*** This chapter has some explicit scenes too – sex scene/threesome. Contains mild swearing. ***

Hermione woke after the most nourishing sleep of her life, lying on her stomach, to feel George softly stroke her hair as it tumbled over her shoulders. 'Morning, sweetheart,' he murmured, sensing she had woken. 'Glad it wasn't a dream.'

'Good morning, my love,' she answered, stretching blissfully, as she felt George harden against her, and rolled on to her side, back against him, to allow his hand better access as it snaked over her hip to dip between her legs. 'Mmm,' she moaned. 'Shouldn't we wait for Fred?' she whispered, not wanting him to stop.

'S'ok,' came Fred's voice, buried deep in his pillow. 'You kids just go ahead. I need a bit more sleep, it'll give me such sexy dreams…' his voice trailed back to sleep. Hermione wondered briefly at the strangeness of her new situation, having one man seduce her as his brother slept beside them, obviously not jealous. Yet, it didn't really feel strange. Strange would be Fred not being there.

She parted her legs slightly to let George slide into her from behind, and he began to gently move inside her at a leisurely pace, quite differently from the intensity of last night. They moved well together, each taking it slowly, yet progressing at the same pace toward climax. Hermione looked over to see Fred was awake, gazing at her. He covered the depth of his feeling with a short laugh. 'I like to watch – sometimes.'

Hermione snuggled into him. 'Oh really? Now boys, I think you'd better prepare me – what other depravity should I expect from you two?'

George nestled behind her and kissed her shoulder. 'Just the usual twists and kinks of red-blooded, red-haired twins. A spot of light bondage – we'd love to tie you up and blindfold you, and give you a good going over,' he whispered into her ear, as her crotch spasmed at the thought. 'Or you could do the same to us.'

'Al fresco is always fun,' Fred joined in. 'And we've got this delightful little rubber dominatrix get up we can't wait for you to wear,' he lied, collapsing into laughter at the unlikely vision of Hermione in kinky boots.

'Seriously – we don't really have any deep, dark sex secrets lurking,' George said. 'We just want to make sure you're always well shagged and never bored with us.'

Hermione smiled happily. 'I don't think for a moment that an inventive Triad like us will get bored.'

George sat up and began to pull on yesterday's clothes. 'Righto, I'll just nip downstairs and let Verity and Maurice know they're running the show today. Verity did a great job managing the shop when we went to Zanzibar on that sourcing trip a couple of months ago – best thing we ever did, enticing her away from Zonko's.' His eyes fell on Hermione. 'Scrap that. Best thing we ever did happened last night.'

Hermione curled up with Fred, and the two dozed on for a while, until George reappeared with a fully-laden breakfast tray floating in front of him. He had also conjured up a vase of sweetpeas.

'My favourite flowers! How did you know?' Hermione gasped.

George allowed himself a mildly smug look. 'We've been living with you for a year now, sweetheart. We've known you since you were eleven. We do know some things about you.'

'But to have paid attention – and remembered?' she asked.

Fred rubbed her back. 'Remember what we said last night, love? The professionals have arrived. It's about time you had proper boyfriends, who love you, who notice you – no more of those yobbos you've been wasting your time on.'

Hermione sat up and started to help herself to the warm breakfast rolls. 'Oh boys. I have a feeling I'm going to be very happy now, aren't I?'

'Abso-bloody-lutely!' replied George.

The three made sure to tell their friends about the Triad Bond as soon as possible, not wanting to hide away their relationship for a moment longer.

Harry and Ginny often invited them round to Grimmauld Place. As the five sat round the kitchen table after one of Kreacher's superb dinners, George, Fred and Hermione explained their news.

A snort burst out from Ginny. 'I was wondering when you planned to tell us!' she laughed.

Harry looked baffled. 'D'you mean you knew?' he asked her.

Ginny leant over and stroked his hair out of his eyes. 'It was kind of obvious, but it wasn't for me to tell. I think it's fantastic. Finally, these two clowns have someone strong enough to keep them in line.'

Harry sat back. Hermione could just about hear the thoughts turning over in his brain, and willed him with all her heart to approve.

'It makes sense,' he said at last. 'The bond from the resurrection, I mean. You saved Fred's life. Or, brought it back, at least. It reminds me of something Dumbledore told me once. He said something like… when one wizard – or witch, of course,' he hastily corrected himself after a nudge in the ribs from Ginny. 'If they save another's life, it creates a bond between them. There was probably no way you three could have ended up apart,' he finished smiling warmly at them.

Hermione was flooded with relief, and she could see the twins grinning back happily at Harry.

Ron was a little put out by the news, though Fred and George guessed that it was because they hadn't told him first, but his mood didn't last long.

Angelina and Alicia were delighted, as was Lee – who, like Ginny, didn't look particularly surprised.

Luna took the news very calmly, and suggested that the reason they'd taken so long to reveal their feelings for each other was because they must all have had an infestation of wrackspurts in their brains. She went on to suggest that she could perform a blessing ceremony for the three of them, given a conventional marriage wouldn't be legally possible under the current Ministry regulations, but all declined politely. They suspected that such an occasion might involve dancing naked under a full moon wearing headdresses of radishes or dirigible plums.

The three soon settled into a happy routine. In some ways little changed, as they had always enjoyed living together. Hermione kept to more regular hours at the Ministry, much to the relief of her department head, who had worried about her over-working. George and Fred took on a new assistant and promoted Verity to deputy manager, giving her more responsibility so they too could work more regular hours to match Hermione's.

The highlight of her day came each evening when she entered the shop from Diagon Alley to see her bond partners smiling broadly at the sight of her and making their hasty farewells to leave Verity in charge, sweeping Hermione upstairs to either ravish her or give her a lovingly prepared dinner.

Sex never became stale. It came up at unexpected moments. They could find themselves on the kitchen floor panting, after finding the sight of each other casting vegetable-chopping spells irresistible only minutes earlier, or outside on the small balcony overlooking Diagon Alley, invisibility charms and muffliato spells cast to provide privacy.

Unlike historical Triad Bonds, theirs was such a success that Ministry of Magic officials, with Kingsley's whole-hearted encouragement, decided at last to bring regulations about wizarding partnerships – of all kinds – properly up to date.


*** Thanks for reading and for sticking with this story! Hope you liked it and didn't mind me messing with the characters. Sorry, Ron! What do you think will become of this Triad? As always, reviews are like Christmas at the Burrow, wearing a snuggly Weasley jumper, with a glass of butterbeer in one hand and a slice of Molly's special Christmas cake in the other xxx ***