Disney's Lilo and Stitch Attack of the 50ft Lilo

One-Day Jumba and Stitch were in the Basement working on a new growth potion for Stitch. Stitch wanted to be tad bit bigger and Lilo and Nani agreed that would be fine as long as it was just a little bit bigger. Later in the afternoon Lilo came down to see how they were doing."Hi Dr Jumba ..how's everything going"?. Jumba turned around and smiled "Not bad Lilo just was studying these schematics for the growth potion" Lilo walked over to the desk and saw the potion "What seems to be the problem with it"? Lilo asked concerned. Stitch leaped into Lilo's arms causing her to bump the desk, which knocked the growth potion on her dress. Jumba gasped "Lilo ...the potion spilled on you...quickly come over here" Lilo ran over "Is everything ok"? . Jumba looked over Lilo carefully with a special ray gun and then looked at the sheets of schematics.

After Jumba read over his papers he approached Lilo with a worried look on his face. "Lilo we have a big problem...seems the potion's effect is working after all" Lilo just shook her head "But didn't you say it only works on aliens and other space things". Jumba sighed "The potion works now on anything living...which means by evening the growth should begin". Lilo put Stitch down and sat down on the couch "You mean I will start to grow bigger and bigger" Jumba nodded "I shall work on a antidote to find the reversal effect". Lilo sighed back "and exactly how big will I grow...just a couple of feet right"? Jumba tossed Lilo the schematics... Lilo gasped at the shock "50 feet tall...this has to be a mistake" Stitch looked at Jumba "I thought you said it was a few inches in growth". Jumba shrugged "maybe we can use you around the house more often now Lilo...ha ha" Lilo frowned "Great...Nani comes home tomorrow morning"......

Later in the early evening Lilo sat on her bed with Stitch "Well looks like the potion hasn't kicked in yet". Stitch kept his guard up in case the growth started. Lilo stood up and waited "Come on let's get this over with" Stitch leaped off the bed. "Lilo I think we should head outside...cause well we don't want you growing inside the house"... Lilo laughed "Yeah ..good point ..let's go Stitch". While Lilo and Stitch got prepared Jumba walked in "Any changes yet"? Lilo and Stitch nodded "Nothing yet Jumba..we decided to head outside just in case for safety" Stitch replied. Jumba nodded back "Ahhhh very good ..I have found nothing yet on a cure ..but still working on it". Lilo looked over "Let's hope I don't grow 50ft at one shot"..Jumba laughed "Don't worry Lilo...I know for one thing...you should be happy" Lilo though it over "hmm maybe this isn't a bad thing after all Stitch" Stitch growled "it could be ..if Jumba doesn't find a reverse to this".....

Lilo nodded "I have everything planned Stitch ..so stop worrying will you"...Stitch stuck out his tongue "Yeah until you appear on the 6:00 news ...Warning Giant Hawaiian Girl on loose ...stay out of the streets". Lilo pushed Stitch over "Hey I could be the next greatest wonder to Godzilla Stitch" Stitch laughed "Let's just get you outside Lilo ..before anything happens". Lilo grabbed her backpack and pillow and ran downstairs "Let's hope for the worst" Stitch warned....Lilo sighed "Yeah yeah whatever...."

End of Chp1