A/N: "I'm alive. I'm alive. Oh yeah!" Alright, I'll stop singing "I'm Alive from Becca now, but just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and still posting/updating. Haha! Honestly things have been rough lately so I haven't been dong as much writing as I should have been doing. So we take another visit back to the Detention Center to talk to Adrien in this chapter, and the result of the poll that I put up a while ago on if Apollo and Trucy should find out that Adrien was Cat Noir, will be answered in this chapter. I was surprised the results was literally 50/50, so I did what I thought was best for this chapter and hope you all enjoy it!

Now Let The Story Commence!_

"Let's go out and find more evidence, Polly! We need it to win the trial tomorrow!" Trucy tipped her hat excitedly at the defense attorney who let out a sigh of relief, glad they were granted the opportunity to find the murder weapon. If the weapon could be found whatever it may be, without Adrien Agreste's fingerprints on it, then surely they could prove him innocent of the murder.

"I know we do Truce, but first I want to stop at the detention to center to visit Adrien. I'm still not completely convinced that he has nothing to hide." Apollo said as he thought about everything that Adrien had told him. He still wanted to know why Adrien was so late at retrieving his bookbag and that caused him to be so late getting home.

"Then come on Polly, let's head to the detention center." Trucy wasted no time in running to the door of the courthouse. Apollo, however, didn't run he walked briskly towards the door as he continued his thoughts of just what could Adrien Agreste, Paris's top teenage model be hiding? Apollo hoped it wasn't anything that could possibly hurt his case even more, but he was already preparing in his mind to be prepared for whatever crazy details that his current client was going to be giving him. Surely it couldn't be anything too overwhelming, could it? Apollo wasn't sure what to expect if Adrien told him more information, but he was prepared to take whatever the teenager told in full stride.

Detention Center

September 17th


"Hey Adrien, we wanted to stop by to see you before we went out to do more investigating." Trucy cheerfully greeted the teenager, who let a smile come to his face at the sight of the girl and the attorney who was beside her.

"Hi Trucy, and Mr. Justice, you did pretty well out there today, even though that prosecutor looked like he had you cornered for a while," Adrien said, to both Apollo and Trucy. While Trucy maintained her smile and tipped her hat, Apollo just let out a sigh as he thought about the events that transpired during the trial. Should he just cut the chase and instantly start asking Adrien questions about what else he knew about the case? O should he just start talking to him in a genuine conversation first?

"Thank you for the compliment, Adrien." Apollo thought it was best to thank his client first before he started to ask his questions, as soon as the attorney started to open his mouth to speak, Adrien started talking again.

"You're welcome, Mr. Justice. I was really getting nervous for a while, you seemed really stumped, but the way you bounced back and got the trial postponed for another day was great! It was intense at times too, like watching Ladybug and Cat Noir trying to save from Akum attacks!" Adrien clenched his fist together, with a bright expression on his face.

He sure seems happy considering he is sitting in a detention center for murder. Is it his way of trying to maintain a positive outlook on the situation? Or does he just have that much faith in me winning the trial, that he just isn't letting his current condition get him down? Maybe I should ask him about that, along with some of the questions that I want answers to. Which one to ask first?

Why so happy? Where were you?

What were you doing? The bruise.

"You seem really happy right now, Adrien. Why is that?" Apollo questioned, he knew the question may have seemed silly, almost stupid even, but still he couldn't help but wonder if there was more Adrien's sudden joy that meant that eye. Maybe something that someone could have told him that if he was willing to repeat, would be of use to the case.

"That's kind of a funny question Mr. Justice, but I'm just happy because you believe in me so much to fight so hard to prove my innocence, it means a lot knowing I have an attorney that believes in me like a friend and is willing to do whatever they can to make sure I get my name cleared." With the way, the words were spoken, and the smile on Adrien Agreste's face, Apollo realized that maybe there wasn't anything all that deep to such a simple matter. Maybe his happiness will make him more willing to answer the questions I need answers too.

"Adrien, you just told me about how happy you are, to have an attorney that believes in you and is willing to fight as hard as they can to prove your innocence, but before I continuing to gain the evidence to do that, I really need an answer to this question."

"What's the question, Mr. Justice? I need to know that before I can give you an answer." Adrien looked at the attorney who was hoping questioning the boy on the matter this time, would go much better than the last time he asked the question.

"Can you tell me exactly where you were and what you were doing at the estimated time of the murder?"

"Like I've already said once, I was out helping a friend."

