, also the school was at a distance of 45 minutes away. So without bothering to remove her uniform which looked a tad bit dirty but she didn't care, she ran to the school like a demon possessed and anyone who witnessed her raging like that would say the same, she came late but no one cared, Mikan hardly had friends or a reputation. But as soon as she reached the class, Mikan also realized that she had not studied for the test...which meant she was going to fail her grades. Again.

Yes, that was about how bad her day went.

Mikan sneezed and the person in front of her throw her a dirty look her way because seriously, she looked like an utter mess radiating an ominous aura, which literally made the person gasp and gulp.

The populars had entered the cafeteria and people from every gender flocked around them to catch a glimpse of them, and guess guess guess who was leading the entire band? Natsume Hyuuga cocked his head to the sides and cracked his bones somehow earning squeals from the girls around him because he looked effortlessly gorgeous with his first two buttons of the uniform shirt unbuttoned and a tie which was nowhere to be found. Mikan resisted the resilience to roll her eyes, honestly, what had they done -no- what had he done to deserve this treatment ?

Ofcourse, minding her own business Mikan eventually took her tray which was a strawberry smoothie and a chicken cheese sandwich, and when she did, she accidentally collided with him, but luckily didn't manage to spill anything on his shirt or anywhere for that matter.

Natsume rose an eyebrow at the supposed klutz in front of him, he remembered her from years ago, and recognition stroke his rubescent orbs,"Watch where you're going, flat-chested." He casually waved off.

That was it. That was all for Mikan to blow up. Like her day was going so terribly bad, and her self-esteem was somewhere down the drain and this asshole who she hated, just casually called her 'flat-chested', so she lost it.

And poor, poor Natsume would be the victim of her Volcano.

"Oi," Mikan called out while Natsume turned on his feet to look at her through bored eyes which grew shocked when he saw her throwing the entire strawberry smoothie on his face and uniform.

And suddenly then the entire cafeteria fell silent to the 'Outcasted Nobody' and the 'Influential Popular'.

"Natsume fuckin' Hyuuga, a revolting sight for sore eyes." Mikan greeted with a grim grin on her face,"No, I seriously wanna know, just how the fuck can you be so conceited? Like what does the world fucking owe you? Don't you have any manners or did you sold them at the place where you bought your morals from?" She was so close to him with her forefinger pointing it at his chest accusingly.

Natsume whose jaw was barely slackened just stared at her in ambiguity, his lips parted but no words came out. Obviously,he was surprised. "Oh and guess what people he has no fucking answer." She motioned to the entire cafeteria, sarcastically rolling her eyes. "Tell me Hyuuga ..." She grabbed his collar, pulling him down to see her eyes of amber."...just how bad is your life for you to seek attention in this way?"

And that did it, Mikan was absolutely on point on the life, Natsume had a cold mansion to go home to, his parents no longer got along well, they were never there, for anything, he was disliked by most of his family and only a few of his friends really cared about him. Actually make that one .

Mikan leaned in close to the ear cuffed with gold,"I bet it sucks." She resonated with a cheeky smirk gracing her lip, and Natsume could feel it her radiating triumph, She left his collar and grabbed her sandwich before she left right past him and smoothly strolled out of the cafeteria like it was the most normal thing to do.

Much to everyone's trepidation, Natsume crackled a chuckle sadistically.

Well, things were finally looking interesting.

What. The. Fuck. Did. I. Just. Do.

Mikan had no classes and she went home and straight into her bed, her parents it seems abandoned her infront of church doors, atleast that's what she was told from the age of 5 and she had to work her ass off to give a good life to herself.

Only next day morning, standing in the corridor, listening to the wave of whispers which went past as she walked on, did Mikan realize what she had done.

So what did she do? Mikan plugged in her ears with a pair of blue earphones and let the world sink in as Delicate by Taylor Swift played on her Mp3, that's how she made time pass until it was time for a break.

Mikan soundlessly sat in her normal place which was always forsakened. She didn't have enough money to buy lunch therefore, she had bought herself an orange sip on and was confined to herself. Even though people were staring and whispering about her, the brunette no longer felt bothered. Yesterday's work was pretty hectic, she worked as a night cab driver, a part time maid in a restaurant and for a pizza delivery.

