"What in the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Edward slid to halt in front of me, that infuriating grin on his face, his shirt hanging limp against his thigh, shoulders sunburned and hair gone nearly blonde. He shrugged, like nothing was a big deal, and he never fell, and I'd never had to patch up his elbows or ice pack his face or drive him to work to stitch up his hands.

Jacy flopped into the grass beside us so hard, she grunted. "Ouch."

I glared at Edward. "If you break her, I will kill you. And I will enjoy every minute of it." I worked way too hard making her to let him fuck this up now. My greatest creation, and he had her hurtling down the hill like she was made of rubber.

"I'm not gonna break her. She's mine too, you know."

"What about me? I just fell over here." Jacy staggered to her feet and wiped the grass off her legs.

"I've seen you take way worse than that, kid." Edward set my, our, fat, funny, furiously curious baby in my arms and stepped off his board, offering it to me. "What are you doing in there? Stop cleaning, it can all wait. It's beautiful out here." He rolled the board closer and knocked a knuckle gently against the tiny helmet he had strapped over his kid's squashy brain. "Come skate with us, Momma. Don't think. Just say yes."

The end.


There's a lot to say, but I'mma keep it short:

Hadley is my favorite.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,