"I know, and at the moment since I don't believe that you have committed the murder, I have to believe that you are telling me the truth in that you were just out helping a friend, but what was it you were doing? What did your friend need help with? You might not think this, but keeping this a secret makes you look really suspicious Adrien." Apollo's words weren't overly loud, but they were really firm. Apollo and Trucy both noted the drastic change in Adrien Agreste's face. His expression just a moment ago was bright and cheerful, and now it was more sullen and almost fearful. He also started playing with his ring again too, something that Apollo had noticed Adrien had only done when he was uncertain, concerned, or not sure how to answer something. But why? Why did that in particular question change him so much, and what was the deal with the ring? Apollo was trying to decide if should say something or wait for Adrien to speak, his answer was quickly decided for him though when the boy started speaking.

"He, he had a rough day…I was just trying to talk to get help him feel better." Adrien was hoping this would have been good enough to get the attorney off of him on the matter, but the teenager let out a small sigh when he found that wasn't going to be as easy a very simple explanation.

"Thanks for telling me that, but Adrien, it was pretty late when the police arrested you at the scene of the crime, the bleachers under at the Knight's ballfield, where were you before that when you and your friend were talking?" Apollo was trying to find a way to convince the boy to tell him, but the more the attorney coaxed, the more his client kept playing with the ring around his finger, getting more and more anxious.

"I.." Adrien started but he let out a sigh hoping that his attorney would believe what he was getting ready to say next. If they believed his location. He had so many secrets that he had to keep in regards to what happened on the previous night. If his identity as Cat Noir, didn't have to be kept a secret, he would have a much easier time, telling Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright, the kind of answers that they needed and wanted.

"I was on the street over from the Happy Stay Hotel."

Up the street of the Happy Stay Hotel? That's where Trucy and I were. That's also the direction of where that building fell! If he was on the street at the time it had fallen, how can he be so calm and chill about it unless… No. There is no way that is possible! Or could it be? Now how could I get him to tell me what it is he is trying so hard to keep hidden? I've been really curious about that ring of his, I'll start there.

"Adrien, I noticed whenever you start to get or are already anxious over something, you start fidgeting with that ring of yours, why is that?" At the attorney's words, Adrien knew at this point there may have been no way to keep his secret hidden. He had two options. One, he could tell the attorney and his assistant that he was Cat Noir, so they would know exactly what he was doing and where he was at probable time of the murder, that would certainly make things easier for them in proving his innocence, then he would just have to convince them not to mention it in court, or to anyone for that matter. Two, Adrien knew telling them nothing was an option also, but in choosing this option, without Apollo and Trucy truthfully knowing where he was why he was being so secretive, they could potentially lose the case, and then not only would be in jail, but his secret identity was bound to be found out, because if he was in jail, Cat Noir would never come out to assist Ladybug in fighting to save Paris, every one by that point would be able to figure out his secret identity but that point. Letting out a sigh Adrien knew it was best to just choose option one, and hope the that Apollo and Trucy could keep his secret quiet.

"Adrien I've noticed whenever you get worked up or nervous about something, you always start touching and playing with your ring. Why is that?." Apollo could tell he really hit a nerve, for the boy instantly pulled his finger away from the ring. Apollo and Trucy both could tell their client was thinking about what he should tell them. The fact that Adrien seemed to be thinking of a way to choose his words wisely, turned Apollo off a little for one reason. Why. Why, would he have to be careful in answering such a question?

"You must really like that ring, Adrien. It looks pretty cool!" Trucy spoke up. She could sense that Apollo wanted to ask him the question, but didn't want to upset him. If they upset Adrien they might not get the answer they needed, something none of them afford to afford. Deciding to take the matter into her own hands, something that Apollo was glad she did, for Trucy was able to get more out of Adrien Agreste using that angle, then when what Apollo would have gotten if had just point blank asked the question.

"Glad you like it, this ring is pretty special." Adrien beamed as he proudly showed Trucy and Apollo the ring.

"That's great Adrien! But what makes it special? Does it give you some kind of superpower like those superheroes, you were telling me and Apollo about?"

"N-No, that's impossible. What would make you think that?" Adrien questioned, but his unintentional defensive tone told Apollo that he and Trucy were definitely on to something.

"I have a few reasons on why I think that." Apollo stated, as Adrien begun to fidget with his ring more.

"Really? What reasons are those, Mr. Justice? No one has knows or has guessed the identity of Cat Noir or even Ladybug, so what makes you suspect me?" Adrien was really curious as to what lead the attorney and his assist, to suspect his secret identity.

"Your own words for starters." Apollo said, holding his eye contact with his client. He wanted the boy to know he was serious on this matter, and that he wasn't using some fly by night thought or theory to how he came to such a conclusion. "When Trucy mentioned it, you said by your own words that it was pretty special. Why is that?"