Honestly , she would be surprised if she wasn't as tired as she was.

The popular clique entered the cafeteria and Mikan suddenly felt conscious like she should be outside or the infirmary, anywhere except here.

And obviously,

'He' was there, and his eyes seemed to be searching for someone and when Mikan felt it was her he was looking for she went down her table and crawled out of the backdoor of the kitchen of the cafeteria which scared the living daylights out of the cafeteria owner, Mr. John.

Well,atleast she was out of the cafeteria.

God! what was she doing? Hiding like an idiot and a coward, out of which Mikan approved about both of them being true.

It was her last class today, which by the way was math, she didn't do as bad she expected her test paper to show, Mikan was happily waiting for the bell to ring after which she would jump through the window to the tree and climb down. Yes, apparently desperate times called for desperate measures.

Exactly five minutes before the bell, the door snapped open making a thundering sound which attracted everyone's attention to the cause of it. Mikan's jaw dropped as Natsume Hyuuga stood at the door in all his glory, his uniform was anything but uniformed, he had a black hoodie on his shirt which was sticking out and his hands were shoved inside the pockets of his pants.

"Oi, you need to go out, now." He jabbed his thumb at the direction behind him and stared at the teacher who literally just walked out,without another word somehow Mikan felt that she should probably jump through the window anytime soon would be a good slot.

His ruby eyes trailed all over the room before they stopped at her brown doe like eyes. Natsume began walking towards her and time stopped, and Mikan really considered the window jumping idea because of which she got up but it was too late, he was already right in front of her.

The entire class of students watched as the dramatic of entry and approach of The Natsume Hyuuga towards the girl whose name was all they had. Mikan now realized of thwarting fact that she had successfully but rather stupidly pinned herself between her desk and this tall thing standing in front of her.

"You're mine." At the declaration in his voice Mikan blinked caving in the meaning of his words, pity she didn't have enough time to because his lips captured a part of her neck.

Natsume craddled Mikan's jaw in one hand and pulled it up while he leaned into her neck and he sunk his teeth into her skin tenaciously and nibbled at it, his other arm draped itself around her waist,keeping her firm against him while Natsume left his mark imprinted on her.

And what was Mikan doing during this ? Staring wide eyed and having no clue what was happening with her.

Call her naïve, but it wasn't everyday that something as abnormal as this.

Natsume withdrew and regained his height, staring at her lovely brown eyes filled with absolute shock at which he clicked a smirk,"This girl..." Natsume grabbed her wrist and raised it for the entire class to see, "..is mine, she's my girlfriend from now on, so I am off-limits and so is she." He completed as he glared hardly against the rest of the class, "Understood?" The entire class nodded and scramed out of their seats and Natsume looked at Mikan who was still flabbergasted by what had happened, he left her hand and placed a chaste kiss on the aide of her temple, "See you later, girlfriend." So saying he strolled out while Mikan staggered back erratically and placed her finger on the mark on her skin.





If Mikan thought what she had done on Friday was called hiding then today she was acting like she was a spy from the opposite front. No. Literally. She was always on her toes and looked over her shoulder, made sure as soon as she would finish her class, Mikan would carefully escape all notice. And if it wasn't for the attendance register and people in her class, she would probably have been thought to be absent.

She didn't even go to the Cafeteria for crying out loud! Plus she had enough money to afford a lunch today! But it wasn't worth the risk of being seen.

Wait a minute. Mikan thought quietly, Why am I even running away?

Now that the question struck her head, she truly wondered why was she hiding, what was she afraid of now? The worst had been done when that excuse of a cannibal marked her neck. In fact she should be going after him with a revolver to shoot him down for harassing her like that but he was Natsume Hyuuga, he'd probably have an AK-47 somewhere in a distance of a grab.

Mikan walked in with confidence but her bravery and every resolve she had flew out of the window when the first person she saw was literally Natsume who looked too content for his own good, Mikan like a soldier in the army, took a 180° turn, and headed towards the entry of the Cafeteria and was practically running all the way.

Maybe she couldn't do this.

