I watched her run around the green barefoot, her giggles echoing across the course.

"My turn Daddy" Phoebe said as she hit her little plastic golf ball with her tiny club into the hole.

"You did it Phoebs" Ray said picking her up and running around as they celebrated together.

"Me the best."

"Yes, you are, you're just like your Mommy" I laughed as Ray held my little girl out to me.

Golf is something that my wife and I have enjoyed over the years. We even had our wedding here at the club as it is a place that means a lot to us.

"Can Mommy play" Phoebe asked me.

"We have to be careful as she might fall over. We don't want her hurting your brother now do we."

"No, brother has to be big and strong then he can play too."

"It will be a while before your little brother can pick up a club and play."

I finished my shot off, my game getting better all the time. To actually beat my wife, although only once was my greatest achievement as far as the game is concerned.

We were heading towards the restaurant to have dinner with Ana. Always having to stop in the corridor to see her mother and grandfathers photo on the wall as we passed.

"Mommy, Granddad" Phoebe said, happily pointing to their photo.

Phoebe has inherited her mother's love of the game. She has also inherited the love of running barefoot on the course like Ana did when she was her age.

"Miss Phoebe, how clean are your feet" Mike asked her, smiling.

"Clean as the grass" she declared giggling. I put Phoebe down and watched as she ran over to him, showing him her grass stained feet.

"Just like your mother" he laughed as Phoebe ran into the restaurant where Ana had been sat, enjoying afternoon tea with her mother.

"Mommy, me got it into the hole in one shot."

"Really, you're going to be a brilliant golfer when you get bigger" Ana laughed as I leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Love you" I whispered against her lips.

"Love you more" she giggled as I took a seat at her side, resting my hand on her stomach.

"He has been kicking away, you might have missed him" Ana said as I received a swift kick.

"My children always perform for me although with the way he kicks, I would say he's going to play football and not golf."

"I agree."

I ordered some lunch for us, Phoebe tucking in straight away to her fish sticks. She definitely has my appetite and can clear her plate. Where she puts it in her tiny body though, I have no idea.

We no longer lived in the city, buying a house by the water's edge. We had enough room for a putting green there and also a bit of crazy golf but it was no substitute for being here.

"Ana said she is walking the course after lunch" Carla laughed.

"Haven't you seen enough of the course" Ray asked her before shaking his head. "Stupid question."

"I thought a nice walk around the course backwards will do one of two things. I'm hoping it will either make this little boy move so he will finally come out and meet us or it will make me so tired that I can actually sleep tonight even when I'm uncomfortable."

"Whatever you want Ana. If he does decide to come though, I will have Taylor following us in the cart."

After lunch, leaving Phoebe with her grandparents, Ana and I started our walk. Phoebe had arrived a week early and we expected her brother to do as well but now a week overdue, he's still too happy tucked away inside his mother.

"I love the changing seasons here" Ana said. "The blossom on the trees."

"We do have a tree with blossom on at home. You could've walked around the garden."

"It's not the same, you know that. Besides since you bought the club, this is our garden too."

"I agree."

I smiled, wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we continued our walk. We stopped at the side of the fairway as golfers played through before continuing on our way. I had bought this club the year Phoebe was born as the man who originally owned it decided to retire.

Owning the club meant that I could be more selective with the members here. No more Lincoln or stupid TV stars and the tournament that I played, is now open to everyone. I get to play against my wife and watch her beat us all in the process. Only when she has been pregnant does anyone else stand a chance of winning as she said her balance is off. With the size of our son now, I can understand why.

"You ok Ana" I asked as she rubbed her side.

"Yes, he's just stretching. I don't remember Phoebe moving as much as him."

"Phoebe is so laid back, she is practically horizontal" I said, making Ana laugh.

"She is definitely that. She likes the slow pace unless she is running barefoot on the green."

"I wonder where she gets that from" Ana said, smiling.

"Her beautiful mother" I said, stopping us and wrapped my arms around my wife.

I brushed my fingers across Ana's cheek as she closed her eyes, leaning into my touch. Pressing my lips to hers, Ana opened her mouth to me. I could taste the tea she had drank earlier and smell the scent that was uniquely hers. As our lips moved together, Ana gripped my shirt, refusing to let me go.

"Are you ok" I asked, when a groan left her mouth.

"Yes, just trying not to jump my husband on the course."

"Later when we're home and not on the hard floor."

"How would you know that the floor is hard" she teased.

"Because I would have a bet that the hard floor not far from here is where our son was conceived" I said wistfully, thinking of the celebration of me getting a hole in one on 8.

I hated that hole, always did bad before but not that day. Being the last on the course, having it to ourselves, I made love to my wife in the rough.

We continued making our way around the course, our walk achieving the tiredness that Ana wanted. Personally, I would've liked to meet my son but I'm not the one who has to deliver him. Little did we know at that time, that the results of our walk would produce both.

It had only turned nine when I went up to our bedroom. I had bathed Phoebe, cleaning her little feet which produced giggles that could be heard around the house. With my daughter now sleeping and my wife too, I had gotten down to some work, bringing my laptop into our bedroom so I could be close to Ana if she needed me.