"Something doesn't have to have anything special about it to make it special, Mr. Justice."

So he's just going to dance around my question, let's try a different approach, but I'm pretty sure there is more to his ring that meets the eye.

"Okay Adrien, fine. You do have have a point. Something doesn't have to be special to make it special. I have another reason though to suspect you as Cat Noir."

"Really? Because I haven't told you anything." Adrien crossed his arms, trying to hold a tough appearance.

"That's exactly why I am suspecting you, Adrien. You told me that you were helping a friend last night, but you still won't tell me what you were doing. Now you have to admit that makes you seem very suspicious." Apollo said as he looked at the teenager who was in front of him. He was hoping now would finally be the time that Adrien would finally tell him everything. What could he possibly be hiding that he would want to project.

"Please tell us where you were and what you were doing, Adrien. We are just trying to keep you out of jail. If you don't tell us, it makes it look you killed the victim and we might not be able to prove your innocence." Trucy spoke up, hoping that if Apollo couldn't get through to Adrien Agreste maybe she could. It had worked before, so she was hoping it would work again.

"I.. I would... Like to tell you, but she …" The pauses in Adrien's sentence told the attorney and the assistant that their client was definitely hiding something, and it sounded like something big.

"You were what?" Apollo questioned. He was determined to get to the bottom of this secret before he and Trucy went out and investigated.

"She what, Adrien? We are trying to help you and making things harder for Polly and me, so please tell us." Trucy practically pleaded.

"So the two of you don't think that you can prove me innocent from this murder if I don't tell you exactly what I was doing?" Adrien asked, really wanting to know. Depending on the answer to the question, Adrien Agreste, the secret superhero, Cat Noir's secret may have to come out, for the Apollo and Trucy anyway.

"It would be very difficult for us to do that Adrien, we don't believe that you murdered the victim, but we would like a clarification, on what you were doing just so we trust you more and be sure that we can trust you, because when you keep secrets like this, it makes harder for us as your attorney and she as my assistant to trust you." Apollo's words really struck a nerve this time. He could tell by the change of expression on the boy's face, and by the way, he reached for the ring and completely pulled it back, that the moment of truth was upon them.

"Fine, I don't want you and Trucy to mistrust me, Mr. Justice, so I'll tell the two of you, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone." Adrien tried his best to make sure that they wouldn't go tell his secret to anyone, including those that were a part of the case.

"We'll try our best Adrien, but if it is the only thing that can prove your innocent of this murder, we are going to tell, because I have a feeling you would want to in light of that."

"He's right, Adrien." Trucy spoke up, but we do promise, that we will only give away your secret if it's the last thing we have to present to keep you out of jail." Trucy agreed as she tipped her hat.

"I'll tell you then, but I'm not sure if you'll believe it, even if I told you, but I do have some evidence of my own, to prove that I'm telling the truth with my secret." Adrien really wasn't sure if they would believe him or not, but he was learning that evidence is everything, and they would have no choice but to believe him if they Plagg who was still resting under his jacket. The secret superhero was hoping he wouldn't have to go that far, though.

"So what is your secret, Adrien? I already have an idea of what it could be. You would try this hard to protect this secret of yours, if you either committed the murder, had a hand in the murder, were trying to protect someone that may have been involved or-"

"I didn't commit the murder, I'm not trying to protect anyone because I don't know he did it, and I have anything to do it with it, either! I just found the body!" Adrien cut the attorney off, not giving him time to explain himself.

"I was not insisting that you did kill the victim, Adrien. You didn't let me finish my statement." Apollo told his client, calming but authoritatively.

"Then what you were going to say?" Adrien asked sarcastically.

"I was going to say one more thing, and that was going to be the last thing in my deduction. This is the deduction that I think is correct." Apollo's confidence came through his tone, as Adrien let out a sigh, having a feeling his secret was figured out by the attorney. "So are you going tell me who you really are? Or am going to have to tell you, who I think you are?" Upon hearing the words of Apollo Justice, Adrien knew that his attorney was already on to him, and the best thing to do now was just to admit so, even though he didn't want to.

"If you are thinking what I think you are thinking, Mr. Justice then you are right. Adrien Agreste isn't the only name and identity I have."

"And what is your other identity, Adrien?" Apollo asked, coaxing the boy along.

"My other identity is…." Adrien paused, before saying the name he had tried to keep from them, for so long. "Cat Noir."

"So you were right, Polly! He was Cat Noir." Trucy looked from Apollo to Adrien, before adding: "Sorry Adrien, we were just trying to figure out on the way here, why you wanted to keep your secret so badly, and that's the conclusion that we came to."