Maybe she could avoid this till the entire year's end.

'Err Mikan doubt you remember ..but we have 7 more months for graduation.' Her brain reminded while she twitched visibly.

Mikan went to the library where she decided to spend the rest of her days peacefully, like a sage finding home in the hills of mountains, she reached out for the edition of 'Anna Karenina' by Leo Tolstoy, but the book binded in silver covers was high over the tops of the shelf.

Mikan puffed up her cheek which made her look quite like a fluffy, brown puff ball. Alright, she thought determined, one last try. She tried again by jumping but fell back anyways, Mikan lost her balance and she staggered behind unevenly but was caught by a strong arm.

"Oh.." Mikan said clumsily and she beamed a smile before seeing the person who caught her, "Thanks you soo much-" She stopped midway as her jaw hung in an unladylike manner.

"Well, well, look who we have here, and I here I was looking forward to meeting you today and all you do is hide." Natsume stared into her hazelnut eyes.

"I wasn't hiding!" Mikan retorted silently recalling the ten trillion things she had done to 'not' get caught by him today.

"Really?" He towered her against the bookshelf as Mikan felt her back hit the wooden material of the shelf as well as the covers of the books. "Tch,Tch, didn't I tell you? You're mine, sweetness."

"I'm not." Mikan shot back meeting his eyes with twice as fierce as she had."I'm not a thing or a possession."

"Shoulda thought before insulting me. We have a date on Sunday." He informed dutifully while he unnoticed by Mikan slipped his arm behind her back and snaked it around her waist.

"On Sunday? Absolutely no, I have work that day and either way I wouldn't come out with you." She said whilst turning her face away from him promptly.

"I work as a maid at-" Mikan stopped herself, telling this boy in front of her of all people would be the worst of a choice.

"A maid at a restaurant huh?"He asked thoughtfully which she clearly winced at."I'll find you anyways." He shook away.

"Can you stop invading my life and privacy, I don't know you and I don't want to either,your presence suffocates me!" She bellowed with a fire of anger lining her voice.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, the person she was dealing with wasn't the cocky and egotistical Natsume Hyuuga.

"Does it?" He inquired darkly, his bangs covering his orbs."You're like the rest of them,aren't you?Judgmental and refusing to know that a book's cover hardly represents-"

" really." Mikan interrupted casually while he glared at her in questioning. "I just think that you're an annoying prick with issues I would prefer not to mention and also not to know but I definitely think you're more than just a 'Hyuuga', you're more than just a name." She coolly said with an effortless shrug, Natsume looked at her in an amused manner, no one really did that with him, people were always guarded with him, and that almost always made him think that he was somewhat untouchable or something.

"Now if you allow me," Mikan admissioned professionally, she wriggled out of his grip, "I need to go back to class, I think the bell just went by-"

Natsume took her wrist into his hand and pulled her back to him, he lifted her chin up, and kissed her, pressing his lips against her, Mikan widened her orbs and she felt his tongue nudge hers and wander about her mouth.

To him she tasted like strawberries, he was allergic to it but that was alright, and he regarded out of the many women who he locked lips with, hers were probably the most warmest and it left a tingly feeling in his heart.

"I was thinking of leaving you, you know, I thought that maybe calling you out my girlfriend was too harsh on you but..." His velvety voice reached her reddened face.

"..I don't think so I can.."

"Why?" Mikan coyly asked, maybe, the reason she hated him was because she had a teeny tiny crush on him from the start, atleast the kiss made her realize that.

"Cause.." He bent down to her ear and whispered something to which her eyes widened while he gave her a genuine smile which Mikan thought looked better on him than the ridiculously sexy smirk.

Maybe, she'd give this relationship a try.

And then she blushed remembering what he previously said to her before leaving her alone in the library.

'I don't think I can bear the thought of sharing or letting you go anymore.'

Aww, damn.

And to think that measly little strawberry smoothie but nonetheless she smiled a little more evidently,

Strawberry smoothie, she decided, would be her favourite drink.

The End.

Okay maybe I should make another account, I have way too many stories filling out.

But I think this is the cutest story I have written, and it's kinda similar to 'The Pool Party' one of my other stories.