

Rated M

Chapter One: Accident

"Man, so much for training today," said Tyson, sitting on his bed as he watched the heavy rain tap like BBs on his bedroom window.

"Yeah, but I agree with Daichi," spoke Ray, who was sitting on the floor next to him. Ray glanced over his shoulder at the young redhead. He was plopped in Tyson's blue beanbag chair happily reading one of his many comic books. Looking back at his longtime friend Ray added, "we could all use a little R&R." Tyson abruptly stood up, slightly shocking the Chinese man.

"You just don't get it. We don't have time to rest; whether Monkey Boy wants it, suggests it, or otherwise. The tournament is tomorrow. Now come on guys we're burning daylight,"

Tyson was looking at everyone in the room but mostly his glare was directed at Ray who sent one right back, however, his was far less sinister.

"I didn't mean to tick you off, dang," Ray finally said.


Said man immediately snapped in the direction of the voice. It was Max who spoke. He not only looked annoyed but his voice reflected it. He sat in the entryway, his back propped up against the doorframe.

"What, Max?" Tyson groaned out. The blonde was so sick of his attitude. Did Tyson get up on the wrong side of the bed today or what?

"If you want to get drenched in this downpour then go ahead, but leave us out of it. We don't want to. We're tired and after months of dawn 'til dusk practices, we need a day off," Max explained.

"Fine. Whatever," Tyson plopped back down on his bed. "but you don't see Kai indoors, do you?" he added harshly.

"No," Everyone looked at Daichi. He put Tyson's comic back on the shelf and looked ahead. "but we're not stupid either," he commented, his green eyes beaming with amusement. Yeah, he thought he was funny.

Water splashed onto his face. As he coughed the young man looked back to see a pair of gloved hands wringing a soaked dark purple shirt over him. He blinked in surprise.

"Hey, Kai,"

"Hn," Daichi looked at everyone again.

"Why didn't any of you tell me he was in here?"

"Because we wanted to see his reaction when you called him stupid," Ray said. He paused. "Not that he really cares, but Kai will get his revenge if you insult his intelligence. Ask Tyson," Ray pointed at the champion with his thumb and Tyson nodded vigorously.

"You guys are jerks," Daichi said, lying back on the beanbag again.

"See, I told you guys he was off training, and we should be too," Tyson said. He watched as Kai continued to wring and shake out his saturated clothing and hair. "We have a bathroom, you know," Tyson added.

"I know," More water dripped and ribboned onto Daichi, who bellowed in anger and jumped, landing on Tyson's pillow, which began to soak up the moisture.

"Hey," Tyson snapped, snatching the pillow out from under the boy, making him bounce. With a sigh, Max went to get the two towels and soon came back holding two white ones in his hands. He handed each of them one and went to sit down next to Ray.

"Tell'em, Kai,"

"Tell them what, Granger," Kai was walking around the room rubbing the towel on his head, letting it sop up the remaining droplets.

"That you were out training for the tournament tomorrow,"

The room went quiet with Kai staring at the bluenette with a tense expression. Kai's cold eyes became sterner than they already were and Tyson's stressed ones became soft.

"You're an idiot,"

"Huh? Why am I an idiot?"

"Do you remember anything? I told you this morning that the tournament has moved to next Monday. Once again, it's next week, not this week. Let everyone rest, Tyson. I am,"

"I don't understand Business lingo," he spat, poking fun at their captain's career.

"It's not business lingo, you daft bimbo. Read a dictionary sometime,"

"UGH! Anyway, we're the defending champions, we don't have time to rest. I've said this already and like you, I hate repeating myself,"

"We do when I say we do, and this team deserves a day off. Now quit being a brat, stop arguing with me over decisions, and just go be lazy. You'd be lazy any other day so what's stopping you today,"

With that, Kai turned him around and shoved a stunned Tyson out into the hall and down it until he was standing in front of the portable TV in the front where they all usually slept. Having it there was Daichi's idea.

"Man, stress always seems to bring out his 'Kai side.'" Ray said to Max. That's the nickname everyone in the room has secretly given Tyson's temper.

"You're not wrong," Max spoke, his cheerful mood coming back.

"You'd think they were married. The way they act," said Daichi. Everyone laughed at that; even Kenny, who had been ignoring Tyson's banter this whole time. He'd been sitting at the desk near Daichi; the old bookshelf between them.

In the front area of the dojo, Kai was in the kitchen making some coffee.