"You two are unbelievable to have figured that out. No one has been able to even come close to figuring that out, from what I know. So how did you do it?"

"How we figured it out is rather simple, because I have secrets of my own." Apollo said as Adrien started to look really curious, on what kind of secrets his attorney had, and how those secrets made it easier for Apollo to figure out he was Cat Noir.

"What kind of secrets do you have Mr. Justice, that helped you figured out I was Cat Noir? I was just thinking that because you were an attorney, so you were smart." Adrien said, which got a laugh from Apollo and a smile from Trucy.

"You see this bracelet I'm wearing, Adrien?" Apollo asked the boy, holding up his wrist, for the teenager to see.

"Yes, I noticed it the first time we met. It looks like gold, so I couldn't help but notice." Adrien told the attorney.

"I guess, it's pretty easy to notice." Trucy spoke up, also making note of how easy Apollo's bracelet was to notice.

"I'm a little confused though. What does this bracelet have to do with how you figured out my secret identity as Cat Noir?"

"Because this bracelet gives the ability to sense a nervous twitch within a person no matter how small it may be, and you touched that ring of yours, every time we mentioned where you were, and what you were doing when the murder had occurred, and you also did it when we mentioned the two superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir." Apollo explained, before adding: "Now if I have a bracelet that allows me to have a special "superpower" you could say, how could I not believe that ring you have, may have done the same for you?"

"That's so cool! I didn't know that anyone besides Ladybug and me, had abilities like that. I guess if anyone is going to know of my secret, I'm glad it's someone that will keep it to themselves unless they have to." Adrien was so fascinated by, this fact that he didn't even care that he admitted his secret to the attorney and his assistant, he actually felt relieved. He was just glad that Apollo and Trucy didn't appear to think to ask how the ring gave him his power to transform in Cat Noir. He wasn't sure what Plagg would have thought if he had to tell the attorney and Trucy about him too. Keeping that as a secret wasn't easy to keep from Apollo and Trucy, and now he could just sense that they had complete trust in him, now the secret was out.

"So I take it you understand now, why I wanted you to tell us?" Apollo asked, to break the silence that had come over the three of them.

"Yes, I do. I believe you really do think that I didn't commit the murder now because now that you know I'm Cat Noir, when the murder occurred, I was helping Ladybug catch Strikeout's Akuma, so that way he could turn back to normal and Hawkmoth's corruption would be released from him." Adrien's face beamed, as he talked about his duty as one of Paris's super heroes. Anyone could tell the boy took great pride and his joy in his second occupation.

"I can't believe I actually have met a real life superhero that's like one of the coolest things ever!" Trucy exclaimed as Adrien laughed.

"Too bad you can't tell anyone, huh?" Adrien stepped in, causing Trucy to stop laughing.

"I know, but I still know that I got to meet and defend one." Trucy tipped her happily, to the boy, who was still holding the most cheerful expression they had seen from him yet.

"Speaking of defending you," Apollo looked from Trucy to Adrien, "I have been wondering how your arm got so bruised up, did that happen during your fight with Strikeout?"

"Yes, it did. Ugh, that was a rough fight, Ladybug and I got hit by so many baseballs trying to catch that Akuma." Adrien answered Apollo's question with ease, but with a grimace over the thought and sight of how bruised his arm had gotten due to being at the receiving end, of Strikeout's balls.

"Thank you, Adrien, I believe that is all my questions that we have for now, but we will come back to you again if we have any more things to ask you." Apollo at the moment couldn't really think of any other questions for the boy. Now that he knew Adrien was indeed Cat Noir, it definitely restored his faith that was starting to waver on how much he could trust Adrien Agreste. It also created an alibi for him as well, and even though the attorney was going to try and stay true to his word and not tell anyone unless he had to, it certainly him a peace of mind in knowing that at least an alibi did exist.

"You're welcome, Mr. Justice and Trucy. I want to thank you two for doing all that you can to help me." Adrien thanked the defense team with a smile before the two turned to go.

"Helping you is our job, and we wouldn't want to do anything else." Apollo told the teenage client, as he and Trucy turned to leave the Detention Center, and start investigating. _

A/N: So hope for a Detention Center chapter, it was still enjoyable. So Adrien told Apollo his secret but Apollo told Adrien his, because of the connection I am building with he, Adrien and Trucy in this story, they are going to remain friends after this trial since this is in my personal fanfic canon. Who was surprised to see the result of the poll and what you all expecting to see as the result? Regardless of what you were expecting hope, you had fun reading the chapter. Aaahh! I just happen to think this was the first update/post to this page in 2019! Speaking of that, hope everyone's new year is off to a great start!