Ana's moans had my laptop placed down as I moved to the bed to check that she was ok.

"Christian, it hurts" she moaned as I stroked her face.

"Ana, baby, open your eyes" I said quietly, not wanting to scare her awake if I said it too loudly.

"Christian, pressure" Ana cried, opening her eyes to me. "He's coming Christian, he's coming."

I pulled the blankets off Ana, lifting the t shirt she had on. I could see it, the top of our baby's head as I reached for my phone.

"Dr Greene, my wife is about to give birth. We're at home" I said as soon as she answered.

"Ok, calm down. Let me know what you can see."

"CHRISTIAN" Ana screamed as a contraction hit.

"I can see hair; the baby's head is not out but I can see hair."

"Ok, I'm on my way but you might have to deliver the baby before I get there. Stay on the line."

I turned, seeing the door open, hoping it wasn't Phoebe because seeing her mother in pain would scare her.

Thankfully it was Gail who knew immediately what to do, telling me not to move. Whether I was ready for this or not, I was about to help deliver my son.

"Mr Grey, when the baby's head is out, you need to check for a cord. Make sure there are no obstacles around the baby's neck to block their airway" Dr Greene told me.

"Christian" Ana moaned loudly as I reached for her hand.

"Push baby" I said as she started to bear down, her vagina stretching as the head emerged.

She let out a cry of pain, before starting to pant as I did as the doctor said, checking that the cord was not wrapped around my son's neck.

"You're doing amazing Ana. With the next contraction, hopefully he will be here."

"It hurts Christian."

"I know Ana."

I watched as the next contraction hit. Ana delivering our little boy safely into the world. His cries echoed throughout the room as I placed him onto his mother's chest.

We were all in tears as Gail cleaned his face. His cries stopping when he heard our voices.

Dr Greene arrived to check Ana and our son over, declaring them both healthy. Ana was exhausted, naturally so but we were both on a high now as we watched our son take his first feed.

"He's still to receive a name" I told Ana.

"You said you'd like Theodore after your grandfather. Theodore Grey, sounds good."

"He could be the next Masters Champion with that name" I said, smiling down to my son.

"He can be whoever or whatever he wants to be, Phoebe too. I will be introducing him to a golf club at one point though. You never know, he could love it as much as his sister."

"Or his mother" I said, taking my little boy from Ana to wind him.

Who knows what future our children will choose. Whatever it is, we will be there cheering them on.

Three years later….

"Daddy, where's Mommy" Teddy asked me.

"Look at the big screen son or look where your sister is pointing."

We were sat in the grandstand, waiting for Ana to finish her round. The crowd, larger than I had ever seen before, all here to watch a local girl win.

The tournaments we held here every year had grown, attracting talent from all over the world. From amateur to professional, they were all accommodated here throughout the year.

My wife's main competitor had just finished her round, looking smug as she thinks she has won. Her main aim all along was to beat my wife on her home turf, something not easily done. For Ana to win, she had to sink this ball in one, something she has done hundreds of times before.

The weather was not on our side at the moment, the rain starting to fall. Julia Lloyd was already giving interviews, prematurely if you ask me. She doesn't know this course like my wife does, she also doesn't know my wife's fight to win.

"Mommy is taking her shot now" Phoebe said excitedly. "When Mommy gets the ball in the hole, can we run to her and celebrate."

"Of course, you can" My dad said, trying to keep hold of his bouncing granddaughter.

I held Teddy tight to me when he saw his mother on the screen. His first steps were barefoot on this course and he was eager to go and join his mother now.

"Come on baby" I said quietly as Ana lined up her shot.

With the sound of club against ball, we were all on our feet. Lloyd was watching the screen, hoping my wife would miss. She didn't though, my daughters screech confirmed what we all knew, that the ball had landed in the hole.

Phoebe was off, much to the amusement of everyone around as she ran down the fairway to meet her mother. When Ana finally reached us with our daughter in her arms, a celebratory kiss is what she received.

"You have a little dirt on your nose" I said, smiling at my beautiful wife.

"You had better clean it away then."

I kissed her nose before kissing Ana's lips as the celebrating began. We all clapped as Ana was presented the trophy, the photo that the press wanted included us all.

Looking at the papers as we sat down to breakfast the next day, each led with the same story. The photo of Ana, myself and our children all surrounding the trophy was duplicated on every front page. There was no doubt in anyone's mind how good a player my wife was, no doubt that she commanded that course and could win every time.

"What do you want to do today Ana" I asked when we were cuddle on the couch, the children playing in their room.

"How about a game of golf" she giggled.

"Really" I asked, looking to the window which was being battered by the rain.

"No, I'm happy to stay just where I am. I have had enough golf, for this weekend anyway."

Relaxing with our family was what we did but I knew it wouldn't be long before we were back on the course once more. Even if it was the crazy golf course that filled our lawn.

Thank you for reading my story, I have enjoyed writing something light and fun.

Until next time

Take care