"Kai?" Tyson said as he approached him. Said man just continued placing mugs on the counter next to the brewing pot. The aroma filled the kitchen. "If you weren't training, what were you doing?" Kai set the last of the mugs down and looked at the man beside him. He paused before saying,

"Adult stuff."

"Dude, I don't think I want to know, never mind," Kai roughly punched his arm. Tyson rubbed it.

"Ow," Yes, it was playful, but Kai meant for it to hurt.

"No. I was paying bills. Then I went to the mall to visit Hilary,"

"Hilary? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. In fact, she's doing very well. When I walked in, she was in the middle of handing out flyers and selling tickets for the U.S. branch of the tournament,"

"That's good. I haven't heard from her in a while. I guess she's still busy,"

"Well, being Mr. Dickenson's secretary and traveling with us isn't easy,"

"You've got a point. Uh, two points," Tyson paused. "Still, it doesn't take six hours to hang out with someone and pay what little bills you have,"

"I have more bills than you realize, and treating a woman right isn't done quickly,"

"It is if you want it to be," The coffee maker beeped.

"Pervert," Kai stated, starting to pour the coffee. Tyson chuckled at the blush on his captain's face. He never thought he'd see him so flustered and he probably never would again.

"Seriously man, I'm glad you two are finally together. You deserve each other,"

Kai handed his teammate the tray of mugs and walked in the direction of the koi pond. He sat down and sipped at his coffee while he watched the rain.

"Yeah, thank you," he said, looking at his reflection in his Walking Dead mug.

"Hey, guys. From Kai to you," He set the tray on his bed. "Sorry about how I acted. I just want us at our best, you know?" A knot formed in Tyson's gut.

"We understand that, Tyson," said Max, who got a cup.

"We all get it," added Ray, who stood up with his cup. "But, that's still no excuse for griping at us like that,"

"I'm sorry,"

"It's our last year to blade, Tyson. Chill out and have fun. Like you used to," spoke Kenny, looking at him with a kind smile. Daichi nodded in agreement.

"Chief's right. Don't burn yourself out. You'll have plenty of time to be serious after the tournament,"

"Who knew you could be so insightful, Max," Tyson said. He meant that sarcastically but the bouncy blonde didn't seem to notice. That, or he just doesn't care.

The Dragoon wielder left the room and, after grabbing the dark green umbrella near the front door, went for a walk.

I know that having fun is important. It's important in anything you're passionate about, but… The thought trailed off with Tyson's abrupt stop. The Japanese man stood in a puddle, in the middle of the crosswalk. Cars splashed water up as they sped by, soaking the bottom half of his jeans. I just can't shake the feeling, He stepped down from the curb. that something's gonna-

An out of control red van swerved toward the red jacket wearing nineteen-year-old. The horn was honked, alerting him and making Tyson peer toward it. Almost instantly, his eyes widened. He stood, frozen from the fear.

Move. Move, he thought. Got to move.

Tyson felt something hard push him to the side, and knock him to the ground with a painful thud and skid as the van zipped by. Water splashed onto him again and the heavy pour drenched him.

The champion grunted and groaned as he lie on his side and somehow rolled onto his back. He was numb and couldn't feel anything from his shoulders on down.

Why? he thought tiredly. In truth, he was a little out of it. Tyson heard the car screeching down the road. His umbrella lie next to him, broken. He knew because he'd landed on it.

So much for cushioning my fall, he thought.

The ground felt like it was swaying. He was dizzy. A jolt sparked through his body and a painful groan escaped his lips. His amber eyes fluttered open to a blurry image, but he recognized the person immediately.

"Kai," he whispered. "How did you…" The person above said nothing. Tyson's eyes closed once again, becoming dizzy again.

"Call an ambulance," he heard someone yell. The male's voice was deep, like Kai's, but he could tell that they were much younger because their voice still squeaked a bit. His eyebrows twitched at the sound. He wanted to open them again, to see the person clearer.

Wait- His thought was interrupted by the need for sleep.

To be continued…

Please leave a review? :) I've learned so much about writing since doing this that I wanted to redo this story an make it better. I saved all of your wonderful reviews because they mean a lot to me. Thank you so much, and I hope you all enjoy this rewrite. :)

Obviously, I don't own Beyblade. If I did, I wouldn't be writing Fanfiction about it. LOL. Much love to you wonderful guys and gals! :)