Okay, so this is a little farfetched, but hear me out.

Pidge is a girl. Keith is half Galra. Shiro is a clone for more than half the series. Allura is, basically, over 10 000 years old. Coran apparently had a mustache as a baby. Hunk is in love with a living rock. Lance is gender fluid.

I repeat, Lance is gender fluid.

Now, I'm not gonna be ranting about how I think Lance is gender fluid because he has a skin care routine. I personally think that's awesome. Also, it's okay for boys to have skin care routines. But, that's a rant for another time.

Lets begin...

First, the posture that lance has. He sorta puts his stomach forward and butt out? I don't know how to explain it. Anyway, this is a posture more seenin girls, not boys. But I could be completely wrong, as I said, this is really farfetched. Lance could just have his posture be like that. Totally fine with me.

Next, you know how when Pidge says she's a girl, Lance is the only one who seems surprised?

I think that Lance thought that Pidge was gender fluid as well. He probably was sorta sad when he found out that she was girl, because now he's the only gender fluid person on the team.

Like I said, farfetched.

This, brings me to my last point:

You know how Lance really likes girls?

Well maybe he hangs around them to like, study them? He most likely hid the fact that he was gender fluid, so he had no experience when he was a girl. He probably just wants to know how to cope.

Okay, I had this really good idea about this rant and I had a lot of really strong points and I was so excited...but I forgot them, I'm sorry.

On with the rant,

Do you notice that Lance almost always has lines under his eyes? This indicates that he is stressed. So, what is he stressed about?

His flaws? His worries? The fact that he's gender fluid and hides it from the team because he's worried about what they would think of him?

Probably not, but...

Like I said (about 300 times) this is soooooooooooooooooo farfetched.

Everyone on the team has quirks and oddities and things they're hiding.

But Lance worries aout his the most.

He's gender fluid.

Stay tuned for *dramatic music in background* Thursday!

I'm gonna be ranting about how perceptive Lance is.

Its called "Eagle eyed"